Corvallis daily gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon) 1909-1909, May 22, 1909, Image 2

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Published every evening except Sun
day. Offics: 259-263 Jefferson street,
corner Third street, Corvallis, Oregon.
PHOSS - - 210
Address all communications and make
all remittances payable to the Corval
lis Gazette. ,
In ordering changes of address, sub
scribers should always give old as well as
new address.
strength than many whole states,
this little $14 man becomes
prominent by bis very insignifi
cance. Call him down!" ,
lne courts hold tnat over'
drafts on a bank infringe upon
the rights of other depositors,
the stockholders of the bank, and
are positively in violation of law.
Where the bank accepts the
overdraft check it condones the
But where the bank refuses to
pay the overdraft check it then
becomes an offense against the
drawer punishable by law.
In the newspapers of this coast
are quite frequently found items
Published Every Friday
' Entered at the postoffice at Corvallis,
Oregon, as second class matter.
One year, in advance f2.oo
iiix moths, in advance 1.00
Delivered by carrier, per week. .....$ 15 I
Delivered by cariier, per month... .50 j
bV mail, six months, in advance 2 50 ' Pi news resulting irom unioriun-
By mail, one month, in advance..... .50 . ae conditions, where punish
ment under the law has taken
its course when the bankers re
fused to cash the overdraft check.
Very innocent and well mean
ing people overdraw and intend
no harm by it, because they do
not understand the law and their
iability thereuuder and because
the careless and incompetent
bankers have cashed, the items
and pursued the indifferent
course of failing to call custom
ers attention to correct methods
and impress them with the
wrong. A banker should not be
in the business alone for the few
paltry dollars of profit, which
there may be in it for him, but
in addition he has a high duty
to perform in educating his peo
pie correctly for his safety; and
to save them from wrongs which
they may commit and know not
The following news item shows
what dangerous ground every
person is approaching whenever
they become so careless and so
far foiget themselves as to over
draw their bank account:
CHAS. L. SPRINGER, Edifor and Publisher.
Arrival and Departure of Trains
R. C. LINVILi-E, Agent
Arrive Southern Pacific Depart
11:30 a m. Passenger 1:30 p tn.
5:40 p.m. Freight 6:4oa. m.
Corvallis A Eastern
11 a. tn. Passenger east ii:is a m.
:35a m.
1:20 p m. " west
-4-.35 p. m " east
8:35 P- m- y "
Sunday Trains
1:15 p. m.
Daily except Sunday,
trains dailv.
6:30 a m.
2:15 p. m
6 p. m
1:40 p. m
11:15 a. m
All other
Orville and Wilbur Wright, Famous Aeronauts, Who Are to Be
Honored by the Aero "Club of America and by Medals
From Congress Though Courted by Kings 4
and Lionized In Europe, They Care Lit
tle For Fame: and Publicity.
HEX a few months ago Wilbur
Wright went to France and
Orville started to Fort Jlyer
the world knew little about
them except that they were a mystery,
that they belonged to a bunch of in
ventors who were trying to fly and
that some people said they had suc
Europe, the courted of kings, them
selves the acknowledged kings of the
air. Tuey are met in rnew xom wuu
a reception such as is given only to
the most eminent political leaders or
to homecoming conquerors. Their own
city of Payton, Of., is to have a two
days' fete in their honor, at which the
governor of the state and other high
dignitaries are to attend. The Aero Club
of America is to present them with a
medal, the president of the United
States officiating; congress votes them
another medal on behalf of the whole
nation, while l he newspapers from
ocean to ocean teem with their praises.
This is climbing some for a humble
United Brethren bishop's sons who
but a few years ago were running a
vention their Dayt;on neighbors had
neither appreciation nor money to as
sist in the work. ...
During the months of June and July
the brothers will complete their exper
iments at Fort Myer, where Orville
was making a series of tests at the
time of the fatal accident that killed
Lieutenant Selfridge and injured the
inventor himself.. These are the only
Now they return the lion:? of I flights that will b'e made in America.
All subscribers to the Semi-
weekly -Gazette who may desire
to take the Daily edition instead
of the weekly, and have paid in
advance for the latter, can have
the Daily delivered by carrier
to their city address and what
ever amount is due on their
subscription will be properly
credited ahead. .
After about three months in their own
land the inventors will hasten back to
Europe to conduct flights before the
German emperor, the king of Italy
and others of the crowned heads of
Europe, most of which crowned heads
have been completely turned by the
world beating feats performed by these
modest and quiet Americans. 7
.The Wrights and the Kings.
A correspondent for a New. York pa
per has described the honors showered
on Wilbur Wright by the kings and
bis own indifference thereto in this
imaginative way;
"The Wrights are a furore abroad.
