Corvallis daily gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon) 1909-1909, May 10, 1909, Image 3

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"Daily Gazette 50 cents per month.
Mr. and Mrs. Shower, of Blodgett,
were trading in Corvallis Saturday.
Call up the Palace of Sweets for your
ice cream and sherbets, r ree delivery.
Cash paid for wool by Wm. Crees.
220 Third street. Independent phone
234. 5-7-3tw
Al. Kemp is making extensive repairs
on his residence, corner of Second and
Tyler streets.
Mrs. Rice started east this morning
on an extended visit to relatives and
friends in Iowa.
Virgil E. Waiters is making repairs
in his residence property corner Fifth
and Tyler streets.
George Shelton, of Blodgett, was in
attendance at the big booster meeting
at the court house Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tedrow, who are
"visiting with friends in Portland and
Albany are expected home Friday.
General repair shop. All work first
class, promptly done. Back of Beal
Bros., blacksmith shop, Wood Bros.
Attorney William E. Yates, of Van
couver, spent Sunday in Corvallis vis
iting his parents and brother, J. Fred
WANTED Two or tiiree intelligent
-girls at the Gazette office to learn to
set type. Good wages paid after learn-
ing. Call at once for particulars.
Go to Dr. Howard for the best and
most artistic dental work. Twenty-two
karat gold crowns reinforced with 18
"karat goldsolder made and put oh in
one hour. 8tf
Dr. George Cathey left this morning
for Portland to begin practice in St.
"Vipcent's hospital, he having received
his degree at the Portland Medical Col
lege lagt week.
J. A. Dawson is in Portland looking
-after business matters and reading the
new signs. J. A. is a hustler and he
tries to keep in touch with all the latest
fads and fancies.
A. R. and B. L. Hathaway have pur
chased the grocery store of F. E. Miller
and are now in possession. Mr. Miller
-will now devote his time and attention
to the carpenter trade.
This is the date fixed by the Corvallis
& Alsea River Railway for starting its
daily train service on the new line. A
train will leave here souih-bound every
morning and return the same evening.
.Too TJMOTavla nf "Rn-fnnnfr.siin trinlr
look at the big crowd of people at the
court house Saturday and sweetly Bmil
d at the good work being done by
' Booster Waggoner and his able assistants.
L. L. Edwards, of Bellfountain," was
in attendance at the horticultural meet
ing Saturday. Mr. Edwards takes a
deep interest in everything having a
tendency to build up the community in
which he lives.
An interesting meeting of Barnum
Lodge No. 7, I. 0. 0. F. will be held on
Tuesday evening, May 11. There will
be work in the Third degree and mem
bers are urged to be present. Visitors
accorded a hearty welcome.
Dr. Howard don't keep you in the
anxious chair and make you lose your
valuable time and punish you a half
day for 15 minutes work. A mechanic
can always do a piece of work first
class in a reasonable time. 8tf
Alex. Campbell is making extensive
improvements in and about his premises
on the corner of Eighth and Adams
streets. The corner building is being
thoroughly remodeled, a kitchen added,
and when completed it will make a very
neat residence.
The young people of the Congrega
tional church enjoyed a most pleasant
outing Saturday evening, the crowd go--ing
to the picnic grounds across the
Willamette river where a huge bonfire
was built, games played and a delicious
luncheon served at 10:30 p'clock.
Jack Milne met with a warm recep
tion at Gates Friday. On his arrival by
stage he stepped out on the platform at
the hotel little dreaming he was to be
' the central figure between two men
-quarreling over a soiled dove. When
the firing commenced Jack stepped
around at a 2-40 gate as the men used
the space between his legs for port
Wholes. Never before had he taken such
a. deep interest in a personal encounter
;and his wife has been busy ever since
.looking after gray hairs in his head.
A. T. Grugett, who has just finished
a successful school term out on Beaver
Creek has returned to Corvallis and will
be employed in the First National Bank.
For Sale Thirty head of goats at a
bargain; mostly nannies. J. B. Ar
rants, R. F. D. 2.' Indepndent phone.
Corvallis, Oregon. 5-10-2t
Walter H. A. Williams, of Oklahoma,
who has been visiting his' sister, Mrs.
J. H. Penn, at 626 11th street, Corvallis,
for the last three weeks, left yester
day for Roseburg to visit his sister and
niece, Mrs. Charlott A. Selden and Mrs.
Samuel C. Flint. Mr. Williams was
out here four years ago, but he came this
time to look for a home. He will re
turn by way of Salem to visit another
sister, Mrs.jW. A. Cusick.
Public Meeting
of City Voters
-Every voter-in the, city of Corvallis
should turn out - Wednesday evening,
May 12, to the public meeting which
will be held at 7:30 p. m. at the court
house to consider the most available
names to go on the municipal ticket at
the city election on Monday May 17. :;'
There is not a property owner in Cor
vallis who should not be personally in
terested in this meeting and its outcome.
