Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-????, May 01, 1970, Image 1

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    Princesses Announced
Afl Tin Jw5irSein!oir IPrem
The cards have been dealt,
with seven senior "ladies" in the
winning hand who will represent
this year's prom court.
The princesses were recently
selected by the junior class and
one of them will reign as queen
of the Junior-Senior Prom May
16. Those selected include
Nedda Bestagno, Alice Dale, Lisa
Fortmiller, Arlene Hassell, Jan
Newton, Laurie O'Harra, and
Stephanie Sceva.
AFS Student
Since coming to Ashland late
last summer from Chile as an
American Field Service
representative, Nedda Bestagno
has become involved in many
Ashland High School activities.
She is a member of the AFS club
and Future Nurses of America
organization along with
participating in the humanities
seminar and Great Decisions
Alice Dale has gained many
honors at A US. She was chosen
by the Business and Professional
Debaters See
Eight members of the Ashland
High School debate squad will
participate in the state
tournament today and
tomorrow after qualifying at the
Debaters were eligible for the
state meet by placing either first
or second in the district
tournament held at Crater.
Qualify in Debate
Qualifying for state in debate
were Alice Dale and Cathy Riffe,
1st cross examination debate;
Debi Gates and Connie Bulkley,
2nd oxford debate; and Jacque
. . .
Women as the Girl of the Term
earlier this year. Miss Dale was
also a foreign exchange student
in Ecuador last summer. This
year she is on the rally squad,
debate team, and a member of
the National Honor Society.
Homecoming Princess
Lisa Fortmiller was one of
seven girls selected by the
Lettermen as a homecoming
princess last fall. She also took
part in the Able and Gifted
classes held at the college this
Leigh, 2nd Lincoln-Douglas
Placing first in individual
events were Alice Dale,
extemporaneous speaking; Cathi
Galati, serious interpretation;
Chuck Wiley, radio.
Also qualifying by placing
second were Connie Bulkley,
extemporaneous; Cathi Galati,
oration; Bruce Lorber, after
dinner speaking, Cathy Riffe,
impromptu and humorous
Ashland Sweeps Tourney
The Ashland squad had the
To Be
year. Miss Fortmiller is presently
a member of the NHS and
humanities seminar.
Arlene Hassell is AHS yell
queen this year. She has gained
such honors as Citizen of the
Nine Weeks, Girl of the Term,
and the Betty Crocker
Homemaker of the year award.
Miss Hassell is an active member
of the NHS, the Chamber Choir,
and AFS club. She also
participated in the Able and
Gifted classes this year.
asHina nm school
Vol. 17, No. 7
best showing of all district
members by qualifying in 11
Coach Lewis felt proud of the
team and noted that the total
number of eight Ashland people
to participate at state is the
largest number ever.
The state tournament will
include winners from the 14
Oregon districts.
Also participating at district
were Dee Christlieb, poetry;
Kirk Davies, impromptu; Jacque
Leigh, impromptu and poetry;
Bill Ellis, after dinner speaking.
Cheerleading has occupied
much of Jan Newton's time
during her sophomore and senior
years. She has also spent two
years in student government
activities. Earlier this month.
Miss Newton was one of five
finalists in the Miss Rogue
Valley Pagent in which she won
the talent contest.
The duties of sophomore and
senior class secretary have kept
Laurie O'Harra busy during her
Ashland High School, Ashland, Ore.
Editor-in-Chief Jane Davis
Managing Editor . Kenn Conger
Exchange Editor Jessie Martin
Ad Managers Connie Bulkley, Larry Jones
Photographers Staff
Reporters Dawn Brown, Connie Bulkley,
Jacque Galland, Jack Henry, Cindy Krumdieck, David
Phelps, Sylvia Roderick, Hugh Simpson, and Larry Jones
Adviser Gary Wall
stay at AHS. Previous to this
year. Miss O'Harra participated
in student council and was a
member of the Spirit,
Scholarship, and Service
Homecoming Queen
Stephanie Sceva was the AHS
homecoming queen last October.
Her various activities have
included membership in the
NHS, student council and the ski
team. Miss Sceva is also on the
girls track team this spring.
FRI . MAY 1,1970
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