Corvallis daily gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon) 1909-1909, May 14, 1909, Image 3

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Born, Thursday, May 13, to Mr. and
Mrs. E. T. Kruger, a son.
Call up the Palace of Sweets for your
ice cream and sherbets. ITree delivery.
L. A. Newton, special agent of the
Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co.,
-was in the city yesterday on business, j
General repair shop. All work first- j
class, promptly done. Back of Beal
3ros., blacksmith shop, Wood Bros. I
Dr. James- Withy combe and Prof.
Xewis left yesterday for Hood River,
Union and other points in Eastern
For Sale Thirty head of goats at a
bargain; mostly nannies. J. B. Ar
rants, R. F. D. 2. Indepndent phone.
Corvallis, Oregon. 5-10-2t
Rev, Gesselbracht, the Presbyterian
minister at Albany, and family, and his
sister, Mrs. Hall, of St. Louis, drove
over here one day this week to visit
Dr. Mentor Howard, A. P. Johnson
and A. E. Wilkins have been named as
delegates from the Odd Fellows Lodge
here all of whom will attend the Grand
Lodge at Albany next Tuesday, Wednes
day and Thursday and will be there dur
ing the entire session.
50 Dozen Ladies Pure Lin
en Handkerchiefs, 50c Doz.
50 Dozen Ladies Pure Lin
en Handkerchiefs, $1.00
50 Dozen Men's Pure Lin
en Handkerchief s $1.00
25 Dozen Men's. Pure Lin
en Handkerchiefs. $2.00
These values must be seen
to be appreciated
Dr. M. M. Davis, of Eugere, and a
former resident of Corvallis, was vis
iting friends in the city today.
Mrs. Schmitt and son, Lawrence, re
turned to Albany yesterday after a
brief visit to friends here.
Extra Special Sale 5,000 yards Black
.Taffeta Ribbons at J. M. Nolan & Son
bfUWU&llUJ ill Willing. .
"The 05, A. C. baseball team has gone
to Eugene where Captain Moore's nine
will play the U. of O. team today, and
. tomorrow. . .. . . ,
The biggest athletic event of the sea
son will be the Track meet here next
Monday, when the University of Idaho
will contest with 0. A. C. in fifteen
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Swan, Miss Ger
trude McBee and Vernon Lake went to
Eugene today by auto to witness the
trackmeet and baseball game, return
ing this evening.
Dr. Howard don't keep you in the
anxious chair and make you lose your
valuable time and punish you a half
day for 15 minutes work. A mechanic
-can always do a piece of work first
class in a reasonable time. 8tf
Mrs. Margaret Bates is wrestling with
the chickenpox. . v"
William Purdy went to Burns this
morning to look after his homestead.
Johnny, Martin, of Irish Bend was a
Corvallis visitor today. ;
Tom Reed and Riley Mathena J Wren
were in the city yesterday.
Sam Marotte and Sam Michael will
be over Sunday visitors with friends at
Mrs. Arthur Buchanan went to Eu
gene this morning for a ten days' visit
with friends.
Manford Stites, a prominent citizen of
Alsea, was looking after business mat
ters in Corvallis today. .
Mrs. Will Horning entertained friends
yesterday afternoon in honor of her sis
ter, Mrs. Burger, of Ellensburg, Washington.
Mrs. Will Horning and sister, Mrs. A.
A. Burgan, are driving to Harrisburg
today to visit a sister, Mrs. Rialto
Go to Dr. Howard for the best and
most artistic dental work. Twenty-two
karat gold crowns reinforced with 18
karat goldsolder made and put on in
one hour. . 8tf
Rev. Bishon Galloway, of the M. E
Church south, died very suddenly at his
home in Mississippi this week. He had
arranged for a western tour this sum
mer and was to speak at the Great
League Convention at Seattle next
Washington street has been graded
from Tenth street to the Woodcock
tract. This is an excellent piece of
work and has long needed attention.
Last winter it was almost impassable
and should have been dubbed mudhole
A. R. Lock has bought the lot at the
corner of Sixth and Jackson streets.
The little house is being moved to the
rear and a new front or main building
will take its place. When completed it
will make a very neat home and it will
be occupied by himself and family.
