Corvallis daily gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon) 1909-1909, May 05, 1909, Image 3

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a severe
Mrs. E. Downer is ill with
attack of grip.
A. C. Miller, of Kings Valley, was in
on business Tuesday.
Mrs. Vance Taylor went to Albany
today to visit friends.
Mrs. S. L. Cauthorn is at home from
& visit to friends in Portland. '
Lewis Fischer, of Silverton, is visiting
'Corvallis relatives this week.
Arsenate of lead for spraying fruit
trees at Jack Dawson's Poultry mar
ket 5-3-2t
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cauthorn, of
Wells, were in the city yesterday on a
- brief visit.
Mark Rickard arrived home from
Portland this morning in a fine new
Reo touring car.
Mrs. Clarence Vidito went to Mill
City today, being called there by the
illness of her sister.
C. S. Butler has leased a large lot
near the old C. & E. engine house to be
used as a wood yard.
Mrs. Campbell, of Chicago, the sis
ter of Dr. J. A. Harper, has arrived
here for an extended visit.
The onlv resident of Benton cnunt.v
drawn on this term of the federal grand
jury is John Whitaker, who lives just
out of the city. .
Forty-five Agricultural Colleges out
of forty-seven use and endorse Zeno-
leum Sheep Dip. At Jack Dawson's
Poultry Market. 5-3-2t
Accounts were filed in the estate of
John H. Stanturf, deceased, this week
and Saturday, June 12, was set for
hearing by the court.
Owen Thompson was in from his
ranch today on business. He will
leave next Monday for Eastern Oregon
to buy a lot of horses.
New and second-hand furniture, Sam
uel Goodman, Proprietor. ' Everything
needed for the household. Call and
give us a trial. 424 South Second St.
William Crees lost a toe nail Monday
while harnessing up his horse. He
didn't sayanything, but his thoughts
were similar to those of the Dutchman's
. A. C. Miller, a prominent farmer of
Kings Valley, came in yesterday with
two five-year-old horses for the mar
ket. Jesse Wiley will have charge of
them. .
L. H. Stone, of the Oregonian, is up
from Portland preparing an industrial
write up of Benton county, and of Cor
vallis in particular, for publication in
'that paper.
'.. The Southern Pacific Railway Jjas
announced that the special" excursion
rates to the A. Y. P. E. at Seattle will
be $11, good for a continuous trip and
limited to 15 days. ' -
v Miss Esther Purdy entertained about
twenty of her friends Tuesday evening.
A delicious luncheon was served and a
most delightful evening passed, Miss
Purdy proving to be a charming hostess.
E. E. Hardesty, of Evansville, Ind.,
is in Corvallis, looking over this section
with a view to locating here. He says
that if he decides to remain he will
bring out several families .from his
home city. '
CS. Prather, who has been away
for seven months, has returned from
the Hood River country. He reports
an anticipated short crop of fruit in
that section, the late ffosts having
done some slight damage.
Mrs. J. H. Price, who had been in
the North Pacific Sanitarium for the
past month, returned home yesterday
much improved in health. She is now
rapidly recovering much to the gratifi
cation of her family and friends.
The May Day supper and entertain
ment at the Congregational church was
a most enjoyable and successful affair.
Hundreds of people partook of the ex
cellent refreshments and were delight
ed with the interesting program that
followed the supper. The Ladies' Aid
had charge of the event and they have
been highly complimented over it.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Richardson, of
Montrose, Colorado, are here visiting
Mrs. Blanche Prather and family. They
are out on a nine-months' tour with a
view of finding a permanent location.
Thus far they have visited New Mex
ico, Arizona and California, arriving in I
Corvallis Sunday, where they will spend
the summer, investigating the sur
rounding country. Mrs. Richardson is
a sister of Mrs. Prather and this is
their first meeting- in twenty-four
years. .
Mrs. T. J. Creighton, who has been
ill, is now getting better.
Sheriff Gellatly's mother arrived yes
terday from Blodgett on a visit to her
Thomas Whitehorn and son, Claude,
have returned from a few days' fishing
trip to Rock Creek.
C. S. Jackson, the editor of the Port
land Journal, addressed the student
body of OAC at convocation today.
