on oil Vol. 14, No. 8 ASHLAND HIGH SCHOOL, ASHLAND, ORE. FRI., MAR. 24. 1967 iiiimiinnji.miiiMi i in. ....iniimii n i mini i uiiii.i i i i in li iiii n ji, L.t.,,.,.1,1. iiii.,;-- ,, .,., I ii ii , WINNERS of the Elks' most valuable student scholarships are: (1. to r.) Scott Weaver, boys' first place; Susan Beecher, girls' second place; Dave Work, boys' second place; Ginny Lawrence, girls' first place; Ann Colwell, girls' third place; and Kent Brostad (not pictured), boys' third place. Six Selected As Valuable Students Six senior students were re cently honored by the Ashland chapter of the B.P.O.E. as Ash land High's Most Valuable Stu dents. The two winners of the first ;tare were Ginny Lawrence and Scott Weaver. Ginny and Scott went on to represent AHS in the Oregon South District con test. Thirteen schools, from Eu gene south to Ashland, were represented in the district con test. Ginny was awarded third place honors in this event. Many Activities Ginny's school activities in clude participation in Interna tional Relations League, student council. Quill and Scroll, Drama guild. Debate, and the position of editor of Rogue News. Out side of school, Ginny partici pated in Able and Gifted Classes at SOC. Ginny is also a member of National Honor Society. Scott keeps busy as a member of National Honor Society, Hu manities Seminar, Debate, and Letterman's club. He partici pated in Boys' State last sum mer and was a member of the basketball team and the golf team. Scott is also Master Coun cilor of DeMolay. Second Place The two second place winners were Susan Beecher and Dave Work. They received $75 each from the Elks. Susan is Secretary of National Honor Society, a member of Drama guild and its Thespian coordinator. She participates in Able and Gifted Classes and Humanities Seminar. Susan is publicity chairman for AFS and a member of IRL. Dave transferred in his junior year from Benson Polytechnical School in Portland. He is a staff member of Rogue News and Sports Editor of The Rogue an nual. He is a member of Juve nile Jury, Drama guild and Let terman's club. He is a member of AHS golf team, Quill and Scroll and National Honor So ciety. Dave is treasurer for IRL, a member of DeMolay, and was honored as Boy of the Month. Those chosen for third place honors in the competition were Ann Collwell and Kent Bros tad. Ann and Kent received $50 as third place winners. Ann is Student Body first vice-president and holds the office of interclub council presi dent. She is a staff member of both the Rogue News and The Rogue annual. Ann belongs to the AFS, IRL, and is vice-president of Quill and Scroll. Kent is a pditicipant in IIu manities Seminar, Able and Gifted Classes and a member of the tennis team. He is a mem ber of Drama guild and was Chess club president last year. Selection Basis The six winners were selected from a group of seniors who applied. Selection was made on the basis of scholarship, extra curricular and out of school ac tivities, personality, leadership, perseverance, resourcefulness, and general worthiness. Mr. Rusty Nelson, chairman of Elks' youth activities, said that seven judges were chosen from the Elks membership to select the award winners. Michelle Junior Michele Roberts spent last week in Washington, D.C. as the guest of Congressman John Dellenback. Michele was one of eight congressional scholars participating. While in Washington, Michele stayed in the Dellenbacks' home. She spent most of her time learning the various pro cesses of the federal govern ment. She had the opportunity to meet many of the nation's prominent Congressmen and at tended several congressional hearings. Evenings were spent in seminars with a civics teacher from Washington. Sees White House Among the places Michele visited were the White House, the Supreme Court, the FBI building, Arlington cemetery, the Washington Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Jef ferson Monument. Following each day's activi ties, students were given free time to rest, discuss the day's program, or do some sightsee ing on their own. Each day they were special luncheon guests on Capitol Hill. Ceremony Planned Students Thirty-three juniors and sen iors were recently selected for membership in the Ashland chapter of the National Honor Society. Induction ceremonies for the new members are being planned by the present members of the organization. Last spring 10 percent of the class of 1967 were chosen as juniors. The next five percent of the class who were recently se lected as seniors include: Dar lene Beck, Nicole Benbrook, Dani Bulkley, Ruth Evans, Olin Ford, Judy Hare, Frances Holly man, Barbara Hormel, Douglas Kirby, and David Work. Juniors Named The