The dredger that has been working in
the river near the ferry for several days
removing the gravel bar, finished the
job yesterday and started down the riv
er this morning for other scenes of ac
tion. For some time this bar has been
forming and seriously interfered with
the manipulation of the ferry boat.
Some 65 or more young people enjoy
ed the festivities at the Presbyterian
church last night. Speeches were made
by Prof. J. B. Horner, Virgil E. Wai
ters and others. Rev. J. R. N. Bell
rendered a piano solo which was partic
ularly pleasing te the assembled multi
tude. Dainty refreshments were served
and all seemed delighted with the even
ing so pleasantly and profitably spent,
Narrowly Escaped Death
A. N. Wood, of ' Wood Bros. Ma
chine Shop, met with an accident this
morning which came near fending his
life. He was cutting a rubber belt
when the sharp knife slipped and pene
trated his leg just below the groin, miss
ing the main arteryby the narrowest
margin. The wound was a deep one
and very painful, but Mr. Wood is
most thankful that it did not result
more seriously. ?Dr. Johnson was
called and cauterized the cut to prevent
any further complications.
Trunks and suit cases at 0. J.
Blackledge's. 4-2-tf
Ddie$V batches need .
. Constant Repairing
Their method of carrying them is
responsible for the fact. Pinned to
the waist or hanging on a chain the
delicate mechanism is easily disar
ranged. We pay special' attention
to ladies' watches, and when re
paired by us you will find that they
keep in order longer.
E W, S, PR ATT, Jeweler and Opuciari
Our Shirt Waist Sale
Is a Success
If you want the newest and best in all the popu- L
lar models in start waists, you will nnd our
stock complete.
Popular Higher Education Plan
ned by School Officers.
Courses In School and -at Home - In
Wide Variety of Subjects Intended
to Benefit Persons In All Stages o1
Enlightenment The Beautifying ' oi
Homes to Be Taught.
There is to be an educational uplift
in Oklahoma if the state committee
to promote the university extension
movement should succeed in Its plans.
This committee Is composed of the
Rev. A. Grant Evans, "president of Ok
lahoma university; A. C. Scott of Ep
worth university; J. W. Scruggs, presi
dent of Kingfisher college; John D.
Benedict of Muscogee, superintendent
of schools in Oklahoma for the federal
government; Henry Meier of the state
university, L. P. W'hiteomb of the
Southwestern Normal school at Weath
erford and E. D. Cameron, state super
intendent of education. The commit
tee lately outlined its plans and adopt
ed a course of study.
Superintendent Cameron said the oth
er day that the only further step was
to finance the undertaking, which he
believed could be easily done. ' It Is
probable that Professor Scruggs may
be chosen as superintendent of the
movement and his headquarters estab
lished in the office of the state super
intendent of education at Guthrie.
The state committee is rich in plans
and purposes to carry the opportuni
ties and benefits of education and cul
ture Into all the homes of the state,
especially in the rural communities.
First a course of study will be pro
vided that will enable boys and girls
deprived of high school advantages to
gain credits by home study that will
give them entrance to the state uni
versity and to the agricultural and
mechanical college.
In addition there will be a broader
course for persons of all ages, even
college graduates, whose credits for
study will lead to a university exten
sion diploma. Citizens of Intellectual
attainment in the state will be Invited
to deliver lectures covering the course,
of study. Students will be required to
pay a nominal sum for the expense in
curred in these lectures, and the dif
ferent state educational institutions
will be called upon for funds to sup
port the movement. A superintendent
will be employed at a fixed salary..
It is "believed that students preparing
for college may get valuable assistance
by taking this course of study. The
committee will try to put a library Into
every country school. - - .
The state - committee has adopted
these subjects fot the course of study:
Agriculture in 'all its -phases, doms
tlc science, domestic art, commercial
law, electrical .engineering, history,
economics, pedagogy and applied
psychology, literature; bird and nature
study, geography, sociology, scientific
road building, home . sanitation, tree
planting and culture, music, astrono
my, physiology and business adminis
tration. ; " ';
The committee has a most compre
hensive purpose in , its "selection of
these different departments of study.
