C ' TALK OF THE TOWN . I Miss Jennie Babb is quite ill at the! i ' ., .,.. ' Daily "Gazette 50 cents per month. Call up the Palace of Sweets for your ice cream and sherbets. Free delivery. : 5-6-tf Cash paid for wool by Wm. Crees. "220 Third street. Independent phone 234- 6-7-Stw Miss Eva Wyatt, of Philomath,' was looking af ter business in the city Fri day. .Charles Baker and R. W. Skallerud are out in the Big Elk country on a fishing trip. J. H. Harris and Vance Taylor left today for the Alsea Valley country on fishing trip. Marion Wood and wife, both former OAC students, came over Friday to see the drill at OAC. Mrs. G. Lester Paul, of Portland, is visiting her sister, Mrs. George Kerr, and other relatives in this city. Miss Jennie Babb is quite ill at the family home on North Fourth street. . Mrs. R. W. Skallerud entertained the Ladies' Sewing Society yesterday after noon, y H. Brinkley, of Airlie, Polk county, was looking after business in Corvallis today Miss Frances. Gellatly, one of the popular lady clerks at F.'L. Miller's store, is quite ill. Robert Burger is having a cement walk laid aroaid his new property on Jefferson and Ninth streets. Mrs. Minnie Leev moved to her new home in Hershner's addition today and wH soon be at home to her friends. Found A nice gold watch charm. Owner can have same by calling at the Gazette office and paying for this ad. 5-8-2t Judge McFadden and Commissioner Smith spent some time this week in the Fairmount section looking after county business. - .. sfeggr : . Mrs. T,. V) P.nsfool nf Vonnma o Miss TTnol TTarrlir r.f TW-1J 1 . . . ... ' ' x ..u, uuiib nved m Corvallis yesterday on a visit m on the tram last evening and will be to her daughter, Miss Edith, a student uvei- ounuay oi ner niece, i at OAC the guest Miss Margaret Nicholai, of OAC General repair shop. All work first class, promptly done. Back of Beal Bros., blacksmith shop, Wood Bros. 5-7-tf Mrs. Fred Buchanan, of southern Benton, is combining business and pleasure by trading during the morning hours and visiting with friends. New and second-hand furniture, Sam uel Goodman, Proprietor. Everything needed for the household. " Call and ve us a trial. 424 South Second St. 5-5-4t. Tho meeting of fhe fruit growers and farmers at the court house today is be largely attended and all the work that is done will be reported in Monday's Gazette. The auto speed limit seems to have been forgotten by some of the citizens and it might be well for the officers to look after the matter before some seri ous accident occurs. J. B. Marvin has accepted a position with the Spaulding Lumber Company as foreman in the timber on the Sam Moore claim north of town and will move the family at once. Mr. Searle and son are touring the valley with a party of traveling men in his fine auto. They stopped over at Corvallis Friday to view the grand re view and competitive drill at OAC. For the first time this year the ball team of Columbia University met defeat-yesterday, the OAC boys captur ing, the game by a score of 9 to 4. Today's game was called at 2 o'clock and there is a big crowd in attendance. 1 The Josephine Deffry Company-is ap pearing in Albany all this week, where they are playing to packed houses and receiving much praise for their work. They open their Corvallis engagement next Monday night, presenting the comedy drama, "For-Get-Me-Fot. " The management agrees to please you or your money back. Special summer prices 10-20-30, only 30 cents for the best seat in the house. There was a small blaze at the Cor vallis Creamery early last evening, sparks from the stack falling on the roof and catching fire. The depart ment made a quick run after the alarm was turned in but the employes at the creamery had put out the flames be fore the big hose was turned on. The fire boys were generously supplied with ice cream by Manager Kaupisch in ap preciation of their prompt response to the call. The amusement loving public have a treat in store in the appearance of ' Miss Josephine Deffry and her capable company at the opera house next Mon day night, May 10. This company has received most, flattering comments through the state and is the best popu lar priced company on the road. The costumes of the company are a feature by themselves and far surpass those worn by most of the high priced at tractions. .This company will appear in Corvallis three nights, on each of which thejr will present a dif ferent play. The opening bill will be the beautiful