TALK OF THE TOWN The OAC boys were not required to drill Monday. Wanted A light job by a willing man. Phone 129. 5-ll-3t Judge McFadden has been in Dallas on business the last few days. Miss Lulu Spangler was a passenger to Albany Saturday. The Misses Porter were guests at the Ai J. Johnson home last week. Mrs. H: S. Pernot visited Portland the last of the week. Miss Aleatha, Berry, of Seattle, is visiting Mrs. T. E. Riley. Men coming in on the C. & E. road j report snow as far west as Mehama. ' TT'vfT.o Qnamil Cola OK (Cft irafdo TM VL- I Taffeta Ribbons at J. M. Nolan & Son Saturday morning. "Case of Suspension" will meow. That sounds pretty tolerable, don't it? Opera House, May 15. Miss Woods and Miss Locke spent several days during the past week with friends at Wellsdale. Mrs. Joe Smith has returned from Portland and is getting on well. . Dr. Mentor Howard, the dentist in the First National Bank building, wants all his patrons . and the public to know that he is not going to quit but is here to stay, being .quite well satisfied with the bright outlook which Corvallis pre sents. The young men of the Presbyterian church will entertain the young ladies at the church on Thursday evening after the prayer-meeting service. Refresh ments will he served and an interesting social evening is in store for all in at tendance. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Yates gave Mr. Harrv Auld a surnrise nartv Inst Saturday evening, the occasion being his birthday. About twenty-five people were present and a delightful evening was spent with music, recitations and closing with a delicious birthday feast. . In the case of Bailey vs. Benton coun ty, on trial at Dalles yesterday, the plaintiff was nonsuiled and hence will have all the costs to nav. When a man goes to law in Oregon he wants to be Miss Lucile Frazer, of Eugene, is the j mighty certain he's right for when he guest of Miss Mary McFadden in Cor valhs. Harold Davis has left for Alsea where he will work on George Mason's large stock farm. Walter Taylor, S. L. Kline and Prof. F. L. Kent will attend the meeting of the State Grange at McMinville to-day. General repair shop. All work first class, promptly 'done. Back of Beal Bros., blacksmith shop, Wood Bros. 5-7-tf Miss Mary C. Danneman is again in the lead in the Alaska tour contest "of the Portland Telegram. Harry Auld of the Benton County Ab stract company, has been over to Al bany on business. Clarence Johnson is down from Mill City spending a brief vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Johnson. Do not confuse the wide parking with the new charter as that comes un der the old one. Aleta Temple No. 44, Pythian Sisters, will meet tomorrow night for initiatory work and all officers and members are urged to be present. William Williamson, who has been suffering severely from a broken arm for the past six weeks is slowly im proving. - William Knotts who recently sold one of his farms for over ten thousand dol lars, contemplates making his home in Corvallis in the near future. Miss Nellie Wood, who has been vis iting her aunt, Mrs. L. Locke, at Fourth and Jackson streets,, for more than three weeks returned to her home at Eugene Saturday. Mrs. E. D. Jackson, of Seventh and - J eff erson streets, has gone as a dele gate from the Congregational Church to be in attendance at the convention at Salem. A. L. Snow, a former citizen of Cor vallis, - now of Silverton, was nosing around here yesterday and it would not be surprising to see him come back. He's a good citizen. j Mrs. Jennie D. Higgins, of Eugene, State President of the Women's Relief Corps, will be in Corvallis Friday of this week and will be entertained by the ladies of Ellsworth. Corps. The debate between the Clionian and Sorosis societies Monday evening was won by the Clionians. They will now meet the Feronians in final debate to -decide who shall have the cup. "Mothers' Day" was appropriately observed at the United Evangelical Church last Sunday evening, with ap proprite music and a sermon by the pastor on the subject, "Motherhood." Almost every one present wore a white flower. gets on the band wagon to take a ride he is liable slip a cos: and set it in the neck. The costs in this case will be heavy as there were many witnesses. Spencer Butte Lodge No. 9, I. O, O. F. of, Eugene, have just finished and will dedicate, on Saturday, May 15. one of the finest lodge buildings in the state Instead of sitting around contented and happy, and turning their earnings to some outsider for