CELEBRATE THE FOURTH OF JULY CORVALLIS SHOULD APPROPRI ATELY OBSERVE THE DAY. T 1UI Real Estate Transfers Show Market To be Lively. PLENTY OF TIE TO PREPARE All Patriotic People WilK Welcome a Rousing Celebration of the Glorious Fourth Here in TLis City and Plans .Should now Be Made For It. Quite, a number of Corvallis people have suggested that it would be most fitting and proper for a rousing Fourth of July celebration to be held here this year and it is more than probable that the idea will strike a popular chord and arrangements be made for one of the . biggest and best times ever known in this citv. While there is plenty of time to pre pare for such a celebration,: there is none to lose if the day is to be fittingly observed. ; . In fuch an event as this the Retail Merchants' Association-would seem the proper parties to take the lead, acting in hearty co-operation -with the Com mercial Club, City Council. G. A. R, Post and '.Relief Corps and such other committees as may be necessary 'to carry out the plan. . : That Corvallis should celebrate this year is practically a unanimous opinion and the Fourth will be duly observed if . .steps are taken at once to pot themat- . ter m proper shape. .Nearly every other town in Oregon has already out lined its program for Independence day .and. it is .not-likely that Corvallis! will Le- lea -U-iutSrtlikZf Titflieighbors. away and all preparations made f or having a. grand time here on the Glor ious Fourth. J. A. Devitt to Frankie Ray, 223 acres west of Philomath $1960. . E. W. Liddle & wf . to C. McFarlan & wf. 140 acres west of Corvallis $10. Fred R. Cottage to J. M. Gilkison, 22.69 acres near Albany $1700. F. W. Smith to R. M. Johnston lot 3 bl. 17 Wilkin's Add. Corvallis $10. Albert Shriber to ; W. S. Noon lumber company 2 1-2 acres west of Philomath $300..;.-,. - S. S. Dickinson & wf. to Geo. W. Dickinson & wf. 261.83 acres near Cor vallis $7500. ; Henry N. Robinson to Dora D. - Rob inson undivided 1-2 of 160 acres near Alsea. ' . Henrv Robinson to Geo. A. Robinson Jr., 40 acreB in Alsea. - W. H. Malone to Elizabeth A. Reed lots 5-6-7-8 bl. 10 Alsea $133. W. H. Malone to Elizabeth A. Reed lots 1 & 2 bl. 1 Alsea $10. . ' Wm: Knotts to W. F. Gay 154.353 acres, north of Corvallis $10. ; J. L. Caton et al to A. L. Fortson, lots 9 & 10 bl. 16 Dixon's 2nd Add Corvallis $10. J. L. Caton to Ida M. Fortson lots 1 2-7-8 bl 16 Dixon's 2nd Add Corvallis and 160:42 acres near Bellfountain $10, J. W. Walters to Shale Lumber Co. 80 acres near Bellfountain $1600. Fanny Oren and Hus. to W. H. Mc- Bee 1 1-2 lots bl. 19 N. B. & P. Avery's Add. Corvallis $2500. Luzena Hood to Bessie Eoyle et al, land South of Philomath $1. . - Ida M. Fortson & Hus. to J. L. Ca ton 160.42 acres near Bellfountain $10. Ellis Hammer to Corvallis & Alsea River R. R. Co. land, near Bellfountain $230.50. ; ..: , ; Arthur Tongeland & wf . to Lula Gay lot 5 bl. 6 N. B. & : P,- Avery's 'Add. CorvaJlia $1400. - ' " :- Charles Hofraier to W. C. Noon Lum ber Co. 3.04 acres- .west of Philomath $76. -r v i .. -.! ..: W. S Ross & Wf to J. M. Kitson & Wf Itrf-lS,? bl. 32 fhildmathl'." W. G. Fisher to J. M. Tfitson & Wf. lot 94 bL 32 Philomath $10. Oregon & California R. R. Co. to C. E. Bantoiu 40 acres, in Alsea $100. TO RAISE FUNDS FOR NEW HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING. mm tuiuiiuh NEXT SATURDAY SIOTE SHOULD BE UNANIMOUS People Will Pass. Upon Question . of Sufficient Issue to Construct the new Building ia Order to f Accommodate the Increased Attendance., C - Good Words For OAC Track Team The Teams Break Even at Eugene The special election in School District No. 9, which is to be held next v Satur day, May 22, at the court house,, to de cide upon a sufficient bond issue for, the construction of a hew high school build ing and the purchase of a site on which to locate one of the; present' school houses, is a matter that should .person ally interest every qualified yter in the city and there should be a unani mous vote cast in favor of the proposi tion. - ' . . J The result of the former election "was almost a unit for the bond 1ssue;r and but for some technical error in the call . ji i n. . . f .li ... ior me election, me maimr wouiu now have all been settled and the work be gun. This mistake has been remedied in the new call and - it is only reasonable to suppose that the . people -of . Ceirvallis will turn out again to give , their un qualified consent to the improvements rwhich have become a'pbsitive-necessity in- the educational facilities of the city. In