VOL. I. NO. 18 CORVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1909 PRICE FIVE CEKTS ft E CROWD ES THE CIRCUS SELLS-FLOTO PRESENTED GOOD CLEAN SHOW EVERY FEATURE HIGH CUSS Oregon Wins In , Tennis Matches Afternoon aid Evening Performances Were Attended by Hundreds of Pleased Spectators and Everybody Had a Good Word For the Show The University of Washington, Uni versity of Oregon, Oregon Agricultural College and Whitworth College contend ed for honors in a tennis tourney at Portland yesterday. In the singles Ralph Newland for Oregon won from Pulford of Whitman, scores 6-0,6-2 6-3, and the University of Washington won with equal ease from OAC,by a score of 6-2, 6-0, 6-1. In the doubles only three colleges were represented, Whit worth not entering. In drawing Ore gon ani OAC were matched, Washing ton drawing a bye. In this event Ore gon won, 6-0,6-3,6-0. The Universities of Oregon and Washington will be matched today in ,'both doubles and singles. Whitworth and OAC are both oat of the running. ATHLETES ARE COMPETING INTERSCHOLASTIC MEET TODAY OUT AT OAC. FIELD AND TRSCK EVENTS SERVICES AT THE CHURCHES Yesterday was a big day in Corvallis for the circus was here for the first time in many years and about everybody in the city : and . county turned out to enjoy the show. The good impression made here was a repetition of the reception given the Sells-Floto people elsewhere along the line, the following from the Eugene Register being a counterpart of the ex hibition given yesterday' in this city and it will well serve for local comment: There are shows and other show. The Sells-Floto is one among them with many of the objectionable features of the old-time, faded rag-tag and tinsel aggregations cut out. mere were no jaded, raw-boned pelters dragging their weary bones and a lot of clap-trap vans after them in the procession yesterday. Hivery norse was a picture or equine beauty, well groomed, well fed, sleek and glossy. There was a noticeable absence of loud-mouthed cursing, cruel overseers and worn out employes pok ing about their work. When the 26 large cars arrived in the city . early yes terday morning, they were unloaded in as quiet and orderly a manner as a mili tary school .going .through its evolu tions. Every man knew his work and did it in a most systematic and orderly manner and long before 10 o'clock the canvas-covered arena was in apple-pie order. The procession was a good one, not very large, but there was plenty ' of good music and the beautiful horses and clean and handsome wagons presented a pretty picture. The crowds of people who lined the streets were delighted and there was a universal verdict that never had Corvallis seen as pretty a lot of horses as the. Sells-Floto people carry. . Both the afternoon and evening per formance was well attended, , all the seating being well filled and the per formance was-without fault. The acro bats, contortionist, rope-walkers and riders were certainly the best to be had, and with only two rings the audi ehce was able to take in the entire per formance without being muddled up with more than they can grasp. There were many exceptional performances, but what caught the crowd as much as anything else was the acrobatic work of the four generations ' of the Nelson family, especially the wee little tots just large enough to "tumble a somer sault," . The. exhibition of the magnificent $25,000 prize Armour grays called forth expressions of delight from all, and the dogs and ponies were a veritable pleas ure to the children. The Sells-Floto has never shown in Corvallis before, but it is safe to say that should they come again they will ' be welcomed by the people and by v the city, as they are without doubt one of the cleanest and best shows , on the road. - Where to Worship ia Corvallis Tomor row Morning and Evening. Oregon High School Lads Trying For Honors and Medals on College Ath letic Field Grand Ball Will Be Given Tonight at the Armory. , Boy Kills Big Bear Arthur Van de Vert, a 12-year-old of Bend, Oregon had quite an exciting ex perience a few days agJ when he shot and killed a large cinnamon bear. The Van de Vert ranch is about 20 miles south of Bend, and one day last week two women of that neighborhood came to the Van de Vert ranch saying they had been frightened by a large wild animal of some kind. Mr. Van de Vert and young son, Arthur, set out . with bear dogs in pursuit. Arthur got ahead - of his father and killed the bear-before Mr. Van de Vert arrived. The Van de Vert family has quite a record for bear killing, more than a dozen having been killed by different members of the