Corvallis daily gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon) 1909-1909, May 13, 1909, Image 1

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    VOL I. NO. 10
Spirited Discussion- Resulted in the Selection of a Complete City Ticket, the
Present Police Judge, Chief of Police and Treasurer Having' No
Oppcsition Strong Resolutions Passed Denouncing
Recent Attack upon President and Faculty OAC
Mayor Virgil E. Watters.
Police Judge George W. Denman.
Chief of Police-J. D. Wells. ..
, Treasurer Z. H. Davis.
Water Committee J. M. , Nolan,
Evan McLennan.
Councilman. First Ward. F. 0. Gray.
Councilman. Second Ward-C. V-rff;
Johnson, William Bogue.
Councilman, Third Ward G. V.
The public meeting which was held
last night at the Court House to con
sider who would make the most avail
able candidates for the municipal offi
ces to be voted for at the city election
next Monday, May 17, was well at
tended and there was considerable in
terest taken in the question at issue,
the voters being outspoken in their
views upon the subject.
Police Judge George W. Denman
called the meeting to order and B. W.
Johnson and F.. O. Gray were chosen
respectively chairman and secretary. .
A motion made and carried that the 1 olutions regarding
city officers be nominated m the fol
lowing order: ; First, mayor; second,
police judge; third, chief of police;
fourth, city treasurer; fifth, water
committee; sixth, councilman . first
ward; seventh, cour.eihren second ward;
eighth, : councilman of the third ward.
The tellers appointed were, Prof. Lake,
Dr. Harper and ' W. H. Kerr.-
The following were nominated for
for mayor: V. E. Watters and . Pun
derson Avery. Watters received 52
and Avery 43 vote's, and Watters was
declared nominated. George W. Den
man was unanimously nominated for
, police judge; as also were J. D. Wells
for chief of Police and Z. H. Davis for
I city treasurer.
j J. M. Nolan and Evan McLennan
: were nominated as water committee
j man. ,
i Councilman First Ward: Chas. Wood-
Capt. Robinson and F. 0. Gray
were nominated. Woodruff received
7 votes, Robinson 4 votes and Gray 18
j votes. Gray was declared nominated.
I Councilman Second Ward: ' C. E.
Hout, C. V. Johnson, J. W. Ingalls and
William Bogue were nominated. C. V.
Johnson and William Bogue receiving
the highest number of votes cast were
declared nominated.
! Councilman Third Ward: G. V.
Skelton, J. Peterson, G. O. Bassett and
; F. L. Miller were nominated. J. Peter-
: son withdrew and on second ballot G,
V. Skelton received the highest num
" ber of votes and was declared the nom
It was moved and seconded that the
chair appoint a committee to draft res-
an attack made by
the Benton County Review on Presi
dent Kerr and the faculty of the OAC,
and V. E. Waters, J. W. Ingalls and
Geo. A. Waggoner were appointed, and
the following resolution was adopted
Moved "that it is the sense of , this
meeting that we denounce in unmeas
ured terms.-fhe attack recently made
upon the president and faculty of our
college Dy me etuior oi me . isi3ion
County Review.
The. meeting then" adjourned and the
action taken is the "talk of the town
Railroad Officials Predict the Largest
Tide of Travel this " Year that Ever
Flowed to the Pacific Coast At
tracted by the Big Fairs. :
Strong Local Cast Takes All the Prin
cipal Characters and the Situations
Are Sure to Keep the Audience Con
vulsed With Laughter
Oregon railroad men who have been
watching the great interest shown by
the Easterners in the Pacific North
west and the added attractions that
will proye extraordinary magnets for
tourist traffic estimate -that more that
2,000,000 people from the East and
Middle West will visit Oregon and the
Salem Appreciates
Band Concert
Salem, May 12, (Special to the Ga
zette). The OAC Band concert at Che
mawa in the afternoon "was well re
ceived. There was a good crowd and
: fine work done by all the boys, the
audience being highly appreciative. At
Salem in the evening the work of the
band excelled that of previous perform- ;
ances. The audience was highly en
thusiastic, showing .the boys that Salem
people know how to appreciate a good
entertainment. ' .