Judge Woodward, of the Probate.
court, has ordered the estate of Martha
Simpson to be closed and the adminis
trator discharged. .
Miss Pauline Kline and Mrs. Stephen
Carver went out to the end of the C. &
A. Railroad vesterdav and enioved the
ride on the new road very much.
An inventory and appraisement has
been filed in' the estate of Sarah C.
Bratton, the property consisting of 71
acres of land in Linn county and $923
in money.
In the matter of the estate of John
E.Johnson, deceased, the administra- i
tor, John H. Johnson, has filed his final
account and the court has fixed Mondav.
June .7, as the time for hearing the
same. ,
In the matter of the guardianship of
the estate of Walter Pue-h. et al. the
administrator, Miles Starr, was in
structed by the court to invest $1528.93
belonging to the estate to the best ad
vantage. E. J. Moore, city editor of the Eu
gene Register, was in the city today on
a brief visit. He came down with W.
O. Heckart in his auto, Mr. and Mrt,.
C. S. J ackson, of Portland, also being
The April number of the Oregon
Countryman, issued by the students of
the agricnltural, domestic science and
art. departments of OAC is just out.
It is brim full of interesting: and
structive articles and . deserves careful
The Royal Neighbors of America.
.Beaver Camp, which was organized
here about two months ago, had a big
meeting last Saturday night and in
ltiated twelve new members. The
Camp now has a membership of over
50, mostly young people. State" Dep
uty, Mrs. Rose McGarth. of Portland.
was here Saturday night and was much
pleased with the work. A jolly time
was had, the evening being concluded
with the serving of -dainty refresh
ments. ' -
(Continued from first page)
W. S. McFadden to H. C " Threlkeld
et al lot 3 & N 1-2 lot 2 bl. 6 North
College lill Add. Corvallis $800. "'
David Whaley to Melissa Henkle lot
4 bL 15 Dixon's 2nd Add. Corvallis $10.
Minnie E. Lee to Clara M. Hardine-
lots' 5 & 6 bl. 15 Corvallis $10.
U. S. to James . A. Lake. 40
South West of Philomath. !
John Rickard to K. R. Hanson lots 11
& 12 BL "F" Avery's Add. Corvallis
J. L. Russel to Minnie E. Lee lot 7
College Crest Add. Corvallis $10. ;
J. P. McConnell to Henry W. Brown
& wf. 320 acres in Alsea $3000.
J. P. McConnell to Henrv W. Brown
& wf. part of lot 98 Bl. 30 Philomath
$10. -
U. S. to William H. Greene 80 'acres
West of Philomath $1.
Island Home Hoo Co. to J. J. Hanne-
gan land South of Corvallis $1.
Oswald West to J. J. Hanneean 12
acres South of Corvallis $1.
M. A. Shoiigh to James Groshoner.
undivided 1-2 of lot i Bl. 14 Corvallis
Shale Lumber Co. tTVohn McCreadv
320 acres near Bellfoul n $8,500.
Ida Fortson et al to Turner &
wf. lot 3 Bl. 16 Dixon's 2nd Add. Cor
vallis $10.
Ida Fortson et al to Geo. L. Shaffer
& wf. lot 4 BL 16 Dixon's ' 2nd Add.
Corvallis $10.
May E. Schultz to Elzora
Brown, lot 1 block 20, Corvallis;
$3400. . ...
United States to Violetta Mas
ters, 80 acres in Alsea.
D D Walker to Sadie A Walk
er, lot 4 block 1, Chase's 2nd
addition to Corvallis; $1. ,
John R. Montgomery to A. J.
Johnson', lot 20, College Hill ad
dition to Corvallis; $10.
: United States to Alfred- Lav
ender, 160.25 acres near Monroe."
Alfred Lavender to William
J. Kellv. 160 acres near Monroe:
M. B. Long to David Hagg
40.93 acres southwest of Corval
lis; $10. w
Frankie Ray to W. C. Noon
Lumber. Co., land west of Philo
math ; $500.
Wilhelm Frels to Anna C.
tsostwick et al, lbU acres near
Blodgett; $10.
George R. Farra to Melissa
Henkle, lots 1 and 2 block 8.
Corvallis; $10.
Mary Coote et al to John F.
