CORVALLIS DAILY GAZETTE Published every evening except Sun day. Office: 259-263 , Jefferson street) corner Third street, Corvallis, Oregon. PHONE - - - 210 Address all communications and make all remittances payable to the CORV AL US Gazette. - In ordering changes of address, sub scribers should always give old as well as new address. SUBSCRIPTION RATES DAILV . Delivered by carrier, per week... .$ Delivered by carrier, per month...- Bv mail, one year in advance By mail, six months, in advance.... By mail, one month, in advance.... '5 -50 5-o 2.50 -50 CORVALLIS WEEKLY GAZETTE Published Every Friday Entered at the postoffiee at Corvallis, Oregon, as second class matter. SUBSCRIPTION One year, in advance Six moths, in advance RATES 2.00 . 1 .00 CHAS. L. SPRINGER, Editor and Publisher. TRAVELERS' GUIDE Arrival and Departure of Trains UNION DEPOT, CORVALLIS R. c. I.INVIL1.E, Agent Arrive Southern Pacific Depart 11:30 a m. Passenger 1:30 p m 5:4op. m. 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"War can be looked for in the near future between Japan and Russia, for both countries are preparing," said Rear Admiral "Bob" Evans while in Portland recently. "Only a few days ago Russia borrowed $360,000,000 from France that will be largely used in double-tracking theTrans Siberian railway. This is shown by Kuropatkin's own articles in McClure's Magazine. This shows how good the Russian credit is, even after a c;stly war. With the Trans-Siberian road double tracked. Russia will be able to Uat men and supplies into Man- -churia on the east coast of the -cauntry much faster than is now i ossible. War .can be looked for " in the near future between these two countries." Continuing the Admiral said Japan is preparing for the en counter that is certain to come She is slowly getting money and a navy of sufficient strength to ope with Russia. Russia will also have to rebuild her navy be ' f orewar can be declared, for no -matter how many tracks are laid -across Siberia and how many men can be massed 6n the coast, they cinnot ford the se. The Japafr ese navy was strength nd ' by nine ships captured from Russia - in the late war, and even with " these additions, others are being built. V -vf ' ;'r- - : ' "So far as I am acquainted ' with the sentiment, I believe that , the East is in favor of a Pacific fleet and that the tw'o-fleet prop osition is "meeting with popular favor. To care properly for a fleet on this coast requires large "stations'at Bremerton and' San Francisco and some southerly ' point, either San' Diego,Jor some bay in that section' of the Coast .Each should be equipped with dry docks large enough to accom modate the largest vessels in the fleet. No docks now open on the Coast are large enough except the one now being constructed at Bremerton. These things cannot be granted unless the West sees their importance and demands t.iem. Coast defense should also be provided of sufficient'size to take re of the fleet in case of injury and repairs, a fleet being the first line of" attack and the coast de fense the second. However, forts only demonstrate where an army cannot land, while an ade quate fleet demonstrates that there is no landing at all. "It is fo ly, however, for Amer ica to talk of war with Japan. The Japs have always been our friends and will continue to be so as long as we let them." This war talk of Admiral Ev ans is born out by the advice which reached Victoria, B. C. by the Oriental lines Tosa Maru, last week, to the effect that Japan expects another war with Russia and is making the same careful and systematic preparation for it as preceded the recent war. Two large battleships of the Dreadnot class are now being built, one at Kure to be namsd the Setsu and the other at Yokahoma to be named the Kawachi, both strong er and wirh larger guns than the big Aki and Satsuma. ' . In conversation regarding the fear entertained of the return of war with Russia, an arrival by the Tosa Maru said great addi tions had been made to the fleet of Japan. In military' affairs preparations have been continu ous, but the greatest secrecy had been maintained. The army is being increased to over 20 divis ions, so that a force of 1.000,000 may be lpobilized when neces sary "Prior to the last war 500,' 000 men represented the total number in the field, including all branches, and that number prov ed inadequate. " ' -:" :':r New arsenals are being estab ished and to supply the numer ous arsenals and depots scattered all over Japan," the millitaVy au thorities have constructed a cen trai arsenal at unikusa, near Nagoyo. ; " . .1;'; ' " Even in Sakhalin military prep arations are known to be under way; despite the'secrecy. "Among other things a military railway is being constructed from Koroso kovsk to Vladivimyok, the scene of the future central administra tion of the Japanese portion, i not ot the whole island. , f mm Our- AiinlTef s ary 3 i l Ci 7 BE HEADY TO PAY UP Notice to Subscribers to the Advertising Fund. You are each and all hereby notified of the organization of an executive committee to have charge of the advertising of our Oity and Count' and the hand ling of the funds subscribed monthly for such purpose through the election of the tol lowing nine men to-wit: M. S Woodcock, B. W. Johnson, J. M Nolan, Virgil E. Watters, John F. Allen, N. R. Moore,' G. A Robinson, F. L. Miller arid A. J Johnson, the former having been elected as Chairman and tne latter as secretary . and Treasurer. G. A. Waggoner has been elected by this executive coinrnittee as Advertising Mana ger and with instructions to make al collections on monthly subscriptions, beginning on May 1st, all sub criptions are payable m advance. We trust all wil be; prompt with their monthly payments and thus . greatly aid the Committee in their work. By order, of the Committee, ! A. J. Joiixsox, 4-27-4t : . . Secretary. ' s - At the Missionary Council of the Eighth Missionary Depart ment of the Episcopal Church, in session this week-at Spokane, Rt. Rev. Charles Scadding, Bish op of Oregon, bas been appoint ed by the General Board of New York to lead a discussion in the conference on' "Tire - Secular Press as a Missionary Agency." 1 Subscribe for the Gazette. otitinties The beginning was marked by I THE GREATEST EiTHUSIASl Telegrams of congratulation were received by us from New York, Boston PMadelpliia, Cleveland, Chicago, in all from 19 of the leading manufacturers of high grade merchandise in the country, A FEW OF WHICH WE ; REPRINT. BELOW Whilst we deeply appreciate the thought fulness of our wholesale friends, the suc cess of this sale, and of our whole 25 years of business upbuilding could not have been attained without your help. We sincerely appreciate the response you have given our 25th Anniversary Sale and we shall do our utmost to serve you dicing this month with the greatest bar gains it has been our pleasure to offer you. : : t . i - C0EV3E EVERY DAY Congratulations from ', i : THE H. BCLAFLIN COMPANY Largest Importers of Highest Grade Dry Goods Heartfelt congratulations, length of days and steady increase of your excellent business enterprise I THE H. B. CLAFLIN CO. Congratulations from WOOLTEX CLOAK & SUIT COMPANY Makers of All Wool Ladies' Suits Congratulations on Silver An niversary. May golden anniver sary find you business increased fifty fold. WOOLTEX COMPANY. Congratulations from HART SCHAFFNER & MARX The Best of Clothing Makers Accept our hearty congratula tions on the completion of twenty-five years' business success and best wishes for future. HART SCHAFFNER & MARX. Congratulations from ' W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE COMPANY Largest Makers of Fme Shoes I tender my Ileartf elt congrat ulations on this, your 25th anni versary. May your success in the past be but a stepping stone to the future. W. L. DOUGLAS. THIS IS A PERSISTENT, LONG-ENDURING SALE OF EVERY ARTICLE IN THE STORE 9