. "Now. how are the Wright brothers
affected by all this adulation, by this
adoration for a sublime success enough
Are Illegal
From the Daily Oregonian,
March 6, 1909:
John Taylor thought if his son
had money in the bank it was
"all in the farailv, so he wrote
out a check and passed it on F,
R. Schikora, writing the son in
the meantime in order to inform
him whv he had drawn on. t' 0
account. It developed that , hi&
son was in Mexico, while TavloH
thought he was in California. As
Taylor, senior, had no account
with the bank, that institution
refused to pay. Schikora; "and
Taylor soon found himself in the
toils of the law.
All this happened last June,
but it was 011I3' yesterday that the
accused man was brought befd: e
J udge Gantenbein, in the Ci; -cuit
Court, to change' his plea
from one of not guilty to one of
guilty. Under the circumstances
the court saw fit to sentence him
to one year in the penitentiary,
and to parole him to Chief Pro
bation Officer Teuscher, of the
Juvenile Court. Taylor's home
is on a farm near Santa Barbara
and he asked to be allowed to re
turn. This may be permitted if
recommended by Mr. Teuscher.
Any prudent banker will, up
on the first occasion of an over
draft where it is small, cash the
check where the bank is suffi
ciently acquainted with the
drawer to believe that it was an
innocent mistake and that the
customer will repay the amount
immediatly -when notified of the
error. But if such an occurrence
happens once in the lifetime of
a customer, it should never occur
again. A bank should not habit
ually cash overdraft checks, be
cause it leads to bad unsafe sys
tems in banking and tends to
educate customers that they may
continually violate law, with in
difference and appropriate the
deposits of other people with in
difference and without consent.
A prudent customer will see
that Ins bank account is ful and
the proper balance to his cjredit
It will be noticed irum the
statements made by the large
banks in New York City, and
those in other large financial cen
ters, that the unlawful habit of a
customer of the bank in over
drawing his account is not toler
ated by those institutions where
business plans, and banking laws
are properly observed.
In country districts an occ&J
sional customer cannot see the
reason why he should not be per'
mitted to overdraw his account
at his bank, and if the bank pays
it, the process is simply one
which allows such overdrawing
customer to appropriate to his
own use the deposits of some
other customor who was prudent
-enough to have a balance to his
credit. A bank is simply a clear
ing house where it receives other
people'd deposits. Its duty is to
pay the deposits of the custom--er
out on such customer's check,
who has a balance to his credit
and not pay some other custom
er s 1 alance out on the check of
a careless or imprudent custom
er whose custom is to overdraw
instead of exercising proper and
prudent care to see that he has a
balance to his credit in the bank
before be draws his check:
The "Pacific B.inker" brings
to notice that the "Financial
Age" of New York, one of the
most able and progressive journ
als of that class, comments on before drawing his check, instead
the subject as follows: of doing as oceasionlv is done,
"Why is it that a little item of draw an overdraft check and
U-, i. -Jje- ,y - .',: ! t r . 1
$14.00 will become quite prpmi-
nent m the statement of a bank
-whose totals are 266 millions?
Because the item is an involun
tary loan, an overdraft. The Fi
nancial Age in noticing it quite
correctly says: "But who is .the
man that has ithe overdraft of
$14. 00 which appears in the
statement?, Has he not been in
formed, that IT IS AGAINST. THE
LAW TO overdraw? And yet
in ' this great array of figures,'
representing more banking
trust to luck to place the amount
on deposit - after the check is
drawn. In the large cities many
banks will order a customer to
close his account where the check
is drawn Delore tne amount is
placed to the credit of the drawerl
It is considered a breach of good
business principles when a man
habitually draws his check
against no balance to his credit,
intending thereafter to put the
amount to. the credit of the ac
count. -
bicycle repair shop in a small inland
city. . The bird of fame has a delight
ful way of lighting where it listeth. 1
and those on whom it descends are as
liable to be plowboys, rail splitters
and mechanics as .they are to be the
pet children of fortune decorated with
long lists of university degrees.
The Wrights are entitled to all the
honors they are receiving, and ' more.
It will require future ages to fill the
due measure of their fame, v Whatever
they have accomplished has been by
their own efforts. The few attempts
previously made to navigate heavier
than air machines were of little help
to them. They had to-test every step
of the way by practical experiment;
they had to learn to fly by flying.
After the wonder 5s accomplished it
looks comparatively simple, but it was
anything but simple in the trying out
stages.' The chief difficulties were not
mechanical, but scientific. The great
problem was that of balance, the over
coming of air currents. Here they had
nothing to gide them and were com
pelled to'build up a 'science of air re
sistances, to model and remodel motors
and propellers, rudders and wings, to
learn the details of gilding flight and
to perfect their machines until equal
to all demands.. One of the great se
crets of their success Is a contrivance
for shifting the angles of their planes
as does a soaring bird. "Contrary to
general belief, however, they gained
no ideas from birds until they them
selves had 'flown. Then they could see
the reasons for the maneuvers of the
feathered folk and gained valuable
.hints. One does not learn to ride a
bicycle by watching some one else do
it, but once having done the trick the
methods of another become intelligible
When Taft Presents Medals.