Mrs. Genevieve Baum-Gaskins won
her audience completely and cheerfully
responded to a hearty encore. "
The solo numbers by Woodcock and
Luper were well receiyed, Woodcock
making a decided hit as a trombonist.
Luper also received most favorable
mention. -
The boys are very .grateful to the
people here for the treatment accorded
them. There were ten numbers on the
program and the band received seven
encores. The band will appear in Hills
boro Wednesday night, finishing the
trip at McMinnvilJe Thursday night.
Deff ry Company
Remains Longer
.It was announced last night that the
ItefEry -Company would r-emain here two
mere nights. The applause subsequent
to this .information indicated general
approbation. . Manager Groves is cer
tainly to be congratulated on securing
this clever company of artists and as
long as he dishes up such choice delect-
ables he will receive the cream of patronage.
Miss Deffry certainly has proven her
self to be versatile. Her portrayal of
jealous old German housewife last
night was in such striking contrast to
the other roles she has assumed that it
stamped her at once an artist of great
virility. "La Belle Russe," .a four act
society drama, was announced . for to
Rhodedendron Excursion to Newport.
Tabernacle Meeting at Buelah
The Tabernacle meeting . will com
mence at the FranK Wilson grove on
the Beulah work, three and one-half
miles south of Philomath, under the
direction of E.. E. McVicker on next
, Monday night, May 17, at 8 o'clock.
He will have A. A. Winter, of Port
land, L. H. Wood, of Lafayette, C. A.
Burris, of Brooks, and S. M, Wood, of
Corvallis, to assist him, some of them
being . present at each: service. The
J public will be gladly welcomed to all
services and after the first day or two
, there is expected to be two services
each- day, afternoon and evening,
These meetings will be continued for
two or thre weeks. Take your . tent
and camp and have a pleasant and prof-
taoie time, uooa shade ana nne spring
water. . . :
Sunday, May 16th, 1909, the C. & E.
will run the first excursion to Newport.
This will be a through train from Cot
tage Grove and will leave Corvallis at
8 a. m., arriving at Newport at twelve
o'clock noon. Returning, .leaves New
port at 5:50 p. m.,J arriving at Corvallis
at 10 p. m. The fare will be $1.50 for
round trip.-
5-13-3t R.. C. Linville, Agent.
Northwest the next six months. - This
estimate looks extravagant at first, but
when it is considered that Seattle will
have a fair lasting all summer and that
there are more than 20 conventions to
be held in the four cities of the North
west Portland, Tacoma, Seattle and
Spokane all of them drawing their
hundreds and thousands of attendants,
these figures will seem more reason
able. .v - ,'."
It should be remembered that the
low round-trip tourist rate is effective
earlier than usual, and that practicably
every visitor to the Seattle Exposition
(save in local territory) will visit Port
land during the; trip. .. Account ' should
also be made of the fact that the trans
continental railroads are spending about
$2 in - advertising- the Northwest lisi3
year to -every $1 spent in any preceding
yetir. Advertising -budgets of Hill,
Harruuan, Milwaukee, Canadian Pa
cific, Denver. & Rio Grand and other
big systems come pretty close to doab-
ling those of Lewis and Clark Fair
Officials of the Hill lines figure that
dose to 1,000,000 Coast-bound travelers
will pass through the St. Paul gate-
way during the next six months, about
400,000 via Great Northern, 400,000 via
Northern Pacific and 200,000 via Mil
waukee system and Soo line.
The Harriman affiliated Toads should
handle an qual number of pleasure
seekers coming over Southern Pacific,
Union Pacific and Oregon Short Linel
Much of 'California tourist business
comes this way every y ear, and should
be exceptionally heavy this year towing
to the fair and festival.