a measly old place in which to meet they have had an eve to business thus showing: that it means something to be a good Odd Fellow, Barnum Lodge No. 7, of Corvallis, has an invitation to be present and should attend in a body. Perhaps it would in fuse new lifeblood in the membership. Candidates Will Be Considered Accommodations for Summer Students Students from abrqad attending the . summer school will make inquiry for board and room from June 21 to July 30 inclusive. Those wishing to accom modate them will please give rates and other information . necessary to the Registrar of the OAC at once. It is possible that a few students will wish to do light housekeeping and will de sire to rent furnished rooms.. Hence any information on the subject regard ing the accommodations for students attending the summer school will be gratefully received. There is lots of interest being- taken m the public meeting called for half past seven o'clock tonight at the court house for the purpose of considering who will be the most available candi dates to be placed in nomination for the municipal ticket which will be voted for next Monday. v . This shows that the citizens of Cor vallis are fully alive to the necessity of selectmg the very best men and there no scarcity of material, for this city has plenty of live, 1 capable men and if they can be inducecito take the various offices the future progress of the city will be assured. ; Let every body turn out tonight and express their opinions. BE EEADY TO PAY T'P Notice to Subscribers to the Advertising Fund You are each and all hereby notified of the organization of an executive committee to have charge of the advertising of our City and County and the hand ling of the funds subscribed monthly for such uurpose, through the election of the fol lowing nine men to-wit : M. S. Woodcock, B. W. Johnson, J. M. Nolan, Virgil E. Watters, John F, Allen, N. R. Moore, G. A. Robinson, F. L. Miller and A. J. Johnson, the former having been elected as Chairman and the latter as Secretary and Treasurer. (. A.- Waggoner has been elected bv this executive committee as Advertising Mana ger and with instructions to make all collections on monthly subscriptions, beginning on May 1st, all subscriptions are payable in advance. We trust all will be prompt with their monthly payments and thus p-reatlv aid V o J the Committee in their work. By order of the Committee, A. J Johnson. 4-27-4t Secretary. Harry Beck is laid ud for renairs at. the lamily home. . E iison records for May jiow on sale at Graham & Wells. 4 27 4t Go to Dr. Howard for . the best and most artistic dental work,' . Twenty-two karat gold crowns reinforced with 18 karat goldsolder made and put on in one hour. ' 8tf M. L. Earnest, of Alsea. was trading in Corvallis Saturday and reports crop prospects good although a little back ward on account of cool weather. ' He reports a new postoffice, to be known as Denzer, and located at the bridge on Five Rivers at the Dr. Miller ranch Frederick Denzer will be the postmrs ter. It Will also be gratifying to coast travelers to know that the cherrv thick ets along the road have been cut away and the road generally improved so that a trip now over this route of scenic beauty will be one- of great pleasure. Dr. Howard don't keep you in the anxious chair and make you lose vour. valuable time and punish you a half day for 15 minutes work. A mechanic can always do a piece of work first class in a reasonable time. 8tf Spuds Will be Scarce. In some of the farming districts of the Willamette Valley very few pota toes will be planted because of the high price of seed. While many fore-handefi larmers have their own potatoes to plant, others less fortunate will make no effort to produce a surplus crop. Physical Culture Exhibition The girl's classes in physical culture are planning for a big time at the Ar mory Friday night, May 14, when the young ladies will give some pleasing displays of their training in folk dances, calesthenics and games. An added at traction on that evening will be the de ciding basketball game for the cham pionship between the Seniors and Freshmen. " Baptist Busines Meetings There will be a special business meet ing at the First Baptist Church Thurs day evening at 7:30 o'clock. Every one interested m the affairs of the church and especially all members are re quested to be present as there are im portant matters to be brought up. 5-12-2t A Grass Widow Draws A Crowd Trunks and suit cases at 0. Blackledge's. 4-2 Eaaics Ulatcftes neea