PACE 2 ROGUE NEWS FRI.. DEC. 13, 1968 A (futstion f . THE ROGUE NEWS Editor-in-chief Karen Sargenti News Editor Karin Davidson Managing Editor Emily Hungerford Sports Editor Jane Davis Ad Managers Joi vanderLinden Jean Reynolds Photographer Lysa Lahr Reporters Kenn Conger, Isobel Grover, Jack Henry, Judy Hyland, Jessie Martin, John Perry, Sonny Sixkiller, Julane Thompson, Peggy Thompson, and Jeff Whitsett. Adviser Mr. Wall EDITORIAL How To Choose A Without Really Trying The following guide to easy college-choosing should be helpful to all those suffering seniors who are now spending all their moments wading through reamf of college applications and slowly losing their patience with it all. Step 1 - Wait until the last minute (it's more exciting that way.) Step 2 Decide what general area of the country you prefer ( for example, as far away from parents as possible or near skiing.) Step 3 Decide whether you would prefer an all-male school (if you are female) or an all-female school (if you are male) or a co-educational school (if you can't decide.) Step 4 Decide what courses you want to take in college (ie -auto mechanics and shop or physics and chemistry.) Step 5 Talk to your friendly guidance counselor and get throughly confused. Step 6 Send out letters requesting information from colleges. Step 7 Spend another session with your friendly guidance counselor deciphering the information you receive. Step 8 - Evaluate all information collected in Steps 1-7 and make decisions. Step 9 Abandon decision made in Step 8 and settle on SOC because parents can't afford anything else. Step 10 Discover all this Ashland General Hardware Sporting Goods - Tools - Plumbing & Electrical - Paints We give S&H Green Stamps 90 NORTH PIONEER ASHLAND 99 MARKET Grace K. Gibbel SEASON'S GREETINGS Phone 482-2141 Highway 99 South Keith's Douglas Service 1101 Siskiyou Blvd. 482-1466 CHRISTMAS GREETINGS College wasn't necessary since you won't even be graduating this year! Moral: If selecting the right college really is important to you, ignore the above advice and make a very careful choice with the help of your parents, counselor, and some deep thought on your part. And start thinking about it early, or you won't have any choice! EH Thoughts On Christmas Pirkko Virtanen, our AFS student from Finland, watches the approach of Christmas here in the United States, her thoughts probably also lie in past Finnish Christmases. Christmas for Pirkko in Finland is not very much unlike that in the United States although it is more traditional and includes the famous Finnish Bath, a very important part of Christmas. Even though Christmas preparations begin earlier, most of the activities take place on Christmas Eve. The Christmas dinner is prepared, which will consist of dried codfish, soaked two weeks ahead of time in a lye solution, herring, ham, patatoe cassarole, salad, rice pudding, white and rye bread, and dried cakes. Drinks will be coffee and homemade, non alcholic beer. Also on Christmas Eve, the Finns go to the sauna or Finnish SOUTHERN OREGON SKYWAYS Planning a Future? Learn To Fly 2925 Highway 66 U The month of December is a season of cheer and happiness in anticipation for Christmas day. The spirit of receiving often overshadows the joy of giving. With this point in mind the Rogue News took an interest in the thoughts of many students on the world situation. We asked the following students this question: If you had one wish for Christmas, but the stipulation on it was that it had to be for the good of mankind and the world, what would you wish? Sophomore, Jan Davies: My wish for mandkind would be to appreciate the little things in life and not take for granted your many possessions. It has been said, "Only when we are truly grateful for what we have are we fit to receive." Sophomore, Gary Doris: I would wish it would go on exactly as it is because to wish for anything is avoiding reality. The world has and always will have all kinds of people and Bath. The steam bath not only provides a means of cleansing but also provides mental relaxation and enjoyment. A very important part of the life of the Finns, the sauna is even more so on Christmas. For a Musical Christmas Portable Stereo Cassette Players Play Tapes Recorders 4 Track Players Top "80" Open II a.m. to 1 1 p.m. Weekdays 1 1 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday & Saturday Nights Phone 482-3857 1474 Siskiyou Blvd. JjLJ their problems. To wish for anything different would be foolishness. Junior, Cathy Riffe: A solution to all world problems that would bring love, happiness and peace into each person's life. Junior, Rhonda Demo: If I had such a wish, I would wish for peace, because this in turn would benefit the world in several ways. There would be no wars or arguments. This most likely would mean that the people of the world would be happy and content. Because they wouldn't be spending their time and money on wars, they could then devote a greater amount of time on improving the world by working and learning together. Junior, Debbie Morgan: My wish would be that everyone could recognize and solve their problems. If problems could be solved people would be The Christmas tree is not set up until Christmas Eve. Some of the decorations will be apples, gingerbread, strings and balls, and lighted magnesium sticks. Joulupukki Santa Clause who lives in the north of Finland in Korvatunturi will make individual stops to every family. He will pass out the presents and the family will sing to him and have refreshments with him. Late Christmas Eve mayors of towns declare a Christmas Peace. Then early Christmas morning the Finns attend mass at church. After Christmas, New Years is celebrated with fireworks and followed by "bull weeks," where everyone "works like a bull" to pay for Christmas. Christmas in the United States id different for Pirkko, but she whshes all of her American friends a Huyaa Joulva (Finnish). BILL'S I ROSS JOHNSTON COLLEGE 66 TIRE SALES 1515 Siskiyou Blvd. T6nr AMtni GENERAL TIRE Dealer 482-9991 Open 24 hours i Happy W GENERAL HAVE A HAPPY Holiday, i mmmimmn CHRISTMAS TtRFf HAIRCUT THE WAY YOU LIKE IT V VALLEY BARBER SHOP WE DO RAZOR CUTTING f 1608 Highwoy 66 Jtyle's MB J JEWELERS FLOORCR AFT LOVE BRIGHT ASHLAND'S EXCLUSIVE DIAMONDS FLOORCOVER SHOP 283 EAST MAIN " 482"0894 IN ASHLAND 100 East Main Street happier and be able to live easier. If people had the ability to recognize their problems the solutions would come easier, and the solutions would have more and better results. Junior, Joel Massey: I would wish that we could have a good president. A president that could get us out of Viet Nam. A president more interested in spending money on problems at home instead of giving away money to unappreciative nations. Junior, Bruce Lorber: I wish that the war in Viet Nam would come to an end. I feel as though we should start the bombing again to win a victory militarily instead cf wasting all this time at the negotiations tables while American lives are being lost. Senior, Kris Keil: My wish would be that everyone in the world could have the opportunity to eat three full, nourishing meals every day. Senior, Jim Kreisman: The only hope or wish any sane man can make is the wish for total lasting peace. As men have done since the beginning of time, I would wish for: peace throughout the world, that all men would be free of fear and hatred of other men, that all countries would unite rather than compete, for man to unselfishly desire to help his fellow man regardless of race, religion, or political beliefs, to have love-all important love-which would not lead to violent posse ssiveness. These alone can save mankind from self destruction. Although they may seem lik many wishes, they are, in reality, one. The wish most desperatiely needed in the world today peace. Senior, Steve Van Dewalker: That all men be granted wisdom because the beginning of wisdom is the fear of Clod. THE DRIVE-IN WITH THE STUDENT IN MIND