Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-????, November 05, 1971, Image 1

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    Harriers To Compete At State
District champion Claude
Neuenschwander set a new
District Six meet record two
weeks ago. As a team Ashland
scored 23 points to 63 for
Klamath Falls who was second
and rolled to their second
straight district cross country
championship with ease.
Neuenschwander's time of
12: 16.5 was close to the all-time
course record set by Marshfield's
Brad Nix of 12:10.
The Cavemen's Jeff Slagle led
the field of 42 runners through
the first mile and then
Neuenschwander broke the race
wide open and won the meet by
over 75 yards. Other runners
were Scott Studebaker third,
Tom McDowell fifth. Bill
McPherson sixth, Jay Holland
eighth, Dan Morgan 20th and
John Butt 24th.
Blankenship Takes First
In J.V. Meet
In the J.V. meet, Ashland
won with Paul Blankenship
taking first with a time of 13:25,
Fred Sears fifth, Kim Laird
sixth, Scott Harbert seventh,
Wayne Morgan ninth, Kevin
Gandee 26th and Bob
Thompson 29th.
State Meet Tomorrow In Eugene
Only one more meet remains
for the Grizzlies, State. The
State meet is tomorrow at Lane
Community College in Eugene.
Last year Ashland was fourth in
State. All seven Varsity runners
are back and the team has a very
good shot at the State meet
North Eugene and Centennial
High (Portland) should give
Ashland a run for the trophy.
Both schools have also taken
their respective districts with
Ashland defeated Centennial
earlier this year by 18 points.
Ashland has not run against
North Eugene this season.
Dramatists Begin
Love between two
emotionally - disturbed
adolescents is the story line of
"David and Lisa". The Ashland
High Drama Club has chosen this
play by Dr. Theodore Rubin as
their first major production to
be staged December 11, 12 and
Club president Dave Sours
explained that "It is a serious
drama centered around a school
for mental and psychological
problems." Lisa is a
schizophrenic who can only
speak in rhymes and nonsense
words, while David has a phobia
to bodily contact and is very
offensive; an introvert.
Lisa meets David at the
residential treatment center and
slowly they become attracted to
each other. David learns to talk
to Lisa in her private language of
verse and the growing affection
between them breaks down the
walls of mental illness.
The cast for "David and Lisa"
is as follows:
Davie Clemens - Dave Koch
Mrs. Clemens - Barb Peters
Mr. Clemens - Mark Maxwell
Ben Paul Tumbleson
Simon - Dave Sours
Sandra - Jolene Buttolph
Robert Rodger Rio
Maureen Hart Amy McNair
Secretary - Mary Beth Haines
Porter - not chosen
Lisa - Jo Goff
Dr. Alan Swinford - Rob Devoe
Mrs. Ferris - Susan Randies
Carlos - Richard Dodge
Kate - Rosemary Olson
Barbara Laurie Jones
John Neville Archambault
Josette - Sue Binkley
Woman - Susan Randies
Girl - not chosen
VOL. 19, No. 4
Constitutional Revision Now Ratified
The student council voted
October 29 to approve Lesli
Peterson's proposal for Student
Senate elections by a margin of
20 to 15.
Miss Peterson's plan allows
students to "sign up in groups of
32-35 with classmates of their
choice." Each group would elect
a Senator.
This plan won over two other
proposals. One was the present
system, with Senators elected
from Biology, U.S. History, and
Modern Problems classes.
A third proposal was
forwarded by Chuck Wiley.
Basically, this was the same as
the present election procedure.
However, five extra seats would
be included in the Senate.
Secretarial Office Practice Class
Listen To Speakers; Jobe Is One
By Janice Lynch
Since the beginning of school,
the Clerical and Secretarial
Office Practice classes have had
three speakers from different
organizations in the valley. The
speakers were Stanley Jobe,
superintendent of schools,
Ashland school district No. 5;
Welden Stauffer, director of the
Medford office of the Oregon
State Employment Service; and
Gordon Bentson, wage and hour
inspector, Oregon State Bureau
of Labor.
Jobe Conducts Mock Interviews
Mr. Jobe talked about
applying for a job and about
interviews. He selected two
students from the classes and
conducted mock interviews. He
explained what is required to
work in a school office and
outlined the qualifications an
employer looks for in an
Honor Students
Tutorial Program Commences
Honor Society has initiated a
tutoring program to help
students who have difficulty
with their classes. Assistance has
been offered in the areas of
social studies, English, math and
foreign languages.
The program is designed to
take up where teachers leave off
by providing the individual help
that some students need.
On A One-To-One Basis
Tutors will work with the
students on a one-to-one basis
before or after school. When one
student appears to have
sufficiently overcome his
difficulty, the tutor will take on
another student.
At present, there are not
enough tutors. Mrs. Zwick is
hoping for more participation
among Honor Society members.