Constant Repairitii Their method of carrying them is responsible for the fact. Pinned to the waist or hanging on a chain the delicate mechanism is easily disar- ranged-. - We pay special attention .to ladies' watches, and when rer paired by us you will find that they keep in order longer. ' j . E W. S, PRiVTf; Jew, and: Optician It goes without saviner that when Corvallis theatre-goers turnout in num bers as last night the form of enter tainment must be popular and good. The Deffry Company made good their promise in making evervbodv. laue. and if they live up to their promises in this way they will doubtless become prime favorites in the Valley. Great Sells-Floto Shows Enlarged Bigger and better than ever, the Sells-Floto Circus will soon be with us. Every department has been enlarged. Five hundred arenic performers: over a hundred cages contain the' Million Dollar Zoo, and the show is comDletelv filled with all absolutely different novelties. The Sells-Floto Consolida ted is truly a mammoth institution. When one has seen it from end to end. outside and inside, and has formed an inventory of what he has seen and learned for a very nominal fee. how much real pleasure and benefit it has been, he can easily understand why a big three-ring circus, of the hieh stand ard of the Sells-Floto Shows, occupies the enviable position in the amusement world that it does.- The far-famed Armour Dapple Gravs $25,000 Prize Winners are also presented in conjunc tion with the Big Show. This great attraction will appear in Corvallis Fri day, May 21. MEET AT MCMI1VILLE State Grange is Now in Thirty-Sixth Annual Convention. ' With two of the principal officers ab sent on account of illness, the Oregon State Grange met in. its 36th annual session at McMinnville yesterday with nearly all delegates and several hundred visitors present. State Master Austin T. Buxton was unable to be present on account of a re cent serious attack of pneumonia, from which he is rapidly recovering. r His chair was filled by Past Master B. G. Leedy. State Chaplain Oscar Eaton, who is very old and feeble, was also un able to be present His place was filled by the appointment of M. M. Birtner. The committee on credentials report' I Benton County : H. L. French, Carrie jj'rencn, y. w. Jones, Mrs. M. E., Whit aker. y,:. --.- r-r'-... A reception was given the delegates and visitors in the evening at the Im perial Theatre. Mayor Charles W. Wil- 1 ams made the address of welcome, wnicn was responded to by Eugene Pal mer. Addresses were made by Presi dent L. W. Riley, of the McMinnville College, and J. J. Johnson, lecturer of the State Grange. Excellent vocal and instrumental music was interspersed between the speeches. PRESBYTER!ANS7nEPARE Great Brotherhood Convention Meets at Portland. . There will be a great convention of the Presbyterian Brotherhood in Port land June 8 and 9, 1909. All the Pres byterian churches of Oregon are being asked to send delegates, and it is ex pected that these will number several hundred. The principal speakers will be men of national reputation, who will come to the coast following- the meeting of the General Assembly at Denver in May. 1 he Portland meeting is hut four to be held on the coast, the places and dates being as follows: San Fran Cisco, June 3 and 4: Portland. June 8 and 9; Seattle,' June 11 and 12; Spokane, June 14 and 15. lhe Presbyterian Brotherhood has made-great strides since its orgraniza tion a few years ago, as the thousands who attend its conventions testify. The Pittsburg gathering filled to overflow ing the auditorium, which seated 5,000 Only men are admitted to the meetings It is expected that a great imDetus to Presbyterian church work as well as the Brotherhood movement will come as result of the conventions on the coast All correspondence concerning the Portland convention should be addressed Presbyterian Brotherhood Conven tion, 415 Worcester Block, Portland. An executive committee for the meet ings on the coast has been aDDointed bv the National Brotherhood, consisting of Kev. William Hiram Foulkes, D. D Portland, Oregon, chairman: President John Willis Baer, LL. D., Los Angeles, Cal.: Rev. Mark A. Matthews. T TV. Seattle, Wash. ; Rev.' William Rader, D. D., San Francisco, Cal.: Rev. S. Willis McFaddin. D. D. : of Sookane. Wash. An Author's Initials. ' , Initials are sometimes the resort of the writer who is anxious to rvmrpni his identity, and a glance through anv one of the 700 volumes that comprise the catalogue of the British museum reading room will disoovpr strange Instances. A theological book. entitled "Inquiry Into the Meaning f Demoniacks In the New Tpstn mont M is attributed to T. P. A. P..