Siutleni Nancy Houk Jeri Stringer U)(f W- Vol. 20, No. 2 Don Ellis Renowned Jazz Trumpetist Don Ellis, famous jazz trum petist, will appear in concert here, November the 10th. Ashland Jazz Lab is sponsoring Ellis and his band for fund raising purposes. Most members of Jazz Lab are very enthusiastic about it. Dave Sours, and Todd Maddox. both trumpet players for Jazz Lab, agree thai "the concert should go over real good." Sours said, "the college Jazz Band thinks Don Ellis is the thing." Dave Koch, first trombone player said, "People around here don't hear much except rock music. The Don Ellis Band will give them a chance to hear real good Jazz." But. there are some who don't agree. Joe Albachten, first trum peter, says, "we shouldn't even do it. Because if we don't happen -Upcoming Events- Ikt. Fri. 13 Football w Klamath Falls Here In Service Day for Teachers - no school for students Mon. IB Soph. Football K. Falls - Here at 7:011 p.m. Tile. 17 National School Assembly at 2:35 p.m. Thu. 19 Cross Country w Med ford & Grants Pass at G. Pass 3:45 p.m. Fri. 20 Football HOMECOMING wCrater - Here Mon. 23 School Holiday - Veterans Day Soph. Football w Crater - Here 7:00 p.m. Thu. 26 District Cross Country Meet at K. Falls Fri. 27 Football w Medford - at Medford Mon. 30 Soph, football wMedford - Here 7:00 p.m. Nov. Thu. 2 Regional Cross Country at Roseburg Fri. 3 Football wltoseburg - Here Body Selects Homecoming Princesses f?r Pam Hoffbuhr Homecoming Activities Being Prepared AHS students will gather around a bonfire to cheer our team on to victory and then to proceed with a car rally to a street dance to be held behind the Elk's Lodge, Thursday Oct. 19. The traditional bonfire from 7:00 to 7:30 will be lit as students will cheer football players and wish them luck for their game Friday night. At 7:30 there will be iui Ashland High School, Ashland, Ore. to break even, what will we do for money to Heno." Jazz Lab advisor David Wight gave no comment or interview. Tickets for the Ellis Concert French Paper The Rogue News has a rival. French students will begin cranking out their newspaper within a few days. The French Connection was published only once last year but Mrs. Simon hopes to put out a paper "about once a month." The newspaper is written entirely in French. The paper is small, usually four pages, but still contains the elements of a professional newspaper. It has a X - na rv n ran a n sza I I r t i) L Priscilla Reynolds a car rally through town from the high school to the parking lot of the Elk's Lodge. Then as soon as everyone arrives there will be music to dance to as the Street Dance gets into progress at 8:00. The second half of the celebra tions begins with all-srhool pep assembly at 3:05, Friday. Then there will be a parade through town at 3:15. All the clubs and Thurs., Oct. 12. 1972 To Perform will be on sale, and can be purchased from an Jazz Lab member, or in the office for $4.00 an adult, and $2.50 a student. Proceeds go to a fund for a trip to Heno. To Be Printed news page, editorials, cartoons and even a crossword puzzle. Amy McNair was elected editor this year. The rest of the staff is made up of about six other French students. The paper will include news about what's hap pening in French classes and what French students are doing. At the end of the month Mrs. Simon's classes will be cooking a French meal. Students have been planning their menus and Mrs. Simon referring to the meal said, "We tried it for the first time last year and it just worked out great." Club Day Boosts Memberships Club interest is up. Ten clubs took time out on Friday, September 29th, to pro mote interest in their clubs. The clubs made displays or did demonstrations. Students ere dismissed during third and fourth periods to view the displays. Students roamed the quad talking to club repre sentatives about the club and investigating club enrollment. American Field Service dis play was Maria Lalama showing several artifacts that she had Maria Piedad Lalama any interested groups will dis play floats through town from the high school to the plaza. As a conclusion there will be a football game against the Crater Tidings Resumes Teen Page "It will be a student voice in community affairs." This is what Casey Dale had to say about the Teen Page now being organized by him and Vicki Jarrel. This installment will appear in the Ashland Daily Tidings on a bi-weekly basis. It is the first such page in over three years. Dale continued, "It will get students views across to the public and give them an idea of what school life is like. The Teen Page will consist of a full page of teen related activi ties, including stories and pic tures of campus activities. The Tidings is donating the space for the page and Ashland High will alternate with Phoenix High in the use of the page. The Teen Page is entirely student organized and the staff consists entirely of students, with the exception of Mr. Clifford Brock, Journalism teacher, who will act as advisor. Rosario De La Whizzes Join Hi-Q Formation of a team to compete on the television game "Hi-Q" is underway. Interested students first met Friday, October 12 at noon to hear what Hi-Q is all about. A written test was given Tuesday noon to begin narrowing down the possible contenders for team positions. Those who did well in the written test go on to compete for the four team positions by participating in an oral gquestion drill. The four team members and one alternate will travel to Portland with team advisor Don Vondracek for a Thursday and Friday to tape the Sunday show. brought from Equador. Chess club demonstrated the Fischer - Spassky championship games. Extra chess sets were set up so that students could play chess at their leisure. Drama Club did some satires of TV shows and commercials, skits, singing, and dancing. Rosemary Olson and Casey Dale directed the program. F. B.I. A. Club sold brownies and the friendship notes. G. H.A. constructed a college which contained clippings of girls participating in athletic events. A el Virginia Saul Comets and at half time a queen will be chosen from among the five princesses who are: Maria Lalama, Nancy Houk, Jeri Stringer, Virginia Saul, and Pam Hoffbuhr. Torre will edit the copy for the page. Members of the Teen Page Club include Vicki Jarrel, Casey Dale, Dave Sours, Kave Koch, Ann Curry, Rosemary Olson, Sally Eshoo, and Harold Berninghausen who will act as photographer. Any students interested in participating should contact Casev Dale or Vicki Jarrel. CLUB BRIEFS PHOTOGRAPHY (LIB: A new photography club is being started by Harold Berninghausen and Rodger Rio. A constitution is being drawn up and an advisor is being sought. CI I ESS CI. IB: Chess club is preparing for the next tournament on October 2Hth. The tournament will be held at McLaughlin Junior High. DRAMA ( LI B: Drama Club is preparing for their production of "The. Man Who Came To Dinner." The production will be put on the first and second weeks of December. INTERNATIONAL RODENT SOCIETY: International Rodent Society is having an essay contest. The theme of the essay is "Who?" Essays must be 250 words or more and must be turned in by November 2nd. Winner of the essay contest will be awarded a rodent of his choice G.R.A. first aid kit was also on display. The first aid kit was lipstick and other makeup. Flag Girls, dressed in their uniforms, ran through some routines for the viewers. I.R.S. displayed a stuffed digger squirrel and an open book to show the students a picture of an aardvark. Letterman's Club brought four demonstration skateboards for students to try out. Also the official skateboard racing garb was displayed.