PAGE FOUR ROGUE NEWS FRI., MAY IS, 1970 Governor McCall Speaks "Earth Day" Deemed Success u4Sriui 1 OREGON GOVERNOR Tom McCall briefly addressed a throng of AHS students, teachers, and community members on the center mall. Despite a two-minute fire alarm interrupting his presentation, McCall pressed on to encourage students in their efforts to make environmental matters a national priority. Ashland High students had opportunity to discuss pollution problems at the environmental awareness symposium held to celebrate Earth Day. A variety of activities were available to stimulate student interest concerning the pollution problems. The event was highlighted by a speech to Ashland High students by Oregon Governor Tom McCall. Activities included several films pertaining to environmental concerns, lectures on pollution and over-population problems, and field trips to areas of local pollution. The day began with an introduction of Governor McCall and Ashland Mayor Charles " McKeen by symposium coordinators Sharon Silver and Mary Hoxie. Field trips on buses to the pollution areas of Bear Creek and the city dump were directed by Southern Oregon College professors. Dr. Wayne Linn, Dr. Ronald Lamb, Dr. Frank MacGraw and Dr. John Sullivan who lectured to the students. Discussions and lectures ranging from nerve gas to noise pollution were among the other options. Mike Doudy, a Medford High student led discussion and answered questions concerning nerve gas storage in Oregon. A group of Crater High singers also sang about the nerve gas and pollution. Members of a panel concerning orchard heating answered students questions on the smudging problem as a contributor to local air pollution. Moderator of the panel was orchardist Dunbar Carpenter, and other members included orchardists William B. Barnum and Robert Minear, Mr. Herbert Deuel, Chairman, Fruit Growers Air Pollution Committee, and concerned citizen Mrs. Marie Bosworth were the other panel members. The third session lecture concerned the problem of noise pollution with a discussion led by audiometry Richard Croley. The symposium was planned by the innovation committee under the direction of committee members Sharon Silver and Mary Hoxie. ' ii i i - : 7. U I r -p A MEMBER of the population control session briefly speaks to AHS students about planned parenthood. Ironically, advisors for the session were Bill Leybold, father of eight, and Charlene Beatty . . . POLLUTION PANEL members discuss local pollution ills in the Rogue Valley with a capacity audience. They are (left to right) William B. Barnum, Robert Minear, Chairman Dunbar Carpenter (standing), Marie Bosworth, and Herbert Deuel. RICHARD CROLY, audiometry tor Southern Oregon-! Intermediate Education District, speaks to a crowd of students in the English lecture hall. Croly showed a film, played testing tapes, and gave a short lecture on the subject of noise pollution. Claire's Fabrics SEE US FOR YOUR SEWING NEEDS Fabrics such as: Klopman Bates Spring Knight - Serrano Dan River ft f i i 37N.MA5NI ON THBsfl Lasso "1 I I I 1 i WE THINK GOOD STUDENT DRIVERS ARE BEAUTIFUL INSURANCE ACCOUNTS S. C JONES & SONS INSURANCE 22 S. First Ashland 130 W. 6th St. 103 Medford PERRINE'S GARLAr'D LEVIS WHITE STAG PETER'S SHOES CONVERSE KEDS on '.he plaza Adidas Leigh's Sports and Hardware Athletic Equipment Household Needs Gateway Shopping Center Converse VALLEY BARBER SHOP 1608 Highway 66 Jack Routh 99 MARKET Grace K. Gibbel We give S4H Green Stamps Phone 482-2141 Highway 99 South I FIRST 1 NATIONAL FOR ALL YOUR BANKING NEEDS Save- FIRST NATIONAL