VOL. I. NO. 6 CORVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1S03 PRICE FIVE CENTS HIGHEST PRAISE FROM OFFICERS OAC CADET REGIMENT IS BEST IN ALL THE NORTHWEST . FifiEST DRILLED TROOPS HERE Regular Army Officers Commend the Entire Corp and Say the College Has a Regiment that Cannot Be Excelled by Any Other Body. OAC has just cause to be proud of its cadet corps, the review, inspection and competitive drills held yesterday having clearly demonstrated that the troops have no superior among all the cadet regiments in the entire north west. After the exercises had all been con cluded and it was known ' to whom the awards would be made the Gazette se cured a personal interview with the United States regular army officers and asked their opinion as to the merits of the corps. Everyone of them was unanimous in saying that in point of personal appearance, knowledge of tactics and perfection" in the manual of arms, the cadets of OAC ranked first in all the land. These officers were unstinted in their commendation, say ing that privates, non-coms and offi cers alike in every company deserved the highest praise for their excellent work, which placed the corps in the front rank of all similar bodies of You can HLMj-u.'Him --j Ji. liimiimmmiiuiiiMjijunj iii,uiii,ii jii,u 800 SUITS 0 SELECT FROM CORVALLIS, troops. They stated that it had been difficult for them to decide .which com pany ia all the battalions was the best and even harder to adjudge the winner when the competition was narrowed down to two, as both were practically perfect. This praise means much for OAC and it is certainly well deserved. The officers also gave the highest credit to Captain - McAlexander for his practical and efficient work with the cadets. In the final competitive company drill, companies GIB and L ranked in the order named, being then nar rowed down to G' and M and the Brodie banner at last awarded to ' Company G, Captain Luce. Private C. A. French, of Company I; Corporal McAllister, of jCompany A. ; Sergeant Stratton, of Company L., and First Sergeant Williamson, of Company M. won the prizes in the respective ', drills at the Armory last night and the honors were presented by Captain Mar tin, First U. S. Infantry, after a few apt remarks by Captain U. G. McAlex ander, the Brodie banner being formal- ; ly turned over to Company G. in a graceful speech by Major General W. i E. Finzer, 0. N. G. President Kerr opened the exercises j at the Armory with a brief congratula j tory address that gave all commenda I tion to the various activities of the -college. Dancing concluded the long and in- teresting day's program, the military ball being a fitting ending to the gala ; occasion. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Francis arrived here this morning on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. John F. Allen, Mr. Francis being ' Mrs. Allen's brother. They have been ' in Manila for some time, returning ; from the Islands this spring and going ' east first to Washington, D. C, before paying this visit to Corvallis. ! Miss Emma Sox, of Albany, who has . been visiting at the J. M. Nolan home, returned home yesterday. OUR CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY WILL OCCUR IN 99 YEARS In anticipation of this wonderful epoch making event, which is scheduled to come off in exactly 99 years, we have concluded to celebrate it in a becoming and befitting manner. Beginning buy any Suit in our 111 5 Oil Help us celebrate our Centennial now. You may be dead or moved away if you wait 99 years longer. OLD MAN BENNETT VISITS CORVALLIS SAGE OF RABBITVILLE TELLS OF HIS IMPRESSION IN USUAL VEIN SURPRISED ATCITTS GROWTH Good Words from the Optimist Editor after Seeing the Remarkable Pro gress Made Here and Praise for the Oregon Agricultural College. The Sage of Eabbitville, familiarly known throughout Oregon as "Old Man Bennet," the trenchant editor of The Dalles Optimist, has been to Cor vallis, and, in his Rabbitville report