Corvallis daily gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon) 1909-1909, May 04, 1909, Image 3

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Mrs. Eoy Hollenburg is quite sick at
the family home with the grip. "
Mrs. Tom Carries, a resident of Fall
Creek, is visiting at the Willis Vidito
home in Job's addition.
Mr. Everett, the new undertaker at
Blackledge's, is expecting his family to
arrive in Corvallis to-day.
W. G. Cummings is over in the Crab
tree neighborhood in the interest of the
Independent Telephone company.
Mrs. Isabelle Gellatly from Philo
math neighborhood, is looking after
business matters in the city to-day. :
IIE. S. Kiser, editor of the Valley Rec
ord, published at Ashland,, was in the j
city Tuesday looking after . business
The plans for the new. Presbyterian
-church are almost finished and in a very
few days work will commence on the
A. C. and Mrs. White took a little
drive over to the Benton county lumber
mills Monday to visit their daughter
Georgia who is the book-keeper at the
A. C. and Mrs. White went over to
their mountain home near Blodgett on
Tuesday to spend a few days. A, C. j
will spend most of his time looking for
gophers. . I
W. C. Coville has sold his farm in the
. Bellfountain neighborhood to an eastern
.man. Hope he will follow the example :
of many former friends and move to '
Roy Harlan has finished a Post Grad
uate Y. M. C. A. course at DesMoine,
Iowa,' and will arrive home this Tuesday
.evening. He expects assignment to the
work in Oregon. ,
The United Artisans will hold their
.annual picnic this year at Ridder's
grove, on June 5' Great preparations
are being made for the big event and
-everybody is invited.
B. M. Atkins, former manager Elec
tric Light plant here, transferred to Eu
gene, has had further promotion and
passed through today to Portland to
take up the work assigned him there.
ctioice sheep from Portland Monday and
will place them on his home place south'
of Corvallis. They belonged to his
father's estate and are considered, a
choice little band.
Frank McGee has traded his 36-acre
tract of land south of town to J. W.
Brown, of Polk county, for 950 acres of
land in that county. Frank will move
down at once and devote his entire at-'
tention to stock-raising.
Gene Robinson and family, of Lisbon,
South Dakota, .arrived Monday and will
.mftkp Cnrvallis thoir fnfnvo liwi tTie
car of household goods and other effects
will arrive in a few 'days. Mr. IRobiij--on
is a brother-in-law of J. H. Price.
; A. L. Stevenson, the real estate man,
sold the E. J. Harrington tract of land,
consisting of 40, to Frank L. Robinson,
late cashier of the Lisbon bank, of Lis
bon, South Dakota. The deal was
closed Monday and the consideration
$9,000. This land joins the college tract
on the west and will make a beautiful
home. ..
Prof. Fulkerson has bought a nice lit
tle tract of land in the suburbs of Sa
lem and at the expiration of the present
school year will move to the place and
there arrange a home to suit their own
tastes. During their short stay in Cor
vallis they have drawn around them a
wide circle of friends and acquaintances
who will ever hold them in kindly re
membrance. A tribute greatly to be
appreciated is voiced by the children as
they express their feelings of regret at
his sudden and unexpected departure
thus showing that as teachers they
were also true. The best wishes of the
people will follow them to their new
H. C. and Mrs. Threlkeld, and E. L.
and Mrs Shay left the old home at Cen
tralia, Boone .county, last spring and
went tn Southern California in search
of anew home. Not fully satisfied,
they came up along the coast, stopping
at Ashland and other towns, landing in
Corvallis .about two weeks" ago. The
delightful weather, wonderful spirit of
. improvement, Agricultural College, uni
versal Trindness and courtesies shown
them by the citizens and a glimpse at
Booster Waggnner won- the hearts of
these good people and they are now
: building homes in McFadden's addition
on College hill. . WorWon the new build
ings will be ' pushed as rapidly as possi
ble and the Missourians will show- the
; neighbors some beautiful homes.
UjWUH &XUA a S'iS Siij, v.ii ;U. vi j
:-M . n -h.
W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician
F. R. Weaver, one ; of Newport's
real estate hustlers, was in Corvallis on
business today. : - .
Mrs. James Booth is moving . her
residence from Seventh to Eighth St.
between Washington and Adams.