addition to the question -of ;votmg for the bonds for ..a- new .High school building there will also be y idbMtted the-raising of a fund fprjJhe pr of a site on wtii(h t- 1 -e otip present sciiooi-ijuiiuuigs and the. laty Beard of Education -is ready to go ahead with all these improvements as soon as the election is held and the bonds disposed of. . . Let every voter turn out next Satur day and cast a ballot in favor of the bonds. SILVERTOH CELEBRATES .nthusiastic Meeting to Award Trophies Given by OAC. . The , handsome bronze trophy and medals which OAC recently gSve to the Silverton High School basketball team to mark its winning of the interscholas- tic championship here, caused the good people of Silverton to -celebrate the event according to the following in the Leader: The most important of anything that has happened in Silverton for a long time was the meeting of the people in the opera house Thursday night to witness the awarding of the medals for the High School basketball champion ship of the state in the games recently played at OAC. The program was as follows: Introduction and Welcome, Mayor-elect L. E. Rauch; Music, Or chestra; Address, "Importance of a High School Education," Rev. F. E. Billirigton; vocal solo, Mrs. W. A. Fish- burn; address and presentation of med- Prof. Angell, of OAC; Introduction of the team and Prof. Rule, their coach, to the audience; Nine rah, rah, rahs and tiger by everybody. The champions of the state are William Steelhammer; Raymond Fischer, Irwin Brooks, Ches ter Wolcott and Charles Reynolds. Greater enthusiasm we have not seen in this City, and everything shows that we are really -catching the booster spirit here, and that we are really turn ing our attention to the things - that make for good citizenship and a greater Silverton." - - "' EXCITEMENT AT THE POLLS THE CITY ELECTION IS BEING HOT LY CONTESTED. HARD WORK FOR FAVORITES Crowds of Voters Visited the City Hall all day to Cast Their Ballots and the Race for Mayor is Thought to Be Very Close. , THE CHIT?- COURT MEETS Adjourned Session Held to Dispose of Business. ' La Grande Gets The Farm Site se 1: The board of regents of the Oregon Agricultural College -met in Union Sat: urday-and organized plans by which ex tensive development.' work will be car ried on at the Eastern ' Oregon- Experiment-Station; . . One hundred and sixty acres will be : devoted t to. experiment e.-balance of the . '640 In the reports which have been sent out on the recent track meet at Pull man between OAC and W. S. C., the following favorable mention is iriade of the men from Corvallis: "Despite the onesidedness of the score at Pullman, the men from Corval lis acquitted themselves with .credit. Wolff was the bright particular star of his team. ' He won .the discus throw and the shotput, making a record of 43 feet 3 1-2 inches in the latter event. Bergman showed good form by winning the high hurdles and Scott -was second to Nelson in both of the short sprints. Chapman, of OAC, .defeated Putman, ofW. S. C, in the high jump, the height being only 5 feet 4. inches. En berg, a .Corvallis freshman, picked up a second place in the discus throw and third in the shot. Enberg was one of - the mainstays of the Corvallis football team last fall and is a coming man in Northwest athletics. ' . the Mrs. R. S. Harrington. Mrs. R. S. Harrington, an old and highly respected citizen, died very sud denly of heart failure at the family home corner Fifth and VanBurenstreets, At 9 o'clock this morning. She was born in Belf ast, Ireland , and .came to Amer ica when 9 years old. The family mov ed to Benton .county in 1889 and .settled on a farm where they lived until about two yearf ago, moving to town and liv ing with the son, R. S. Harrington. She ' was 80 years old and although feeble, was not considered in a critical condi tion. The husband has been yisiting in New York for the past three months and is perhaps on his way home as the telegrams sent failed to reach him. She was a member of the Methodist church and with her life work completed, was ready for the summons when it came. She leaves a husband, and two children, Mr. E. J. Harrington and Mrs. B. L. Martin, to mourn her loss. The funeral will take place from the family home at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow 'afternoon and the services will be conducted by Rev. D, B. Leech. Interment at Odd Fel lows Cemetery. Rev. Evan P. Hughes went to Eugene4 Saturday to fill the pulpit of the ' Con gregational church in that city. .' The OAC baseball team and University