Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-????, September 22, 1972, Image 1

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    Instructors Find Home,
Commence School Year
Many and diverse are the fields
and interests of the nine new
faculty members at Ashland
High. They teach classes ranging
from Welding to Debate and
enjoy hobbies that vary from
wine-making to basketball.
It might be considered a step
backward for women's lib that of
all the new teachers, seven are
men and only two are women.
The nine new teachers include:
Miss Joan Townes who gradu
ated from Oregon State Univers
ity ' and is teaching Home
Economics this year. The Med
ford native says of Ashland High
"The first thing I noticed was
how friendly it is." This is Miss
Townes's first teaching job. In
her spare time Miss Townes
enjoys sewing, crafts, and skiing.
New Social Studies Instructor
Mr. John Tredway replaces the
retiring Herb Lewis as a debate
coach and teacher of Modern
Problems. Tredway, a University
of Washington graduate and
native of Seattle, enjoys fishing,
winemaking, golf, basketball,
and politics.
When asked about his philos
ophy of education. Mr. Tredway
replied that he feels an open
atmosphere which gives students
more responsibilities is needed.
He also feels that the teacher has
a job to do which should not be
neglected. He suggested that
more teachers evaluation would
be a good thing.
4m, J
Mr. John Tredway
Diversified Occupations
AHS has a new course. Diversi
fied Occupations will give stu
dents an opportunity to get
on-the-job experience while still
graduating on schedule.
Mr. Leon Olson, who graduated
from Arizona State University, is
the career education coodinator
for all Ashland schools. Olson
teaches one class, diversified
occupations, at the high school
and spends the rest of his time
helping students at all grade
levels in "developing self concept
and self awareness in areas of
career and human relations."
Mr. Olson enjoys fishing, hunt
ing, water skiing, basketball, and
Diversified Occupations is new
to Ashland but it's not new to
other schools. The first Diversi
fied Occupations class originated
in Jacksonville, F lorida, 1933.
Students are expected to find
their own jobs. They will get
credit for working provided they
put in a minimum of 10 hours a
Also new this year is Mr.
Kverett Winter, who returns
after two years absence. Mr.
Winter is director of vocal music
at both the high school and the
junior high.
Miss Joan Townes
Mr. George Ebert
New in the industrial arts
department is Mr. George Kbert.
Mr. Ebert teaches welding,
mechanical drawing, and leather
and metal working.
Mr. Howard Peck has taken
over the Multiple handicapped
class. Peck graduated from
Weber State College in Utah and
comes to Ashland after receiving
his Masters degree from Oregon
College of Education. Mr. Peck
finds Ashland High "unique
structurally" and "relaxed." His
hobbies are skiing and motor
cycles. His philosophy of educa
tion is to give the students "what
they want and need" without
forcing useless things on them.
Miss Anne Pykerman, a SOC
graduate from Los Angeles is
teaching the special education
class this year. Miss Pykerman,
whose hobbies are people and
skiing believes that "education
comes from experience."
Mr. Gerald Merryman
Mr. Gerald Merryman, who
graduated from the University of
California at Berkley and has a
masters degree from the Uni
versity of Oregon, is the new
drama coach and English
teacher. Merryman, who has 17
years of teaching experience
says that he has found that a
teacher cannot really teach but a
student can learn. "I can only
provide an opportunity," he says.
After teaching 13 years in
Portland. Mr. Merryman finds
the atmosphere here "relaxed"
and the students more interested
in learning. His interests include
music, travel, and the history of
the Elizabethan period.
Mr. Gary Layman
New in the art department is
Gary Layman, a graduate of the
University of Wyoming and
native of Covina, California.
Layman, who is just out of the
army, taught for a couple of
years in California before being
drafted. He enjoys painting,
fishing and camping. Mr. Lay
man believes that the art
teacher's job is simply to help
people learn because "you can do
your thinking only after you know
At Lost River
Officers Attend Conference
Lost River was the site of this
year's annual Region V Student
council conference. Five mem
bers of the executive council and
Mr. Wright attended the all-day
conclave last Monday, Septem
ber 18.
Attending the conference were
David Jensen, student body
president; Linda Carpenter, first
vice - president; Jay Yancey,
second vice-president; Georgia
James, Yell Queen; and Rosario
DeLatorre, Editor of the Rogue
In action at the conference,
Ashland was elected secretary of
next year's meeting to be held at
North Douglas High in Drain.
Much of the convention was taken
up by speakers and group
First Time
Student Council Meets
Student Body President, David
Jensen, presided over the first
meeting of student council. The
newly elected student body
representatives attended the or
ganizational meeting last Friday.
Among the business transacted
at the meeting was the assigning
of seats for the representatives.
Also, procedures for clubs or
classes holding after - game
dances were outlined by Mrs.