Arsenate of lead for spraying1 fruit
trees at Jack Dawson's Poultry mar
ket. . 5-3-2t
Mrs. Alex Campbell is fitting up a
nice residence on the northeast corner
of Adams and Seventh streets.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Baker, of
the Hotel Corvallis, left today for Eu
gene to visit relatives and friends.
Blodgett Valley was favored with a
fine rain Monday night which was badly
needed. Farmers in that neighborhood
are happy. .';
L. Wayman Mason, who recently
issued the Corvallis City Directory, left
last evening for San Francisco, where
he will engage in business.
C. E. Hopf,' who has been at Kline's
for some time, will leave tomorrow for
Seattle to make an extended visit and
to rest for the benefit of his health.
Forty-five Agricultural Colleges out
of forty-seven use and endorse Zeno
leum Sheep Dip. At Jack Dawson's
Poultry Market. 5-3-2t
There will be an interesting debate
tonight at the college Y. M. C. A. be
tween the Amacitians and the Athe
neums.. Subject, "The Abolishment of
Capital Punishment. " The Ams won
the Gatch cup last year and ' have not
yet been defeated. If . held for " three
years the cup becomes the property of
the Ams hence a determined effort to
win laurels will be made tonight.
Oregon Man Chosen for
M. D. Wisdom, former secretary of
the Lewis and Clark Exposition and the
present secretary of the Oregon com
mission to the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific
Exposition, has been appointed superin
tendent of the. livestock exhibit for the
fair. This appointment was tendered
Mr. Wisdom on account of his experi
ence in livestock matters in recent ex
hibitions. Mr. Wisdom made the state
ment to the Seattle fair authorities
that more than $1,000,000 worth of
horses had been sold on the Pacific
Coast since the Lewis and Clark Fair
by two Eastern horsemen who brought
their stock to be exhibited in Portland.
The Oregon building on the fair
grounds is being rapidly completed and
at the present time the . artists . are
painting Oregon scenes inside the build
ing. For frames these scenes will have
grains and grasses arranged on the
borders. .. The building,, it is expected, :
will be ready to receive its exhibit by
May 15. .
Medicos Will Meet at Seattle.
The Oregon State Medical Association
will hold its next annual session in Se
attle July 20 to 23, in conjunction with
the Medical Associations of Washington,
Idaho and British Columbia, this being
the first general meeting of the North
west organizations. These societies
have a membership of about 2000, or
about 60 percent of the physicians. in
the territory embraced. An unusually
large attendance is anticipated. Dr.
W. H. Byrd, of Salem, and Dr. William
House, of Portland, are president and
secretary respectively of the Oregon
True Blue Girls' Club.
The True Blue Girls' Club gave a
charming party last Wednesday eve
ning in the basement of the Methodist
church. An interesting program con
sisting of recitations by Belva Pierce,
Golda Brown, Hariette Foster ' and Ila
Houk, . and songs by Mrs. Haskell's
children, Verna Stevens and Mrs. Cum
mings, was rendered. Games were
played and delicious refreshments were
served." The girls are enthusiastic over
their club and they would like to have
others know of its advantages.
Get Acquainted Meeting. -
The meeting to be- held, tomorrow
afternoon by the Ladies' Auxiliary of
the Commercial Club is for the purpose
of enabling the members to become
better acquainted, not Only with each
other, but also with the plans which
are being formed for the improvement
of the city. The meeting will be purely
informal, no regular program having
been arranged, and it is hoped that all
members will be present so that the
social feature may be thoroughly carried
out. v ' - . ' -
' tm$f waters rm 1
Constant Repairing
Their niethbcTof carrying them is
responsible for the fact. Pinned to
the waist or hanging on a chain the
delicate mechanism is easily disar
ranged. . We pay spfecial .attention
- to ladies' watches, and when re
paired by us you will find that they
keep iu order longer. 1
OAC Wrestler, Win Three out of Four
Bouts at Salem Meet. :-
The Oregon Agricultural College ath
letes won three out of four wrestling
bouts from the Chemawa Indians at the
Grand Opera House at Salem Thursday
night" - ' V: - s
' First bout, 135 pounds Smoker (Che
mawa) vs. Gibson (OAC); Smoker won
in two straights.
