ELECTION SPECIAL VOL. 18. No. 9 FRI.. APRIL 23. 1971 FOR president PAT OYERAIID ! 1 i A v k Hi A t; Ate '". CAwcA: Wiley and Pat Overand Mike Testerman is not pictured. For a job with the prestige and position that student body president entails, concern is always expressed to whether a candidate has a sincere wish for the advancement of the school and more specifically the student council. I spent a good many hours evaluating my own desire to run, and I can assure you that my entire effort would be toward as efficient and productinve a student government as I and the other members could achieve. Governmental needs that are most evident at this time that I plan to see enacted if elected are the revision of an outdated constitution, and a close adherence to that constitution, insuring executive decisions based not on my personal opinion but on the feelings of the student body as a whole. MIKE TESTERMAII I feel it is an honor for me to be able to participate in the candidancy to Student Body President. I have the chance that many people never have; to serve me fellow students to the best of my ability. The kind of person we need in this office is someone who can push things and someone who can take all the junk people lay on you. I feel that I can take these responsibilities. I would like to thank the editors of Rogue News for allowing me to write this article. I would also like to thank my staff and fellow students for their help and cooperation. Isv VICE PRESIDENT CANDIDATES DILL ELLIS Student participation in clubs has been low this past year. I feel that the inaction f our clubs is directly linked with the lack of school spirit that has been displayed over this school year. Being elected first vice President would enable me to work directly with the clubs and get them going. As head of the inter-club council, I would try to devote as much time as possible to stimulate activity among our clubs and resultantly enhance school spirit. As we enter school next year, it is my hope that A.H.S. will have an executive council that is needed and to the enhancement of the overall outlook at our school. It is also my hope that I will be a member of that executive council. -Vfo of. m:ti 2nd VICE PRESIDENT Candidate Bill Ellis. Lesli Peterson is not pictured. "Id Candidate Paul Tumbleson. Not shown are Linda Saunders and Charlie Taylor. LIIIDA SAUNDERS For responsible leadership one must have certain qualities. Among those qualities comes the ability to communicate with other people. A person must be able to speak well and know when to speak out and when not to. As a member of the debate team I feel I have acquired this ability. As a candidate for second vice president I was informed that the main responsibilities of the second vice president is the setting up of all assemblies and service to the executive council. If elected I will fill these responsibilities to the best of my ability. This office has been considered a job of little importance but I feel that it's not the office that makes it important but how important you make it. VOTE! ELECTION 71 CHUCK WILEY WANTED: CHUCK WILEY for Student Body President. His experience in leadership, and dedication would lead Ashland High to good year. He wants and needs YOUR support. FOR an effective student government, VOTE WILEY REWARD: Effective student government leading to good year. WANTED BY WHO?: All students interested in an effective Ashland High AND BY THE POSSE TOO. CAPTURE: CHUCK WILEY FOR STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT. LESLI PETERSON Members of the student body, The attitudes and needs of Ashland High School are changing. With this, student council is increasingly becoming a tool the students must utilize as a link between their needs and school accomplishments. Offering to work to make next years student council as useful as it indeed can be, I submit my candidacy for a position on the executive council as first vice president. Respectfully, Lesli Peterson PAUL TUUDLESON My name is Paul Tumbleson, and I'm running for Second Vice President. Why in the world, you may be wondering, does this boy want to be Second Vice Presidnet? For one thing, I want to aid the student council in becoming a more effective organization, by encouraging total student involvement in the student council, and by encouraging other council members to likewise encourage student participation. I am also running as an alternative to the students, to give them a real choice in the usual host of candidates they find on their ballots. If elected, I would try to promote a better atmosphere CHARLIE TAYLOR I feel that I could do good job as 2nd Vice President. The job entails being a member of the executive council, and setting up for all of the ' assemblies. If elected I intend to bring up as many new ideas as I possible can. I associate with all types of people,, so as a representative in the executive council I could relate ideas of many sorts from different people. Charlie Taylor between the student council, the student body, and the other student organizations. I would also like to make student council actions less time-consuming, by removing or repairing the unwieldy procedures now used at council meetings. I should also try to get the student council to use its full powers in our school. This cannot come about withour your vote for me. Please vote for Paul Tumbleson for Second Vice President.