Allen, parcel of land west of Cor
. . United States to Wm. D. Gar
lock, 120 acres in Alsea.
Vv. H.. Dean to M. , Burnap et
ai, acres near . cenioun
tain; $10. .
Russell W. Skallerud et al to
F. W. Smith, parcel of land in
Wilkins' addition to Corvallis;
Mary J. Morris to John S.
Webster et al, Farm lots. 3 and
4, Brown's addition, Philomath;
R. L. Glass to Emily J.-Noon,
80 acres west of Philomath: $10.
E. E: Overman to C. A. Boles,
lot 149 block 38, Brown's addi
tion to Philomath; $250.
Geo. E. Cooper to W. A. Bates,
lot 7 and north 36 ft. of lot 8 bl.
13, County add., Corvallis; $10.
M. Burnap to W. H. Dean, lot
4 blocs: 18, Dixon's 2d addition
to Corvallis; $10.
Martha J Ewin? to A H Gove.
north i of lot 71 block 20, Philo
math ; $300.
" E. B. Carey to Alice K. Bell
part of farm lots 1 and 2, Farm
Lots addition, Philomath ; $2100.
Alice K. Bell to Keziah E.
Brown, part of farm lots 1 and
2, Farm Lots addition to Philo
math; $10. : ; -.
Zelma R. Carey to Keziah E.
Brown, part of farm lot 2, Philo
math; $1. . .
David R. Tom to Thomas J.
Childs, 4.50 acres' in Alsea; $1,
"Williard P. Tucker to Irene
and John Creson, 4 lots in block
12, Job's add., Corvallis; $10.
On Thursday, the 6th day of May,' 1909
at the hour of two o'clock in the after
noou of said day, at the front (East) door
of the Court House in, Corvallis, Benton
County, Oregon, I will sell at public auc
tion to the highest bidder, for Cash in
band, the following .described personal
property: ..
One bicycle; one floor plane: one set.
en volumes, "Cyclopedia of Architec
UIJ? Ca1rPentry Building," attached and
Said sale is made under an attar timm
execution in my, hands issued out of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Hip Pom tit,, r u t ... . -. . ,
-- -....J, ixruuju m me sun enutlea
cawara Uuxton and Hairy Buxton, part
01 central Pianino- Milic -r.i;.,;flr
, r . fvitim li 11, Va
-K.OV Pncp (letpiiH a 1 ; .
ioreciose an attachment
.Dated April 23rd, 1909.
: ; . w a. gsixaixy,
oherifiof Benton Counts O
First Publication April 27th, 1909.
""i- rumicauon JMay 4th, 1909.
Office Rooms 3, 4, 1st Natl Bank Bldg.
'uiy Hoi' (ii aiisiracis in fientoii UountT
Surgeon Office in Burnett Block,
,over Harris' Store. Residence corner
Seventh and Madison. Office hours:
8 to 9 a. m.; 1 to 2 p. m.. Phones:
Office, 2128, Residence, 404.
J.-B. MORRIS. M. TV. PHvstpiam
and Surgeon Corner Third and Mon
roe Streets, Corvallis, Oreeon.. Office
. hours: 9 to 12 a. ni.; 1 to 4 p m ; 7 to
8 p. m. Phone in both office an I residence.
Missionary Meeting.
The district convention of the Wo
men's Home , Missionary society of the
M. E. Church is in session here todav
and will continue over until tomorrow
Delegates are here from all over the
district and a ; most helpful meeting is
being earned out. The State Orirahizer
will make an address this evening at
theM. E. church and a large attend
ance is expected, v
Mid SurKson. Kooms 14, Bank Build
i ng. Office Hours : 10 to 12 a. m., 2 tt
4 P. m Reaidence : cor. 6th and Ad
ains Hts Telephone at office and res
idence. Oorvalliu, Oregon.
- and Surgeon. Special attention given
to the Eye. Nose and Throai Office
in Johnson Bias. Ind. 'phone at of
fice and lesidence.
or and Licensed Embnlmer. Suc-
teesor lo Bovee & Bauer Corvailis,
Oregon. Ind. Phone 45. Bell Phone
241. Lady attendant when desired. :,
.. Plenty of Autos.