he gives his impressions of the city as fdllows: , Well, I bin down to the little town of Corvallis, but dont you tell ennybody I sed it was a little town, for I only sed that for a goak. Corvallis is not only a pritty big place but a nice place and getting nicer ewery day. The first man I met up with was MiSter Johnson, the postmaster what runs the postoffice. I asked him how many people there was in Corvallis and he said he thought mebbe about 8,000, but he sed them figurese woulcTnot fit the day folleririg, for the place is growing so fast that he cant keep track of the newcomers. Then I went out to a place they call the camp us, and seen about a thousand (Continued on page two) store for ORE( SON - CORVALLIS IS SHOWING A WONDERFUL RECORD , IN THE NUMBER OF NEW RESIDENCES NOV Handsome Houses Are Being Constructed In Ail Parts of the City, the Cost of Which Runs Into Many Thousands of Dollars and Adds Greatly to the Attractive Appear ance of This Beautiful Home Town. Little do the people realize the amount of work that is being done by the contractors and builders in Cor vallis at the present time and in order tov create within you a true booster spirit the Gazette has taken pains to find our just how many houses are now under construction and not yet finished for occupancy. That the truthfulness of, this statement may not be ques tioned, the facts are here given as nearly as possible, the name of the owner, location and the contractor. New brick store room on- Second street, size 20-100, owned bv C. E. H-Jut. Contractor I J New garage on Second street, owned by Mark Rickard, size 50x100. Con tractor, McHenry. M. H. Bauer, new residence on Fifth street between Van Buren- and Harri son. Contractor, McHenry! J W. A. Bates, new residence, Corner seventh and Van Buren streets. Con tractor, Ortell. , JiMiss Annie Thompson, new residence On "Fifth between Jackson and Van Buren streets. Contractor, Will JHol gate. . '. . . . i ' Mr. f , new residence on North Fourth street. Contractors, Miller & Merritt.. i John Turner, new residence on North .Fourth . street. Contractors, Miller & Merritt, .' David Whaley, new residence on Fourth between Tyler and Polk" streets. "? William; Kempin, new residence on Fourth between Tyler and Polk. - Do ing own carpenter work. A. L. Miner new residence on Polk between Fourth and Fifth streets. Charley Heckart, contractor. Mr. Burnap, new residence on Fifth street between Tyler and Polk. Con tractor, McHenry. W. G, Lane, new residence on Fourth between Harrison and Tyler. Con tractors, Porter, Baldwin & Sebrelb J. A. RusselL new residence on cor ner of ; North Fifth and Tyler. Con tractors. Johnson & Russell. S, S. Henkle, new residence on Fifth and Tyler. Elmer Metzger, contractor. , , Rev. H. H. Hubble, new residence North Eleventh street, between Har rison and Tyler. Contractor, Mc Henry. A. L. Prather, new residence North 45TH Forty-five years of square dealing in the city of Corvallis finds this establish ment not only Corvallis LARGEST, but Benton County's GREATEST Store, occupy ing 1 9,000 sq.ft. of floor space. The oldest established business under one contin ual management in the Willamette Valley. , - TO EE WORTHY Of Y0U8 PATRONASE Is this store's aim, and that means mnch. We have set our minds upon making this the biggest May's business in the history of the store and to do this we have deemed it expedient to offer special price inducements in every department. Thous ands of bargains throughout the store for the month of May. MEWS CLOTHE AT ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICES The entire stock of high grade. clothing: carried by us to be sold during this sale at remark able low prices. . Think of it! The finest, most complete line of clothing in all Corvallis, includ iog all the new spring and summer styles in Society Brand, Michaels-Stern and Senior ' College Clothes. Take advantage of these low prices: Regular S12.50 Men's Suits, now $ 9.95 Regular $22.50 Men's