Corvallis daily gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon) 1909-1909, May 11, 1909, Image 1

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    VOL. I. NO. 8
To Select the Best
City Candidates
The public meeting called for half
past seven o'clock tomorrow evening at
the "court house has no' political signifi
cance, the object being to ascertain
public opinion on the subject of select
ing the best men for the various city
offices at the municipal election next
This is a matter that should appeal
to every voter, irrespective of party, I
for that line has not yet been drawn in i
naming city candidates, it being rather ;
the desire of all good citizens to elect i
men "who are the best' qualified to ad-
minister the affairs of the municipality, j
Then let all turn out tomorrow night :
and express their opinion. The result
should be the selection of men upon
whom all the voters can agree and who
will be an honor and credit to Corvallis.
Next Tuesday night, My 18, St.
. Mary's Chapter No. 9, Order Eastern
Star will hold a special communication
for the purpose of initiatory work. All
officers and members are requested to
be present.
Social Session of
Ladies' Auxiliary
The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Com
mercial Club 'has made all arrange
ments for a delightful social session to
be held tomorrow evening at the club
Mrs. W. J. Kerr will be the hostess
of the evening and there will be an en
taining program consisting of a double
quartet; reading by Mrs. Lewis; solo
by Miss Lulu Spanger and a short talk
on the question of a public library by
Mrs. Kidder. .
This social session is not only for the
Auxiliary but also for all club members
and their families and the ladies hope
there will be a large attendance. ;
Miss Margaret Snell, who has just re
turned from a trip to California, will
address the members of the Ladies'
Auxiliary at the Commercial Club rooms
tomorrow afternoon at four o'clock.
Mrs. Dick Kiger will be the hostess and
the ladies will be pleased to welcome
all comers between two and six o'clock.
Adjourned Meeting Will Be Held Thurs
day Night to Consider "Common
Usage" Clause in the Willamette
Valley & Coast Ry. Franchise.
We are celebrating
99 years ahead of time: This shows up-to-dateness ,
on our part and guarantees our customers against the
Saturday morning .
Sold Saturday . . .
Unsold Monday . .
800 suits
23 suits
777 suits
777 Suits to Pick From At
- The city council met in regular ses
sion last night with Mayor George E
Lilly presiding and all members present
except J. B. Irvine.
, A. J. Johnson, president of the Com
mercial Club addressed the council i
behalf of the booster committee asking
for the free use of the city building i
Madison street tor publicity purposes
and he was followed by George A,
Waggoner and E. R. Bryson who also
favored the plan. The request was
granted for one year, provided suitable
arrangements could be made with the
lessees at no expense to the city.
The committee appointed to confer
with the water commission on the ad
justment of rates reported that the
water commission was willing to let the
master rest until money should be heed
ed: ; , .-
Ihe street committee and superin
tendent of streets reported . that the
sidewalks had been condemned as pro-
vided for in ordinance No. 265, abutting
certain property on the east side . of
Second street north of Adams street..
The sewer in block 3 was reported to
Per Pick. The Picking is Still Good
We are having such a good time giving away
our suits at $15 and it is giving our patrons and our
competitors so much genuine pleasure, that we will
continue the offer indefinitely. Our health is rapidly
improving, however, and as we are not in, business
. altogether for health and. pleasure, this phenomenal
offer is apt to be discontinued any day. If you want
to save money on a suit of clothes you had better
Come join the merry throng,
laugh, be happy, and save
money " '
First Band Concert
Success at Albany
Albany, May 11, (Special to the Ga
zette). The O AC Military Band played
its opeuing engagement of the Willam
ette Valley tour at the Albany Opera
house last night The performance was
a very creditable one and, although the
audience was not as large as was ex
pected,, the concert was' a decided suc
cess.' Every number was rendered in a
manner that showed the careful train
ing administered by Conductor Beard,
and the real ability possessed by each
member. In fact, the entire perform
ance showed an improvement over the
concert given in Corvallis last month. '
The solo numbers all receiven hearty
encores, and each responded with a
number that delighted the audience.
Woodcock and Luper played the same
numbers as at Corvallis. Mrs. Gaskins
sang "Carmena" and responded with
Swanee River" with band arrange
ment by Prof. Beard.
Prof. Gaskins Was present and stated
from a critical standpoint that the con
cert was a success. He was well
pleased with the performance and as
sured Prof. Beard that the concert was
good enough for any audience.
The boys are in good spirits and ev
erything points to a successful trip.