The coming election will' place in office
a mayor,' Wo members of the water
commission, police judge, chief of po
lice, treasurer and four councilmen and
. P
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jijjliijjiiiiiiiiimiiii mi niiiriinimi'Mrrf f- "nwrrriw
Outline of Men Who Will Take Part in
Coming Events.
at Corvallis Opera House all This Week.
Notice to Subscribers to the
Advertising Fund
the very best men in the city should be
named for these important positions.
, With an era . of municipal, progress
in prospect, Corvallis demands and must
have capable administrators of civic af
fairs and this meeting Wednesday night
is. for the purpose of finding out what
opinions the people have on the subject.
To-Night' s Special Attraction
The amusement loving public have a
treat in store in the appearance of
Miss Josephine Deffry and her capable
company at the opera house this Mon
day night, May 10. This company has
received most flattering comments
through the state and is the best popu
lar priced company on the road. The
costumes of the company are a feature
by themselves and far surpass those
worn by most of the high priced at
tractions. 1 his company will appear
in Corvallis three nights, on each
of which they will present a dif
ferent play. The opening bill will be
the beautiful . comedy, "For-Get-Me-
Treasurer. G. A. Waggoner has ; Not," a highclass play-not lacking in
Knon oloMo vo a PTPpntivp numerous comedy situations. The local
Am'mitt00 c, Vdvrt.isinir Mnnn. ! management "antees this attrac-
j -iu i . i tion to be thoroughly !firstclass and the
6 . n iii best popular show seen here m a very
make all collections on monthly , long time Special summer . pric8
subscriptions, beginning on May : 10.2o-30, only 30 cents for the best seat
1st, all su ascriptions are payaDie , jn the house. Reserved seats at Gra
in advance. We trust all will ; ham & Wortham's.
be prompt with their monthly
You are each and all hereby
notified of the organization of an
executive committee to have
charge of the advertising of our
City and County and the hand
ling of the funds v subscribed
monthly for such nurpose,
through the election of the fol
lowing nine men to-wit: M. S.
Woodcock, B. W. Johnson, J. M.
Nolan, Virgil E. "Watters, John
F. Allen, N. it. Moore, G. A.
Robinson, F. L. Miller and A. J.
Johnson, the former having
been elected as Chairman and
the latter as Secretary and
The Oregon Agricultural College has
shown its class in the wrestling game
by winning over Washington and Wash
ington State, thereby establishing her
claim to Northwest honors. Wrestling
has been stimulated in the Northwest
during- the past year and there will be
some, interesting amateur contests be
tween the colleges next winter. Bas
ketball, wrestling, boxing and other
indoor sports are of great value to young
men who do not care for outdoor ath
letics, as well as to football and base
ball men who desire to keep in training
during the winter months.
- Washington State has a strong, well
balanced team. Cooil and Nelson are
the stars, but there are good men in
every event and those who follow the
fortunes of Northwest track athletics
are proclaiming the Pullmanites as win
ners of the Conference meet, but they
will have to fight hard for; it. Corvallis
has arranged a dual meet with Wash
ington State in Pullman on May 11, and
there is every hope here that the
Orange team will win. Wolfe, of OAC,
will outclass Holm, the Pullman weight
thrower, and Hall should best him in
the hammer throw. Chapman, of OAC,
bids fair to win the high jump, although
Putman, Pullman's jumper, cleared 5
feet 9 inches in the meet with Idaho.
On Saturday next the Eugene lads
will begin a series of games with OAC
that will no doubt determine the state
hampionship. The Corvallis ball toss-
ers won this honor last year by winning
four straight games from Oregon, but
the teams will be evenly matched this
season and there will be some good
sport when they come together.
"Father Tom" Kelly ha developed, a
good team at Eugene and Corvallis has
boasted of a strong team for two sea
sons. ' It is pleasing to note the im
provement in the quality of college
baseball here in the Northwest, al-
tnougn the sport is not supported as
heartily as it should be.
All Benton County
Farmers Rejoice
Copious rains have been falling over
this section of country since Saturday
night and every farmer in Benton coun
ty is now rejoicing in consequence, t. is
being the first real rain the Central
Willamette Valley has received since
the first day of April. It was gladly
welcomed by farmers in this part of
the state. Though not enough has yet
fallen to relieve the pressing need for
moisture oh the Valley f armsf the rain
means, hundreds of dollars to Benton
County farmers. 4
It was jthe first sign of rain in the
center of the Valley since April 27,
when there was a very light shower.
The last day on which any noticeable
amount of rain fell here, prior to Sat
urday, night, was April 1. " During last
month only .56 of an inch fell here, it
being the dryest April on record.
payments and thus greatly aid
the Committee in their work.
By order of the Committee,
A. J. Johnson,
4-27-4t Secretary.
Trunks and suit cases at O. J.
Blackledge's. 4-2-tf
For Sale or Trade A good
Studebaker cart and single har
ness. Apply 360 Jackson street.
