CORVALLIS DAILY GAZETTE Published every evening -except Sun day. Omce: 259-263 Jefferson street, corner Third street, Corvallis, Oregon. PHCHE - - . 210 Address all communications and make all remittances payable to the Corval- lis Gazette. In ordering changes of address, sub scribers should always give old as well as new address. - SUBSCRIPTION RATES DAILY Delivered by carrier, per week $ 15 Delivered by carrier, per month .50 By mail, one year, in advance 5 00 By mail, six months, in advance 2 50 By mail, one month, in advance 50 CORVALLIS WEEKLY GAZETTE -Published Every Friday Entered at the postoffiee at Corvallis, Oregon, as second class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year, in advance $2.00 Six moths, in advance r.oo CHAS. L. SPRINGER, Editor and Publisher. TRAVELERS' GUIHE Arrival and Departure of Trains UNION DEPOT, CORVALLIS K. c. lin vim E, Agent Arrive Southern Pacific Depart 11:30 a m. Passenger 1:30 p m. 5:4op. m. Freight 6:4o a. m. Corvallis & Eastern 11 a. m. Passenger east i r.15 a tn. 8:35 am. " . " 6:30 a. m. 1:20 p m. 4:35 p. m west " east 2:15 p. m 6 p. m 1:40 p. m 8:35 p. m. . " Sunday Trains 1:15 p. m. Daily except . Sunday, trains dailv. 11:15 a. m. All. other CORVALLIS P0ST0FFI0E Opens 8 a. m ,-icloses 6 p. m. . Sundays and holidays, opens 10 a. in., closes 11 a. m. Mails Open From 7, 10 a.m, 12 m. 10 am, 2,5 p m - Mails Qbse For Portland 5:30, 10:30 a to, 12 m 5:30 d m Albany 5:30. 10:30 a m, 5;30 7, 10 a.m, 12 m 10 a m, 5 p m Washington and Eastern states California a and points Souths Philomntb. and . points West Monroe 1 : McMinville and We- tside prints Mill City and Way To.nts Philomath and Alsea Afon roe stage Philomath stage pm -10:3f"a m, 12:30 5:30 p m 1C:30 a m, 5:30 p m 11:30 am 10 a 111 12:30 p m 30, 5:30 p m 12:15 p m 5:30 a m 8 5 a m 2pm 9am 12 m 5pm, 10 a hi 5pm ' NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. All subscribers to the Semi- weekly Gazette who may desire to take the Daily edition instead of the weekly, and have paid in advance for the latter, can have the Daily delivered by carrier to their city address and what ever amount is due on their subscription will be properly -credited ahead. OLD MEN CROWDED OUT. The man who has worked all his life on a salary from which he has been unable to save enough to maintain . himself without work, and finds himself out of employment at the age of three- score years, naturally, discovers the financial outlook for his re maining ; years depressing, if , not hopeless. Though sturdy and , in good health, the frost rim of life as uuon his brow and ' chin, telling" the story of the 'years that lie behind him and suggest ing a. feeling of veneration- that no bustling employer along the middle lines of life cares to cher- ish toward his employers. Young men are wanted as help ers in business men who : are quick to learn, quick to apply the principles of business to their tasks; men who can be shifted a bout as the exigencies of business require; who can be brought to book for neglect or carelessness without qualms of pity men in short, who can do what they are given to do deftly and quickly, without; physical overs train or cause for self-pity. ' The commercial spirit is cold and calculating otherwise it would not be able to stand the struggleand competition that op en the doorof employment to my raids of men and women. It de mands the best that is in those who are on its payrolls. The best that the average sexagenarian can give in the way of physical energy and mental alertness" is not enough. ' Herein lies the whole story. The relatively young and vigorous can serve business and industrial interests more satisfactorily than those j who have already given the best S part of a long life to such service, j These facts were never so patent j as now. In every department of business and commercial life the pace of the present day is a rapid one. Naturally the man whose energies.are "more or less weak ened by time are not able to keep step with this pac"e; hence, when they s,tep out for a period of rest, they fiud it diSicult if not im possible, again to get into line. Theieare laggards whose names are upon the governmental pay roll who are allowed to make, to take and to keep their own pace and still retain their "places. But governmental indulgence in this line does not extend in private business. If the case is one of faithful and continuous service for a long period of years, the laborer is not infrequently given special consideration, and, whi'e iiot carried on the actual payroll his name is relegated to special list with provision for a pension that bears a certain proportion to his salary when in active ser vice. The man who shifts about, here one year and there the next, is of course cutoff from this source of supply It is he (and his name is legion) who, finding himself out of a job when past middle life and verging upon old age applies for work and is met by the statement courteous but none the' less disheartening that "only young men" are want ed for the work in hand." Against this degree of industry or business there is no appeal It seems hard it is hard for a man of sixty who feels that he is good for at least ten years of ef fedtive labor, to be met by an ul timatum which, if he has noth ing that he can do for himself, condemns him to a life of idle ness, and which, if lie has not saved from his effective years means upon wherebv to live. brings him face to face with penury. Oregonian OAK GROVE FROM EXCHANGES ' . Mr, and Mrs. John Stewart and lainily returned Sundav from Sodaville, where they had been for the past few days visiting the torraer's brother and other , ac quaintances. . 