VOL. I. NO. 5 CORVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON, FRDAY, MAY 7, 1909 FRICE FIVE CENTS GRAND INSPECTION OF OAG CADETS MILITARY DAY IS THE GREATEST EVENT IN COLLEGE HISTORY. BSTILuliS m FINE Si From Reveille to Taps the Day Bristles With Interesting Features and Great Crowds Enjoy the Evolutions on the College Campus. With bodies erect, eyes to the front, and the flush of excitement mantling every face, over 800 cadets of the Ore gon Agricultural College faced the reg ular army inspectors, Captain C. H. Martin, Lieutenant J. M. Kelso and Lieutenant R. B. Lister, of the United States army this morning on the college campus, and with the confidence borne of practical training in the manual of arms, went through the many intricate military evolutions that the service re quires with such precision of move ment, exactness of position and instant compliance to command as to excite the admiration and elicit the applause of the thousands of admiring spectators as well as to the satisfaction of the im partial and critical judges who were viewing the inspection, not from an outside standpoint, but from the stern standard imposed by the United States War Department.. Never in the history of OAC had there been such a sight witnessed on TJTJ iiuimjiiNiAij KH.VJHJW, t'. A. C. CADETS iJinjinjiTLmuinnnjtruTruuin uinhiuuinnnnjuuinrirmjiriruuinrui the campus of the college as that pre sented this morning, when the fifteen companies of the four battalions lined up for inspection and review, and as the young men, the pride of Oregon and the hope of the future of the state, went through their intricate manual, the, excitement became intense and there was not a spectator who witness ed the impressive scene but what voiced the unanimous sentiment that the OAC cadets could be favorably compared to the best drilled regiments in the regu lar army. So perfect were the various military evolutions and so soldierly the appear ance and movements of the cadets that many veterans of the Civil war, who had learned tactics by long years of stern experience and war's necessity, were so' excited at the scene before them that they could hardly be re strained from falling into ranks and going through the manual again. One G. A. K. officer of high rank, who had led an army of veteran fighters in the met in terrible conflict, paid the high- est possible tribute to the cadet corps, by the outspoken statement that thej men who passed in review before Granl in '65, at the final mustering out could not show a better front, a more spection of the cadet regiment was conducted by Captain Peter C. Harris, of the General Staff U. S. A. War Department, the accredited inspector of military colleges throughout the nation. J.his inspection and review was fnl. luiiiiuii xuu review was 101- compact line or a more perfect knowl-rl iowed by competitive drill of the var- edge of military of OAC. .11 Nature seemed to be in entire har mony with the spirit of the gala day; No more perfect weather could have been' desired and when reveille rang out this morning it found every cadet ready for the call, and throughout the long hours of intricate military evolu-r tion the one idea that prevailed among the entire student body was to reflect the greatest credit by conduct and obedience upon the college that has be- come so important a factor in the de velopment of the state of (3regon. i J The official program of the day has. thus far been carried out with an ex actness that shows the advantage JS military training and discipline. oest educational institution in the state. The invited guests of honor were Governor F. W. Bens m, Attorney Gen eral A. M. Crawford, State Treasurer George A. Steel, State Superintendent Sti tes Army. The reception committee consisted of Hon. end Mrs. Weatherford, President and Mrs. Kerr,' Dr. and Mrs. Withy cambo, Dean and Mrs. Cordley, Dean days when the blue and the gray ha d Promptly at 8:45 this morning the in- GENTENNISE Anniversary WILL OCCUR IN 99 YEARS In anticipation of this wonderful epoch making event, which is scheduled to come off in