comedy, "For-Get-Me-Not," a highclass play not lacking in numerous comedy situations. ' The local management guarantees this attrac tion to be thoroughly firstclass and the best popular show seen here in a very long time. Special summer prices 10-20-30, only 30 cents for the best seat in the house. Reserved seats at Gra ham & Wortha'm's. A Mr. Hodges, of Medford, has pur chased the 190-acre farm of Henry Bid ders, near Wells, paying $52.50 per acre for the property. Mrs. E. F. Pernot entertained at luncheon yesterday . a party of ladies who had been out to ees th regimental drill and inspection. Max Miller and Victor Spencer went to Portland today. Thev will hear Mischa Ellman, the great violinist, on Monday night, May 10. Mrs. A. F. Miller is moving to the Alsea ranch to spend the summer. The husband has been over there some time looking after the spring planting. WANTED Two or three intelligent girls at the Gazette office to learn to set type. Good wages paid after learn ing. Call at once for particulars. The. medals for the Inter-Scholastic and Track Meet, which is held here on Athletic Field, have been selected by Director Angell and will soon arrive from San- Francisco. E. N. Bourne has gone to Vancouver where he will engage in the real estate business. He" came here recently from" the Isle of Pines, but could not .find a satisfactory business opening. The Sunday evening service at the Presbyterian church will be a Mothers' meeting, Rev. Bell preaching a sermon prepared for the occasion. Excellent music will be furnished and the public well entertained. ORIENTAL PALACE AND MANUFACTURERS BUILDING. The Palace of Oriental Exhibits and Manufacturers Building have a frontage on Cascade Court and Geyser Basin and look across at Foreign Exhibits and Agricultural Palaces; Yukon Avenue separates these mag nificent display buildings, and in the back ground th"e state buildings of Oregon and California are located, i Construction work on these buildings was completed last year and exhibits are being received and placed in position. The Oriental Palace will house the most valuable collection of Far Eastern art that has ever been sent from the Orient, and will present displays from Japan, China, India, Ceylon, Straits Settlements, French Indo China, Borneo, Java and all the eastern countries of Asia. y The Manufacturers building encloses a vast amount of exhibit space and every foot of this has been engaged for display purposes by domestic and foreign manufacturers. The interest manifested in this department of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition is world-wide and competitive dis plays will be general and comprehensive. Exhibits are being daily re ceived and the heavy work of installation is rapidly being accomplished. I THE rKISS. I By LOUISE Copyright. 1909. B. Roseburg Bank Buys City Bonds At an adjourned meeting of the Rose burg City Council Thursday night Rose burg's $35,000 worth' of street paving and bridge bonds, which were rejected last Monday by A. B. Leach & Co., of Chicago, were sold to the Douglas County Bank of that city at par. This action will be followed next Monday by the execution of a contract between the city and the Warren. Construction Com pany, of Portland, f orte laying of 19 blocks of bitulithic pavement in Rose burg this year, at a cost of nearly $63, 000. Concurrently with the paving, a concrete bridge, costing about . $7000, 'will be built across -Deer Creek, which runs through the northern part of the city. Notice of Election Corvallis, Oregon, May 3, 1909. , Notice Is Hereby given that the annual . Election for the City of Corvallis, Ore gon will be held on Monday, May 17, 1909, beginning at 9 o'clock A. M. and continuing until 6 o clock P. M. of the said day at the City Hall of said City for the purpose of electing, A Mayor to serve for the period of two years; Two members of the Water Committee to serve for the period of five years; a Police Judge, Chief of Police, City Trea surer, each to serve for the period of one year; first ward one councilman to serve for the period of three years; second ward two councilmen to serve for the period of three years and one year re spectively; third ward one councilman to serve for the period of three years. The Common Council of the City of Corvallis has appointed W. H. Savage, of the first , ward; S. L. Henderson of the second ward; and Geo. A. Robinson of the third ward to act as Judges of said election and A. L. Stevenson ' and Harper Mecklin to act as Clerks of said election. Dated this 3rd day of May, 1909 Geo. W. Denman, Police Judge First Publication May 4, 1909. Last Publication, May 15, 1909. CUM MINGS. by A merican Press Asso ciation. They met on the transcontinental train going west.,' He "started from New York, and she got on at Omaha She was a dashing girl. He was a bit of a swell in fancy waistcoat and light gaiters over his shoes. She sat near him in the parlor car, and when the conductor took her ticket auu iet ic aown iiKe tne steps or a coach of 179G he saw that she was booked for San Francisco. He was going to San Francisco himself. He wished he had, some one to in troduce him, but 'he hadn't. In a little while, though,. something funny oc curred, and she smiled, happening to catch his eye at the same time. He hadn't been used to having eastern la dies smile at him on a train. He wouldn't make this one out. : fy When they reached the mountains and the scenery became grand the girl had become so interested in the man that she did nothing but prattle to him, leaving the canyons to waste their gor geous beauty on some one else. She treated him with as much unreserve and unconventionality as if she had been- brought up with him. He could only understand It on the assumption that there was something just a little bit queer about her. However, something,- he knew not what, kept him from acting on the assumption till they were nearing San Francisco. Then when they were alone on the car platform she put her red lips so near to his thilt there was nothing left for mm but to take a kiss. Instead of blushing or drawfng back, she burst into a merry laugh. Then he was more mystified than ever. v He asked to see her to a cab when they should reach the station, but she told him that she expected friends to meet her very straitlaced friends who would not like to see her in com pany with a man, so he must go away by himself. He asked if he miht call on her, and she said he might. She would see that he got her address. When he saw his friend Wolf ord he ; luw vyeie crossing me aiimH plains, , recounted Ms adventure. Wolford told and there was nothing attractive, to him he could not tell anything about look at. ; Even the" river Platte, devoid the western girls, they were so dif of a fringe of bushes on its banks, f erent from eastern girls so unconven- was Dereit of beauty. .He couldn't tional. At that Scarborough stand it any longer. He took his news- hort of telling about the stopped paper and novels,' dumped them on the seat Deside her, lifted his hat, threw open his-coat the better to show the pattern of his waistcoat and said: "I shall be pleased if you can .find anything among those 'to help you while away the time in this desolate region." "Oh, I don't wish to read!" she said. "I've had enough of books lately. I'd much rather talk." She took up the papers and put them on the opposite seat. He sat down beside her. He was quite astonished at the ease with which the acquaintance had been made. Since he had never thus made a lady's acquaintance before it was natural that he should be a little surprised. kiss. When Wolford took his best man to meet his fiancee who should she be but the girl on the train! ' "Charlie," she said, her eyes dancing with mischief, "how came you to hare such a friend? Do you know he scraped an acquaintance with me on the journey and he actually kissed me!" "Well. I'll be jinged!" said Charlie. "And I'll never trust any girl again," said the best man. Dflfcs' matches need Constant Repairing Their method of carrying them is responsible for the fact. Pinned to the waist or hanging on a chain the delicate mechanism is easily disar ranged. ; We, pay special attention to ladies' watches, and when re paired by us you will find that they keep in order longer. ' E W, S. PRAXTi Jeweler and Optician A Waiter's Dilemma. 1 It was in one of the large down town restaurants that the short lit tle woman and her tall husband went for dinner one night. . "Will you have oysters?" asked There was an added zest iu finding ' the man, glancing over the bill of her out plenty of diflietrlty in it. And fare. it was an adventure much to his lik- "Ypj " mrl tha dmi-t w,- SfLr1" suspected that an as sne tried vain to touch W might turn out to be an adven- x a t, . . r turess or a ladylike pickpocket. She' lues. T ' ' X was fairly well educated, made no slips j a haSSck: a - in grammar, used no slang, but he had! .'