Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-????, April 27, 1967, Image 1

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    ASB Candidates Present Opinions
May 13
Vol. 14, No. 10
Date Set
For May
Eight senior girls were re
cently selected as prom prin
cesses by the junior class. One
of them will reign as queen of
the junior-senior prom on Sat
urday evening, May 13, in the
Ashland High gym. Those se
lected include Danis Conklin,
Carolyn Hassell, Kathy O'Harra,
Stevie Rice, Lilette Tumbaga
han, Pam Tucker, Sandy West
gaard, and Chris Wiley.
As a cheerleader, Danis has
been a supporter of athletic ac
tivities since junior high school.
Danis was also a member of
last year's ski club and is pres
ently an art service corps
Carolyn is also a member of
the varsity rally squad. During
her junior year, Carolyn was a
member of Grizzettes and choir.
This year she is choir secretary.
Student Government
The duties of class president
occupied much of Kathy's soph
omore year. Besides student
government activities, Kathy's
schedule also has included
membership in Ski club, AFS,
and FBLA. Outside of school,
Kathy participates in Juvenile
Jury and Candystripers.
Stevie, who moved to Ash
land from Eugene, Oregon, is
attending AHS for her second
year. Last fall, the lettermen's
club and the varsity football
team selected Stevie to reign
as homecoming queen.
Since coming to Ashland late
last summer from the Philip
pines as an AFS representative,
Lilette has become involved in
many AHS activities. Her other
activities include being a Rogue
News staff member, a student
council representative, and a
member of IRC, Drama Guild,
and humanities seminar.
Class Secretary
Pam has been an AHS home
coming princess for the past
two years. During her sopho
more year, Pam was a member
of the JV rally squad. She is
presently secretary of the class
of 1967.
Sandy is secretary of the
Ashland chapter of Future Bus
iness Leaders of America.
Sandy was one of five senior
girls selected by the lettermen
as a homecoming princess last
Chris, a two-year rally squad
member, is AHS yell queen.
Chris's variety of previous ac
tivities has included member
ship in ski club, student coun
cil, and AFS. This year, Chris
is a member of the executive
council, honor society, and
humanities seminar, and the ski
s Crone P
PROM COURT members chosen recently by the Junior class are (1. to r.): Pam Tucker, Chris
Wiley, Lilette Tumbagahan, Danis Conklin, Sandy Westgaard, Kathy O'Harra, Stevie Rice, and
Carolyn Hassell (not pictured).
South Set For UN Tour
Debbie South, junior, has
been named this year's repre
sentative from Oregon for the
United Nation's Pilgrimage for
In order to be selected, par
ticipants took a test which cov
ered thoroughly knowledge and
attitudes concerning the Untied
Nations. Debbie received the
highest score in the state.
Leaves in July
Debbie trip will begin July
11 in Portland. The students
and their chaperones will meet
at the International Order of
Odd Fellows' home in Portland
for a dinner and reception.
Then, traveling to New York by
Four Chosen For Student Honors
Four Ashland High school
students were recently honored
by separate community and
school groups.
Carolyn Hassell was selected
citizen of the six weeks by the
citizen of the six weeks com
mittee. Chris Wiley was honor
ed as girl of the term by the
Business and Professional Wo
men of Ashland. Mel Clements
was named boy of the month
for February, and Curtis White
received that honor for the
month of March. Mel and Curtis
were honored by the Ashland
Kiwanis Club.
Organizes Party
Carolyn Hassell received her
honor because of her chairman
ship of the recent Peanuts
Party. The dance was sponsor
ed by the Student Council and
Carolyn was in complete charge
of the organization of the party.
Besides her activities in stu
dent council, where she acts as
a modern problems delegate,
she is a member of Girls League
and International Relations
club. Carolyn was a cast mem
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chartered bus, delegates from
other northwestern states and
Canada will join them. The dele
gates are expected to spend a
week in New York visiting the
United Nations and seeing the
This is the eighteenth year
that the contest and pilgrimage
has been conducted. Each year,
each 100F district in Oregon
sponsors a high school student
from its area. The Ashland Odd
Fellows and Hope Rebekah
Lodge and Beta Sigma Theta
Rho girls club sponsored Deb
bie in the state contest. Since
she won the state contest, Deb
bie now represents all branches
ber in this year's senior play.