exactly 99 years, we have concluded to celebrate it in a becoming and befitting manner. Beginning Saturday- May 8 WMiIMIPMIIIllliro;-i3Fi,wljWj,Mu WiLILlt ,.LW iiiibiii.im ious companies in the regiments for the Brodie banner, which will be presented tonight at the Armory by Major Gen eral j? mzer. This afternoon at three o'clock the i regimental parade or review took place ' on the campus and the inspiring sight was witnessed by thousands of delight ed spectators. This splendid exhibition of the military training given at OAC was followed by the dedication of the 100-foot steel flag pole presented to the college by the Sophomore class, the ex ercises being most appropriate and in teresting. Then came the baseball game on Athletic Field between OAC and the Columbia University nines, thp result -of which the Gazette will chron icle tomorrow. Tonight, at the Armory, will take place the competitive drills of privates, corporals and sergeants and the pre sentation of the prizes that have been won in the various contests.- , . a jtt'The' "Grand 'ni&ry'BanVhicBn. conclude the festivities of the day, will begin wiih the grand march at 9:30 p. m. and the music, by the OAC Military Band, insures the success of - this clos ing feature of the greatest day in the history or the college. Even with the brain and brawn of Oregon to draw from, the consumma tion of this memorable occasion could not have been achieved had it not been for two most important factors, that of Captain McAlexander, in his tireless and efficient work with, the cadets, and of President W. J. Kerr in the deep personal interest he has taken in bring ing the college up to its present high standing. What has been done here today by OAC is but a pressage of the grander work that will be shown in the future. The college has sustained its right to the claim that it is the broadest and 5 ' - ' idg ' ' 'f , - - e' j 11 "".V." ''-K' nnrj 5 c e W. J. Kli-lviv, j.iiilL,ENT O. A. C. p You can buy any Suit in our store for Help us celebrate our Centennial now. You may be dead or moved away if you wait 99 years longer. THE J. H. Ackerman, Hon. H. S. Rowe, Major General W. E. Finzer and Cd. C. E. McDonnell, Oregon National Guard and staff; Col. James Jackson, Capt. P. C. Harris and Lieutenants J. M. Kelso and R. B. Lister, United and Mrs. Covell, Dean and Mrs. Bexell, Captain' and Mrs. McAlexander and Miss Greer. ' Miss Mamie Stevens, of Albany, is the guest of Miss Gertrude McBee today. triMr iri"ff flr i xiwrx i Tmm Twk Tit if "rifil T1m-i i " n"irrTT7Ti"TiTr,T',r i II li 45TH ANNIVERSARY SALE --45TH i CORVALLIS, OREGON Forty-five years of square dealing in the city of Corvallis finds this establish ment not only CorvaKis' LARGEST, but Benton County's GREATEST Store, occupy ing 19,000 sq. ft. of floor space. The oldest established business under one contin ual management in the Willamette Valley. TO BE WORTHY OF Y0UB PATRONAGE ls this store's aim, and that means mnch. We have set our minds upon making this the biggest May's business in the history of the store and to do this we have deemed it expedient to offer special price inducements in every department. Thous--ands of bargains throughout the store for the month of May. - MEN'S CLOTHING AT &NKIVERSARY SALE PRICES The entire stock of high grade clothing carried by us to be sold during this sale at remark able low prices. Think of itl The finest, most complete line cf clothing in all Corvallis includ ing all the new spring and summer styles in Society Brand, Michaels-Stern and Senior ' College Clothes. Take advantage of these low prices: Regular 2.50 Men's Suits, now $' 9.95 Regular $22.50 Men's Suits, now $18.50 15.00 "' . " " 11.90 25.00 " " " 1975 18.00 " " " 14.25 so.00 2485 - 20.00 " . " ." 15.85 ' Half Price for any odd suit or coats and vests in the store EVERY ARTICLE THE STORE REDUCED IH PBICE CONTRACT GOODS EXCEPTED apr.t5 Mi " " I ; $ ' STAND A RD PATTERNS II jb'KirJ- A pattern with sub- uemgner ana ESTABLISHED n scriptioii m Fashion Bf. k. rr I8S4 Post Cards f Entire Line 1 C Local Views, Oregon Scenes 50,000 to choose from, j