top 10 percent of the class of 1968 includes: Nancy Beecher, Jane Belland, Drusilla Bliss, Linda Christy, Dian Demo, Alan Engstrom, Carlista Holland, Chris Houghton, Enid Langer, Carol Markham, Gary Prickett, Meredith Reynolds, Susan Riffe, Michele Roberts, Peggy Tilford, Jim Williams, Panola Witt, and Kathleen Zoll man. Each, in addition to being chosen because of his rank in class, is also judged and selected on the basis of leadership, char acter, and service. COUNCIL ORGANIZES APRIL FIRST DANCE The student council will sponsor a dance to be held on April 1. Some changes have been made in the an nounced plans, however. The dance will not be a formal or semi-formal affair. Rather, it will be an ordinary school dance and regular school dress will be acceptable. Mu sic will be provided by a rocky band. Roberts Michele and the other seven students were selected from more than 70 high school junior applicants in the fourth con gressional district. Students were judged on the basis of :r t ' - MICHELE ROBERTS, Ashland High School's congressional scholar, points out Washington, D. C, where she spent part of her spring vacation studying the federal government. Named To HS Ceremony Planned Induction of the new mem bers will be held March 27 at 7:30 p.m. in the English Build ing. Dr. Kreisman from South ern Oregon College will be the guest speaker. Student speakers who will talk on the traditional Honor Society topics are Ginny Lawrence who will speak on service, Curtis White on schol Band Performs; Travels To Reno Members of the Ashland High School band have recently ly participated in a variety of events including a stage band contest in Reno and the all city band concert On March 10 the band left by chartered bus for Reno, Ne vada for a contest among high school stage bands. The contest drew some 60 bands from schools throughout Oregon, Cali fornia, Idaho, Utah, and Nevada. Tour Reno While in Reno, the band stayed in some of the dormi tories on the Nevada State Col lege campus which is located in Reno. When not competing, members of the group were given the opportunity to tour the town on their own. After the two-day event the band returned to Ashland on Mar. 12. A large crowd was on hand for the eighth annual all-city band concert held on March 7 in Ashland Senior High gym. Bands from all city elementary schools and Ashland Junior and Senior high schools presented a large variety of numbers. Tours Washington teacher recommendations and a written application. Applicants were asked to list their activities and interests and were also asked questions concerning their knowledge and arship, Scott Weaver on leader ship, and Paula Hoffman on character. The present officers of the honor club: Mary Alley, presi dent; Judy Jameson, vice-president; Susan Beecher, secretary, and Paula HofTman, treasurer, are in charge of the other ar rangements for the program. The beginning elementary school combined bands began with the musical selections: Prayer For Young People by Marcel Frank and Primer Pa rade by George Rutledge. Elementary Band Following the beginning band, the elementary advanced band presented the numbers: Ballad (for the child story Bambi), and the First Prelude, also from Bambi. This pcrfcrr.-.ar.ce v?s followed by the sixth grade honor band. The Junior High School had three bands partici pating in the program. The Ju nior High Cadet Band, the Ju nior High Varsity, and the Sym phonic Band all performed. Two bands from the high school also played numbers. The Ashland High Concert band per formed and the program was concluded with the perform ance of the AHS Symphonic band. Directors for the concert were: Mr. Raoul Maddox, Mr. Warren Moore, Mr. Rudy Do mitrovich, and student teacher Mr. Dave France. understanding of the federal government. A group of inter ested Southern Oregon educa tors were in charge of selecting participants. While in Washington, Michele feels that she gained first hand knowledge of the federal gov ernment in action. She said that "this knowledge of our govern ment is something that one can not obtain by studying textbooks or reading newspapers." Gains Honors Earlier this year Michele was named a 1967 Girls' State dele gate. She was chosen by a com mittee of faculty members for that honor. Her other activities include being president of Fu ture Nurses of America, Girls' Recreation Association point manager, American Field Serv ice club, and the student coun cil citizen of the six weeks com mittee. In addition to all of her extra curricular activities, Michele ranks in the top ten percent of her class scholastically and was recently selectee for the Na tional Honor Society on the basis of her scholastic record.