Canadian Pacific officials believe they
are conservative in estimating that
500,000 Easterners will patronize their
lines in this field this summer. These
figures .are given out at the Montreal
office of the Canadian Pacific. ; '
Every traffic man connected with all
the transcontinental railroads is whoop
ing it up to have all travelers ." route
their tickets via Oregon points, either
going or coming, and every bit of ad
vertising matter sent out by the pas
senger departments urges them to do
likewise. And. as particularly signifi
cant of the great rush of Easterners to
the Northwest, the railroad men are
asking the hotels what they an prom-
way of accommodating 5 the
First Excursion .Saturday, May 22 Over New Railroad Grand Barbecue,
Union Dinner, Free Concert, Fine Speeches, Auto Clubs, Ball
Games, Field Sports, and a Royal Good Time Under
Auspices of Corvallis- Marine Band.
One of the big events of the year
will be the entertainment given at the
opera house Saturday night. It is un
der the auspices of the Y. W. C. A.
These girls are known as clever and in
genuous entertainers and thefr enter-
On Saturday May 27, a grand union
picnic will be held at Monroe in com
memoration of the important event of
the completion of the Corvallis, Monroe
& Alsea Railroad to that, place. For
many years the most cordial friendship
: has existed between the1 two towns but
! owing to road conditions in winter
simply caught an occasional visit,
The Marine Band are entitled to the
I credit of starting the movement and the
i citizens of Monroe promptly responded
tainment is bound to heighten the temp- ; by appointing a committee consisting
ature of everybody'? laughing appara- : of A. Wilhelm, J. E. Carpenter, J. H.
tus. Mrs. Carter, who has had years ! Pickel, Earnest Miller and Dr, E. Ben
of experience in this kind of work, is 1 nett- A committee of Corvallis citizens
, . ' , , , .. , will 'also be appointed to act in coniunc-
ing up the rough places. Every degree
of energy is being utilized toward mak
ing this a decided success.
The setting of the play is in the room
of three pretty seminary girls. These
characters are ably represeuted by the
Misses Mattie Wells, Beulah Beeler and
Rilla Thompson. They plan to have an
informal "Spread" in the evening after
the other girls have retired. So they
seek the assistance of the helper at, the
seminary, an old man named Jonas,
who is as comical as his name is inter
esting. This part is handled by Ray
Roberts in a creditable way. Kathleen,
alias Ieleen Leech, the servant at the
seminary, also "gets wise" to the little
Jamboree. finally the boys: con
sisting of Dodge, Clark and Williamson,
come over, and by undergoing a thrill
ing experience' in a basket suspended
by a rope, they at last gain admittance
rto the room. But happy days! they
are shadowed by a stiff little professor
in the person of DeSouchet. He deems
it his special duty to investigate. Then
comes the climax. Miss Wilson play
ing the part of the matron comes in j
and surprises them all. She, however,
tion"with these gentleman so that the
culinary department wijl be well cared
for and peace and harmony reign su
preme. A barbecue of good oldf ash
loned proportions is on tap. .-, The fatted
calf will be killed and stuffed with on-
iens; army soup served from wooden
gourds specially imported for the occa
sion; side dishes a la modeTwill tempt
the appetite while hot coffee and milk
with a stick in it will quench the thirst.
The conjmittees will take an active in
terest in all the details and the aim will
be to cultivate a spirit of. unity of
action in everything tending to benefit
the county.
The amusements will consist of band
concert, speeches, auto clubs, ball games
and other interesting and amusing
sports. Albany and Eugene have been
invited to participate in the festivites
and the road will be lined with Reos
from the sister cities.
A train consisting of 12 observation
cars will leave Corvallis at 8 o'clock in.
the morning and return at 5 in the
evening thus affording a fine opportu
nity to see this beautiful country and
take a day of rest and recreation.
Nelson Family with
Sells-Floto Shows
There are many novel acts with the
Sells-Floto Shows which are certain to
be well received in every city lucky
enough to secure a visit from the con
solidated, -enterprises. There are acts
which were never seen in America un
til this show opened its season of 1909,
for the reason that there was no amuse
ment enterprise great enough to afford
the large salaries which the artists de
mand and no institution with sufficient
prestige to attract the attention of such
celebrated performers. .