fam ily during the past year. Miss Grace Van de Vert, a girl of 17, killed a large . one last fall. The new water works and electric light system at Newport will soon be in operation. . MEMORIAL SUNDAY J. Schrack and W. H. Howell, the committee appointed by Ellsworth Post G. A. R. to arrange for the annual memorial service, announce that it will be held this year Sunday, May 23, at eight o'clock p. m. at the opera house. The members of the Post and of the Women's Relief Corps will assemble at headquarters in Odd Fellows' hall and promptly at 7:45 p. m. will march in a body to the opera house, where Rev. H. H. Hubbell will preach the sermon. The music will be under the direction of Prof. Gaskins. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend this service. PRESBYTERIAN Preaching at the Presbyterian church Sunday morning and evening by the pastor, J. R. N. jrfell. Morning topic, "Light, More Light." All made wel come. Sunday School at 10 a. m., C. E. st 7 p. m., Bible study every Thurs day evening at 8 p. m. Good music, free, pewsobligingushersf5 ; Y. M. c. A. Dr. W. J. Kerr will sneak to the stu dents and men of Corvallis in Shepard Hall tomorrow at 2:30 p. m. Special orchestral music. Come up and enjoy an hour with us. METtlODIST EPISCOPAL Services "tomorrow as follows: Sun day School at 10 a. m. ; at 11 a. m. the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed. All members and friends are ' requested to be present. In the evening the Epworth League will hold an interesting session at seven, and at eight the congregation will join in a union memorial service at the .opera house. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL "What Does 'Memorial Day' Mean?" will be the theme of Evan P. Hughes, the minister, at the First Coneree-a- tional Church, tomorrow morning, May 23, 1909. This subject is suggested to Mr. Hughes by the proximity of "Dec oration Day," with its beautiful and eloquent symDOiism. in tne evemng, 8 o'clock, . this church unites in the union Memorial service at the Opera house. Bible School, superintended by Prof. A. B. Cordley, convenes at 10 a. m. and the Devotional Hour of the C. E. at 7 p. m. Always a hearty welcome, a helpful message and a joyous atmos phere for you in this church. ' UNITED EVANGELICAL Evangelical Church, corner of Ninth and Harrison streets. Preaching ser vice next Sunday at 11 a. m. : Sunday School at 10 a. m. The evening service will be withdrawn in favor of the union Memorial service at the Opera house. The Tabernacle meeting is in progress at Beulah. There will be three services tomorrow: 10:45 a. m., 2:45 and 8 p. m. episcopal , Church of the Good Samaritan, corn er Jefferson and Seventh streets. Ser vices May 23, Sunday after Ascen sion. Sunday School at 10 a. m. This is a big day out at OAC, the athletes from the Washington High School, Lincoln. High School, Portland Academy, Astoria High School', Union High School, Dayton High School, On tario High School, Cove High School, Columbia University, Silverton High School, Hood River High School, New berg High School, Pendleton High School, Roseburg High School, Eugene High School, La Grande High School, Corvallis High School, Dallas Academy, Albany High School, Salem High School and Baker City High School all being entered in the interscholastic field and track events which are being contested on Athletic Field. Early this morning the visitors were paraded around the city in autos and the cadets gave an exhibition drill on the campus. At ten o'clock the trial heats were commenced in the 100 yard dash, 220 yard hurdles, 440 yard dash, 120 yard hurdles, 220 yard dash, high jump, pole vault, running broad jump. . lhis alternodn at half past two o'clock the finals began in the 100 yard dash, 220 yard hurdles, 440 yard -dash,; Grocers are Getting Ready Reports continue to come in to the Oregon Retail Merchants' Association, that indicates that the coming meeting of the National Retail Grocers' Associa, tion in June, to be held in Portland. will be the record meeting - of the association. From every, part of the country there is a report of special trains and low rates offered by railroad companies. - President S. L. Kline and Secretary 'C: B. Merrick, of tne Oree-on Associa tion, returned this week from a trip in Southern Oregon, where they attended meetings of local organizations, at Ashland, Monday afternoon, Medford Monday night, Grants Pass Tuesday night and Cottage . Grove Wednesday night. At all these places organizations voted to affiliate with the state organi zation. In addition to individual mem bers that have joined the