Corvallis daily gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon) 1909-1909, May 14, 1909, Image 1

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    VOL. I. NO. 11
New Train Starts Sunday Through from
Portland to New York Without a
Chanee and Will Make the Run at
Record Breaking Speed.
Faster than any previously maintained
schedule from the North Pacific Coast
to the Atlantic is that to go into effect
next Suftday on 'the Union Pacific lines,
in connection with the Northwestern
and the New York Central lines. Spec
ial trains have raced from ocean to
ocean in faster time, but no combina
tion of railway companies has made the
run, day in and day out, in as short a
time as will be the case beginning May
The passenger may travel from Pa
cific tidewater at Portland to New York
in less than four 24-hour days, 30 min
utes less, to be exact. This schedule
includes a stopover of two and one-half
hours at Chicago.
"This schedule will not be clipped
much in our lifetime," said a well in
formed passenger man. "People pre
fer safe travel to reckless fast travel.
Passengers also demand that trains
shall maintain regular schedules in
preference to making remarkably fast
time one day and being behind the time
card the next. The schedule to be put
in effect Sunday marks a new era in
railroading on the American continent."
Leaving Portland on Monday morning
at 10 a. m., the passenger will arrive in
lowing Friday. ' The trip will be made
over the O. R. & N., Oregon Short
Line, Union Pacific, Chicago & North
western and the New York Central.
The present Chicago-Portland Special,
- now leaving Portland at 9:15 a. m., will
get away at 10 instead, reaching Chica
go at noon of the third day, instead of
12:30 p. m., as at present. Westbound
train No. 7, now No. 1, will leave Chica
go at 10 p. m., instead of 6 p. m., as at
present,, reaching Portland on the night
of the third day at 8 o'clock instead of
8:50, as now. This makes the running
' time between Portland and Chicago 72
hours, a saving of four hours and 50
minutes, westbound, over the present
, schedule.
This new Chicago-Portland train will
have through standard, tourist and chair
cars m both directions and will have a
tourist car to Kansas City and St. Louis.
A section observation car will be run
in connnection with the Wabash via
Denver and Kansas City.
The new schedule to Chicago is very
gratifying to the people of the coast
and will serve the business interests to
a better extent than the present sched
ule, saving considerable time on the
trip to and from the 'East. Direct
through service to New York is bound
to be a great advantage to the travel
ing public, and it is thought the Chica
go train will be well patronized.
1 he ureat iells-
Floto Circus
OAC Gets Only
JOne Holiday Game
Multnomah Club is now signed up by
contract for Thanksgiving football
games until 1913. Manager McMillan,
of the M. A. A. C. gridiron squad, an
nounced this week that he had signed a
contract with the University of Oregon
for four years, beginning in 1910. This
year's Thanksgiving game there will be
with OAC but through a failure to
agree it was not made for three years,
as was talked of. Instead, Oregon will
resume her old relations with Multno
mah next year, and appear there in the
annual Turkey day struggle.
This change in contract after the
present year is verified by a special
from Eugene which says that the an
nual gridiron battle between the Mult
nomah Club and the University of Ore
gon on Thanksgiving day will be con
tinued with the single intermission of
the coming Thanksgiving. Bill Hay
ward, while acting as football manager,
signed a four-year coutract with Mc
Millan, manager of football at Multno
mah Ciub, some time in February. This
contract was ratified by the athletic
council of the university in their meet
ing in March.
For reasons best known to Hayward
and the Multnomah Club the contract
has been kept secret as far as possible.
The Oregon Agricultural College has
scheduled the coming Thanksgiving
date with the club but the rumor that
a longer contract had been signed be
tween the two organizations is untrue.
The University will play Multnomah
next Fall in Eugene during the early
part of November.
Two Hundred Lodges Will Be Repre
sented at This Important Session and
Drill Contests Will Be a Big Feat-
Corvallis Lodges Will Go.