0 ; ; John .Warns has torn down the old barn to build a larger one. The new structure is well under headway and adds much to the general appearance of his neat little country home. (jrus Dodele and his sister Miss Grace, of Wells were amoncr the many who attended religious services conducted by. .Evangel ist Johnson at Albany Sunday. Mr. Morris, late from Iowa, took advantage of low rates Sun day, and spent the day by the sea at Newport enjoying the magni ficent scenery surrounding; this Deautuui little seaport town. Mr. Weaver received some se vere bruises Friday evening by being kicked by his horse. While removing the harness the ani- mal er;an kickinsr with all ven geance, and while in the tantrum struck-Mr, Weaver sev eral times. While the wound is quite - pain ful it is not a dangerous one. Sloper Bros, of Independence, have their well machine planted on the summit of Mt. Dobbins and are. going down , at the rate of 40 feet a day after pure Adams ale. . ' " - A. L. Cooper is now busy haul ing wood for C. Collins. This wood, 300 cords in all, was sold to the electric light plant of Al bany on contract to be delivered by a centain date, hence the hurry to deliver the goods. ; ' Fto 'Em el m af OF ANNIVERSARY SALE GRANDLY IT ROLLS ALONG-TIME TO HURRY We are on the home, stretch of this popular sale. Interest does not flag. We don't ex pect these busy .days just to happen; we are going to hustle for them; going to exert every effort of this store to make them in evitable JUST CONSIDER That you have a date with this store every day this week! E xtra 300 Ladies' White Lawn Embroidered Shirt Waists, Lace Trimmed Sleeves and Collars; a real $1 waist for Sale Poiiiv$y - Circus-Menagerk-Hippodromi-lVild West 100--Startling, Superb, Sensational ai?d Stu pendous Surprises & 30 Champion Aeri-dists-? 20Champion Acrobats Per forming At Once & 10 Champion Equestrians jE 20 Marvelous at One Time s A Band of Sioux . Warriors, by Special Permis sion of U. S. Government . iaFsJ lTlfr RatlA Arenas of Great Wild West. RARE WIED BEASTS FROM EVERY 9: CLIME. W f I i W1 I CLOWNS SEE THEM WHILE YOU CAN. Reserved seats No Advance in Prices special. Wais Ten Designs. All Sizes SEE WINDOWS GiG&cs Saturday, -, Jfflsay 22nd, at B p. A rt.q Moving in Majestic March . Under Irrides cent Sheen of a . 1,009 Shimmering Banners-10:3a A. M.Free Exhibitioa on Show Lot on Arrival of Parade- 10 Acres of Water proof Tents -- Come -Rain or Shine-2 Shews Daily--Afternoon, Night. DOUBLE HERO OF GIANT PEEfFOBy ING ELEPHANTS Ml HORSE SHOW CONGRESS CF BEAUTIFUL WMZU Yankee Doodle Spectac ular Tournament ' SPECIAL RATE ROUKD ON TRIP EXCURSIONS ON ALL RAILROADS :: SEE TICKET AGENTS. on sale Show Day at Graham & Wqrtham's Drug Also" directing the tour of ARMOURS World-Famous $25,000 Dapple Gray Prize Winners The greatest equine globe trot ters ever known 500 GREAT BIG CIRCUS" STARS 500 A white city of perfect tents where novelties of rare excellence are pre sented THE ARMOUR GRAYS The most attractive feature ever seen with any circus ....Hie Great,... v-"Nslson' Family Marie Meers, Flora : Becleni T1 1 unoaa riovai s Menage Marvels In great numbers Parade of mar- velous beauty Two. performances daily at .' 2 and 3 p. m. Doors open one hour earlier Sec the animals and hear the big band Store No Advance in Prices Contractors arid Builders Foundation wotIc, sidewalk and curbing a specialty Manufacturers of cement blocks, plain and fancy cement brick, porch columns, cement flues, jardi nieres, etc. Dealers in cement, plaster and lime. First and Adams Sis. Phone 2313 Corvallis, - Oregon t my mtm Everything , new and up to date. Rigs furnished on short notice. Call and give - us a trial. Cor. Madison and - 3d L. F.GRAY, - Manager Subscribe for the Gazette All the News All the Time in the Corvallis Gazette You Will Never Regret The money you save in buying from . us. We sell for cash, consequently we sell cheaper than the credit store. - A. K. RUSS -r Dealer in Hats, Shoes', Ready-to-Wear Clothing and all Men's Furnishings CORVALLIS. OREGON Blackledge & Everett Successors to Henkle & Blaokledge FUNERAL DIRECTORS and LICENSED EMBALMERS Carry a complete line of coffins and caskets in all colors and sizes; also ladies' men's and children's burial robes. Calls attended to day and night. Lady assistant. EMBALMING FOR SHIPPING A SPECIALTY. Call at Blackledge's furniture store Both phones. . ATTORNEYS J. F. YATES, ATTOKNE Y-AT-L AW., Office Rooms 3, 4, ist ,$atl Bank Bldg. Only set of abstracts in Bentoii County PHYSICIANS G. E FARRA, M;'d., PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon. Office in Burnett Block,' over Harris' Store. Residence corner Seventh and Madison. Office hours: ' 8 to 9 a. m.; 1 to 2 p. m. Phones: Office, 2128, Residence, 404. J. B. MORRIS, M. D , PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Corner Third and Mon roe Streets, Corvallis, Oregon. Office hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 4 "p m ; 7 to 8 p. ni. Phone in both office an! resi- . dence. W. T. ROWLEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surireon. Special attention given to the Eve- Nose and Throai. . Office in Johnson Blda. Ind. 'phone at of fice and residence. UNDERTAKERS M. S. BOVKE. FDNERAL DIKECT or and Licensed Embalmer. Sue- cesser lo Bovee & Bauer Corvallis, Oregon. Iod. Phon 45. Bell Phone 241, Lady attendant when desired. HOMES FOR SALE WE HAVE SEVERAL PARTIES who are looking for homestad locations or relinquishments, also some good ; timber claims. If you know of any good homestead or timber claims it will pay you to write us. Address . . .ETNA REALTY COMPANY, 225 failing Building. Portland, Oregon.