The date set for the presentation ot
medals by President Taft to these two
famous Americans Is June 10. .. The
Dayton reception is June 17 and 18.
The brothers do not take kindly to the
last named festival of praise. . They
say they are too busy. Besides. : they
seem to care little for fame and are
averse to publicity. The real reason
may lie still deeper. - Through the long-)
years when they were working in com
parative poverty to perfect their In
to make an ordinary mortal's head
'Can you not come to us and per
form your miracle in Berlin?' writes
the kaiser. -
" 'We cannot, answers Wilbur
Wright. Note the Siamese we. 'We
do not like your climate.
We invite you to Italy, writes the
king of Italy.- 'My people will .give
you an earnest welcome.'
" 'We are too busy just now to make
visits,' declared Wright frankly."
Not to spoil a good story, but In the
interests of truth, it must be said that
the Wrights have promised the kaiser
to visit him. that Wilbur Wright did
go to Rome in response to. the invita
tion of King Victor Emmanuel and
that he was at least decently affable
when visited by King Edward of Eng
land and King Alfonso of Spain. Why
should he not have been? "It was but
one monarch meeting others, the king
of the air greeting his brother rulers of
the earth.
It is even averred that "le grand
Wilbur," as the French call the elder
brother, grew quite chummy wit;h the
king of Spain. Poor Alfonso wanted
to fly, but his mother and prime min
ister would not let him. So he had to
content himself with looking on wist
fully and sitting in the machine to
chat with the inventor after the won
derful flight was over. Poor kings!
There are some things that even they
are denied. -
As for Edward VII., he went all the
way from Biarritz to Pau to see the
American genius and his Invention,
and the great Wilbur was ' gracious
enough to make two flights.
The king followed them, as he him
self expressed It, with bated breath.
"You must come to England." he
said cordially. "I hope you will come
soon. - It Is all very wonderful. I am
astonished and delighted.'
The receptlou to Mr. Wright by the
kine of Italy-took place at Rome by
special Invitation arid Is thus described:
"The king, who spoke In English,
seemed to be -. very much Interested
and asked many pointed questions con
cerning the Wright aeroplane and Its
flights. . The king was astonished at
hearing Mr. Wright's record flight, 151
kilometers, and promised to be presem
::t his experiments in Rome."
The uue correspondent who spun
the fairy ! title , about the manner in
which Wilbur Wright turned down
royalty throws a few more rhetorical
Uipflaps in describing the way the
comiiiih) people of France looked at
thy new marvel:
"After JVilbur .Wright has performed
ore-of his spectacular conquests of the
.sir in face of a thunder of applause
from .hysterical -Frenchmen some of
them fo excited that they couldn't
speak; only -p'.utter.' ns Wilbur Wright
himself described them what does
this conquering Yankee hero do as he
touches the earth?
"To the sheer amazement of the
frantic spectators, he just stands back
a:xl. v.-hi'.e chewing a whisp of straw,
twirls mechanically a piece of stick or
begins whittling. This is the simon
pure Yankee at the court of Kins
'When M. Bnrtton, Hie French min
!ftor of public works, who had been
mvned by u rip:at to take a trip along
with him. ali.chted. he was so trans
ported that he jumped on the invent
or s shoulders, wrapped his arms
around his neck and gave him a re
sounding kiss tbrouirh mere exhilara
tion. You may picture for yourself
the blank astonishment of the stolid
Yankee flier!"
Description of the Machine.
The Wright brothers' aeroplane has
been described as looking like a street
car with the sides and ends knocked
out. leaving only the top and floor with
frail uprights holding them together,
The machine sails sldewise, with its
great planes extended like the wings of
a bird.
But the details can best be given I:
the words of Orville Wright himself,
"The machine," he says, "is forty feet
wide over all and about thirty fror
stem to stern about eight feet high.
"It has one motor, of our own make,
which develops twenty-five to thirty
horsepower. It differs from many mo
tors in that it has no carburetor. We
pump the gasoline directly into the in
take pipes, where the mixture is
formed. We thus get a constant mix
ture and avoid carburetor troubles en
tirely. No; we don't want to control
the speed of the motor. We adjust it
to run at its best and leave it alone.
The speed at which we fly is governed
by the planes and the resistance we
offer to the air.
"The frame is made of silk, sprude
and ash. The webbing is of unbleached
muslin, and there are about 500 square
feet to the lifting planes. The ma
chine weighs about 800 pounds with
out supplies, operator or passengers
and when in use has about two pounds
of weight for every lift in square foot
of plane. This is greater than some
birds and less than some.
