Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-????, June 05, 1967, Image 1

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    Engstrom Announces
'67 '68 Plans and
Make Appointments
Page 2
Seniors! Subscribe
To Rogue News
Page 4
Vol. 14, No. 12
MON., JUNE 5, 1967
Awards, Scholarships
Master of Ceremonies Alan
Engstrom presided at the an
nual awards assembly last Wed
nesday in the gym. At this
time, the 1967-1968 student
council officers were officially
sworn in and numerous awards
and scholarships were pre
sented. Ann Colwell presented the
club-of-the-year trophy to Lin
da Roberts, Future Business
Leaders of America president.
AFS student Lilette Tum
baahan, Phillipines, presented
Ashland I lih with her coun
try's flag. In return, student
body president Kathy Ncal
presented an American flag to
Several national organiza
tions honored five graduating
seniors. Danforth Foundation
"I Dare You" awards were
presented to Julie Cox and
Dave Work. Paula Hoffman
and Craig Korthase were pre
sented American Legion Merit
Awards. Carolyn Hassell, whose
Voice of Democracy speech
won the A11S award and later
placed in district competition,
was honored by the V.F.W.
Several teachers presented
awards to outstanding students.
Ginny Lawrence received the
Eric Allen Journalism award.
Curtis White received the Na
tional Math Test award. Judi
Niilever and Gary McC.raw re
ceived Oregon Chemical So
ciety awards. The Bausch &
Lomb science medal was pre
sented to Dave Work.
Order of Gregg Artists short
hand fluency awards were pre
sented to Debbie Dillon, Becky
MacCollister, Margaret Whil
lock, Nicki Benbrook, Ruth
Evans, Linda Fremd, Bonnie
Graber, Bonnie Green, Sharon
Haas, Paddy Oakley, Jane Tur
ner, Tricia Walker, and Kathy
Ginny Lawxence and Lisa
Tumbleson were presented Val
elirtorian and Salutatorian
awards. Ginny also received the
Reader's Digest award.
Girls Honor
Miss McLarnan
Miss Mary McLarnan was
honored at a surprise party
May 22, at 3:30 in the school
library, by the girls of her
homemaking classes.
Miss McLarnan was greeted
at the door with the traditional
shouts of "Surprise!" and a
candy-cane carnation corsage
which was pinned on her
f rT
Miss McLarnan,
home economics
stands before her cake at the
surprise party given in her
1 f)
Awards by various organiza
tions included Scott Weaver,
U. S. National Bank Scholar
ship; Stevie Rice, Rogue Val
ley Women's Club Scholarship;
Chris Wiley and Dave Work,
OSU Dad's Club awards; and
Olin Ford Bellview PTA schol
arship. AHS scholarship win
ners included Carolyn Hassell,
Girls' League; and Steve Buck
elew, industrial-fine arts.
SOC winners are: Darlene
Beck, Julie Cox, Penny
Fletcher, Craig Kirby, Doug
Kirby, Kathy McGuire, and
Moya Sander. University of
Oregon winners are: Mary
Alley, Susan Beecher, Jan
Gray, Ginny Lawrence, Bill
Pettit, and Cathy Phelps. Olin
Ford, Jon Holland and Mike
Krug received music scholar
ships to SOC.
Other students receiving
scholarships to Oregon colleges
and universities include: Monte
Bradshaw, Willamette Univer
sity; Barbara Sorenson, Judson
Baptist College; Margaret Whil
lock, University of Portland.
Out-of state winners include
Craig Korthase, Seattle Pacific;
Teresa Spence, University of
Denver; and Lisa Tumbleson,
Barnard College (Columbia
Both Joey Williamson and
Gene Willis received scholar
ship oilers from Brigham
Young University, Oregon State
University, University of Ore
gon, and University of Wash
ington. Joey received an ad
ditional offer from Washington
State University, while SOC
offered Gene a scholarship.
Students, Clubs
Future Business Leaders of
America have recently been
named Club of the Year by
Interclub Council.
Under the leadership of Lin-
The refreshment table was
attractively decorated with
lilacs and candles, two large
sheet cakes, inscribed "From
Your Girls," and cookies and
Miss McLarnan was seated at
the table of honor and was
served, while Barbie Sorenson
and Lynette Cornwall provided
the entertainment by singing
two songs.
Sandy Westgaard presented
Miss McLarnan with a gift of
a silver dish engraved "From
the Sophomore, Junior and
Senior Classes of '67." Danis
Conklin, Barbara Swink, and
Jackie Thompson organized the
About 75 people were at the
party, including the faculty and
some former students.
After her retirement in
June, Miss McLarnan plans to
travel. She will leave for a
trip to Seattle the week after
school closes, and will be there
most of the summer. Miss Mc
Larnan said that she also hopes
to take a trip to Hawaii with
her niece the latter part of
the summer. After her busy
vacation, she plans to spend
time with her family.
Susan Beecher received
scholarships from Antioch Uni
versity, Mills College, and
Stanford University. Cathy
Phelps received scholarships
from Stephens College and
Wisconsin State University.
Honors-atnentrance award
winners include Tom Berning
hausen and John Matteson,
SOC; and Lois Lahr, Seattle
Beauty School tuition schol
arship winners are LaDessa
Byington, Bonnie Lewis, Bar
bara Swink, and Jackie Thomp
son. Clubs and Organization award
winners include majorettes,
Julie Cox and Debbie Evans;
outstanding Grizzettes, Theresa
Meyers, Georgianna Sixkiller,
and Debbie Slapnicka; and FTA
summer conference on teach
ing scholarship, Laura Rose.
