BE READY TO PAY T'P EoticB to Subscribers to the rdverstisiii2 Fund You are each and all hereby notified of the organization of an executive committee to have charge of the advertising of our City and County and the hand ling of the funds subscribed monthly for such purpose, through the election of the fol lowing nine men to-wit: M. S. Woodcock, B. W. Johnson, J. M. Nolan, Virgil E. Watters, John F. Allen, N. It. Moore, G. A. Robinson, F. L. Miller and A. J. Johnson, the former having been elected as Chairman and the latter as Secretary and Treasurer. G. A. Waggoner has been elected by this executive committee as Advertising Mana ger and with instructions to make al' collections on monthly subscriptions, beginning on May 1st, all subscriptions are payable in advance. We trust all will be prompt with their monthly payments and thus greatly aid the Committee in their work. By order of the Committee, A. J. Johnson, 4-27-4t Secretary. ; Circus of Greater Kind Coming Yes, kido, the best circus of the year will show in Corvallis, Friday, May 21. It will be the big Sells-Floto Circus. The press agent calls it an "all fea ture" show. There will be lots of ani? mala, trained and otherwise, and about 900 people, ranging from roustabouts to performers and high- salaried animal trainers. ' If you want to see the circus unload it will be "early to rise" for you. The special will arrive early in the morning show day and the street parade will be gin at 10 o'clock and traverse the usual route. The World Famous Armour $25,000 Dapple Gray Horses are a great fea ture with the Sells-Floto Show this year. - For Sale or Trade A good Studebaker cart and single har ness. Apply 3bU jacKson screec. 4-9-tf Will Consider Candidates Business Locals. Trunks and suit cases at O. J. Blackledge's. 4-2-tf Demand Ice Cream made by the Palace of Sweets. It's pure. 3 9 tf. Dr. Mentor Howard, the dent ist, Room 8 First National Bank building, announces that from now until he is ready to quit he will give 25 per cent off on all crown and bridge work. 22-carel crowns $3.50; bridge teeth $3.50, All work guaranteed. 4-6 tf For . Sale I am going to Eastern Oregon for more horses about May 15, and will sell, be fore I go, my black, three-year-old single driving horse, and a four-year-old cow, giving thirty pounds of milk per day, test 5. Orren Thompson, Corvallis, Ore gon, R. F. D. 2. 4-30-2t There will be a public meeting of the voters of Corvallis ' held next Wednes day evening, May 12, to consider the selection of men for the" various city offices at the election to be held Mon day, May 17. It is hoped that every. body will turn out,, as in this way the most available candidates can be con sidered and a complete expression of public opinion secured. Corvallis has no lack of efficient men for the municipal offices to be filled this year, the only trouble seeming to be in getting their consent to go on the ticket. Edison records for May now on sale at Graham & Wells. 4 27 4t Two Kinds of Dustsra. The automobile halted before the genera! store of-the village. The own er-chauffeur alighted and accosted a drowsy clerk. "I want a linen duster, he said. . . "I am very sorry," said the clerk, "but we are just out of linen dusters. I can let you have a nice feather dust er." ' Rich Chicagoan Took Time by Forelock by Buying Art Store's Entire Stock. Acting under a sudden impulse to prepare tor next cunstniiis. ti. l.. Cramer, a rich Ohicasoau, bought at auction the other afternoon the entire - stock of a big board walk art store in Atlantic City. N. J. While a hundred asping patrons, who had hoped to buy a picture or cup and saucer, look ed on amazed the Chicagoan coolly proposed to buy the entire place and as coolly bid in tue stock or "old masters," decorative electroliers and other' wares for something more than $15,000. Cramer drew attention to himself In the last few days by clearing thou sands of dollars in trades made In board walk brokers' offices. Seeking a. less exhilarating pastime, he entered the art stove, saw several pictures- he liked, then, weary of buying them one by one, said: "Say, what do you say to putting up the whole place and giving a fellow a chance to get through?" "The entire stock is for sale, and we would just as lief sell it in a lump," replied the proprietor: ' That's me." returned Cramer. A customer has asked that this en tire place be put up .at auction," an nounced the proprietor to a hundred or more strollers who had come in to make- small purchases. Nobody object ed, and the sale was started at 82,500, bid by Cramer. . Several wealthy spec tators decided to take a hand, and the bids mounted by thousands until it reached the final figure. Cramer gave his check for the amount before the. crowd had filed out and at once gave orders that the purchase be packed and shipped to his country home in Indiana. ' I have always desired to be pre pared for Christmas," Cramer said. "This time I bet I'll have enough to go around without worrying next December." Experts who have knowledge of the stock say the purchaser has a big bar gain. The stock includes pictures bought in Europe. Expensive. "I should never have thought that studying would have cost so much money." "Yes. father, and if you ofaly knew how little I have studied!" Judge. 