Image provided by: Ashland High School; Ashland, OR
About Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-???? | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1967)
Four Go To State - Tit r r Those four track members who went to the state meet are (1. to r.): Jack Anderson, javelin; Jay Fischer, low hurdles; Gene Willis, discus; and Roger Springer, pole vault. District Easy, Golfers Go State Being the most successful golf team in Ashland's history, the Bears represented Ashland High at the State Tourney. At District, all the Grizzlies did well, shooting five strokes under the 328 stroke maximum four man team score. Bill Kuhl wein made All-Conference with an 18 hole total of 73, second best in the district. Scott Wea ver had the second best team score of 82, and Jim Work, the team's only sophomore, shot For th Most Com p let Collection of Paperback VISIT McCARLEY'S BOOKS & MAGAZINES 161 East Main Ph. 482-9081 Ashland, Orefon TEENAGE AUTO INSURANCE A SPECIALTY WILEY & REINHOLDT 369 E. Main 482-1921 Ashland General Hardware Sporting Goods - Tools - Plumbing & Electrical - Paints 90 North Pioneer Ashland m Susan Beecher likes the wide selection of golf equipment at Southern Oregon's Complete Sporting Goods Center L linmi sa . .I. ar, i , an 83. Qualifying fourth on the team to attend State was Steve Roberts with an 85. John Zu pan also had an 85, but lost the fourth man spot to Roberts. At the State meet a week later, the Bruins took twenty fifth in a field of 49 schools, beating 11 schools. The Bears shot a 330-340 670. Kuhlwein had an 82 82 164, Weaver shot an 82 82-164, Work fired an 86 83 lb9, and Roberts trailed with an 80 91-171. Since Scott Weaver is the only member graduating, Coach Dick Copple is confident that the team will do even better next season. Upcoming golfers include Jack Gordon, Tim Mob ley, and Gregg Torrey, one of whom could be the fifth man. FURNITURE RUGS CARPETS LAMPS DESKS Serving Ashland For Over 50 Years PIONEER Shopping Center PIONEER MARKET LAUNDROMAT 88c STORE STATE FARM INSURANCE BEAUTY SALON i Henry Carr Jewelers Keepsake and Orange Blossom Diamonds WATCHES - JEWELRY - GIFTS PROFESSIONAL AMPEX RECORDERS DISC PRESSING Siskiyou Studio Special Band Group Recording Competitive Prices Local or Out of Town Fred Lewis Four Ashland High track athletes won the right to go to the state track meet by either winning or finishing second in the district meet. Gene Willis, who hurled the discus 166' 2V-", was the only first-place winner for the Bruins in the district meet where the Grizzlies placed fifth. Other teammates who quali fied for the state by finishing Grizzlies Baseball The Ashland High Grizzlies closed out hteir 1967 baseball season by losing a trio of games to conference competi tion. The three losses bring their conference mark to 0-20 and 2 23 total for the season. Girls Place 3rd In District Meet The Ashland High School girls track team placed third at the district track meet held May 6 at Southern Oregon Col lege. Those who placed for Ash land are: Judy Jameson, who qualified for the state meet, placed second in the 220 and 100 yard dash; Carolyn Boat, third in the shot put; Judi Ni dever, third in the javelin; Kathy Roberts, fourth in the javelin; Kathy Brown, sixth in the hurdles; Carlista Holland, sixth in the 440 yard run; Te resa Moulton, sixth in the javelin; and Jameson, Shaw, Harlan and Holland placed sixth in the relays. Kathy Brown tied the school record of 14'2" in the long jump. WARDROBE CLEANERS On the Plaza S&H Green Stamps Featuring The Burger Family 1415 Siskiyou Blvd. 482-2351 Phone 482-4079 STANS A & W second include Jack Anderson in the javelin, Roger Springer in the pole vault, and Jay Fischer in the low hurdles. Grants Pass dominated the district meet, rolling up 140V4 points to 120 points for Kla math Falls. Medford was third with 76'2, followed by Rose burg with 70, Ashland with 39, and Crater last with 28. Performances by Ashland Cap Year Grants Pass squeaked past the Bruins twice, winning by one run in both games. The scores were 7 6 and 6-5. In the first game with Grants Pass, Ashland jumped off to a 60 lead, but the Cavemen fought back and won the game by an extra inning homerun. The second game was a re verse of the first. Grants Pass built up a six point lead early in the game, but Ashland could not make up in the final inning and fell short, losing a 65 de cision. Medford ended Ashland's season by defeating the team for their last game 6-1. Medford started off with a 3 0 lead, and then stretched it 6-0 in the sixth inning. The Grizzlies' lone tally came when the Tornado's pitcher walked in the row. Sonny Sixkiller was the los ing pitcher against Medford. Three seniors played their last baseball season with Ash land High School. They were Joey Williamson, Joe Stephen son, and John Matteson. . ATHLETE OF Anderson The final Athlete of the Month has been picked. Jack Anderson, a 5'10", 175-pound junior, has been selected for his participation in track this year. Anderson has been an active athlete all through high school. Transferring to Ashland High School this year from Portland, Oregon, he has lettered in track here and in football in Port land. He likes all kinds of sports, among them football, basketball, track, and baseball AruliTMin did well in In. tuck i-11 Di Is I In.-, yeai. Ills beat meet was in a four-way match the weekend before district. Although he did not place at State, he heaved the javelin 180'2" to take second place at the district meet held in Kla math Falls. Along with his athletic prow ess, Anderson enjoys the out doors. Fishing, mountain climb ing, and rock collecting were FOR COMPLETE BEAUTY CARE IT'S Ashland Beauiy Shop PERMANENTS STYLING CUTTING TINTING MANICURING 482-1276 149 East Main - Ashland competitors saw Willis second in the shot put, Dana Berry sixth in the long jump, the 440 relay team fifth. Terry Neuen schwander third in the mile, Gary Hooper and Kay Ferreira fifth and sixth in the javelin, Springer second in the pole vault, Fischer third in the high hurdles, Dick Boulton fifth in the 880, Willis first in the dis cus, Fischer second in the low hurdles. Anderson had previously tossed the spear 191 '8", which bettered his showing at the district meet. His toss came at a four-team meet with Klamath Falls, Grants Pass, and Crater. In the shot put, earlier this year at the same meet, Willis set a new school record with a throw of 53'8". Breaking his old pole vault record of 13'4 ", Springer turned around at a meet with Grants Pass and vaulted 13'9". Netmen Fail To Go To State In the last match of the ten nis season, the Ashland High netters were unable to send a representative to the state meet. They fell to the Confer ence teams in both singles and doubles. The most successful Bears were Craig Kirby, winning round one, 26, 6-3, 6-4, but losing the second 6-3 and 6-0; and John Perry who beat a ging 6-0, 6-0 in the second Klamath Falls man 6 1, 61, and losing 6-0, 6-0 in the sec ond round. THE MONTH Honored listed as his hobbies. As well as enjoying outdoor sports, he enjoys indoor sports (eating). He mentioned his favorite foods as steak, ham. clams, prawns, pancakes, and apple pie. JACK ANDERSON S&H 270 E. Main S&H THE MART ASHLAND STATIONERY We Specialize in School Supplies the Year Around Barnes & Noble College Outline Webster's Seventh New College Dictionary Engineering Supplies Art Supplies Smith-Corona Typewriters Brief and Attache Cases COME IN AND BROWSE t ti ...... -