Fruit Growing Is Becoming a Prominent and Popular Industry and Small Farms
for Intensive Cultivation Are Being Secured by Homeseekers Who
Are Locating Here for the Advantages Offered OAC ba
Great Factor in Helping to Develop the Country.-'
Deffry Company
i Makes Good
A fair-sized audience turned out to
see the Deffry company last night and
doubtless the attendance will be larger
from now on. There is no doubt about
the talent of this company made up of
fivs artists.1 The play is a very diffi
cult one to handle and in the hands of
mediocre actors would be maudling sen
timentality ; and " cumbersome " talky
scenes. ' The ' Deffry Company, how
ever, got away, with it to perfection,
infusing life.. and "sparkle into a some
what "old fashioned' play. : Josephine
Pffry,.of- course,' takes the big . role
Permission was given the M. E,
Church to lay a ten-foot cement walk
on the corner of Fourth and Madison
The matter of opening an alleyway
in block 38, Moore & Newhouse Addi
tion, was decided to be a question
affecting the property owners and not
the city.
Permission was given H. W. Kau
pisch to use certain ground for the
erection of an ice storage plant and the
application of August Fischer to' con
struct a pole line to connect his elec
tric plant 'with his property on First
street was referred to the fire, light and
water committee with power to act.
The purchase of 600 feet of Xeystone
hose at $1 per foot was recommended
and an ordinance was ordered drawn
giving authority to issue the necessary
warrant in payment of same.
A cement sidewalk was ordered con
structed on Fourth street, on the west
side of the City Hall, and instructions
were issued to condemn the sidewalk on
the rest of the block as provided by ordinance.
The street committee was instructed
to replace at the expense of the city. !
all curbing heretofore constructed in
the city under former ordinances as
fast as demand may be made therefor,,
so as to conform to the present cement
sidewalk and curb ordinance.
The reply or opinion of A. C. Wood
cock, to whom was submitted the ques
tion of the franchise formerly granted
to the Willamette Valley & Coast Rail
road Company, to ascertain whether it
contained a "common usage" clause,
Was read, ' and was to the effect that
the city could grant permission to
other companies to use the same track
age so long as the business of the
original company, was not, in terf erred
with. ' " ' "
The council adjourned until Thursday
night. May 13, to consider this opinion.
Forest Service Appointments. :
C. R. Davis and Robert J. Watson
have been appointed Assistant Forest
Rangers on the Umpqua' National For
est; Walter G. Hellan, Forest Guard
on the Wenatchee; Rolla J. Phelps,
Assistant Forest Ranger on the Whit
man; E. E. Robertson, -Forest Guard
on the Columbia; Ralph Taylor, .As
sistant Forest Ranger on the Cascade;
John H. Russell and Earl Park, Forest
Guards on the Wenaha; Bert Howard,
Assistant Forest Ranger on the Mal
heur; W. H. Brown, Forest Guard on
the Snoqualmie, . and S. ' A. Moore, As
sistant Forest Ranger on the Crater.
Cash paid for wool by W m. Crees,
220 Third street. Independei.t phone
234. ' JC-7-3tw
and sustains her . character" I'with" a" de
gree of poise that could only be borne
of long acquaintance with : the subject
in hand.. She has a beautiful pair of
eyes -which she sometimes uses. In
L. Victor Gifford the company has a
leading man of rare merit, one cer
tainly seldom found in the ranks of
popular priced players. His voice is a
treat to listen to and his acting is
naturalness itself. The other members
of the company did not have much op
portunity to show their ability, but
evinced talent that puts them above
the average stock actors. It is under
stood that tonight's play, "A Grass
Widow," gfves all an equal chance, and
the manager announced he would give j being planted in
ten . dollars to anyone who does not ! acres of Bartlett
The Corvallis correspondent of the ,
Oregonian gives the following carefully
prepared'description of this immediate
section- and its many facts are of such
importance that it is well worthy of re
production: Benton County, with its county seat,
Corvallis, is expected, within the next
few years, to take rapid strides in its
general development and industrial
growth. . The large holdings of the old
settlers, scattered throughout the low
hills of the county, are being split up
and converted into smaller farms. Con
seauentlv. better use will be made of
the,' fertile soil and the land which has
been .lying for years among the foot
hills, in tracts of from 500 to 2000. acres,
supporting one family with a few sheep
and horses, will be made to produce the
apples, wheat and walnuts for which it
is adapted. -
It has been demonstrated by experi
ment that apples raised in the low hills
of Benton county are, in size, shape
and color, fully the equal of those raised
in the Hood River or Rogue River val
leys, and they can be raised on land
which costs only from $30 to $100 an
acre, "-; f '' . -
W. S.. Brown has just purchased 270
acres for apple-raising, purposes,' and
has formed the Sorvallis Orchard Com-.