state organi zation, the following associations have joined in the present month: Coos County Retail Merchants' Association; Salem Business Men's League, Oregon City Retail Grocers' Association, Ash land Retail Merchants' Association, Medford Association and Cottage Grove Association. Application has been re ceived from ' the Wallowa County Merchants' Association for member ship. : CUHVAL LI S IS GLEANING UP CITIZENS ARE GENERALLY OB SERVING PUBLIC REQUEST STREETS AND ALLEYS TIDIED The Effort Made by tie Ladies' Auxil iary and Civic Improvement Society to Better the Appearance of the City Meets With Approval. Portland S clicols File Protest L2r5f'rdfe's0" yard run, 220 yard dash, one mile run,- high jump, aiscus tnrow, running Droaa jump,, hammer throw, pole vault, shot put, relay race. There will be a banquet given from 6:30 to 8:30 this evening at Waldo Hall followed by the presentation of medals and trophies to the winners m the va rious events. . - Tonight at the armory a grand ball in honor ot the visitor will conclude the day's sport. This ball is expected to eclipse all other similar functions and an open invitation is extended by the management to college and town peo ple to attend. - TALK OF THE TOWN , The Daily Gazette, 50c per month. : Miss Mina Yates is visiting relatives and friends at Albany today. Sheriff Gellatly - was a passenger on the Monroe excursion train. He was lined up alongside of Booster Wag goner and they make fine looking team. Mrs. Cynthia E. Henkle, of Philomath,- who has been in attendance at the Rebekah Assembly at Albany, stop ped over a day with friends in Corval lis and went home this morning. ". - s W- - H. Barry, ; representing : the. 'Bushohg Bbok"Cbmpany of Portland,' was calling on. the trade .today in the interest of his house. Mr. Barry was Chief Clerk of the Senate at the last session of the legislature. The Honorable County Judge and Commissioners will start out Monday on a week's tour inspecting the bridges and highways of the county, the increased road levy this All over the city today may be seen the good work of cleaning ud in com pliance with the splendid effort headed by the Ladies Auxiliary and the Civic Improvement Society to have Corvallis present the best possible appearance. Many residents haye spent the day collecting everything objectionable about the premises and piling up the refuse in readiness for the wagons to haul it away, while others have finished the good work themselves by burning or otherwise disposing of the rubbish. The result is certainly most satisfac tory and the people . deserve all praise for the thorough manner in which they have complied with the idea proposed by the ladies having the project in charge. This spirit should be kept alive and the city will then present so attractive an appearance to visitors that it will gain an enviable reputation and become known for what it really is, the pretti est little town in all Oregon. The ladies are entitled to the thanks of all for their splendid work inorigin- atihg and carrying out this cleaning up idea. ' ' "A -r. The only cloud that has arisen to mar the big interscholastic field and track meet at OAC today is the protest that has been filed with the college athletic department by the Portland High School against the admission of the cadets from the Hill Military Acadamy. The Hill Military Academy has sub mitted its entries in accordance with the rules and regulations established and the names and events of those to take part in the meet have been publish ed in the OAC Barometer. Cpmmuni- : cations have been received recently, however, stating that in order for the cadets to be eligible to take part in the meet the contestants must conform to the regulations of the local interscho astic assocation. , A letter written to the athletic de partment of the college disclosed the fact that the other Portland schools had written to the OAC, saying that unless the Hill team was rejected from the meet .they would refuse to take part in the event. OAC is in a delicate position as it does not like to accede to the de mands of the high schools and deny the cadets admission to the meet, yet wish ing to keep the favor of the, majority of the schools it is endeavoring to com promise the matter. TALK OF THE TOWN Convocation at Baker. The second convocation of the Epis copal jurisdiction of Eastern Oregon ! convened at Baker City Tuesday with a ! large attendance of churchmen. Dur- Under ln& 1 iorenoon uiere was an inxuiiuai T3UD11C services were neiu in ble in the public roads. St. de- ia ; ,.at ; oiori,r ing puDiic services were 1 " , m l. j"n 1. A .7 .. . -w. Kir T?o-tr Tin ton TT Clihhci Rpv regon Loses :Ilt As a graceful acknowledgment of the courtesy of President Taft in agreeing to touch the telegraphic button that will officially declare the Third Annual Rose Festival open; a great basket of the choicest Portland roses will be forward ed to the White House, to arrive there in time to be presented just before the President touches the button at noon, Monday, June 7. While the details of the presentation ceremonies have not yet been agreed upon, it is planned to have the entire Congressional delegation from Oregon call upon President Taft and personally present the fragrant blossoms. At the moment . when the President touches the telegraphic key opening the Rose Festival 3000 miles away, signals will be given in Portland for the ring ing of bells, tooting of whistles, shriek ing of steam sirens, and all the other joyous noises. Inducements to Orchardists. v i BAPTIST There "will be preaching "at 11 o'clock a. m., - May 23, '09: Sunday School at 10 a. m. sharp. B. Y. P. U. meets in union services at the M. E. Church at 7 p. m. All are cordially invited to at tend these meetings. Linn County Fair , . The premium lists for .the Third An nual Fair of Linn county to be held at Scio August 30, 31 and September 1st are now being distributed. Premiums amount to $2500 and purses on raced to $1375. A famers'Institute will be held each day. ' Read the Daily Gazette for all news, A. L. Brooks, of the Lafayette Nurs ery Company, Carlton, Oregon, will be located at the Occidental hotel in Cor vallis for the next two weeks, . for the purpose of making the acquaintance of parties who are anticipating the plant ing of orchards. He will make the fol lowing inducements during his stay here on all i orders taken for fall delivery: Fifteen per cent discount in addition to premiums ' as follows: $10 orders, $1; $25 orders, $2.50; $50 orders, $5; $100 orders, $12. 5-22-lt D-W , Heavy Frost at Hiilsboro - A blighting frost killed ; vegetables and early potatoes in various sections in and around Hiilsboro .Thursday night, notably along lowlands, where crops had been planted early. Gardens were also slightly injured on some off the upland districts. . ricultural College will meet in Corval lis. on Monday.- Now that the referen dum question is settled the board will likely get down to business and adopt aggressive measures in the erection of the new buildings so badly needed. Many question's of vital importance will be considered all having a tendency to advance the interests of the college and be a blessing to the town. James Henderson, Rev. H. C. Collins and Rev. Louis C. Sanford. Opening of Nevius Hall to the public also occurred Attorney General Crawford has ren dered an opinion that beef peddlers are not subject to operation of the law re quiring peddlers to pay a license. It is held that beef is a farm product and is therefore exempt from the peddlers li cense law. Daily Gazette 50 cents a month. Charles Rice was in from King's Valley today looking over t ie town. William Kittridge has gone to EJast- -. ern Oregon to engage in stock raising. Miss Mary Nolan returned home yes terday after a pleasant visit with mends in Portland. Nigh Scott, of Philomath, who has had a serious spell of sickness, was in town yesterday for the first time. Miss Mary C. Danneman who took part in the program at the big recep tion given by the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows at Albany, made a decided hit in her humorous reading. C. L. Prebstel, brother-in-law of J ohn Swick, is visiting in the city for a few days. Mr. Prebstel has sold his Port land interests and will visit Southern Oregon before locating permanently. The evening performance given by ! the Sells-Floto circus last night was ' first-class in every particular and the big tent was crowded with towns people ! who thoroughly enjoyed every feature. Mrs. J. V. Crawford went to Salem today and will spend a week visiting I with old friends and acquaintances. For many years she lived at Salem and when once acquainted with this, most estimable lady her kindness and noble deeds are ' not soon to be, forgotten. qv,q t.,;ii iln renew her acauaintance v ew. VA -arhn Vina hppn clerking Willi ua du" ajui "uv in Myers, store for the past 9 years. ' "'Our 45th 'Annual Clearance Sale ends May 29th. Just one week more for you to secure unequaled bargains EVERY ARTICLE IN THE STORE REDUCED IN PRICE Contract Goods Excepted Elxtra Special prices this week on Men's Clothing and Women's Suits and Skirts A SAFE PLACE TO TRADE j AGENTS SHOES : 0