Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-????, November 03, 1972, Image 1

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    Snuffbox Theatre Christened
A sultry, crowded room
seemed to have little effect on the
many students and faculty mem
bers present at the drama
reception October 19.
Punch and cookies, prepared
by Gerald Merryman's drama
classes, were served at a
reception honoring those who
worked on the new drama
workshop. The reception also
served as a kind of open house to
show-off the room.
"Snuffbox Theater"
This mini-mini-theater was
dubbed, "Snuffbox Theater," in
honor of principal Gaylord Smith,
who, im Merryman's words, "has
helped us so much with this
Vol. 20. No. 3
In Grants Pass
Senior Debaters Capture Sweepstakes
Two teams of Ashland debaters
were able to run away with the
Sweepstakes award at a tour
nament in Grants Pass on
Saturday the 28th of October.
Linda Saunders and Sally
Eschoo making up one team tied
for first place with four wins and
no losses. Paul Tumbleson and
Dave Sours had three wins and
one loss. No juniors were able to
participate in the competition
because of a conflict caused by
the PSAT National Merit test
give the same day.
The sweepstakes award is
based on combined points earned
by a school's teams in their
debates. They are rated on
analysis, reasoning and evi
dence, organization, refutation,
and delivery of their topic.
This year's statewide topic for
debate is "Resolved: That gov
Student Budget Passed
Ashland High School's Student Body Budget was submitted
and approved by the Student Council at the October 12 meeting.
This budget will cover all income and expenditures for the school
year 1971-1972.
Athletics received the largest appropriation at almost 40 per
cent of the budget. Kogue News was next with about 18 per cent
followed by the printing costs for Student Body Cards and
handbooks taking about 11 per cent. All other appropriations
were $200 or less.
This year's budget is greater than last year's which was
about $3900. There were less Student Body Cards sold this year
than last year, even though there are more students.
Student Body Cards $3525.50
Juke Box 125.00
SSS 50.00
Campus Life Group 80.00
TOTAL $3750.50
Athletics $1480.00
Band 200.00
Debate 00 00
Rogue News 650.00
Student Body Cards and Hand Books 398.00
Student Council Activities and Workshops 250.00
National School Assemblies (4) 210.00
Yell Leaders (Varsity) 100.00
Flag Girls 25.00
SSS Day 40.00
Campus Life Group 75.00
TOTAL ..$3643.00
The room is on the third floor of
the old building above the regular
theater. The drama workshop
was formerly two rooms which
were used for annual and
journalism classes. It later
became a storage room for the
drama department.
To Be Used As Classroom
Until now the drama students
used the regular theater as a
classroom. Merryman com
mented," "I wanted to use
another room for teaching to
save the big theater for other
things, give it its own special
air." A wall was moved, plus
other innovations and the former
Ashland High School, Ashland, Ore.
ernment financing of elementary
and secondary schools should be '
provided exclusively by the
federal government." This topic
was selected by the Oregon High
School Speech League from three
nationally approvvd possibilities.
Simply stated, this year's topic
means that instead of the present
local and state financing of
schools which is supplemented by
about 7 per cent from the federal
government, all education costs
should be paid at the national
November 10 and 11 the debate
team will take part in their first
major tournament of the year at
Marshfield High School in Coos
Bay. The tournament will include
not only the standard form of
debating but such individual
speaking topics as poetry,
humorous and serious interpre-
storage room became the drama
workshop theater.
Many faculty members and
administrators attended the re
ception including Stanley Jobe,
superintendent of schools. The
drama teacher from Phoenix was
also there plus five of his
Despite the heat and crowded
conditions everyone was amused
by pantomimes performed by
drama students.
According to Merryman drama
students did much of the re
modeling of the small room and
Mr. Smith provided the
Fri., Nov. 3. 1972
tation, extemporaneous speak
ing, oratory, after dinner speak
ing and radio speaking.
To illustrate some of these
area, one debater, Sally Eshoo,
was asked to tell about her
individual area. Sally explained
that she is presently working on a
humorous interpretation of a
selection from Alice in Wonder
land; this involves reading the
selection in a way that makes it
as amusing as possible. Sally also
plans to do an expository speech
which she said will probably be
on photography. Expository
speaking involves a memorized
speech using visual aids. She also
remarked that she would like to
try an oratory speech though she
has never done it before. She is
considering the topic of Viet
namization for the persuasive
memorized speech though she
has not decided definitely.