In domestic" art will be taught the
making of beautiful homes and of
beautiful home surroundings, that the
monotony and depression of unlovely
things may be taken away. ; In sociolo
gy an attempt will be made to revive
the old ' fashioned debating society t.
where persons of all ages may meet In
friendly discussion of all problems af
fecting good citizenship and good gov
ernment. Guthrie (Okla.) Cor. Kansas
City Star. ' , . "
Cld but Unsolved Problem, Is There
. Animal Life on the Planet?
With a planet so old as Mars and' so
far along .in the process of life ex
tinction the conditions of life would be
severe, and only a highly intellectual
and scientifically developed race could
endure and -master them. The engi-
neering skill and constructive capacity
to control the annual floods from the
poles, store the waters and build the
thousands of miles of huge canals
would, require scientific knowledge be
yond that possessed by us at the pres
ent time and financial resources in ex
cess of those we have yet accumulat
ed. The nation that finds the digging
of a little ditch at Panama so great a
task would be helpless in the face of
such a problem as these thousands of
miles of Martian canals, if, indeed, ca
nals they be. Yet, in view of the
greater life age of Mars', such higher
intelligence would be natural . in the
regular process of development, as
suming that it has ever been the abode
of intellectual life. .
Scientists are in the main in a re
ceptive state on this subject. They
are not ready to admit that the exist
ence of life on that planet has been
proved. They do not deny it. but call
for greater proof than a plausible the
ory. Among others than- scientists
there is in the main a disposition not
to accept the Martian human life
theory or the theory of life on any of
the thousands of spheres that wheel
and glisten in illimitable space. They
seem to think that such a theory con
flicts -with religion and dwarfs man
and his importance In the scheme of
This seems to be a very narrow view
to take, since it appears to set bounds
upon the infinite power and creative
desires of the Almighty, whose great
scheme of mortal and immortal life is
not necessarily confined to a single
planet or the few billions of human
beings who are born and die upon it.
As to dwarfing the importance of man.
few billions more added to the bil
lions on earth would make little differ
ence. Man is at best a small and in
significant creature, but if all embrac
ing wisdom, power and love takes so
licitous note of him it would be limit
ing those infinite qualties to say that
one planet must be his abiding place.
Therefore the question of human in
telligence on Mars or-any other planet
of the solar system or the other great
systems in remote space should be
purely and simply a scientific one, to
be accepted as true only when proved,
but not to be rejected through senti
ment or for any other reason whatever
except lack of proof. St. Louis Star.
Ladies' Skirts
We are going to let these speak for themselves.
They are so pretty and the prices are so reason- jf
able that we don't have to puff the m up; We
would like you to call and see them though, be
fore you buy then you'll buy here:
& Davis
He Hadn't Been Consulted About the
Baseball Schedule.
Representative Sereno E. Payne, fa
ther of the new tariff bill, bethought
himself of a joke the other day.; It
was on several newspaper men who,
from force of habit rather than from
any startling successes, appeal to him
each day for information regarding de
velopments in the tariff situation. Now
that the bill is in the senate Mr.
Payne contents himself with readin;
fhe news instead of making it. Re
cently, however, he seemed indignant
when the correspondents approached..
"There is a certain schedule upon
which I have not been consulted," he
announced, "and I dotft mind confess
ing that I am angry about it."
'What Is it?" asked a mighty chorus.
"The , American league baseball
schedule," answered Mr. Payne, and
when he had recovered from his laugh
he explained that the Washington
team had gone away on a long trip
just at the time when he was idle and
could find time to go to the games. The
newspaper men went sadly away, for
instead of the expected "good story"
they had only this dubious quId. ;
. Giant Navel Orange.
Although large oranges have been
shown in the Los Angeles Chamber ofl
Commerce the-past few years, the lar
gest -Washington navel orange ever
received by the chamber was exhibit
ed a few days ago. L. C. Weathers of,
Riverside was the producer of the big
orange,' which weighed slightly more
than three pounds and measured six
teen inches In circumference. ' A pe
culiar circumstance is attached to the
growing of the orange. The other or
anges on the tree were all small, and
the giant was the. only piece of fruit
large enough to eat The tree was
vounz one and was bearing only Its
' An Oriental Blessing.
