Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-????, December 13, 1968, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    KR1 . DfcC. I 3. 1968
Wrestlers Open Season
THE UN DEFEAT ABLE. Tim Fisher (above) practices one of
his "death grips" on sophomore, Frank Goodlett. Fisher won
four of the four matches he wrestled in the first two meets of
the season.
John Durbin, a junior, has
been selected Athlete of the
month of December fro his
determined effort on the
wrestling squad.
'Durbin wrestled well against
'4f nts Pass and was champion at
'- match on Saturday,
-restling at 1 12 pounds." Coach
Mobley said.
Red Beats White 77
The varsity hoopsters of
Ashland High gave the public a
glimpse of the future in the
second annual Red and White
The Reds defeated the
Whites, 77-65, behind Sonny
Sixkiller and Randy Nelson with
29 and 22 points, respectively.
High for the game went to junior
center Brian kieling with 31
Brian Kieling shoots high
during the Red-White game
on Dec. 5.
Chuck's Hillsidb
barber shop
HOURS. 9:00 to 6:00
By appointment
56 E. MAIN
- -sj
Sonny Sixkiller, a senior and
three year letterman is the
Athlete of the Month of
December for basketball.
Coach Ray stated that,
"Sixkiller worked ahrd in
practice and played real well in
the Red and White game."
Sixkiller was also Athlete of the
Month of October of this year
for his football efforts.
- 65
Colors Clash
points. Backing him up was Jay
Fischer with 17, and Jim Pardee
with 10.
Leading the rebounders were
Kieling and Roger Hall with 13.
Other top rebounders were
Fischer and Tim Slapnicka with
1 2 each.
The northern teams battle the
southern teams in the first
Basketball Jamboree of the
Southern Oregon Conference.
The affair will have Roseburg,
Grants Pass, and Crater against
Ashland, Medford, and Klamath
Falls. The teams will play a total
of nine 10 minute quarters with
a minute between to get ready.
Each quarter score will be kept,
as well as an overall total to
determine the winner.
The event is scheduled for
7:15 pm., Friday Dec. 13, at
the Medford Senior High gym.
U.S.D.A. Choice meat
The freshest produce
Fast check stond
No waiting in long
check-out lines
S&H Green Stamps
Fisher Takes First
Tim Fisher won four matches
in many tries as the Grizzlies of
Ashland lligh School opened
their 1968-69 wrestling season
against Grants Pass and Medford
last weekend.
Fisher's four wins brought his
total for the last two seasons to
30 wins and one loss. The lone
setback was a 4-2 decision at the
State wrestling meet last year.
Black Friday
Against the Cavemen, the
local crew was hurt by a lack of
Girl Gymnasts
Head North
For Skills Clinic
The Girls Gymnastic team is
practicing now in preparation
for a skills clinic on January 1 1
in Medford.
The clinic is a day long
session of gymnastics practice
under the direction of a
well-known gymnast. This year's
coach is Dale Flansas, a former
Olympic competitor in womens"
gymnastic teams.
All gym teams from the
schools in the area attend this
clinic which is designed to teach
new and better techniques in
Miss Lancy feels the whole
team has a good chance to go to
state this year.
In Order for the team to go
to state they must place at least
second at district. Last year,
although the team didn't go,
Sheri Harlan placed 5th in floor
exercise and 6th on balance
beam, and Patrice Roberts
placed 5th on balance beam.
experience and came up on the
short end of a 49-10 score.
With several wrestlers
competing for the first time at
the varsity level, Ashland had
but two winners. In the 141 lb.
division, senior Tim Fisher
pinned his opponent. Bob Lewis
wrestling at 178 lbs; also pinned
his man.
Bears Get 3rd
Early Saturday, the Grizzly
grapplers traveled to Medford to
participate in a four team
tourney. The AHS squad
managed a third place finish, and
also had four first place winners.
f I I Ll I li I Lli vW
It seems as though the jamboree tonight is going to be a
thriller. All God's creatures will be there. The birds and the
bears and the tornadoes are pitted against the Injuns,
cavemen, and comets. Of course we will emerge victorious
from the ensuing storm.
Around school I have seen one team with white jerseys
that say "Mothers Little Helpers" on the back. What is
their sport?
It is hard to imagine that the motley crew seen jogging
through our crumbling corridors, sweating in their grey
baggies, will some day be sporting the scarlet sweaters
9and matching hats) of the AHS ski Team. On the
mountain, this dedicated group Jives by the two rules laid
down by their leader, Mr. Roger: 1 . To stop blood from
flowing from a wound in the leg, wrap the leg around the
body above the heart. 2. The climate of the Sahara is such
that its inhabitants have to live elsewhere.
TILL 9-00 - NOW
Team members snagging first
place ribbons were, John
Durbin, A division 115 lbs.,
Steve Wilson, B division, IIS
lbs., Roger Jones 136 lbs. and
Tim Fisher 141 lbs.
In addition to the first place
awards, Ashland had three
second-place berths. Runner-ups
for the Grizzly crew were Reilly
Jones 106 lbs., Frank Goodlett
130., and John Watier, 148 lbs.
The first home match of the
season will be at the local
gymnasium today at 4:00 with
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