Drama Guild awards were
presented to Susan Beecher,
Jan Gray, Francine Conner,
and Bob Gruber.
service awards.
Jon Holland was named the
outstanding AHS bandsman.
Dick Calhoun, Olin Ford and
Carlista Holland received band
service awards. Five band camp
scholarships were also pre
sented. Joey Williamson was award
ed the Booster Club outstand
ing athlete trophy. Gene Willis
received the KOIN radio sta
tion athlete-of-the-year nomina
tion. Girls' Recreation Association
selected Cathy Phelps as its
outstanding senior girl. Par
ticipation pins were presented
to other members.
da Roberts, president, and Mrs.
Jean Fowler, advisor, the club
has been active throughout the
summer and school year.
During the summer months
the club was able to send
Linda Roberts, president, and
Joyce- Taylor, vice-president, as
delegates to the National Con
vention in New Orleans. The
club worked during the school
year to send these two dele
gates and were thus able to
pay the entire transportation
fee. On the 4th of July the club
had a cotton candy booth in
Lithia Park. This project was
determined a great success.
In September the club re
organized and resumed the
Continental Breakfast each
morning throughout the school
year. In October the club be
gan work on the Grizzly Guide
student directory. Also at this
time the club began prepara
tions for the organizing of the
CBS store refreshment stand.
This stand was to enable stu
dents to purchase snacks dur
ing lunch time. Also in Octo
ber, the club submitted a float
The Seniors won SSS this
year and received a half day
from school on May 25.
The seniors went to Jackson
Hot Springs at noon and par
ticipated in organized recrea
tion until 3:30. Recreation in
cluded pie-eating contests,
three-legged, sock, and orange
races. Additional contests in
cluded a tug-of-war and egg
toss. One contest was a song
contest with original songs
sung by the seniors.
Monte Bradshaw (right) and trio Lynette Cornwall, Cathy
Phelps, and Barb Sorenson (left), perform their musical
talents in the AH School Talent Show held May 26.
Talent Show
Presents Variety
The talent show was present
ed on May 26, 1967 at Ashland
High School Gymnasium, and
consisted of many types of
Judy Phelps and Bruce Oden
acted as masters of ceremonies.
The show began with the in
troduction of an unusual dance
routine, consisting of a group
of senior girls, led by Kathy
O'Hara, entitled, "I'm going to
wash that man right out of my
haih." Next was "Michael, row
representing their club in the
Homecoming Parade. During
the month of December, FBLA
purchased presents to send to
the Fairview Hospital in Salem.
The club was active not only
in club projects but also in
school activities. FBLA was re
sponsible for concessions dur
ing basketball season and per
formed a skit at a student body
pep assembly in February.
During the month of March
the club put up the monthly
calendar in the study hall.
Penny Fletcher
Named 4-H Winner
Senior Penny Fletcher will
represent the state of Oregon
in home improvement at the
national convention of 4-H in
Chicago next November.
Penny was selected on the
basis of her record book, which
in her field was best in state,
and contained the following in
formation: clippings, pictures,
her cost records, records of her
4-H projects, her principal's
and county agent's recommen
dations, and a 1500 to 2000
word story. Penny submitted
her book on the state and
county level in home improve
ment. She also submitted rec
ord books on the county level
in Forestry and Dairy.
Penny has been active in
4-H for many years. Her activi
ties include: Forestry, Knitting.
Dairy, Home Improvement, and
Teen Council. Her awards and
the boat ashore." "My Love"
and "Once," which were pre
sented by a trio of Lynette
Cornwawll, Barbie Sorenson,
and Cathy Phelps.
These acts were followed by
Monte Bradshaw on the violin,
accompanied by Linda Greene
on the piano. She played the
selection, "Somewhere My
Greg Lewis played his guitar
and sang "The Seine" and "Ja
maica Farewell," followed by
a dance routine by Lilette Tum
bahagan, Ashland High School's
AFS student, to the music of
A "Banua" and "500 Miles"
by sophomores Jon Olson, Lon
Gossage and John Perry was
followed by a dance routine by
Sharon Kitzman to the music
of Herb Alpert's recording of
"Whipped Cream."
Lynn Bassonette sang, while
accompanying himself on the
guitar, songs entitled "Summer
time," "Unchained Melody."
"Take Your Time'' and "Little
ISkick Egg."
Closing tin- day's t-n U Ttiiin
ment was Lynette Cornwall
and Barbie Sorenson singing
"He's Everything To Me."
honors include: Champion Se
nior Jersey Showman at the
state fair, County medals in
Dairy and Forestry, chosen for
competition on the dairy judg
ing team at Pacific Interna
tional, and the record book con
test on the county level.
President of Future Teachers
of America heads Penny's list
of activities. Her other activi
ties include Grizzettes and
Inter-Club Council.
Penny has received a full
tuition and fees and a four
year Carpenter scholarship to
SOC. She plans to major in
elementary education.
In Chicago, Penny will stay
one week. She will be compet
ing for six $500 scholarships,
which are given in each of the
25 divisions. 25 representative
ale eliien from each Mali- I"
represent each field.