Finishes -
Successful Tour
Benton County
School Fair
Nothing has yet been said about the
Benton County School Fair for this fall
and if anything is to be done it istime
to get busy. ' The Denman spirit of for
mer years in this connection does , not
seem to pervade the atmosphere of the
present county -superintendent's office
and it .might be well for the Business
Men's League or the. Commercial Club
to take the matter in hand. Under the
management of Denman these fairs
grew in importance each succeeding
year, developing the minds of the chil
dren in friendly competition along the
lines of fancy work, ornamentation of
the home and fancy needle work. The
tables at these fairs were filled with
choice canned fruits, preserved goods of
various kinds, many of which were pre
pared by maidens of sweet sixteen and
under, and all tending to develop the
young.minds along useful lines. The
boys asked for a half acre on the side
line at the home and produced squashes,
pumpkins, corn ana other garden sass
that was marvelous to behold. In fact,
the display made by these young people
was largely transported to the State
air at baiem, ana through their no
ble efforts many of the ' premiums
awarded to Benton county were ob
tained. - '
If deemed wise it might be turned
into a countyiair, and, in this even,t, go
before the next session of the legisla
ture and ask for aid to help support it.
At the last session Dalles eot $1,800.
Monmouth $1,000, Eugene $900 and Scio
$1,000. If the public is to be squeezed
why not take .our share of the juice. By
all means continue the fair. .
There are many ways in which the
Sells-Floto Consolidated Shows differ
from other circuses and' a visit to this
monster tented enterprise when it comes
to Corvallis, Friday, May 21, will cause
people who have been complaining that
all shows were alike . to qualify this
statement by adding "excepting the
Sells-Floto Show."
The union of these two large circuses
resembles other tented enterprises inas
much' as the performance is given under
a tent. When it comes to the circus
acts themselves it differs widely from
other institutions which are heralded
as "great" shows.
The menaarerie is more than twice as
large as that carried by other circuses
The only mandrill in captivity is in this
department. The only hybrid lion-tiger
with the lion's stripes on the tiger';
skin, is another rare feature. - . .
A grand street parade is given in ev
ery city visited. . And the turn-out of
the Armour International Prize Win
' ning Champions is the biggest, feature
offered with any circus of the present
day. ...... . . ,. . -.. .
Many members of the Odd Fellows'
and Rebekah lodges in Corvallis are
arranging to go to Albany next Tuesday
to attend the state conventions of the
Grand Lodge of the I. O. O. F., of the
Grand Encampment, and of the Grand
Kebekah Assemblies, which will meet
there on May 18th, and continuing for
three days. Local Odd Fellows who are
on the program report that there will
oe oetween iwu ana louuo visitors m
Albany during that time.
The committee on preparation of Al
bany lodge, 1.-0. 0. F., No. 4, are: J.
K. Weatherford, chairman: T. J. Stites,
E. J. Seely, A. W. Bowersox, Geo. W."
Wright, W. C. Tweedale and L. L.
Swann. Sub-committees have been
named and the Sty is to be canvassed
within a few days to find all the possible
accommodations. The residents of thej
city will do all within their power to
aid these committees when the canvas
is made. The presence of these visitors
will mean much to Albany and all will
take active part in royally entertaining
these people. Two hundred lodges are
to be represented and it will tax all the
accomodations that can be secured.
On Tuesday, May 18th' the first day
of the big gathering, three hundred and
tion, when good programs and business
sessions will be held. Three ' Rebekah
lodges are to compete on that day in a
drill contest. The same day one hun
dred representatives of the Grand En
campment will also convene.
On the following day the Grand Lodge
will meet in the Elks' Hall, 350 repre
sentatives being expected. This day is
to mark the big event of the session,
when the parade will take place. The
Grand Lodge, The Rebekahs, the Grand
Encampment and 200 of Cantons de
partment, joined by lodges of surround
ing cities, fifty Cantons coming from
Eugene, will form a, ,grand parade, af
ter which all will gather in one of the
largest buildings available where the
visitors will be made welcome by Mayor
Wallace, to be responded by Grand
Master- Hostettler of The Dalles and
other prominent lodge people. Excel
lent music will also form a part of the
program on this occasion.
The OAC Military Band returned to
day ijrom their tour of the Valley, play
ing the closing engagement at McMinn
villelast night to a crowded house.
Thje band played at Hillsboro Thurs
day fevening, eliciting much favorable
comipept from members of the audi
enoei The showing there was not, quite
so good as at the other points, visited,
but ihe solo numbers were decided hits;
especially "Carmena," by" Mrs. Gask
ins.j: She was called back twice and re
sponded with "Matlenatti" and "Swa
neefeiver." Her singing was a strong
feature of the program on the entire
tripj and should the band make another
tour her singing would be a popular
drawing card.
