Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-????, May 11, 1971, Image 1

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Jan Davies
Becky Warren
VOL. 18. No. 10
7 a I
AFS Relations Day
Area Foreign Students Visit
The seven AFS students from
surrounding schools took part in
the activities held in Ashland for
the AFS Day on April 25 and
The two days of activities
were compiled of a weiner roast
in Lithia Park and a seminar held
during each English period. The
purpose of the seminar was to
hear the AFS students speak and
answer questions.
Some of the questions that
came up were questions dealing
with racial discrimination,
censorship, and the feelings
toward military people.
When the question "Do you
have racial discrimination in
your country?", was asked most
of the students agreed that this
problem did not exist in their
countries. The only students
who said that the problem
occurred occasionally were Shin
Hi rose from Japan, and Patty
Menoscal from Ecuador.
Among the amusing questions
that were asked included the
students opinions of Spiro T.
Agnew, and their opinions of
American tourists. Jose
Martenez of Spain gave a
detailed description of this
typical American tourist, with
seven different cameras hanging
from his neck. He noted
however, that young Americans
in Spain did not match this
Julie Houk
Tricia Zupan
Ashland Hijih School. Ashland
description of their elders.
Each of the students took
time to express their views on
certain subjects. Taraneh Shimi
spoke of peoples mistaken
impression that people of Iran,
while being Moslems, are Arabs.
She said actually they side with
the Israelis in the Middle east
conflict. Shin Hirose made a
point of saying that there is no
draft in Japan, and the
constitution of his country
prohibits military forces except
for self defense.
Martha Weike noted that there
is an abundance of free love and
pornography in Denmark. Patty
Menoscal of Ecuador remarked
that the classes in Ecuadorian
schools are much harder as were
Hirose, and Martha Wieke answer
4 ZJ&
Diane Jensen
"Fire and Rain"
luniors Select Prom Court
"Fire and Rain" is the theme
for the Junior -Senior Prom to
be held on May IS in the
cafeteria. Seven princesses were
chosen by the junior class and
are all members of the
graduating class. Those selected
were Jan Davies, Julie Houk,
Diane Jensen, Patty Menoscal,
" Debby Revel, Becky Warren, and
; Tricia Zupan.
-"WS.. MAY 11. 1971
most of the foreign schools. All
the students agreed on this.
Annie de Grand Magnae of
France said that in French
schools students stand up when
the teacher enters the room.
Enrique Vacachury of
Argentina totalled his feelings
about America by saying that he
would like to take American
girls back to Argentina with him.
Mr. Don Vondracek of the
English department emceed the
seminar. Those students
attending were Shin Hirose,
Japan; Annie de Grand Magnae,
France; Jose Martenez, Spain;
Patty Menoscal, Ecuador;
Taraneh Shimi, Iran; Enrique
Vacachury, Argentina; and
Martha Weike, Denmark.
students, Taraneh Shimi, Shirr
an Ashland student's questio 1.
T n i i n n
..Li in ir
mix e. s,
Patricia Menoscal
Valentine Ball Organizer
Jan Davies has been an active
member of the student body.
She has been a member of the
student council for three years
and was in charge of organizing
the Valentine Ball this winter.
She was a member of the
Homecoming Court last fall.
Homecoming Princess
' Another homecoming
princess, Julie Houk, has also
been busy in school activities.
She was sophomore class
secretary, an archbearer for
graduation last year, a member
of the SSS Committee and of
the National tionor Society this
Yell Queen
Yell queen Diane Jensen has
gained many honors this year.
She was the DAR good Citizen,
BPW Girl of the Term, Valentine
Princess, Citizen of the Nine
Weeks, Demolay Sweetheart,
and was the third place winner
in the Wlk's Leadership Contest.
She was a cheerleader in her
sophomore year and was junior
class secretary and a member of
the Homecoming court her
junior year.
Exchange Student
Exchange student Patty
Manoscal from Ecuador has been
busy in school activities. She is a
member of AFS and was
recently inducted into the
National Honor Society. Patty
also took part in the recent AFS
Seminar held in the English
Lecture Hall.
Valentine Princess
Cheerleader Debby Revel has
been a member of GRA for
three years. She has worked on
the bonfire during her
sophomore year, the junion
Class float and the prom in her
junior year, and was a Valentine
princess during her senior year.
A member of the rally squad
for three years, Becky Warren
was a member of the student
council during her sophomore
Cindy Ragand AFS Finalist
I'm just waiting until they
find a home for Me," said
Ashland's AFS semi-finalist
Cindi Ragland.
Miss Ragland has a chance to
live in a foreign country next
year if the American Field
Service can find her a home in a
country." As long as the country
is not communist or communist
controlled," she added. Miss
Ragland was among three girls
who applied for the American
Field Service trip. Miss Ragland
was chosen as a semi-finalist.
In order to become a
candidate for the program the
students must first apply and
then be interviewed with their
families by a committee
Deb Revel
year. She worked on the class
floats for three years and also
helped with last years prom.
Homecoming Queen
Homecoming queen Tricia
Zupan is Past Honored Queen of
the Ashland Bethel Chapter of
Job's Daughters, along with
being on the prom committee
during her sophomore year and
is an active member of GRA.
The queen will be chosen by
her Senior classmates and junior
class president Pat Overand will
announce the winner the night
of the prom.
by Linda Brown
AFS: AFS Day was held on
Monday, April 26. AFS student
from the Rogue Valley came to
Ashland High School to speak
about their native country. The
AFS club is planning a candy tale
in the near future.
Thirtv-seven new member were
initiated into Honor Society on
Thursday. April 22. The initiation
took place in the Ashland High
School cafeteria. James Lewis was
the guest speaker tor the affair.
representatives of the Ashland
High Key Club attended the
Pacific Northwest District Key
Club Convention at the Portland
Hilton, April 23-25. They were
Secretary, Rosario Delatorre,
Vice-President, Larry Taylor; and
Victor Zboralski.
District Key Club officers are.
electee at tnit annual convention.
Also, in the District Impromptu
Essay Contest, Larry Taylor won
third place.
1971-1972 officers for the
Letterman's Club are President
Wynn Wenker: Vice-President,
Dave Westerberg, and Secretary
Joel Mobley.
composed of adult members of
the Ashland AFS Chapter. The
chapter must also interview an
educator from the applicant's
school for further insight ofthe
individuals character.
If a students has not been
eliminated after these
proceedings his name is then
sent to New York City where
the final decision is made. When
the applicant becomes a
semi-finalist he will go abroad if
a home can be found for him.
The ability to get along with
people, how responsible, and
mature an individual is and his
special interests are all taken
into consideration when finding
him a home.