"It's experimental right now,"
commented Honor Society
u is wm
Hih School, Ashland, Ore.
To obtain one of these seats, a
student would first fill a
petition. This petition would be
reviewed by a board made up of
the Student Body President and
Secretary, the principal, and one
faculty member. Then the
petitioner would be interviewed
by the board. As the proposal
put it, "If a majority of the
board members thought that the
petitioning people represented
an unheard and significant
minority, then a seat would be
granted to a representative of
that minority." The Wiley
proposal received 15 voted.
There was extensive debate on
the election proposals. Wiley
defended his plan by stating that
it was more like the present
Mr. Stauffer also talked about
job application and interviews.
He discussed the things an
employee should remember to
do and not to do on the job, and
the kind of work performance
Bentson Tells of Guaranteed
Rights Of Employees
Mr. Bentson told the students
about their guaranteed rights as
employees. Awareness of these
rights can make a person feci
more secure on the job. If an
employee is not getting the
minimum wage or other
guaranteed rights that he is
entitled to, he may contact the
local wage and hour inspector.
Mr. Bentson also spoke about
having a work permit if one is
under the age of 18, and the
problems it can cause the
employer if an employee is a
minor and doesn't have a work
President Dennis Leybold.
"Hopefully, it will expand
beyond Honor Society" so that
any student who is qualified to
tutor may do so. This expansion
is dependent on the program's
success as an Honor Society
Members participating in the
tutoring program include Ginger
Mayo, Cindy Ragland, Nancy
Bartlett, Dennis Leybold, Lois
Hill, Debbie Tischauser, Julie
Harrison and Jo Goff.
Innerclub council has
approved Skateboard Club's
constitution. Skateboard
Club whose purpose is to help
people improve their
skateboarding ability, is in
the process of organizing a
For Championship
system than Miss Peterson's, and
thus more workable
Ray Bartley. Miss Peterson,
and Larry Taylor argued against
the WUey proposal. They
pointed out that the basic
weakness of the present
structure was that it forces
students arbitrarily into groups
(Biology, U.S. History, and
Modern Problems classes) from
which to vote. The Peterson
proposal, it was stated, provided
for freedom of choice.
The Peterson election
proposal will be included in the
newly revised student body
constitution. The entire
constitution will be voted on by
the students at a later date.
Officer Initiation
The next event scheduled for
the Future Business Leaders of
America (FBLA) will be the
initiation of new officers and
members. This event will be held
on the evening of November 18.
The officers will be installed by
Mr. Ken Turnbull, the president
of Phi Beta Lamda and then the
Medford Edges Debaters
In Coos Bay Invitational
Edged out by one point, the
Ashland High debate squad gave
up the Sweepstakes trophy to
Medford Senior High at the
South Coast Invitational
Tournament, held in Coos Bay
October 22 and 23.
Six first places were captured
by Ashland debaters. Bill Ellis
and Pat Overand tied for first in
senior division Lincoln-Douglas
debate. Dave Koch came out on
top in Junior division
Three First Places In
Individual Events
Grabbing first place in
individual events were Julie
Davies in oratory. Bill Ellis in
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Debaters prepare for future tournament. From left to right
they are Pat Overand, Ray Bartley, Bill Ellis, David Koch, and
Larry Taylor.
New Hope Sings
During Assembly
"Wow!" was the only word
which Dick Harris of the Teen
Scene on KGDN of Seattle had
for the "New Hope" singing
group which appeared here
yesterday .There was a fifty-cent
admission charge, part of which
will be used to fund other
Student Body activities.
The singing group consists of
1 1 members. The instrumental
section of the "New Hope"
includes a three-man rhythm
section with a Continental
Baroque Organ and three
brassmen. The remainder of the
group is made up of five
vocalists, three males and two
All of the members are
professional musicians from
various colleges and universities
around the United States. The
"New Hope" is currently on a
tour of colleges and high schools
across the nation. The group is
also planning a trip to Europe,
South America, and the Pacific
"New Hope" has been
compared favorably with "The
Association" and "Chicago".
They have also performed with
such well known celebrities as
Bob Hope and Pat Boone.
Slated For FBLA
officers will initiate the new
The new officers will be as
follows: President Julie
Peterson. Vice-president - Karen
Morris, Secretary - Donna
Hutchinson, Treasurer - Linda
Carpenter, Social Chairman
Christy Morris and Reporter -Sue
extemporaneous speaking, and
Larry Taylor in radio speaking.
Steve Parsons took second in
after-dinner speaking, while
Dave Sours placed third in
Five other speakers made
finals in various events: Sally
Eshoo in humorous
interpretation, Lesli Peterson in
impromptu speaking, Cindy
Ragland in extemporaneous
speaking, Paul Tumbleson in
serious interpretation and
impromptu speaking and Chuck
Wiley in after-dinner speaking.
The next debate tournament
is scheduled for November 20 at
Crescent City.