Second bout,144-45 pounds Thomp
son (OAC) won from Lynch in two
straights. ; " ' - '
Third bout, 158 pounds Chaddock
(OAC)' won from Moses, two straights.
Fourth bout, 165 pounds Sitton," of
OAC, won from Hamden, two straights.
Some of the work was very clever
and the audience nearly went wild with
enthusiasm. - While the Indians hacfthe
strength, they lacked the reach and the
training of the OAC boys.
Copies About Ready for Distribution to
, All Districts. -
Ten thousand and eighty copies of the
school laws of Oregon, publications of
which was authorized by the recent
regular session ofthe Legislature, will
be completed by the State Printer and
ready for distribution from the office of
the State Superintendent' of Public. In
struction in a few days. .
The edition is large enough to supply
each school district in the state with
four copies, each chartered educational
institution with five copies, each mem
ber of the Legislature with one copy,
besides taking care of the libraries,
public officials who have need of the
pamphlet, etc The laws are now about
ready for distribution.
Much for Little.
' Two hundred and thirty-four inquiries
from, prospective settlers and investors
from an advertising expenditure of $20
is the result achieved by Albany, Ore
gon. r The advertising was placed
through the Chapman Advertising Co.,
of Portland." The Chapman agency se
lected the publications and the adver
tisement was worded by Bury I. Dasent,
the secretary of the Albany Commer
cial Club.
Rigid Bar Examinations
The Supreme Court has decreed that
the standard of examinations for ad-,
mission to the bar in this state shall be
raised, and hereafter candidates will be
required to answer all questions regards
less of how long the examination fmaj
take.; There will, be an examination
held in Salem June 8, and the prospects
are that a large class will be examined.
Notice of Election ' -:i
r Corvallis, Oregon, May 3,. 1909.
Notice Is Hereby given that the annual
Election for the City of Corvallis, Ore
gon will be held on Monday, May 17,
1909, beginning at 9 o'clock A. M. and
continuing until 6 o'clock P. M. of the
said day at the Citv Hall of said Citv
for the purpose of electing, A Mayor to
serve lor the period ot two years; Two
members of the Water Committee to
serve for the period of five ; years; a
Police Judge, Chief of Police, City Trea
surer, each to serve for the period of one
year; first ward one councilman to serve
for the period of three years ;' second
ward two couneilmen to serve for the
period of three years and one year re
spectively; uuru waru one councilman
to serve for the period of three years.
ine LOmmon Council ot the-Uity ot
Corvallis has appointed W. H. Savasre.
of the first ward; S. L. Henderson of
the second ward; and Geo. A. Robinson
of the third ward to act as Judges of
sam election ana A. L. Stevenson and
Harper Mecklin to act as Clerks of said
Dated this 3rd day of May, 1909
' ;" ' Geo. W. Denman, '
' Police Judge
First Publication, May 4, 1909.
Last Publication, May 15, 1909.
Trunks and suit cases at O. J.
Blackledge's. " ' 4-2-tf
Edison records for May now on
sale at Graham & Wells. 4 27 4t
Demand Ice Cream made -by
the Palace of Sweets. It's pure.
. 3 9 tf. "
For Sale or Trade A good
Studebaker cart and single har
ness! Apply 360 Jackson street.'
v 'V'--'"- '"' '. ; ' t9 tf
Finest line of wall paper ever
manufactured now being shown
at A. L. Miner's store 107 North
Second street. " ' - tf
j Dr. Mentor Howard, the dent
ist, Room S, Fi rst .National Bank
buildi ig, announces that from
'now untiL he is ready to quit he
will give 25 per cent off on all
crown and bridge work. 22-caret
crowns ,$3.50 bridge teethlS.SO,
All work guaranteed." ,4-6 tf
For - Sale I am going to
Eastern Oregon for more horses
about May 15', and will sell, be
fore I go4 my black,; three-year-old
single 'driving horse, arid a
fouryear-old cow, giving thirty
pounds of milk , per day, test 5.
Orren Thompson, Corvallis, Ore
gon R, F. D..2. ' " 4-30-2t
On Thursday, the 6th day of May, 1909
at the hour of two o'clock in - the after,
noou of said day, at the front (East) door
of the Court House in Corvallis, Benton
County, Oregon, I will sell at public auc
tion to the highest bidder, for Cash in
hand, the - following described personal
property: - - .,
One bicycle; one floor plane; ' one set,
en volumes, "Cyclopedia of Architec
ture Carpentry Building," attached and
in hands of sheriff. . . -v.