Suits, now 518.50 15.00 " , " V 11.90 " 25.00 " " "19.75 18.00 14.25 " 30.00 " " " 24.85 " 20.00 W " " 15.85 ' Half Price for any odd suit or coats and vests in the store EUERY ARTICLE-THE STORE REDUCED IN PRICE CONTRACT GOODS FXCFPTRn i! - Agents ST A NBA RD PATTERNS FREE A pattern with sub-- scription . to Designer and I Fashion Book. ' . N Tenth street. Self, contractor. " Mrs, Lydia Taylor, new residence on Fourtenth street between Harrison and Tyler. Contractor, Smith. Sam Moore, new residence, on Four teenth, between Harrison and Tyler. Contractor, Charles Wilson. " Cheshire, new residence, on North Eighteenth street between Polk and Tyler. ' A. W. - Darby, new residence, be tween Polk and Harrison. Contractor, Frank Smith. Robert Holroyd, new residence, north end of Seventh street. Contractors Miller and Merritt. Robert Shultz, new residence North Eighth street between Tyler & Polk. Contractor, Peck. Gordon V. Skelton, new residence on Seventh between Tyler and Polk. Surveyor, new, residence on North Eleventh street near Polk. M. Heater, . new residence on North Twelfth. Self, contractor, Lance," new residence on North Twelfth street. Mrs. Mary Whitby, new residence on Seventeenth street between Harrison and Polk. . Sam Moore, new residence on Four teenth street between Harrison and Tyler. Contractor, C. Wilson. Robert Huston, new residence, on Jefferson, between rJinth and Tenth. J. P. Berger, new residence, on Jeff erson, between Ninth and Tenth. ; Wm. Holgate contracter. .' ,t . John Hazel, new residence, corner A. and Fourteenth streeis. A . William Goldson, new residence, on South Eleventh. E. E. White, new residence, Avery's addition. ; . John Goose, new residence, Avery's addition. . Contractor, Joe Albert. Adolph Leder, new warehouse, size 48x70, corner A and Fourteenth streets, Coi ti-actor, Earnest Snider. Prof. Jackson, new residence, College Crest addition. , William Darby, new residence Avery & Wells' addition. Contractor, A. W. Darby. John Stall, new residence, Avery & Wells' addition. Contractor, John Ha zell. - - A1MRY SALE ESTABLISHED TW J ft-, j I BHILDii John Rodgers, new residence, Hirsch ner addition. Avery Applewhite, new residence, -Hirschner addition. Contractor, A. L. Witham. Dodd, new residence, College Crest, addition. Mrs. Smith, new residence", College ' Crest addition. Joseph Russell, new residence, Hirsch ner addition. Mrs. Baker, new residence, ' Hirsch- , ner addition. Contractor, Mr. Baker. J. W, Rodgers, new residence, Hirsch ner addition. William Whiteside, new storeroom, size 50x100, on north Second Street, two stories high. Contractor, McHenry. Henry Bullis, new residence, "VanBu ren street, between " Fourteenth and Fifteenth. George White, new residence," north; Seventeenth, on Jackson. Mrs. Ann Smith, new residence, cor ner Sixth and'Washington. Contractor Charles Heckert. George W. Smith, new residence,; cn Sixth, between A and B streets. Frank Scott, new esidence, Fourth street, between . A. and Washington. Johnson & Russell contractors. V J. P. Smith, new residence, Third street, between A and B. Contractor, McHenry. . Evel, new residence, on Fourth, between A and B. Cohtr actor, Charles Heckert. . ... . , - "T Millard Long, new-residence,. Fourth' between A and B streets. ' Contractor, - McHenry. - Threlkehl, McFadden's new addi-' tion, new residence. " Quite a large proportion of these houses have already been rented, many parties being stored away and anxiously awaiting developments. Most of the houses are exceedingly neat and tasty,, and nicely painted. , Many houses were also built during the past two months, all finding ready tenants. " . ' T. H. Wellsher is moving his resi dence on the corner of Madison and Fifth streets to make room for . addU tional greenhouses, his business having grown to such proportions that he is obliged to increase his greenhouses. 45TH "Post Cards 4 Entire Line 1 C ... . . f . - Local Views, Oregon Scenes EO.0C0 to chocse from. . CORVALLIS OREGON