Image provided by: Ashland High School; Ashland, OR
About Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-???? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1972)
December 20, 172 ROGUE NEWS Pace 3 Attendance Rules Reviewed bv Jeanne "Mr. (Principal Gay lord) Smith and Mr. (Superintendent Stanley) Jobe both think it's a good idea" says Casey Dale of the new attendence program he is writing up. The program is designed to give students more opportunities to participate in activities outside of school. The proposal, which is based on an Oregon State statute which allows each student five days out of school for every sixty days of required attendance, will be de signed so that any student, with a note from his parents excusing his absence, will be able to get out of sch(Hl for up to fifteen days each year. The system will be selective in that only students with average or better grades will be able to take advantage of it. "Hope fully," says Dale, "this will give some incentive for better work." Dale, who says he has been studying the Oregon statutes for about a year and a half explained how he began working on the proposal. "I never really did like the truancy laws. Mr. Smith said if I could come up with something Alumnus Reports Lois Hill Discusses College Life "Student government is funky in high school but it is funkier in college," alumnus Lois Hill said in a recent interview about activities on the University of Oregon campus. The former editor-in-chief of the Rogue News, now a freshman at Oregon, said, "in high school, it was easier to make friends. Here you do not know all of your classmates because the classes are so much larger." Another Ashland High graduate, Alfred B. I-ord, signed up for a psychology class with 1000 other students. They will meet in a lecture hall for class. Rigger and Less Regimented The differences between high school and college seem to be in favor of the university. More variety in classes is exemplified by "the seven different advanced math courses offered." "You are on your own the profs do not care if you come to class or not," said the former teen - of - the -month, about freedom on the campus. Good and Had Professors "There are the same problems with instructors as there were in high school. The determining factor for good and bad profes sors is whether or not they can lecture," the journalism major said. "There are still good and bad profs but the good ones are ten times better than before," Miss Hill said of the faculty. She & from ROGUE SKI SHOP lloadlev better he would try to incorporate it. So that's what I'm doing." "Rules are made for a small minority," says Dale, "the majority should not have to suffer. That's why I'm doing this." As a member of the student senate, Dale had thought of working through that body. Due to trouble in getting organized, however, he decided to go it alone. "This way," he says, "I will have all responsibility in case it backfires." Dale hopes to have the final draft completed by the end of Christmas vacation. If the pro posal goes through it may be in effect before the beginning of next semester. "In order for something to work right students must take responsibility . . . I've found that I'm not sure that some of the ideas I had were good because some students are not respon sible." says Dale, "I've also found that changes don't come easy, there's a lot more than people realize to be taken into account," he added. admires her journalism instruc tor because "he knows his field but also he is a fantastic lectur er" whereas one of her history teachers knows his field but is a real bear when it comes to lecturing." College-Town l ite In general. Miss Hill feels a college town is better for activi- Ex-Rogue News Editor, Lois Hill, ties "since many programs are set up specifically for the stu dents at a cheap price." Besides plays, movies, sport activities and occasional band concerts, "intellectual activities are really interesting" she attends a math program in the evenings. r . V I Looking for a radio, tape, etc. for a Christmas gift or yourself? Don's TV & Appliance SALES and SERVICE IMS - Sl-0 A "c SEZ G'ves morning rvews "It may snow tonight so cover your car." Casey Dale adds a touch of human emotion to the usual announcements. Dale reads the second period announcements and livens them up from their usual hum-drum state. "My goal is to lift the spirits of students. I try to liven up the announcements." said Dale. Dale received this job when Modern Problems teacher John Tredway observed that student interest of announcements was low. Tredway suggested that a student read the announcements. Dale, having second period Modern problems, went to the office and asked if he could read the annoucements. They agreed. Now he misses the first part of class in order to read them. There are restriction on what he can say, "I'm supposed to read the announcements as they are. I get frowns if I add a lot of comments," said Dale. However, that does not hold him back much. "Its worth the risks if I can liven up the announcements," said Dale. Metal Class Tours Facilities Oscilloscopes, milling machines, computers and more were seen by David Trout man's advanced metal shop students during their recent trip to Port land. Troutman wanted his students to get a first hand look at big industries and thus he arranged the trip. Fourteen students along with Troutman and Leon Olson, voca tional coordinator, left at 5 00 a.m., Thursday, November 30, bound Fourteen students along with Troutman and I .eon Olson, voca tional coordinator, left at 5..IMI a.m., Thursday. November 30. bound for Portland. The mini-bus, which they were riding in, soon suffered a blow out. Troutman said, "Everyone was asleep at the time. It woke them up pretty fast." After arriving in Portland the group visited Tektronix. Tektro nix is a highly computerized manufacturer of oscilloscopes. The students were shown how a computer could draw dimensions and specifications of a given part and how it controlled the opera tions of other machines. Trout man said. "They gaxc us an i Siskiyou Blvd. V" 309 E. Jackson v. I tmrrr- Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi' 1 - t Ashlanders awoke to three inches of snow, Sunday, December 1. Though beautiful, the snow proved hazardous to travel. School was dismissed December S because the roads were icy. Students occupied their time oft with winterland activity. Valley Blanketed for Two Weeks Will Snow Return for Christmas? by Joseph Hawk "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas." When Bing Crosby first crooned those words it was doubtful that he was directing it to Ashland in December of 11172. But Ashlanders got their first taste of "Winter 1972" back on December 3. A blanket of the white stuff shellacked the sur rounding countryside and brought along sub-normal tem peratures. Ashland High students made use of their spare time out in the winter wonderland. Snowball bombardments in the quad, slightly reminiscent of the attack on Pearl Harbor, tipped off what appeared to be World War III. Students also benefitted from a somewhat rare school closure on December 8. Because of what was attributed by the Ashland School District as icy roads and hazardous conditions, AHS stu dents joined their Medlord counterparts in observing a snowy three-day weekend. excellent tour." The group also toured Radia tion International, an aerospace firm. The building covered ten acres and housed the worlds largest milling machines. Most of the day was spent touring the two firms. "By the end of the day" Troutman said "everyone was pretty tired." They spend the night at the YMCA. Troutman also stated. "I think they (the students) learned a lot from the trip. They could see things that can't be reproduced in the classroom. They saw what industry is really like." On the way back they make a brief stop at Springfield high school to look over the shop facilities there. IT'S STILL SNOW TIRE SEASON and your Medford Goodyear Dealer 3 Whether this premature weather will stay for Christmas is hard to say. But the Jackson County Weather Bureau advises "caution to drivers while these conditions pcisisl." Students took advantage of the "white stuff" which appeared last week. Here Rosemary Olson frolics in the snow. CAMPUS fiCLEANERS & LAUNDRY "You Get Fast Friendly Service and A Clean Suit " 1465 Siskiyou Blvd. IDEAL DRUG assortment of cosmetics for 52 years ri i I I wid MEDFORD TIRE SERVICE INC Is the place to get them Vocations 4545 CRATER LAKE and 123 S. RIVERSIDE 779-2494 and 779-6264