Edison records for May now on
sale at Graham & Wells. 4 27 4t
Columbia Broke Even
. The Columbia University nine broke
even with the OAC team on the ath
letic field by winning Saturday's game
9 to 6, the game on Friday having been
captured by the Orange boys 9 to 4.
The features of the game was the heavy
stick work of Dooly, Columbia's first
baseman, who landed two home runs
over left field fence in the sixth and
seventh innings, bringing in another
man each time. Ennis, the Columbia
catcher, also knocked a homer over the
left fence. The score
R.H.E. R.H.E.
OAC .6 8 5 Columbia...9 10
i Batteries OAC, Kean and Moore
Eaaics' UJatcbcs fiecfl
Constant Repairing
Their method of carrying them is
responsible for the fact. Pinned to
the waist or hanging on a chain the
' delicate mechanism is easily disar
ranged. We pay special attention
to ladies' watches, and when re
paired by us you will find that they
keep in order longer.
qmuau.M-'mmra Columbia, Kirk and Ennis:'
OAC's next game will be played with
the U. of O. at Eugene next Friday.
E W. S: PRATT, Jeweler and Optician
The JJosephine Deffry Company ap
peared in Albany all last week, where
, they played to packed houses receiv
ing - much praise : for their '; work,
: They open their Corvallis engagement
this Monday night, presenting - the
comedy drama,' "For-Get-Me-Fot.'
The management agrees to please you
or your money back. . Special summer
prices 10-20-30, only 30 cents for the
best seat in the house.
rtnwniTHinifiirn i mn w wwii twiCMimiauMMM
All Kinds, In
Notice of Election
1 Corvallis, Oregon, May 3, 1909.
Notice Is Herebv civen that the annual
Election fcr the City of Corvallis, Ore
gon will be held on Monday, May 17,
1909, beginning at 9 o'clock A. M. and
continuing until 6 & clock P. M. of the
said day at the City Hall of said City
tor the purpose of electing, A Mayor to
serve for the period of two years; Two
members of the Water Committee to
serve for the period of five years: a
Police Judge, Chief of Police, City Trea
surer, each to serve for the period of one
year; first ward one councilman to serve
for the period of three years; second
ward two councilmen to serve tor the
period of three years and one year re
spectively; third ward one councilman
to serve for the Denod of three years.
: The Common Council of the City of
Corvallis has appointed W. H. faavage,
of the first ward; S. L. Henderson of
the second ward: and Geo. A. Robinson
of the third ward to act as Judges of
said election and A. L. Stevenson and
Harper Mecklin to act as Clerks of said
election. .
Dated this 3rd day of May, 1909
Geo. W. Denman,
Police Judge
First Publication, May 4, 1909. ,
Last Publication, May 15, 1909.
Conceit cf a Child.
The Ions suherii;!' parent was
about to--, tell his four-year-old
daughter a ?tory to. bribe her to go
to bed, She hada t been on any
too good behavior that day, and he
thought the story" might do-better
than tomiake a scene.
"Well, once there was a good
little girl," he began,' "a very good
little girl. Oh, she was an extreme
ly good little girl. One day"
' "Aw," rat in the child, "don't
just tell a story about me. Tell
about some other little girl."
Cleveland Plaui Dealer.
Daily Gazette 50 cents a month..
- Starvation. .
. After about the fifth or sixth day
of starvation the pain oi hunger
ceases to be felt, and the sharp
edge of craving becomes dulled. In
the ultimate stages of starvation
the feelings become so benumbed
that the senses, as messengers of
intelligence, cease to act. There is
practically no pain, and the mind
lapses into a state of incoherence
and sleepless delirium.
The Benton County
eal Estate Jkeent
Corvallis, Oregon
IT If you have anything to buy, sell or exchange, see us. No padded
prices. As to our responsibility, and methods of doing business, we refer
vou to the business men of Corvallis. T Some splendid bargains send for
This includes all the beautiful patterns in crown effects,
cut-outs, ingrains, etc. If you contemplate using paper in
your house this Spring, come to our store, see bur goods
and we will show you how many dollars we can save YOU
Second Street, Near Palace Theater,
Occidental Lumber Co.
Successors to
..- Corvallis Lumber1 Co.
We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please
call on J. B IRVING for information and prices. And take
notice that if wf have not got exactly what you want we will
get it for you, '
G. O. BASSET T, Local Mar.
Phone Your Orders To No. 7,
Where They WiU be Promptly Filled.
Fine Line of Crockery, Glassware, Cut
Glass, Haviland and Chinaware,
Benton County Lumber Co.
Manufacturers of all kinds of
fir Lumber, Mouldings Cedar Posts,
Sawed and Split. Cedar Shakes
Dealers in
Doors, Windows, Lime, BrtCK Cement
Shingles, etc
Successors to
Second Street, Corvallis, Oregon
. : , , Dealers In
Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Cream' Sepa
: rators, Graniteware, Tinware and Builders'
Sole Agents for
Congo Roofing and Quick Meal Range