The Nelson Family cf acrobats, for
Punderson Avery
To Run For Mayor
Punderson Avery, who was one of
the citizens placed in nomination for
Mayor at Wednesday night's public
meeting, announces that he will accom-.
pany Virgil E. Watters in the race for
the office as an independent candidate
at the election next Monday.
i This decision on the part of Mr. Av
ery, it is authoritatively stated, is due
to the request of a large number of his
personal friends. 5-13-3t
Howard Broke His Arm
inKtnnpp. Yiprfnrm fpsts which have
at length condescends to accept theit- I npvm. h otw rW
The Sells-Floto-Circus will exhibit in
Corvallis, Friday, May 21.
uation, thus making it a strictly humor
ous affair.
The Ladies' Missionary Society of the
Congregational church spent a pleasant
The German Lutheran church has
bought an acre of land from William J.
Dissolution Notice v
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between C.
W. MeKee and J. R. McKee, under the
firm name of McKee Bros., is this day
dissolved by mutual consent. : The bus-
ines will be continued by C. W. Mc
Kee at 312 South Second street, Cor
vallis, Oregon.
Dated, fM ay 13, 1909. . : C
Signed, C. W. MgKee",
E-iS-lt' rJ.'R." McKee...
Dr. Howard don't keen vou in the
anxious chair and make you lose your
valuable time and punish you a' half
day for 15 minutes work. A mechanic
can always do a piece of work first
class in a reasonable time." " 8tf
Baptist Busines Meetings
There will be a special business meet
ing at, the First Baptist Church Thurs
day evening at 7 :30 o'clock. Every one
interested in the affairs of the church
and especially all members are re
quested to be present as there are im
portant matters to be brought up.
i I 5-12-2t
and profitable afternoon at the home of j Harper to be used as a cemetery. This
Miss Nancy Campbell yesterday, the i God's Acre lies upon a hillside about
discussion being on the conditions in two and a half miles north of the city
Turkey. Delicious refreshments were- and is most, desirably located for the
served. . ' purpose intended.
Frank Howard, while working on the
Wellsher building at Madison and Fifth
streets yesterday morning, met with an
accident and had his arm broken. A
heavy beam that was used to move the
house slipped and fell on his right arm,
breaking it at the wrist Doctors Per
not and Johnson were called to attend
the injured man and he is now getting
along as well as could be expected.
Extra Special Towel Sale Thursday,
Friday and Saturday at J. N. Nolan &
Son. -
lse m the
Carlton Grange
Indorses OAC
Carlton Grange No. 391, Patrons of
Husbandry," at its last egular meeting
passed a resolution indorsing the action
of the ; legislature in appropriating
money for the support of the Oregon
Agricultural College and most heartily
condemning the action of the State
Normal Schools, which failed to re
ceive such an appropriation, in starting
a referendum petition against the ap
propriation for OAC, "pledging them
selves to use their influence for the
sapport of the . Oregon Agricultural
College and to refuse to sign the refer
endum petition.; -r .
' Some one has Suggested that if the
boulevards between the sidewalks and
park curbing are not kept neat and
clean that it would be a good idea to
plant the space to potatoes, thus secur
ing a uniformity of appearance and a
profitable result at the same lime.
Anniversary Sale Prices on our entire line. The largest stock to select from. Five' of America's leading
mafces to choose from. Fit guaranteed. $12.50 suits, $9.95; $15 suits, special, $11.90; $18 suits, $14.25; $25 suits,
special, $19. 7a. f i
lr.. ,Sfiffc
AT .
We offer lawn batiste and lingerie waists, made in the latest style, long sleeves,
trimmed in fine val lace and insertion . .
Regular $1,25, special,
1.50, "
" - 2.00, "
Post Cards " '
- Entire Line
Local Views; Oregon Scenes
. 50,000 to choose from.'
Regular $2.50, special,
'lBilll H
- Agents -STANDARD
Juna Designers and
Patterns here