of Oregon nine broke even in the first two games of a series of four for the college championship of the state Saturday. The Oregon team took the morning game, 5 to 2, but in the afternoon the Corvallis nine revers ed the result by the score of .7 to 4. The morning contest was a pitcher's battle between Keene, of OAC, and Henkle, of Oregon, with honors in fav or of the Eugene twir-ler. : The game was won in the sixth "inning, with a bunch of three errors by OAC, and a hit by Oregon which netted the three deciding runs. . In the Second .game in the afternoon Oregon scored her Jour tallies in the first two innings. ; Pitcher Henkle was still in the box at -the first -of the eighth inning, when an error, a -two-base, hit by Crews, of OAC,, and a home run by Center Fielder Keck brought in the. three runs, that decided the game. Hurd immediately w-ent to .the box for Oregon, and while iis work was effec tive, the game had been lost. Score: . R. il. JS. ' R. H. E. Oregon......5 7 1 2 OAC.... 2 6 3 Batteries Oregon, Henkle ' and Ga- brielson: OAC, Keene and Phillips. The afternoon .score: R. H. E. R. II. E. Oregon .4 5 4 OAC 7 8 2 Batteries Oregon, Henkle, Hurd and Gabrielson; OAC Rieben and Phillips. Corvallis Fails To Get Next Grange Messrs. Chambers and Prather, clarionet players in- the OAC military band are suffering, from attacks of measles. 1 he sickness of these play ers will probably prevent the bandfrom taking the contemplated Southern Ore gon trip. . - ' The closing day of the State Grange session at McMinnville , Friday was marked by a rush of reports : from the standing committees, which covered-the work far into the night. The committee advocated a co-opera tion between the Agricultural College and the State University, which many believe to be an endorsement of a sin gle board -of control. The . committee denied any such intention, but the reso lution will allow of such an inference, and it is known tfrat many persons are in favor of a single board for both in stitutions. " The recommendation was approved by the Grange. The committee : oh Agricultural Col lege recommended ample appropriations by the state for the institution.' The Grange is committed to assist the col lege in every legitimate, manner, and its members are; iustructed to defeat the proposed referendum upon the last state appropriation, if possible. Oregon City was selected as the next meeting'place of the State Grange over Corvallis, by a close vote. Annual Guild Meeting. The annual meeting of the Women's Guild of the Church of the Good Sam aritan will be held Wednesday after noon, May 19, at the home of Mrs. Chas. L. Springer, 212 South Eighth street. As the election of officers for the coming year will be held at this meeting all members are requested to attend. ' . acres being leased until a sufficient sum of money shall be appropriated to bring it under subjection. The experiments will be conducted along the most prac tical lines and great care will be used to breed up and cultivate the most profitable fruits and vegetables for the soil and climate. " A five-acre orchard plat was laid out, where apples, cherries and pears will receive the principal attention. The grains which will be looked after chief ly are wheat, oats and barley. In this respect the board believes that by proper propagation - and cultivation the yield can be increased at least 50 per cent. -' When the polls opened at nine o'clock this morning for the holding of the mu nicipal election the UJity Hall was thronged with voters all eager to cast their ballots for their respective candi dates, and all day long there has been a steady stream of citizens exercising their right to say who shall be chosen to administer the affairs of this pro gressive city. The official ticket voted for today contains the following names for the respective offices: - " Mayor Virgil E.Watters, P. Avery. Police Judge George W. Denman. Chief of Police-J. D. Wells, J. T. Looney. Treasurer Z. H. Davis. Water Committee J. M. Nolan, Evan McLennan. Councilman, First Ward, F. O. Gray. Councilman, Second Ward C. V. Johnson, William Bogue, Sam Moore. Councilman, . Third Ward G. V. Skelton, R. H Colbert. While there- is considerable excite ment over tha contest for- mayor and some hard work being done by the friends 'of the respective" candidates, with-each confident .of -victory -the day is passing quietly. , - 450 votes were cast up to half -past three o'clock. . The honorable county court met in adjourned session Saturday May 15, with all members present. Victor