3 mm pf finery and Furnishings ESS SSS2 Sm n TP jpy r Uui bum wit tfiiiTit n Baasttflaufg Special Sale on All Trimmed Hats ' ALL PRICES REDUCED ? Large assortment to choose from. Make' your selection early nderson READY FOR CHRISTMAS. Sow is the Tim To s&ejssst ths very HEART IN CANAL WORK. Injured- Foreman of Dredging Wanted to Know Excavation Records. Here is a little human Interest story which comes from the Panama canal zone: '- Laurent Roquebert, general foreman of the dredging at La Boca, has been a dredgeman at the Pacific entrance to the canal for twenty years or more In fact, . since the time of the old French company. While at his work on the evening of March 29 he was crushed between two clapets and has been lying critically ill at Apcon hospi tal. Two days after the accident the resident engineer at La Boca went to see him and was greeted with the question: 1 ' ; " - ' "How many yards?" ' Requebert re ferred to the amount of dredgjng that' had been done in March, and when told that all records had been broken he asked: ' "And the Gopher what did she do?" The Gopher, like the dredgemaster, is a heritage from the French. It is a seagoing Scotch ladder dredge that' has been at work at La Boca almost con stantly for twenty-five years. Roque bert was at one titne the master on this dredge, and his confidence that it was the best worker in canal excava tion was unshaken until October, 1908, when dredge No. 1 of the Colon first took the record. In answer to the question, "And the Gopher what did she do?" he was told, "She', holds the record by ver 3,000 yards." . . The dredge master closed his eyes, sighed in satisfaction and said, "i am so happy!" SMOKE A BLESSING. E3i , Paints and Varnishes are the Best. Sold by ' Bnham & ' Wells Coal Operator Declares Carbon In It Is a Boon to Health. Smoke is a blessing to the world and a boon to health, according to a recent statement by W. P. Rend, coal mag nate, in reply to an address by Secre tary E. R Pritchard of the Chicago board of health declaring it a nuisance. "This talk about smoke being a curse is all nonsense," llr. Reiki declared. "Take the coal operator, who is at all times breathing not only smoke, but coal d'u:;t in addition. His lungs are blackwith both, and yet he is one of the healthiest men in the World. In all my experience among coal oper ators I know of only one who died of tuberculosis. "The carbon in the smoke is a boon to health. As the smoke ascends the carbon contained in it kills germs of every kind of disease and purifies the air,' and it is this that this new clags or "reformers' would do away with." A Fair Offer. Ten million dollars isn't much To Dav to to TWnro The price, I think, is anything" but steep. -nu ii percnance we get in touch With all the other stars It really is most singularly cheap. Have we no multimillionaire Who'll step into the van So we may talk to neighbors In the akyT j. m wming to put up my share And do the best I can The necessary millions to supply. I've often noted that John D. And orders nf Tii tritio Who want the dollars which they give to count Are always ready to agree .' With pleasure to subscribe If others will but give a like amount. So without any bickering I'll do as does John D. : I'll put five million dollars in the game Provided' Mr, Pickering Will tn mo In Ladles' Reatiy-fiada Wash Suits Just received at our store ; also have in this week Big Line Ladies' Oxfords and Slippers The very thing for EARLY SUMMER WEAR LADIES'lATEST NOVELTIES IN UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS and all kinds of . - ' new goods coming every week S3 B Fop. Uffen a a Our new suits for prices asked, defy competition and can give you the Highest Tailored Goods .. COME IN AND SEE . . J. H. H A R R I S iMiiwujiuaniB PLA N YOUR VACATION NOW at our expense A CHOICE OF FOUR I LJ m Ih IS OFFERED YOU E DURING ALASKA YUKON EXPOSITION YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK YOSEMITE VALLEY - ' LAKE TAHOE - ALL YOUR EXPENSES PAID IF YOU HAVE FRIENDS IN THE EAST WHO WANT TO VISIT THE PACIFIC COAST WE CAN ARRANGE IT This is your Op portunity I Forccmplete SBSnf TVWpS fISiBh "oom 16, Flood Bld'g information address W U i I & IS i S d U 1 J?fiUU San Francisco THE DAILY GAZETTE That the peopltf up in Mars will give th V ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME -lJ. ' , New Tork World.