Image provided by: Ashland High School; Ashland, OR
About Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-???? | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1969)
WED., JUNE 4, 1969 Kiwanis Two Ashland High seniors, Diane Kirby and Phil Michael were recently selected by the Kiwanis as Girl and Boy of the nine weeks. Diana Kirby and Phil Michael pose between activities. Cornwall, Parnell To Speak At '69 Senior Ceremonies Graduation exercises for the 1968-69 school year will begin with Baccalaureate being held on Sunday, June 1st., with Commencement and the annual all-night party on Thursday, June Sth. Baccalaureate Speaking at Baccalaureate will be Rev. Robert Ellis, giving the invocation. The scriptural reading will be read by Rev. Charles Mylander. "He Missed Happiness," the title of the Baccalaureate sermon will be given by Rev. Robert Cornwall. Baccalaureate will begin at 8:00 p.m. Sunday, June 1st in the gym. Commencement Mr. Dale Parnell, State Supt. of Public Instruction-State of Oregon, Salem, Oregon, will be the main speaker at Commencement. The talk which he will be giving is entitled "Freedom." Commencement will begin at 8:00 p.m. -in Thursday, June Sth in the gym. All-Night Party One of the highlights of graduation is the annual all-night party which is held after the Commencement exercises are completed on Thursday night. A picnic fare, swimming, and dancing to the music of the Papre Orph'ns, will start the Don Wolf's STANDARD STATION Emergency Road Service We give Sill Green Stamps 482-2236 105 N. Main Sr. Select Citizens Head Flag Girl Miss Kirby was awarded the title of Girl of the nine weeks as a result of her work this year as Head Flag Girl, after being in the evening off. These activities will be held from 10:00-1:00 a.m. and will be held in the home of Dr. Christian Hald. The Varsity Theatre will be showing a movie from 12:00-3:00 a.m. For those who want to bowl. Rondo Lanes will be open from 2.00-4:00 a.m. The Southern Oregon College pool will be open from 3:00-5:00 a.m. Winding up the all-night party, the graduates and their guests can meet at the home of Dr. John Reynolds for an early morning breakfast from 4:00-7:00 a.m. KEITH'S DOUGLAS SERVICE STATION Complete line of service 1101 Sitkiyou Blvd. GIFTS FOR YOUB HOME GIFTS FOR YOU 57 North Main We give SiH Green Stamps ROSS JOHNSTON TIRE SALES Retreading Recapping Vulcanizing Hwy. 66 ROGUE NEWS organization for the past three years, and her work in Drama Guild productions and activities. She has also participated in the Able and Gifted Classes at SOC and she has assisted Mrs. Wight all year as an English aide. Activities in Band Michael, during his three years in high school has actively participated in the band. He plays the saxaphone in the pep band and the orchestra. He is also a member of the National Honor Society, ad participated in the Able and Gifted Classes. Selections of Citizen Bach nine Weeks, two students are selected on the basis of their leadership and noteworthy contributions to the school. This choosing was recently taken over by the Ashland Kiwanis Club from the Boy and Girl of the Nine Weeks Committee. YOARC The state convention of the youth Oregon Association for Retarded Children was held May 16 and 17, at Southern Oregon College. One of the main speakers for the event was Cliff Robertson, movie actor, and star of the motion picture "Charly." Mr. Robertson is active in the National Association for Retarded Children (NARC). He spoke to the students about his work in NARC, and also about the production of the movie, "Charly." Miss Oregon, Marjean Kay Langley, was the speaker at a banquet which was part of the event. Also speaking to the students was Tom Boyles, representative from the Ashland Jaycees. 482-1466 Craft's Variety Let us help you with oil your variety need CRAFT VARIETY 250 E. Main 482.1971 Ashland ASHLAND'S DEALER Five Clubs Elect New Officers With the end of the school year approaching, many clubs at Ashland High are electing new officers for the year 1969-70. NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY Next year's Honor Society' president is Scott Jensen, junior. Assisting him will be Leslie Grimm, junior, as vice-president, and Niel Ampel, junior, secretary. FUTURE NURSES Sharon Morris, junior, has been chosen as the president for the Future Nurses Club. Cheryl Dailey, sophomore, will serve as vice-president, and Anita Moreno, sophomore, will be secretary. LETTERMAN'S CLUB New officers for Letterman's Club are Jim McClean, junior, president, Larry Edwards, junior vice-president. and Rob Con. Held At SOC The students were welcomed to SOC by President F.lmo Stevenson, and Steve Nelson, student body president. The students also drew up their state constitution, and Cliff . Robertson addressing convention. U5 THE ROGUE NEWS Associate Editors-in-chief Jane Davis Ken Conger Jessie Martin Acting Sports Editor Jane Davis Ad Managers Joi VanDerlinden Jean Reynolds Photographer Lysa Lahr Reporters - Karin Davidson, Isobel Grover, Jack Henry, Judy Hyland, Emily Hungerford, John Perry, Karen Sargenti, Sonny Sixkiller, Julane Thompson, Peggy Thompson, and Jeff Whitsett. Adviser Mr. Wall HAIRCUT THE WAY YOU LIKE IT VALLEY BARBERSHOP WE DO RAZOR CUTTING 1608 Highway 66 CONGRATULATIONS! CLASS OUR PACE EIGHT Merriman, sophomore, secretary-treasurer. AFS Chosen as officers for American Field Service club were Alice Dale, junior, president, and Leslie Grimm, junior, vice president. Assisting them will be Marjorie Rio, junior, secretary, and Wendy Ellis, junior, activities chairman. FBLA Future Business Leaders of America chose Kay Ridinger, sophomore, president for 1969-70. Other officers chosen were Connie Poulsen, junior, vice-president, and Linda Gettling, junior, secretary. Other organizations who have not elected officers yet are Future Teachers of America, Drama Guild, Hope Corps, and Girls Recreation Association. participated in various recreational activities. Those attending from Ashland High were, Cindy Taylor, Glenna Taylor, Deanna Greene, Judy Hyde, Darlene Dragoo, and Kelly Copelaml. members of the YOARC of '69 BEST WISHES ALWAYS! ortmillcr ' QuoLDtft Sin ,4