The group which holds the
dance will also be responsible for
the concessions stand at the
game played that night. The
person in charge of the sponsor
ing group will have to notify Mr.
Mearns of their plans for the
stand in advance.
Committee Members Elected
In other business, members to
several important committees
were elected. These included, the
Finance Committee; whose
members are Brad Studebaker,
Lisa Koch, and Tracy Scannel.
This committee will aid the
Student Body Treasurer, Mary
Members elected to the Rules
Committee were Dave Koch,
Tamara Stubblefield, and Amy
McNair. This committee will be
Work Started
Bulldozers chewed away the
tennis courts the week before
school started.
Work proceeded on the new
girls gym as contractor Elmer
South prepared the groundwork
for the building.
South optimistically predicted
that the gym will be completed by
January 10th. Delayed shop
drawings have delayed further
construction of the building.
Petrehn construction company
will construct the steel edifice
and it will be painted the same
color as the present gym. The
gym will contain facilities for
basketball, tennis, and volley
ball. Restrooms, though not
originally planned for, will also
be included in construction.
Ashland High School, Ashland, Ore.
discussions pertaining to schools
and curriculum.
The purpose of the conference
is to bring members of student
government together in order ot
discuss and possibly solve mutual
problems. Representatives to
this meeting came from Jackson,
Josephine, Klamath, Douglas,
Coos, and Curry Counties.
Topics covered by the student
conducted seminars included
discussion and evaluation of the
"contract . system," student
apathy and boring curriculums,
evaluation of various grading
systems, the role of student
government and forming cur
riculum, and the financing of
student government.
responsible for making sure that
proper rules of conduct are
followed at meetings.
Members selected for the SSS
committee were Pam Hoffbuhr,
Casey Dale, Virginia Saul, Doug
Engle, Vicki Jarrell, Terri Hald,
Lisa Tischauser, and Kevin
Krumdiek. This committee is
responsible for the SSS (School,
Spirit, and Scholarship) chal
lenges at games and other social
Citizen of Nine Weeks
Citizen of the Nine Weeks
committee members are Kim
Laird, Andi Newcomb, Scott
Studebaker, Chris Overand, and
Tracy Scannel. This committee is
responsible for selecting a boy
and girl student each nine weeks
for outstanding achievements.
Teen of the Month
Students selected for the Elk's
Teen of the Month committee
included Hugh Huck, Rosemary
Olson, Linda Peterson, Andrea
Huntley, and Eric Olcott. This
committee is responsible for
selecting two students each
month who are involved in
activities but do not receive
-Upcoming Events-
Sept. Sat. 23 Cross Country at Gilchrist at 1:00 p.m.
Sun. 24 John Hartford concert at S.O.C. - 8:00 - Gym
Mon. 25 Soph Football w Roseburg here
Thu. 28 Cross Country at Roseburg - 3:45 p.m.
Fri. 29 Football wYreka - here 8:00 p.m.
Soph Football wYreka here - 4:30 p.m.
Sat. 30 Elks Club Teen Dance - 2:00 p.m.
Oct. Tue. 3 Soph & Jr. pictures - 9:00 a.m.
Wed. 4 State Colleges Visitation - 9:30 a.m.
Thu. 5 Cross Country w Medford and Klamath Falls
at Klamath Falls - 3:45 p.m.
Fri. 6 Football at Grants Pass
Cross Country at Bend 3:45 p.m.
Mon. 9 Soph football at G. Pass - 7:00 p.m.
Thu. 12 Cross Country w Crater - here - 3:45 p.m.
Fri. 13 Football w Klamath Falls - here
In-service Day for Teachers - No school for
Kri., Sept. 22. 1972
Olson Studies
New Program
A course allowing high school
students to teach younger kids
will be offered the second
semester. This teacher-aide pro
gram is currently being studied
by Leon Olson, the new District
Co-ordinator of Vocational Edu
cation. This program will be held on
the elementary school level and
possibly at the junior high. Which
schools will participate is un
known. "Some of the elementary
school principals are reluctant to
have high school students help
when they have college-trained
help available," said Olson.
There are several schools that
act interested but they weren't
Changed From Last Year
This class was used last year
but "proved ineffective as many
students used the time as a free
period," said Assistant Principal
Oscar Silver. Students were
forced to use their own transpor
tation and never showed up at the
This isn't the case this year as
Olson is studying effective means
to stop skipping. "There will be
an efficient check system to stop
skipping. This course is for the
student and we want him to use
it," said Olson.
Experience is the Object
The object of the course is to
gain experience in teaching
younger kids in a classroom
situation. Cleaning blackboards
and correcting papers is not the
idea of the course. "It is to be a
learning situation," said Olson.
Any student interested may
sign up in Olson's office located in
the Central Office.
Chess Club is going to stage
a chess tournament on Sep
tember 23rd. Purpose of the
tournament is to determine
who will be the top five
players on the team.