P. Moses, Clerk. Miss Snell, Miss Pauline Kline, Mrs. E. R. Bryson, and Mrs. Selling, repre senting the ladies auxiliary to the Corns mercial Club, appeared before the court and requested that the court house" be kept cleaner and neater and the lawn of the CQurt house properly mowed in keeping with the progressive spirit of the times. Also, if deemed practicable, -that the jail be placed m the basement. No action was taken by the couet. The plat of Emery & Kent for a new ' addition, west ot college urest, was presented, carefully examined and ap proved by the court. - ; An order was made vacating a for mer order of the court granting boun ties on certain wild animals as the new law, passed at the last session of the legislature, will take effect on May 22. A petition was filed from residents of road district No. 6. asking an appropri ation of $85 for county road leading to Palestine church which was duly con sidered, request granted and warrant ordered. In the matter of the claim for the re ward offered for the arrest of the burg lars Clayton and Davis district attorney Bryson gave it as his opinion that the court had no right to make division to the parties in contest which will neces sitate a -mutual agreement .. between Wells and Solomon or a suit in circuit court to determine who is entitled to the reward. : ' In the matter of the road petition in Irish Bend, known as the Herron Rick ard road, the case was continued until the June term. . . '- c OAC-Idaho Track Meet " ThS new cement sidewalk now being laid around the corner of Madison and Fourth streets by the peonle of the M. E. Church is a decided improvement to the property. J. M. Lamb, local manager of the Bell Telephone Company, has resigned his position here to take a Tnueh better one in Alaska. - rle will be - greatly missed, -especially by the Sunday School Athletic Club boys. -. The Union memorial service will be held at the Opera house next Sunday morning instead of at , the Christian church, in order to accommodate the large number who desire to attend. - - Daily Gazette 50 Why not take it. , cents per month. Funeral Notice. - Mrs. R. S. Harrington died this morn ing at nine o'clock. ! The funeral will be held tomorrow", Tuesday, afternoon at half-past two o'clock from the fam ily residence, Fifth' and Van Buren sireeis, me remains to De Duned in Odd Fellows' cemetery. All friends and acquaintances are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral services. Mrs. Struber, of Troutdale, is visiting her son John who is a student at OAC John has the measles and there's noth ing like a "mother's care in time of w eiccness. - . $-i -I There is lots of sport going on out at Athletic Field this afternoon, the occa sion being the dual track meet between OAC and University of Idaho teams. There are fifteen events on the pro gram and but for the unexpected sick ness of Chapman, the Orange team had every expectation of defeating the vis itors. . Mrs. Charles Brague, who has besn ' vioiuug Hi urc . uuuie oi mr. ami mrs. R. L. Whitehead, left today for her home in Salem.. Get Ready To ' . Clean Up Mayor George E. Lilly officially an nounces that next Saturday, May i, will be fixed for a general cleaning tip of the city and he calls upm every resi- ; dent to help carry oat the plan pro- : posed Dy me jaaies Auxniary ana me Civic Improvement Society to make Corvallis one of the cleanest and most inviting powns m all Uregon. - On the day mentioned teams will be , engaged to cart ,away all rubbish and refuse from the streets, alleys and yards, and it is earnestly hoped that everybody will collect whatever is un sightly about their premises and pile it up so it can be taken away. It is the intention to have a grand bonfire at night of whatever can he. burned, while all other refuse will be hauled outside the city limits. Get ready for cleaning up -day and make the work thorough. - 1 I pS" IMP' '' 1 ' 1 V'l , ' . 4 . " n . MM t - j DAY EVERY THIS MONTH 45TH---ANNIVERSARY SALE-45TH Our entire stock of High Grade Clothing is on sale without reserve. The finest and most complete stock in Corvallis. Five of ' America's leading makes to choose from, including Society Brand, micbaek-Stcrn and Senior eolkge glotfett ' ALL NEW SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES Regular $12.50, special, $ 9.85 $20.00, special, $ 15.85 15.00, " 11.90 25.00, " 19.75 " 20.00, " 14.25 30.00, " 24.85 Odd Suits, Coats and Vests and Youth's Suits, half price 1Y ARTICLE m THE 8T0HE REDUCED FrifCE CONTRACT GOODS EXCEPTED 45th ANNIVER SARY SALE SB2