?nn nodded, and as he handed not beeu conversing with her an hour ! n3 01der to the waiter he said, before she treated him as if they had I "Yes, and bring a hassock for the been introduced, and at the end of j lady." twenty-four hours acquaintance like - "One hassock?" asked the waiter, an old friend.. - ! Witl, wh0( .Tii-r. v, ne was astomsbed at himself Ing, she . And or the confidence he comjmitted to her. He told her he had a chum liv ing in San Francisco who was abont to be married. He was going out there to be his friend's best man. She asked him a great many questions concerning the couple who were to par ticipate as principals whether there was a. romance in it, how old the groom was, the bride. Was he hand some? Was she pretty? Were they rich or poor? She prattled and rattled on till she had exhausted all he knew about the groom and had made up all he didn't know about the bride, which was considerable. . By this time she knew that his. own name was Scarbor-ough,-his friend's name; Wolford and the bride's Merriam." She was disap. pointed that he couldn't tell her the bride's first;, name,, thongh. -she was sure It was Rosalie. ' When he asked why she said it was because that was the name she should have. He told -her that Charlie Wolford after this she always spoke of him as Charlie- . was not a romantic chap,, so he In ferred that there wasn't much romance in the case. She said she didn't be lieve it that she had never known a Charlie that wasn't a good fellow and just . full of love and lovableness. What) .''bad Charlie told Mm 'about Rosalie's looks? He couldn't remem ber Charlie having- written him about that, but he was sure Charlie thought tierjirettj. . - ' - ordinary interest, as he nodded in the affirmative. Still the waiter did not go, but brushed 'the table cloth with a towel and rearranged the articles on it several times, while his face got very red. Then he came around to John's side and, speaking sotto voce, said : "Say, mis ter, I haven't been here long, and I'm not on to all these things. Will the lady have the hassock broiled or fried?" Chicago Chronicle. Had Experience. Not long ago there entered the office of the superintendent of a trolley line In Detroit an angry citizen demanding justice In no uncertain terms. ; In response to th6 official's gentle In quiry touching the cause of the demand the angry citizen explained that on the day" previous as his wife, was boarding one of the company's cars the conductor thereof had stepped on Ms spouse's dress, tearing from it more than a yard of material. . - - "I can't'see that we are to blame for that," protested the superintendent "What do yon expect us to do get her a new dress?" "No, sir, I do not." rejoined the angry citizen, brandishing a piece of cloth. "What 'Ir propose is that you people shall match this materlaLw Harper's. GARDEN SEEDS Ail Kinds, In PACKAGE OR BULK MODES GROCERY V. E. WAITERS The Benton County Heal Estate Agent Corvallis, Oregon . If If you have anything to buy, sell or exchange, see ns. No padded prices. If As to our responsibility, and methods of doing business we refer you to the business men of Corvallis. Some splendid bargains send for list. SIS NEW WALL PAPER STOCK JUST ARRIVED This includes all the beautiful patterns in crown effects, cut-outs, ingrains, etc. If you contemplate using paper in your house this Spring, come to our store, see our goods and we will show you how many dollars we can save YOU WALL PAPER AND PAINT STORE Second Street, Near Palace Theater Occidental Lumber Co. Successors to; Corvallis Lumber Co. We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please call on J. B IRVING for information and prices. And take notice that if we have not got exactly what you want we will get it for you. . . G. O. BASSET r, Local Mer. WHEN YOU WANT SOMETHING GOOD TO EAT Phone Your Orders To No. 7, THATCHER & JOHNSON'S GROCERY Where They Will be Promptly Filled. Fine Line of Crockery, Glassware, Cat Glass, Haviland and Chinaware, LAMPS ETC. Benton County Lumber Go, Manufacturers of all kinds of Fir Lumber, Moaidioos, Cedar Posts, Sawed mi Spiit. Gedar Shakes Dealers in Doors, Windows, Lfsns, Efre Dement Shingles, etc 6!! COOPER S NEWTON HARDWARE GO. I Successors to MELLON & PINKERTON Second Street, Corvallis, Oregon Dealers In Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Cream Sepa v rators, Graniteware, Tinware and Builders' ' Hardware. Sole Agents for Congo Roofing and Quick Meal Ranges