Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-????, May 19, 1967, Image 1

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Vol. 14, No. 11
Tucker Selected
For Prom Queen
Senior Pam Tucker reigned
as queen of the "Roman Holi
day," the Ashland Senior High
School junior-senior prom for
1967. Pam's escort for the eve
ning was Jerry Sessions.
Plans for the prom were
under the supervision of junior
class social chairman Judy
Phelps. Also assisting were jun
ior class president Jim Williams
and junior class advisor Mr.
Keith Mobley.
Decorations, carrying out a
Roman motif, were in green
and gold. A false ceiling with a
gold marble design and match
ing ivy-covered pillars helped
carry out the theme. A fountain
and a silver chandelier were the
focal point in the center of the
Prom assistants included Bob
Goldsmith, doorkeeper; Linda
Roberts, who was in charge of
the guest book, and Jean Rey
nolds and Sharon Blair, who
Bands Exchange
School Concerts
The Myrtle Point High School
Band presented an exchange
concert to the Ashland High
Student Body May 8, in the Ash
land High School gym.
The Myrtle Point Band ar
rived in Ashland Sunday, May
7 and spent the day on Mt. Ash
land. They were then treated
to a potluck dinner presented
by the Ashland High Band. The
visiting band members then
stayed overnight wth various
members of the AHS band.
Ashland High's Band will re
turn the vsiit of the Myrtle
Point Band on May 21.
Seniors Still Lead
In SSS Competition
SSS competition is led by the
seniors as the final challenges
are being completed. The se
niors have won nine challenges,
the sophomores have won six,
and the juniors have won only
three. The winning class will be
awarded a half day off at Jack
son Hot Springs May 25.
SSS day will be an afternoon
of swimming and class compe
tition between Biology, U.S.
History, or Modern Problems
classes. The students will leave
by bus before noon and eat sack
Photo by Whitland Locke
served punch. Several sopho
more boys served as waiters.
Other members of the queen's
court and their escorts included
Danis Conklin and Gene Willis,
Carolyn Hassell and John Mitch
ell, Kathy O'Harra and John
Buck, Stevie Rice and Gary
Hooper, Lilette Tumbagahan
and Steve Hagert, Sandy West
gaard and Dick Calhoun, and
Chris Wiley and Dennis Smith.
Prometheus Choice Made
Eleven sophomores and jun
iors were recently selected to
participate in the second annual
Project Prometheus on the
Southern Oregon College cam
pus next summer.
Those students chosen were:
Jane Belland, Chris Houghton,
Emily Hungerford, Kris Keil,
James Kreisman, Todd Merri
man, Gary Prickett, Sandra
Schoonover, Janie Smith, Jona
than Smith, and James Stephen
son. Project Prometheus is a
planned six-week residential
summer school for able high
school students. The basic re
quirements are a relatively
high IQ and a fairly high GPA.
It is a humanistic and social
science-oriented school to be
held on SOC campus this
The Promethean can choose
two of twenty-eight classes, one
for each three-week section.
Fields included in the class se
lection include the sciences, so
cial sciences, and humanities,
of a nature that is not pursued
in the average high school. In
the average high school the stu
lunches at the Hot Springs. They
will be allowed to wear grub
bies. The money from the bottle
drive held last week will go to
buy equipment for the firemen's
rescue unit The next challenge
will be based on which class
has the highest grade point av
erage taken from the honor roll
and honorable mention list. SSS
chairman, Jack Farmer, hopes
to have one last challenge, a
campus clean-up, if the weather
clears up.
Vocational Fair Scheduled
Projects made by students
throughout the year will be
shown at the annual Vocational
Fair to be presented from 7:00
to 9:30 p.m. on the evenings of
May 24 and 25 in the Industrial
Arts Building.
Mr. Mobley's shop classes will
display such things as tables,
stereos, chest of drawers, and a
pool table.
House Plans
Mechanical drawings and a
few house plans will be shown
by Mr. Gebhard's mechanical
drawing class.
Mr. James' classes will also
display a variety of items which
were made in crafts classes.
From Miss McLarnan's home
In the recent Miss Rogue
Valley Pageant, Monte Brad
shaw received the talent
award. She performed a vio
lin solo, playing "Concerto
in A Minor."
dents have a certain amount of
mandatory homework. The Pro
methean is entirely on his own
when it comes to studying the
materials required of them.
In addition to class work, the
students also attended the Ho
rizon program. These programs
consist of plays, concerts, op
eras, art shows, ballet, and
visits to local points of interest.
In an effort to enlighten his
mind and enhance his imagina
tion, the Promethean begins
, ;r :;
STUDENT LEADERS selerlcd in the recent elections to serve In the student body oHices next
year are: (1. to r. ) Kathy Hill, second vice- president; Kathy Zollman, treasurer; Alan Engstruiu.
student body president; Steve Hagert, first vice-president; and Nonda Ainsworth, secretary.
economics department there are
a variety of original outfits. The
styles cover the range of suits,
coats, summer dresses, men's
shirts, sports clothes, and for
mals. There are many types of
material being used too, includ
ing voile, dotted swiss, wool, and
brocade satin from Viet Nam.
Art Display
Students taking art from Mrs.
Students Honored
For Contributions
Two Ashland High School stu
dents were recently honored by
school and community groups
for their outstanding service to
the school.
Judy Phelps was selected as
citizen of the six-weeks by the
citizen of the six-weeks commit
tee and the student council.
Jack Farmer was honored as
boy of the month for April.
Jack was selected by the stu-
his day with the perspective
program, a series of lectures
about different controversial
subjects. Each week of the six
spent at the project has its own
controversial subject The fol
lowng topics were used for lec
tures during last year's session:
ethnocen t r i s m, urbanization,
technology and human values,
aspirations and emergence of
underdeveloped nations, self
and society, and leadership in a
culticultured world.
Trost will be represented by at
least one piece of work. Among
the things made this year are
water color paintings, mosaics,
ceramics, papier mache masks,
and batiks.
During the two days, time will
probably be taken out of class
for every student to view the
dent council and honored by
the Ashland Kiwanis Club.
Judy received her honor of
becoming citizen of the six
weeks because of her work on
the prom. Judy is the social
chairman of the Junior class.
She has also served as Sopho
more class secretary. Judy is
also a member of the debate
team and the vice president of
the choir.
In addition to her work on
the prom, Judy also directed the
planning and decoration for the
Sadie Hawkins dance last fail.
In the recent student body elec
tions, Judy was selected as yell
queen for next year.
Jack received the honor of
boy of the month for April be
cause of his work all year as
chairman of tht SSS committee,
and recently for his work on
the bottle drive. Money collect
ed from the bottle drive will be
donated to the firemen's rescue
Besides his work as chairman
of the SSS committee. Jack has
also participated in basketball,
track, and football. Jack is also
active in Letterman's club.