Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-????, October 30, 1970, Image 1

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    Homecoming Princess Selected By Lettermen
The 1970 Homecoming Court
has been selected by the
Letterman's Club. This year the
court consists of four seniors
and two juniors. Seniors making
up the court are Debbie Coffin,
Jan Da vies, Julie Honk, and
Tricia Zupan. The juniors chosen
are Linda Massey and Lori
One of the six princesses will
be chosen to reign as queen of
the 1970 Homecoming football
game. She will be crowned
during the half time
Vol. 18, No. 2
Diane Jensen Selected As
DAR Recipient For AHS
Dune Jensen was the
recipient of the Daughters of
The American Revolution Good
Citizens award, given to the
outstanding senior girl. She was
chosen from a list of three
finalists picked by the senior
class and given to the faculty for
a final vote. The other
contestants were Cathy Galati
and Billie Hays.
Miss Jensen, varsity yell
queen, has been very active in
her high school career. She was
Junior class secretary, a
sophomore yell leader, and is
currently dividing her time
between both the dance and
symphonic bands. She also
participates in the inter-club
Miss Galati was selected
governor of Girls' State earlier
this year, along with being first
in the state real estate contest.
She is an active member of the
debate squad, band, and is the
president of the Drama Guild.
Senior class president Billie
Hays also adds the presidency of
the Spanish club to her credits.
Ashland High Forensics Team
Captures Sweepstakes Trophy
Ashland High School's senior
division debaters captured the
grand sweepstakes trophy at the
South Coast Invitational Debate
Tournament, held at
Southwestern Oregon
Community College in Coos Bay
October 23 and 24. Coach Herb
Lewis' team had 30 total points.
Second place was taken by
Medford Senior High's team,
with 26 points. The Medford
Mid -High team had 24 points for
third place.
In debate, where the students
are examining the topical
question of air and water
pollution, the team of Lesli
Peterson and Cynthia Ragland
took second place in Oxford
Connie Bulkley and Debi Gates
entertainment. The queen will
be honored at the Homecoming
dance immediately following the
The first senior member of
the court is Debbie Coffin. In
her sophomore year she was
busy working on the bonfire and
float committees to help
promote Homecoming spirit.
She was active on the decoration
committee for the 1970
Junior-Senior Prom. Miss Coffin
is also a member of Job's
Ashland High School, Ashland, Ore.
She was a lab assistant in her
junior year, along with being
Spanish Club vice-president, and
was in the City band. She is
currently in the dance and
symphonic bands, serving as the
librarian for these two groups, is
an American Field Service
member, and is on the Inter-club
In order to qualify for district
and state awards. Miss Jensen
must now fill out a questionaire
DAR winner Diane Jenson studies for the examination she must take
after being chosen Ashland's candidate for the Valley award.
took second place in
cross-examination debate, while
Bill I His and Pat Overand took
The Ashland team was strong
in the individual speeches they
entered in. Cathi Galati placed
first in oratory. Chuck Wiley was
chosen for first place in after
dinner speaking, and Steve
Parsons picked up second. Lesli
Peterson took third place in
impromptu speaking.
Four Ashland speakers made
it to the finals. Bill F.llis and
Cynthia Ragland were finalists in
extemporaneous speaking.
Jacque Leigh made finals in
impromptu. Chuck Wiley in
radio, and Debi Gales in oratory.
12 southern Oregon schools
Jan Davies, another candidate
for queen, has been a student
council representative for three
years. She is kept busy with
serving on the Winter Ball
Committee. Last spring a great
deal of Miss Davies' time was
spent taking karate lessons.
Julie llouk represented the
sophomore class serving as class
secretary. Last year she was an
archbearer for the graduation
ceremonies. This year Miss Houk
is serving as one of the members
of the SSS Committee.
FRI..OCT. 30, 1970
under the supervision of a
faculty member. She will then
compete with the winners from
eight other high schools and a
district winner will be chosen.
The district winner will be given
a fifty-dollar bond and will then
continue on to the state and
national contests.
This award is given on the
basis of dependability,
s er vi ce , I ea d er s h ip and
part a pat ed in the tournament.
Coach Lewis commented that,
"The competition was tough."
However, the victory lends
credence to Ashland's claim of
being the top team in southern
Oregon, and possibly the entire
The 12 participating Ashland
debaters. Coach Lewis and Mrs.
Lewis travelled to Coos Bay by
chartered Mt. Ashland Stage
Lines bus with the Phoenix
debate team and their coach,
Mrs. Marian Smith.
The two top Ashland debate
teams at the South Coast
tournament, Connie Bulkley,
Debi Gates, Cynthia Ragland
and Lesli Peterson, will go to a
tournament at Bend Nov. 2.
Tricia Zupan is acting as
Honored Queen of the Ashland
Bethel Chapter of Job's
Daughters. In her sophomore
year she helped on the bonfire
and float committees. Last year
she was on the 1970
Junior-Senior Prom Committee.
Miss Zupan is an active member
in the Girl's Recreation
Both Junior princesses moved
to Ashland from California
during their freshman year.
Linda Massey is an acti
member of the Girl's Recreation
Association. She helped to build
the bonfire during her
sophomore year. Miss Massey is
helping to promote school spirit
by being a member of the Pep
Lori Waldren was active in
helping her classmates build the
bonfire and the sophomore class
float. Being an active member in
the Girl's Recreation Association
and promoting school spirit
through Pep Club has kept Miss
Waldren's high school years
These six girls will ride in the
traditional Homecoming parade
through downtown Ashland.
The captain of the football team
will have the honor of crowning
the queen.
Princess photos courtesy of
Mark Maxwell and Terry Long
Speak At AHS
A group of political
candidates appeared at Ashland
Senior High on Tuesday,
October 20, to discuss their
political views and election
issues with the social science
classes. The candidates, who
were invited to attend by Mr.
William Lawrence, spoke briefly
about themselves, their political
views, and answered questions
from the audience in an open
forum. The candidates present
were William Cornelieus,
Congressman John Dellenback,
Al Densmore, Representative
Hank Hart, Leigh Johnson, and
Representative Don Stathos. The
topics of discussion ranged from
ballot measures to a discussion
of the situation at Kent
University in Ohio.
The audience, which
consisted primarily of students
from the Modern Problems,
United States History, and
World History classes, also
questioned the candidates on
subjects such as gun control,
abortion, driver's licensing
procedure, and the state
sponsored rock festival Vortex I.
The talk organizer, Mr.
Lawrence, said that he felt the
talks served their purpose, which
was to acquaint the students
with the campaign issued and to
give them a small insight into the
workings of politics in America
At the conclusion of the
day's talks. Congressman
Dellenback presented Student
Body President Jerry Scannell
with a set of books about the
United States Government to be
placed in the school library for
the use of the student body.
Homecoming Court
Julie Houk
Debbie Coffin
Jan Davies
Lori Waldren
Linda Massey
Tricia Zupan
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