Buzz wagons are becominer a9
common ns buggies in' these
parts and their purchase by
many of the townsDeonle and
farmers is an evidence that mon
ey is plentiful. J. W. Jngle is
one of the latest to e:et a machine
and he is proud of his fine Reo
car. Prof. John Fulton also has
a new Reo. He bought the auto
in Portland and drove it up here
without having to crawl under
the machine a single time. . - U.
G. Berry, of Peoria, will soon
have a car, too, Mark Rickard
having gone to Portland to se-
ect one ior him.
All Kinds, In
The Benton County
Real Estate Agent
Corvallis, Oregon
IT If you have anything to buy, sell or exchange,, see us! No padded
r. . .jjouaiuiuiy, anu memoas ot doing business, we refer
you to the business men of Corvallis. If Some splendid bargains send for
This includes all the beautiful patterns in crown effects,
cut-outs, ingrains, etc. If you contemplate using paper in
your house this Spring, come to our store, see our poods
and we will show you how many dollars we can save YOU
Xj. miner
Second Street, Near Palace Theater
Occidental Lumber Co.
Successors to;
Corvallis Lumber Co.
g We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please
call on J. B IRVING for information and prices. And take
notice that if we have . not got exactly what you want we will
get it for you.
G. O. BASSET r, Local MCr.
, are-; looking for hotnestad locations
or relinquishments, also some good
. timber claims. If you know of any
good homesteads or timber claims it
will pay you to write us. Address
r: Failing Building, Portland, Oregon.
Eaaics' matches need
Constant Repairing
Their method of carrying them is
responsible for the fact. Pinned to
the waist or hanging on a chain the
delicate mechanism is easily disar
ranged. We pay special attention
to ladies' watches, and when re-
; paired by us you will find that they
i keep in order longer. ; .- . :
E W. S, PRATT, Jeweler and Optician
Trunks and suit cases at. O J.
Blackledge's. v 4-2-tf
Edison records frr Mav
sale at Graham & Wells. 4 27 4t
Demand Ice Cream made hv
the Palace of Sweets. It's pure.
3 9 tf. . . .
For Rate
Studebaker cart and single har
ness. AddIv 360 Jae.ksnn
: 4-9-tf
Finest line of wall naDer ever
manufactured now being shown
at A. L. Miner's store 107 North
Second street. '. tf
Dr. Mentor Howard, the dentist,-
Room 8 First National Bank
buildi ig,, announces that from
now until he is ready to quit he
will give 25 per cent off on all
crown and bridge work. 22-caret
crowns $3.0; bridge teeth 13.50,
All work guaranteed. 4-6 tf
For Sale I am going to
Eastern Oregon for more horses
about May 15, and will sell, be
fore I go, my black, three-year-old
single driving horse and a
four-year-old cow, giving thirty
pounds of milk per day, test 5.
Orren Thompson, Corvallis, Ore
gon, R. F. D. 2. 4-30-2t
All the News All ' the
Time in the
Corvallis Gazette :
, Blackledge & Everett
Successors to Henkle St Blarkiedge
" "Carry a complete line of coffins and
caskets in all colors and sizes; also
ladies' men's and. children's burial
robes. Calls attended to day and
night. Lady assistant. EMBALMING F0ft
SHIPPING A SPECIALTY. Call at Blackledge's
furniture store Both phones.
Practical Clothing
; For Men and Boys '
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, and all
Men's Furnishings.
Always Up to Date
Our prices' are the lowest because we
sell for cash.
l)ealer in All-Men's Furnishings
Phone Your Orders To No. 7,
Where They Will be Promptly Filled.
Fine Line of Crockery, Glassware, Cut
Glass, Haviland and Chinavvare,
The Best Selection
, The Latest Styles .
The Most Reasonable
Every Garmsf. Sure
" to Pli as
Benton County Lumber Co
Manufacturers of all kinds of
Fir Lumber, Mouldings, Cedar Posts,
Sawed and Split. Gedar Shakes
Dealers in
Doors. Windows. Lime. BriK. Ctemsni
Shingles, etc
Successors to
Second Street, , - - Corvallis, Oregon
Dealers In
Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Cream Sepa
- rators, Graniteware, Tinware and Builders'
- Sole Agents for
Congo Roofing and Quick Meal Range