At McMinnville the State Granere
was in session, but that did not keep
the? town people from attending the
concert. The largest house of any on
the trip greeted the band there and the
enthusiasm was all that could be de
sired. ''The entire program was full of
snap and the crowd ; was disappointed
when the curtain was lowered after the
last .number.
Last night was the closing concert,
but,' by request, the band boys met at
the K. of P. hall at 8:30 this morning
and serenaded the State Grange. The
meeting was a very short one, but there
: was something doing every minute.
Anybody who is in doubt about the
attitude the State Grange has toward
OAC would, have had that doubt shat
tered this, morning, for the short meet
ing fairly shone with friendliness. The
Grangers gave yells for OAC and the
Grange, and in return the band boys
played and also gave the college yell,
and nine rahs for the State Grange.
,,' In general, the band concert tour was
a success, . and the musicians are all
Busy Readers Provided With Account
of Late Doings Throughout the State
Special Trains to Albany to Ac
commodate Worshipers at Revival
At the close of the terms in October
the State Normal Schools, both as pub- '
lie and private institutions, will cease.
This is the final decision of the execu
tive committee of the board of normal
school regents which held a special
- TIT I 1 .
session vv eunesuay noon.
Secretary Ballinger has been ten
dered the resignation of J. N. Watson,'
Register of the Lakeyiew Land Office.
He resigned on account of ill health.
' An unknown highwayman held up
Mrs. William Renshaw about 3:45
Thursday afternoon at the Bushneli
bridge, about a mile north of Eugene,
shooting her driving horse in the breast
so that he will die and firing a number
of shots at Mrs. Renshaw, one of which
well pleased with the outcome of their 1 grazed her head, lhe highwayman is
fiT-i- TOTitmv. Th fant. that. i trin now surrounded by a large posse of
was made entirely upon the responsi
bility of the band alone shows that the
organization is a very creditable one.
r V -
Teachers - Named -
For City Schools
The Board of Education met last
night and appointed the following teach
ers to serve during the next year at the
Corvallis City schools:
L, R. Traver, Principal; Delia Rush,
Lena- Tartar, Anna Denman, Anna
Lindgren, Delphina Haenel, Lillian Mc-
Vicker, Lura Keiser, Florence Adams,
Margaret Fowells, Mary Jones, Jose
phine Fullerton, Laura Waggoner, Kate
Tadlock, Gertrude Strange, Mildred
.Buchanan,: Alice Fleming, Tina Doug
las and Bessie M. Thorpe. -
The State Sues
C. & E. Railroad
Eighth Grade Examinations.
State examination for 8th grade di
plomas is now in progress at the public
school building. ' The board is composed
of County Superintendent Mack, Profs.
White and Collins, of Philomath, and
Prof. Fulkerson of the public school,
There are 150 applicants and 72 were
present yesteraay. mere, win oe no
scholars trom the public the
college this year owing to the establish
ment of the higher grades in the pub
lic schools and as this higher grade ex
tends to many counties in the state it
will have some effect on the enrollment
at O. A. C. during the coming year.
The State of Oregon, by Attorney-
General Crawford, yesterday filed suit
in the Circuit Court of . Linn County to
recover $10,000 damages from the Cor
vallis & Eastern Railroad Company as
penalty for the company's failure to
obey the order of the State Railroad,
Commission and erect a suitable depot
building at Lyons, Linn county.
Arnold, theinerry-go-round man, was
in town Wednesday looking -after the
G. A. R. Re-union to be held here.
men in the Doris flats next to the Wil
lamette River, a mile above Spring
v Rather cool weather has prevailed in
this section' since Sunday. The foot
hills have been white on several occa
sions and 10 inches of snow is reported
from Meacham.
Special trains will be run to Albany
at different, times during the remainder
of this month to permit residents of
nearby cities to attend the monster re
vival services now in progress in the
: big tabernacje. Definite arrangements
have not yet been completed, but plans
are under way. Interestin the big re
. vival is growing rapidly, and more than
1500 people gather in the tabernacle
every evening..