Other individual areas include
after dinner speaking which is a
prepared speech with a subtle
type of humore. Impromptu is a
speech in which the speaker is
given a topic and with no time to
prepare gives a short speech.
Similar to impromtu is extem
poraneous in which the speaker
has knowledge of only the general
area of the topic and is given
thirty minutes to prepare a
specific topic.
Junior Class
Hosts Sadie
The Sadie Hawkins dance will
be staged November 18th in the
Sadie will feature a square
dance put on by the Junior class.
Students will come to the dance
dressed as hillbillies.
Junior class president Dave
Ilagert has been trying to contact
a band that has a real hillbilly
sound with fiddlers. If unable to
contact the band then Tim Brown
will likely call for the dance.
Refreshments will consist of
hot cider, apples and dill pickles.
Casey Dale said, "It's going to be
real peachy keen especially with
hot cider and pickles."
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Jerry Smith and Virginia Dolan explain fundamental moves on the
trampoline. The learn also performed more advanced routines such as
dancing and advanced flips.
Acrobats Entertain Students
Front flips, back drops, tucks,
pikes and twist were all part of
the demonstration put on by
Jerry Smith and Virgina Dolan
during the first national as
sembly of the year.
The assembly, which was held
at 2:30 Tuesday, October 17,
opened with a comedy routine by
Smith. Instruction in the basics of
trampoline performance fol
lowed. The program concluded
with demonstrations in jump
rope, hulahoop, and dancing on
the trampoline.
Two other assemblies are
scheduled for this year. They
include one on January 5th
featuring Art Jennings, and one
Team Wipes Out
At Recent Meet
Eleven teams, including two
from Ashland, took part in the
first meet of the year held by the
Southern Oregon Math League at
Medford Senior High School on
Tuesday. October 18.
Ashland's Omega team, made
up of Rodger Rio, Susan Randies.
Jeanne lloadley. Kathy Mi (lure.
Pete Gray and Bob Silver placed
fourth in the competition with
only the Medford Black, the
Grants Pass Radicals and the
Medford Red teams doing better.
The Alpha team, including
Mary Beth Haines, Linda Saun
ders, Debbie Pritchett, Debbie
Pentkowski, Mike Ligon and
Shirley Stavros fared not so well,
tying for eighth with the Eagle
Point Blue team.
Topics of competition at the
meet included solving systems of
linear equations, sets, and in
equalities with variables in the
denominator, and a team prob
lem. Three people from each
team worked problems in each
area with each person partici
pating in two events.
After the year's competition is
completed, trophies will be
presented to the two teams with
highest cumulative scores.
Prizes and scholarships will be
awarded to individual high
scoring students.
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-Upcoming Events-
Nov. Fri. 3 Football with Roseburg - Here
Tue. 7 Election Day
Fri. 10 Don Ellis Concert 8:00 p.m. in AHS Gym
Sat. 11 State Cross Country at Eugene
Thu. 16 LAC 9:30 Lind field 2:13
Fri. 17 Our Town Matinee - 1:00 p.m.
Sat. IH Sadie Hawkins Day Dance - 8:00 - 11:00
Tue. 21 Thanksgiving Concert - 7:30 p.m.
on January 2(th featuring a Swiss
singing and dancing group known
as the Tyroleans.
Another assembly was sched
uled for November 7th but it had
to be cancelled because of a
conflict with election day use of
the gym.
National assemblies, which
were recently voted non
mandatory by the student
council, must be selected one
year in advance. Next year's
national assemblies which have
already been chosen by the
executive council, will include a
demonstration by ping-pong
cahmpions, a musician, and a
mind reading exhibition.
American Field Service is
going to have a meeting for
exchange students here No
vember 4th. A dinner will be
held in the evening for
Chess club has a new advisor,
student teacher Steve Neu
mann. Chess club had a
tournament October 28th at
McLaughlin Junior High. For
more details see chess club
story on page four.
Drama club has held re
hearsals for the "Man Who
Came to Dinner" production.
Signups for technical and
costume crews were held
October 23rd thru 27th.
Future Business Leaders of
America sent seven girls to a
state FBLA convention
October 21st. The girls attend
ed sessions where they were
taught such things as parli
amentary procedure or how
"March of Dimes" functions
Future Homemakers of
America went to Rogue River
to attend a convention on
October 25th. Lectures were
held and a dinner was given