Q Vol. 16. No. 4 ASHLAND Five seniors have been named winners of the local Elk's Youth Leadership Contest. Kris Keil and Dave Galati won first place awards, Silver Foster and Mike Trenton placed second, and Jean Reynolds was the third place winner. Selections were based on the qualities of leadership and citizenship as demonstrated in the school and community. Cash prizes are awarded to the winners of the contest, on the local, state, and national levels. On the local level, the cash awards offered are $75 for the top boy and girl, $50 for the second ranking, and $25 for the third place winner. The top boy and girl on the local level are then entered in the state competition, where the first place prizes are $350. Miss Keil is an outstanding member of the debate team, and has won several trophies for the school. She has also participated in girls track, gymnastics, and is a member of the ski team. Galati is president of the Ashland High School marching band, and is active member of the debate team. He is also the co-manager of the dance band. GSqdI UP ON THE NEWS Roundball gets underlay in the valley Dec. 13 at Med ford High. A basketball jamboree has been scheduled with all Southern Oregon Conference teams participating. Only 200 tickets will be sold. Snatch up a ticket fast and don't miss the first Southern Oregon Conference Basketball Jamboree. The Winter Ball has been snowed under this year. A decision is plaguing the student council on whether to have a Mardi Gras or Computer dance in the spring. You can help decide by writing the editor of the Rogue News. Here 's your chance to get your name in the paper and vote for a dance, so write! Seniors are out in front in the race for SSS points with 6. The juniors are trailing with 2, while the sophomores bring up the rear with a goose egg. Sophomores did you forget? Don't forget, letters to the editor are welcomed, and sometimes appreciated. If you disagree with the opinions of the Rogue News, write. It will be printed. 61 HIGH SCHOOL, ASHLAND, ORE. rafli I? k Used and a member of Honor Society. Miss Foster is an active member of the 4-HB club, and American Field Service. She is also a member of Future Business Leaders of America, and Girls League. Trenton is currently serving as student body president, and is a member of the Campus Life club at A11S. He also helped Oiganize tht Oivrus I.if- cluh Miss Reynolds has participated in Senior Council as a student council representative. She is also an active member of both AFS, and Future Nurses of America club. Miss Keil and Dave Galati, will now compete on the state level, and possibly on to national level, where the first place award is $2000. Leask Vacations Derek Leask, the AFS student from New Zeland in the 1967-68 school year, is back in Ashland again for his summer vacation. Leask, who arrived in Ashland the Sun. after Nov. 22, ERE, DEC. 13. 1968 Winners of the Elks Leadership contest are (front row 1 to r) Mike Trenton, Silver Foster, Dave Galati, ( back row) Kris Keil, and Jean Reynolds. the day he arrived in Los Angeles , is living with the Eugene Clarkes, the family of his American brother Terry Clarke. During his three month stay here he will be working for the Ashland City Water Company. Now 20 years old, Leask 9 V V A mi Debaters Place At Pac. Tourney I lie Ashland debate squad, coached by Herb Lewis, recently made the best showing at the Pacific University debate tournament that it has in the past 10 years. In Ash. plans to return to New Zealand in March where he will complete another year of study toward a BCA degree, or degree in Commerce, at Victoria University in Wellington. This degree is similar to the United States degree in economics. During his year here at AHS, Leask was very active in tennis and even placed in the Southern Oregon tennis conference championships. He qualified to take part in the state matches. Leask was also made an honorary member at the National Honor Society. Don iLC The team succeeded in receiving a second place trophy in the senior division sweepstakes, behind the winning Centennial team by only a few points. Ashland's debate team of 1958 was the last team to be as successful as this year's team by achieving a second place in senior division sweepstakes. Places, but no trophies Winners in various events included Jeff McCollum, second in oratory, Cathy Riffe and Alice Dale, second in oxford debate, and Kris Keil and Kathy Hill, third in oxford debate. None of these winners packed home trophies, as only first place trophies were awarded at the tournament. Semifinalists included Jim Work in oratory, Bruce Lorber in humerous interpretation, and Dave Galati in extemporaneous. Subject to an omnipotent iysltin of putfails -i!!:-d "in breaks," Ahsland suffered a shutout in the junior division at the tournament. A grand total of 22 debaters, chaperoned by Lewis and his wife left Ashland for Forest Grove Thursday, Dec. 5, for the two day tournament. Words of wisdom Reflecting on the team's success at the tourney, coach Lewis said: "The team did better than I figured they would. The tournament has a total of only 12 trophies and over 1,000 competitors going for them. Each school puts their top competition in each event, so it's tough to place. We usually consider Pacific as more of a learning tournament than one we win at." The remaining tournaments for Ashland this year include Southern Oregon College in Ashland, Linfield College in McMinville, and possibly Lewis and Clark College. CALENDAR OF EVENTS FR1. DEC. 13 Wrestling -Henley-Here MON. DEC. 16 Champion Highway Sefety Program - 10:45 a.m. TUE. DEC. 17 Christmas Concert - Band Chorus THU. DEC. 19 Wrestling - K. Falls-Here FRI. DEC. 20 Basketball -Crescent City-Here CHRISTMAS VACATION BEGINS SAT. DEC. 21 Basketball -Crescent City - Here SAT. DEC. 28 Wrestling -Phoenix - Here 1:00 p.m. FRI. JAN. 3 Basketball -Roseburg - Here SAT. JAN. 4 Wrestling -Eagle Point - Here, Basketball at Med ford MON. JAN. 6 School Opens