A well known representative from
China, who was a guest at a wedding
in a capital city, was approached after
the 'ceremony by the, best man and
Jocularly-, asked to go over to the
young couple-and pronounce a parental
blessing.. The obliging dignitary com
plied with pleasure. Placing his hands
on the blushing bride and shaking
bridegroom,., he said: "May every new
year bless you with a man-child off
spring until they shall number twenty-
five in all. May these twenty-five man
children offspring present you with
twenty-five times twenty-five grand
children, and may. these grandchil
But the" little bride grew hysterical
about this time, and the oriental bless
ing was ended amid the laughter of
the guests. Ladles' Home Journal.
are fresh Roasted
every .Week by Wad-
ham and Co. of Portland Oregon, Ensuring Freshness
and Cleanliness.
40c per pound 25c per pound
Please give these Brands your attention when ordering "
During the Season 1909
via the '
Southern Pacific Co.
To OMAHA and Return - - $62.60
To KANSAS CITY and Return $62.60
To ST. LOUIS and Return - - $70.10
To CHICAGO and Return - - $75.10
and to other principal cities in the East, Middle West and South.
Correspondingly low fares.
On Sale June 2, 3; July 2, 3; August 11, 12
To DENVER and Return - - $57.60
On Sale My 17, July 1, August 11
Going transit limit 10 days from date of sale, final return limit October
These tickets present some very attractive features in the way of stop
over privileges, and choice of routes; thereby enabling passengers to make
side trips to many interesting points enroute.
Routing on the return trip through California may te had at a slight
advance over the rates quoted.
Full particulars, sleeping car reservations and tickets will be furnished
by R. C. LINNVILLB, Southern Pacific local agent at Corvallis or
WM. M'MURRAY, General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon
The Benton County
Real Estate Agent
Corvallis, Oregon
1f If you have any thing to buyfc sell or exchange, see us. No padded
prices. Tf 'As to our responsibility, and methods of doing business, we refer
vou to the business men of Corvallis. f Some splendid bargains send for
list. -
A Cowboy Spicier.
'Faking aside." said the nature stu
dent, "there is In New Zealand a cow
boy spider. This creature throws a
coil of web like a lasso over its prey's
head, then adds more and more coils
and when the prey is bound hand and
foot devours it.
'There Is a Borneo spider that In
the spring days plays a fiddle. It is a
common thing for a lovesick spider to
dance before his girl, but this Borneo
boy my drawing his arm across his
rum produces ' a sweet, clear note.
Whenever he sees a good looking
young lady spider he stops and gives
her a tune, hoping to win her by mu
sic." Philadelphia Bulletin.
Miners' Freedom From Cancer.
"Miners never have cancer. In thir
ty-five years' practice in a mining town
I haven't had a single cancerous pa
tient" -
... "And to what; doctor, do you Impute
this immunity?"
"Miners are singularly cleanly. They
bathe every day. They rarely smoke.
They are a temperate and regular set
Above all"-
The physician smiled grimly. '
"Miners." he said, "die young. Can
cer is an old age disease. And there
really is the reason of the miner's can
cerous immunity." Cincinnati En
quirer. ' Not the Same.
"Excuse me," he said as he entered
the public library at Pegantic. "but do
you have any social registers here?'
'No. we hain't." said the librarian,
with considerable hauteur. ,'ThIs here
bulldin' Is net up by steam, and we
hain't got nothin' but radiators, and
we don't allow ni.-settin' around with
your feet on to them neither. .The near
est thing we got to a social registry In
this town is the postofflce stove." Lip-
pincott's. s
A Reminder.
f Mamma What are you doing with
that string, Lola? - Lola (aged five)
Tyin' it on my finger, mamma, so if
ferget anything I'll be sure to 'member
It Chicago News. . '
'. That . experience which djoes not
make us: better, makes ua worse.
This includes all the beautiful patterns in crown effects,
cut-outs, ingrains, etc. If you contemplate using paper in
your house this Spring, come to our store, see our poods
and we will show you how many dollars we can save YOU
Second Street, 'Near Palace . Theater
Phone Your Orders To No. 7,
Where They Will be Promptly Filled.
Fine Line of Crockery, Glassware, Cut
Glass, Haviland and Chinaware,
Successors to
Second Street, - - Corvallis, Oregon j
Dealers In
Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Cream Sepa
rators, Graniteware, Tinware and Builders'
Sole Agents for
Congo Roofing and Quick Meal Range
second crop of oranges.