Weston '
.The District School Board has given
notice of a special meeting. May 31 to
vote on the proposition of establishing
a high school. This action is taken in .
view of the State Normal Board's re
fusal to permit the use of the state's
property at Weston for a normal school
supported with private funds. ,
Fruitgrowers and gardeners in the
Ashland fruit district of the - Rogue
River Valley report prospects good for
a bumper crop in the "fruit, vegetable
and berry line in that district. Trees
and vines are loaded and there will be '
much thinning required of peaches and
other fruit unless Jack Frost should
intervene, which' is not anticipated at
this late date.
Oregon City
The Commercial Club that was re
cently organized is out of debt and has
money in the bank. The charter will
be closed May 15, and it is probable
the entrance fee will be increased over
the present amount of $25. All busi
ness men of Oregon City will be reT
quired to pay the maximum fees for
membership, whether actual residents
of the city or not. C. G. Huntley,' M.
D. Lautorette and John Adams have
been appointed house committee and
will have full charge of the clubrooms.
Lebanon has decided to have its-
strawberry fair, and at the meeting
held Monday evening fixed the dates "
for the exhibition on June 4 and 5.
In connection with the fair will be held
a rose festival and horse show.
The rhododendrons, for which New
port is so famous, are now in full
bloom in their wildest luxuriance, and
the whole Yaquina Bay is a blaze of
floral slendor. For ..the benefit of
the many who delight in witnessing
this, scene every year an excursion will
be given on Sunday" next, May 16, ovef
the Corvallis & Eastern from Corvallis .
to Newport and return for $1.50. The
train will leave Corvallis at 8:00 in the
morning and return at 10:00 o'clock in
the evening, giving about six hours at
Senator Bourne's
Mother Dead
A Washington, D. C, Special to Port
land says word was received there yes
terday of the death of Senator Bourne's
mother, at New Bedford, where the
Senator has been at her bedside for the
last week. Senator Bourne will return
to Washington Monday.
Mrs. Bourne died at an advanced age,
being about 95 years old at the time of
her death. She is survived by her son,
the Senator, and several daughters.
Mrs. Bourne's husband died many years
ago. Senator Bourne was summoned
to the bedside of his mother a week ago
on being advised that the end was near.
The Corvallis Business College closed
a very successful term today. It will
reopen September 25.
Rhodedendrojn Excursion to Newport.
Sunday, May 16th, 1S09, the C. & E.
will run the first excursion to Newport.
This will be a through train from Cot
tage Grpve and wiineave Corvallis at
8 a. m.,-arriving at JNewport at twelve
o'clock noon. Returning, leaves New
port at 5:50 p. m., arriving at' Corvallis.
at 10 p. m. The fare will be $1.50 for
round trip.
5-13-3t R. C. Linville, Agent.
Tennis Is Popular.
Among the faculty and students en
thusiasm is running high over tennis.
The college is building three courts, the
faculty has just completed two and
Cauthorn Hall Club is just finishing its
second. The finals for the college cup
will be played during commencement
week. A tournament is now in pro
gress at Cauthorn Hall which promises
high competition in finals. The faculty
club is just whipping into shape for their
grand smash. Director Angell should
feel proud of the progress of this sport
and can secure, no doubt, excellent
material for next year's inter-collegiate
contests. In order to create greater
enthusiasm, it would be a tine proposi
tion to pick the winners of the Faculty
and Cauthorn ' Hall for tournament
week. This will not only give life to
tennis but will aid in preparing a , good
brisk week of entertainments. Baro
1864 45TH--ANN1VERSARY SALE-45TH 1909 1
. ' Anniversary Sale Prices on our entire line. The largest stock to select from. Five of America's leading
makes tchobse from. - Fit guaranteed. . $12.50 suits, $9.95; $15 suits, special, $11.90; $18 suits, $14.25; $25 suits,
special, $19.75.
: , OF
NO '
We offer lawn batiste and lingerie waists, made in the latest style, long sleeves,
trimmed in fine val lace and insertion
Clarence Starr has bought the Will
Horning place, across Mary's river and
is now occupying the premises. -
C. A. Wood, who had his leg broken
on Cardwell hill some time ago, was on
the street yesterday. '
Regular $1,25, special,
. " 1.50, "
, " 2.00, "
PostCards . 1
Entire Line JL C-
Local Views, Oregon Scenes
50,000 to choose from.
Regular $2.50, special, - t.QQ
" 2.75, " ' - 2.23
3.00, 2.33
0 -
Agents : "
: June Designers and
Patterns here