pany.;.;'iMri Brown investigated thor-;
tahly every important" -apple-growing
section in Oregon and Washington and
finally located near Corvallis, because
the climatic and soil conditions were
just as favorable and the land was
Another company, the Oregon Apple
Company, has obtained 1000 acres,
which will be planted to apples within
two years. By the end of this year
there will be growing in Benton county
about 800 acres of the commercial varie
ties of apples. The men investing in
orchard lands are competent fruit men.
One of them is President Kerr, of the
Oregon Agricultural College.
' In addition to the apples, there are
Benton county 100
pears, 100 acres of
Frank Scott, the mail carrier, is mov
ing to his new home on Fourth street.
prunes and 160 acres of peaches. All,
except the peaches, are on the upland.
The possibilities for fruitraising in
this county are practically unlimited,
there being thousands of acres of clear
land which can be had cheaply and
which is especially adapted for fruit
raising. Benton county has an advant
age in horticultural pursuits on account
of its close proximity to the Agricul
tural College, where scientific experi
ments are being carried on all the time,
and where are located some of the best
authorities on horticulture and pests in
the country.
The extension of the Oregon Electric
to Corvallis will be of untold advantage
to the people of Benton county. It will
afford a quicker means of travel down
the Valley, will stimulate the value of
property, and will be the means of in
creasing business and population many
times over.
The Oregon' Agricultural College,
with its 1200 students and its fine out
lay of buildings, is the life of Corvallis
and in its practical way of disseminat
ing scientific knowledge, it exerts in
Benton county an influence- that is tre
mendous in building up correct methods
of general farming and fruitraising.
Diversified farming and dairying are
found to be particularly profitable lines .,
of industry in this section of the valley.
The lowlands are especially adapted for '
the growth of hay, grain, pofetoesJsfn
all kinds of . vegetables. Potato "land-
produces' from 150 to 500 bushels . an . ...
eLUIC, aim 11VCI wvlilAJiu ianu la oaiu w f.
produce $1000 an acre from diversified
crops. Dairying as an income-producer
in Benton county, can hardly be beaten.
Corvallis boasts of a creamery which
turns out four tons of butter a day,
Which is said to be more than the daily
product of any other creamery in Ore
gon. The local creamery pays $175,000
yearly for milk.
Benton county has millions of feet of
standing timber, which averages 50,000
feet an acre. In Corvallis there are
two sawmills with a capacity of 100,000
feet daily. One of these mills was re
cently purchased by G. O. Bassett,
formerly superintendent for the Booth
Kelly Company at Eugene. He will .
bring logs over the Corvallis & Alsea
Railroad a distance of 20 miles. - Mr.
Bassett is also constructing now an
(Continued on page two)
Forty-five years of square dealing in the city of " Corvallis finds this . establish
ment not only Corvallis' LARGEST, but Benton County's GREATEST Store, occupy
ing 19,000 sq. ft. of floor space. The oldest established business under one contin
ual management in the Willamette Valley.
; TO BE WORTHY OF YOUR PATRONAGE Is this store's aim, and that means mnch. , We have set
our minds upon making this the biggest May's business in the history of the store and to do this
we have deemed it expedient to offer special price inducements in every department. Thous
ands of bargains throughout the store for the month of May.
The entire stock of high grade clothing carried by us to be sold during this sale at remark
able low prices. Think of it! The finest, most complete line cf clothing in all Corvallis, includ
ing all the new spring and summer' styles in Society Brand, Michaels-Stern and Senior College
Clothes. Take advantage of these low prices:
Regular ?12.50 Men's Suits,' now $ 9.95
' 15.00 " . ' H.90
18.00 " " " 14.25
" 20.00 " " " 15.85
Regular $22.50 Men's Suits, now $18.50.
" 25.00 " " 19.75
Half Price for any odd suit or coats and vests in the store
' : Agents -
FREE-"-A pattern with sub
scription to Designer and
Fashion B i k.
Post Cards
Entire Line 1 C
Local Views, Qregon Scenes
, 50.Q00 to choose from.