"You see, the faster you go the less
lifting or supporting surface you need,
This machine is destined to go forty
miles an hour.' .
"We have a . horizontal rudder In
front and a vertical one behind, but
the control of an-aeroplane is not the
same as that of an airship such as a
dirigible. The angle of incidence of
the planes to the air is regulated by
the speed we travel and the surface
of the planes. To alter them by the
levers alters the action of the aero
plane, but the angle of incidence re
mains about the same, except momen
tarily. We bend our planes in use.
twisting them Into different curves.
We have worked from the helicoid
curve for a lqng time.
"There are three levers for the con
trol of the airship. Two may be used
with one hand and at once. The other
controls the. rudder and not the planes.
"Is it hard to learn to run an aero
plane? I should not think it would be
so very difficult now. but it does re
quire a knack, as riding the bicycle
does. We had to do everything at
once and learn riding as well."
Katural Inventors.
These famous inventors are the sons
of Bishop Milton Wright of Dayton.
Wilbur was born near Milvllle, Ind.,
on April 16, 1867; Orville In Dayton.
Aug. 19, 1871. Both brothers are rath
er tall and slight, both are precise,
scientific, reticent and almost cold in
manner, and neither apparently cares
for money or fame. They are natural
inventors, having learned wood "en
graving while mere- boys and having
constructed a printing press out " a
little old rubber, some cord wood. j::irt j
of a L-:g. tisi aal a -few other cdls
and ends picked up in the back yard at '
hone. Then the bicycle craze came
along, und they started a bicycle re
pair shop and from, this went into the
untrird field of airship invention.
After his recovery from the Fort
Myer accident Orville Wright joined
his brother in France and was accom
panied by a sister. Katherine, who had
nursed him back to health. France
showered her delight on the whole
family. Wilbur remained the lion, as
the actual ascension work was done
by him, but the brunt of the social
duties were taken off his shoulders by
the brother and sister. Miss Katherine
keenly enjoyed it all. the banquets,
honors and excitement repaying her
for the long years when she was sym
pathized with as being the sister of
those "two qrazy brothers," as their
neighbors lovingly and appreciatively
called them. I presume every one who
ever did anything for humanity has
been called crazy by the- numerous
race of numskulls.
Wilbur and Orville Wright are
Americans. The future will class them
as among . the greatest inventors in
history. They have reached the goal
that men have sought for centuries.
For that triumph they are receiving
honors from all the world honors as
great as those showered upon klugs
and conquerors. It Is therefore most
fitting that America herself is now do
ing - these her own children a little
Moti $( ?ndron
Contractors and Builders
I. - &
A. ' ,
Foundation work, sidewalk and curbing
a specialty Manufacturers of cement
blocks, plain and fancy cement brick,
porch columns, cement flues, jardi
nieres, etc. Dealers in cement, plaster
and lime.
first and Adams Sts. Phone 2318
Corvallis, - Oregon
the ity Stables
Everything new and up to
date. Rigs furnished on
short notice. Call
and give us a
trial. Cor.
L. F.GRAY, -
Subscribe for the Gazette
All the News AH 'the
Time in the
Corvallis Gazette
You Will Never Regret
The money you save jn buying from
us. We sell for cash, consequently
we sell cheaper than the credit store.
Dealer in Hats, Shoes, Ready-to-Wear
Clothing and all Men's Furnishings
Blackledjre & Everett
Successors to Henkle & Blafkledge
Carry a complete line of coffins and
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robes. Calls attended to dav and
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SHIPP1K6 A SPECIALTY. Call at Blackledge;s
furniture store Both phones.
Office Rooms 3, 4. 1st Natl Bank Bldg.
Only set of abstracts in Benton County
Surgeon. Office in Burnett Block,
over Harris' Store. Residence corner
Seventh and Madison. Office hours:
8 to" 9 a. m.; t to 2 p. m. Phones:
Office, 2128, Residence, 404.
and Surgeon. Corner Third and Mon
roe Streets," Coi-allis, Oregon. Office
hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; I to 4 p m ; 7 to
8 p. m. Phone in both office ani residence.
and Sureeon. Special attention given
to the Eye. Nose and Throat. Office
in jonnson Dine. ma. -pnone at of
fice and leeidence.
or and Licensed - Embalmer. Sue-
: cesser to Bovee & Bsner Corvallip,
Oregon. Ind. Phon 4s. Bell Phone
241. Lady attendant when desired. '
are looking for hotnestad locations
- or relinquishments, also some good
. timber claims. If yoa know of any
good homesteads or timber claims it
will pav you to write us. Address
Failing Building, Portland. Oregon.