-0. A.' R. T. C O. S. Its real author was a certain Arthur Svkes, and the Initials tpvpi his position as "the nrecentor and prebendary of Alton Borealis in th church at Salisbury." London Chron icle: NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the matter of the estate n( Shedd, deceased. Notice is herebv siven that thp nnrW. signed as executor, of the last will and testament of Previous SVip- H A hasllled his final flproimt fie aiirh (nrofit tor with the clerk of the countv court of the state of Oregon for Benton County, and the said court. has fixed Monday, the I7th dav of Mav. Toon, at tho hnnr rftmr o'clock in the afternoon as the lime, and tne county court room in the courthouse in; Corvallis. Orecrrm aa tVn. nlaw Aw , . -0 , t". hearing any and all objectionsjto the said account, and for settlement thereof. uatea tnis April iota, 1909. . Jbsss L. Caton, Executor of the last urill anA,mit of Precious Shedd, deceased first Publication April 16, '09. Last Publication May 14, tog. For Rale rr Trndo A rrnnA - - w - -ww i YSV Studebaker cart and single har ness. AddLv 360 Jackson street. 4-9 tf Daily Gazette 50 cents a month. Special Church Notice. Especial notice is herebv eiven to all members of the Baptist church and con gregation that Rev. F. C. W. Parker. corresponding secretary, of Oregon State Convention, will occupy the . pul pit next Sunday, May 16, at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School opens promptly at 10 a. m. B. Y. P. U. at 7 p.. m. Prayer service and Bible study Thursday evening at 8 p.m. 5-ll-5t ed thefoUowing deeresrom SfflTO LeM Notice of Election Corvallis, Oregon, May 3, 1909. Notice Ts Hprehv Election for the City of Corvallis, Ore con will h 1909, beginning at 9 o'clock A. M. and continuing unm b o'clock if. M. of the said day at the City Hall of said City for the nnmnsA rf olont-inn- A M,.. " t 1 - i M.ajji iaj serve for the period of two years; Two memuers .01 tne water uommittee to serve for : the. period of. five years; a Police Judce. Chief of PnliVo P.itTr TVo surer, each to serve for the period of one year; nrst ward one councilman to serve for the period of three years; second Ward wrt pminnilmon n DAMra 1 - ..w.. w .o&w 1U1 UllC period of three years and one year re- upetuvtuy; inira wara .one councilman to serve for the period of three years. . " V VUG WIVJT UJ. Corvallis has appointed W. H. Savage, 01 me nrst wara; !5. L. Henderson of the second ward: and Geo. A. Robinson of the third ward to act as Judcres of ' UWTUUVll auu Harper Meckhn to act na nwira nf aiA election. . Dated this 3rd day Of May, 1909 ueo. w. JJenman, First Publication Maw A IQno. Last Publication, May 15,' 1909. GARDEN SEEDS All Kinds, In PACKAGE OR BULK HODES GROCERY . E. TT The Benton County Heal Estate Agent Corvallis, Oregon IT If you have anything to buv. sell ir ovrhmn. xt .33., prices. J As to our responsibility, and methods oi doing business, we refer you to the business men of Corvallis. IT Some sulendid harin-J. tl H list INfcW WALL f APER STOCK JUST ARRIVED This includes all the beautiful patterns in crown effects, cut-outs, ingrains, etc. If you contemplate using paper in your house this Spring, come to our store, see our goods and we will show you how many dollars we can save YOU WALL PAPER AND PAINT CTnDr Second Street, Near Palace Theater Occidental Lumber Co. Successors to) Corvallis Lumber Co. We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please call on J. B IRVING for information and prices. And take notice that if we have not got exactly what you want we will get it for you. G. O. BASSET r, Local Mer. WHEN YOU WANT SOMETHING GOOD TO EAT Phone Your Orders To No. 7, THATCHER & JOHNSON'S GROCERY Where They Will be Promptly Filled. Fine Line of Crockery, Glassware, Cut Glass, Haviland and Chinavvare, LAM PS ETC. Benton County Lumber Co Manufacturers of all kinds of Fir Lumber, Mouldings, Cedar Posts, Sawed and Split. Oedar Shakes Dealers in Doors, Windows, Lima, Brtex Cemsnt, . Shingles, etc COOPER 8 NEWTON HARDWARE Cfl. V Aip'-i ' btreet, Successors to MELLON & PINKERTON - r - :CorvalKs, Oregon U:. ':-..x .... Dealers In Av-X l Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Cream Sepa- w,;raiors, yranneware,1 .iinware and Builders . ,-h'u'i . ' ;'";:r---";-:iHardwarei4-v.'r- l; iifisiaf-RSoie Agefmmurm Congo Hoofing aad Quick Mca! Ganges