- Said sale is made under; an attachment
execution in'my : hands issued out of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Benton in the suit entitled
Edward Buxton and Hairy Buxton part
ners doing business nnder the firm name
of Central Planing Mills, plaintiff, vs.
Roy Price, defendant, a proceeding to
foreclose an attachment -5
Dated April 23rd, 1909. . - ,
Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon.
First Publication April 27th, 1909, "
Last Publication May 4th, 1909. ; ,
Office Rooms 3, 4, 1st Natl Bank Bldg.
Only set of abstracts in Benton County
4, Surgeon . Office in Burnett Block,
over Harris' Store. Residence corner
Seventh and Madison. Office hours:
8 to 9 a. m.; 1 to 2 p. tn. Phones:
Office, 2128, Residence, 404. '
' and Surgeon Corner Third and Mon
roe Streets, Corvallis, Oregon. Office
hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; I to 4 p m ; 7 to
, 8 p, m. Phone in both office ani resi
dence. '
di d Surgeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build
ing. Office' Hours : 10 to 12 a. nr., i tc
4 fl. m '""Residence: cor. 5th and Ad
' a ins Ste Telephone at office and reo
tdence. Oorvallia, Oregon.
and Surgeon. Ppcial attention given
to the Eve. Nose and 'Throat ' Office' Johnson Bla. Ind. 'phone at of
tiue and tesidence. -.
or and. Licensed .Embalmer. Sue-
- ceesor - to Bovee & Bsuer Corvailisj
Oregon. Ind. Phone 45. . Bell Phone
241 . Lady attendant when desired. '
are looking for homestad locations
r or relinquishments, also some good
i- timber claims. If you know of any
good homesteads or timber claims it
will pav you to write us. Address
;tna realty company, 225
Failing Building, Portland. Oregon.
Black led jre & Everett
Successors to Henkle St Blaokledge
Carry a'-complete line' of coffins and
caskets in all colors and sizes; also
ladies men's and children's burial
robes. Calls attended to day and
night. Lady assistant. EMBALMING FOR
SKIPPING A SPECIALTY. Call at Blackledge's
furniture store Both phones.
Practical Clothing
For Men and Boys ?;.
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, and all
Men's Furnishings.
Always Up to Date
Our prices are the lowest because we
, 1" sell for cash.'
ltealer in AllMen's Furnishings
The Best Selection '
The Latest Styles
The Most Reasonable
" Prices
Every Gartner. Sure
to PI aF'
All Kinds, In
tit W Uii- iri
The Benton County
Real Estate
- '2 ' iJ-.'$
Corvallis, Oregon
' IT If you have anything to buy,
prices, f As to our responsibility, and methods of doing business, we refer
you teethe business men of Corvallis. . Some splendid bargains send for
This includes all the beautifut patterns in crown effects,
cut-outs, ingrains, etc. If you contemplate using paper in
your house this Spring, come to our store, see our poods
and we will show you how many dollars we can save YOU
A. Li, Miner
Second Street, Near Palace Theater
Occidental Lumber Co.
- - I Successors to; T" i-';'"
Corvallis Lumber Co.
We are here to supply your needs in the'Lumber line. Please
call on J. B IRVING for information and prices. And take
notice that if we have not got exactly .what you want we will
get it for yon.
G. O. BASSET r, Local Mer.
Phone Your Orders To No. 7,
Where They Will be Promptly Filled.
Fine Line of Crockery, Glassware, Cut
. Glass, Haviland and China ware,
Benton County Lumber Co,
- . " Manufacturers of all kinds of
Fir Lumber, Mouldings, Cedar Posts,
Sawed and Split. Gedar Shakes
Dealers in
Doors, Windows, Lims, Brseic Cement
Shingles, etc
Successors to
Second Street, - Corvallis, Oregon
: Dealers In . .
Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Cream Sepa
rators; Graniteware, Tinware and Builders'
' Hardware.
Sole Agents for .
Congo Roofing and Quick Meal Ranges
2 ' "'-"iv -
sell or exchanee. see us. No nadded