She is also a member of choir
and acts as the secretary of
that organization. She is active
in her church youth group and
was recently named to the 1967
prom court. Carolyn also wrote
and presented the speech which
won first place honors in the
Voice of Democracy contest
earlier this year.
BPW Award
The girl of the term for this
six weeks is Chris Wiley. She
was chosen for this honor by
members of the faculty and
was honored by the Ashland
BPW organization. She was cho
sent on the basis of her many
school and extracuricular ac
tivities. Chris is a member of
the Ashland Youth Council and
recently helped organize the
Ashland car rally. She is also
active in the new Ashland
Youth Association. In the
A.Y.A. she is helping to orga
nize activities that may lead to
a teen center in Ashland. Her
school activities include mem
bership in student council and
frjc si
of the state IOOF order, includ
ing the 27 Theta Rho girls clubs
of Oregon.
AHS Represented
In past years a delegate from
Ashland High has been selected
to represent the Ashland lodges
in the district contest. However,
due to lack of student partici
pation, they have discontinued
their support
Several students from Ash
land have won this all-expense-paid
trip before. They were Bill
Lawrence in 1959, Judy Eber
hart in 1961, and Linda Lewis
in 1960. The trip will be paid
for by the IOOF Lodge and the
Theta Rho Assembly of Oregon.
interclub council. Chris has
been a member of National
Honor Society for two years.
She is active in Humanities
Seminar and is a member of
Girls League. She has been a
cheerleader for two years and
is this year's yell queen. Chris
is a member of this year's sen
ior prom court
Mel Clements, boy of the
month for February, received
his award for his services as
photographer for the school
paper and the annual. He has
been the photographer for the
Rogue News for three years
and has served as a reporter
for the paper for that time.
This is his first year as pho
tographer for the Rogue. Mel is
one of the few male members
of Future Business Leaders of
America. He recently enlisted
in the United States Marine
Corps Reserves, and plans to
begin active duty shortly after
Academic Honors
Curtis White was honored by
Pages 4-5
Spring Sports
THLRS., APR. 27, 1967
Big Week
American Field Service spon
sored an AFS week April 17-21.
The week was designed to help
the students learn more about
AFS week started with a spe
cial assembly Monday for Li
lette Tumbagahan, AFS student
from the Philippines.
Classes Compete
Each day AFS sold Tootsie
Pops and the wrappers were
collected by each class for the
Tootsie Pop Tourney.
Grubbie buttons were sold
for the grubbie day, Wednes
day. A grubbie button entitled
the student to wear grubbies
and to go to the noon dance.
Students Visit
The climax of the week was
Friday when all Rogue Valley
AFS students attended school
with host AHS students. The
AFS students were presented
at an assembly Friday. The stu
dents were Elio Albornoz from
Colombia who attends Phoenix
High School, Magda Biavaschi
from Brazil and Simon Oldfield
from Australia who both go to
Medford High School, Sutthi
porn from Thailand who attends
Crater High School, and Erdal
Yuzak from Turkey who goes
to Grants Pass High School.
The AFS began at AHS in
1960. Ashland has had five AFS
students. They were Yvonne
Nicolson from South Africa,
Ali Saner from Turkey, Chris
Hoberg from Germany, Kim
Nguyen from Viet Nam, and
Derek Leask from Australia.
The AFS has also sponsored
two Americans Abroad return
ees, Carol Pennington and
Cathy Phelps.
Kiwanis for his academic
achievements. He ranks third
in the senior class of 202 stu
dents. He is a member of the
Ashland debate team and he
recently won the right to go to
State debate competition. Cur
tis has been a member of Na
tional Honor Society during his
junior and senior years. He has
participated in able and gifted
classes for two years and was
one of the first participants in
Project Prometheus.
Curtis is currently a mem
ber of the Humanities Seminar
and he has won recognition as
a semi-finalist in the National
Merit Scholarship test. Besides
these academic achievements,
Curtis belongs to the Ashland
American Field Service club
and the AHS Drama Guild. In
Drama Guild he serves as presi
dent this year. He was also a
cast member in the senior play
and is a member of National
Thespian Society. Curtis is the
Vice-President of the Senior