Three Wrestlers Top In League Ski Team Competes The first Ashland High ski team attended their first ski meet, the Lakeview Invitational, at Warner Canyon, out of Lake view, Feb. 4. Mr. Locke, coach and advisor for the team, used his own judgment in composing the teams for this meet The first team consisted of Suzi Cope, Chris Hald, Kris Keil, Roger Wigen, and Chris Wiley. Danis Conklin, Betsy Cope, Renee Dreiszus, Doug Fremd, and Jeff McCollum made up the second team. The course was a giant slalom consisting of about 25 gates. Chris Hald had the fastest time on the Ashland team which was 1 25, followed by Kris Keil, 1.27; Roger, 1.32; Suzi, 1.40; and Chris Wiley, 1.42. The second team did not fare as well. Betsy and Renee were the only two that finished. Betsy's time was 1.32 and Renee's was 3.15. She lost time in two falls. Danis took a bad spill and sprained her ankle and Jeff and Doug had problems with their bindings so they were unable to finish. Eight schools competed in last Saturday's meet. Bend had the fastest team time on first team with 3.29.0, followed by South Eugene, 3.29.3; Medford, 3.38.1; Lakeview, 3.40.4; Alturas, California, 3.52.4; Sheldon, Eu gene, 4.11.6; Ashland, 4.25.4; Grants Pass, 4.40 8. The team time was the combined time of the three fastest racers. ATHLETE OF Calhoun Senior Dick Calhoun was cho sent Athlete of the Month for the month of February for his participation in basketball offen sively as center, and for his efforts defensively. As of January 28, Calhoun had tallied 19 points. He picked off 22 rebounds and ranks as fourth highest rebounder on the team. His greatest aid to the team has been rebounds col lected each game. Calhoun felt his best perform ance offensively and defensively was against Crater on Jan. 28. He is a member of DeMolay and the dance band. Calhoun likes to participate in basket ball, track, and weight training. Calhoun stands at six feet two inches and weighs mean 160 pounds. Hunting, fishing, GRUBER'S SHOE SERVICE 383 East Main WHERE SHOES ARE SOLD AND RESOLED See Us For COUGARS COUGARS COUGARS COUGARS COUGARS COUGARS Jim Busch Ford Sales Ashland LARRY CULLOP takes down his opponent in a match with Crater. Bruins Look For As of January 28, the Varsity basketball team's wonloss rec ord stood at two and ten. How ever, despite the record, Ash land has placed four players among the top 19 scorers in the conference. The five top scorers for the squad are John Mitchell with 104 points, Joey Williamson with 81, Gene Willis with 79, Jay Fischer wih 70, and Sonny Six killer with 49. Free Throws The most accurate three free throw shooters are Williamson, Fischer, and Mitchell. William son, Fischer, Willis, Dick Cal houn, and Lonny Slack are the five top rebounders for the team with 46, 44, 38, 22, and 18 re spectively. Every member on the team THE MONTH Selected DICK CALHOUN water skiing, and jeeping are listed as his favorite hobbies. Ashland General Hardware Sporting Goods - Tools Plumbing & Electrical - Paints 90 North Pioneer DAIRY QUEEN New owners Betts and Joe HAMBURGERS & FRIES COLD DRINKS MALTS & SHAKES Try Our Delicious Soft Vanilla & Chocolate Siskiyou Boulevard JERRY SESSIONS attempts to break down his Eagle Point opponent. has scored at least two points in the past 12 games. Starting with the sixth highest scorer and going to the end, the total points scored by each player are: Calhoun 19, Slack 17, Scott Weaver 16, Craig Korthase 13, Girls Lose Two; District Match Scheduled Soon The Girls' Gymnastics team participated in two meets re cently. The team met with Cra ter and Medford. They were de feated in both meets. Miss Laney said that the losses were probably the result of a lack of preparedness. There are three important meets com ing up soon with Medford and Klamath and finally the district meet which will be held here at Ashland. The team expects to do much better at the upcoming meets as they have made much improvement in some important events. Some of the bst per formances by individuals on the team have been turned in by Maria Anderson and Enid Langer. Sophomore Kris Keil has also shown promise. In addition to competing in regular meets, some members of the team also presented a half-time performance during a recent basketball game. They performed on the balance beam, trampoline, parallel bars and floor exercise. Ideal Drug PRESCRIPTIONS COSMETICS GIFTS JEWELRY GATEWAY SHOPPING CENTER PROFESSIONAL AMPEX RECORDERS DISC PRESSING Siskiyou Studio Special Band Group Recording Competitive Prices Local or Out of Town Fred Lewis -1 C"x FN) TIM FISHER helps roll out the mate for the Eagle Point match. Victory Tim Richards, and Rick Waddell with four each, and Kent Carter two. Start Well The Grizzlies started the sea son with two victories in pre conference play and it looked as if the Bears were going to he heard from in the conference this year; things just didn't turn out that way, as the team com pleted the first half of the con ference games without a win. The closest the Bears have been able to come to victory in the tough Southern Oregon Con ference was a one point loss to Crater. Despite the record, many of the games have been better played by the Ashland team than the score indicated. JVs, Sophs. Play In junior varsity and sopho more basketball games, both teams have found tough compe tition. The junior varsity has won three games and the sopho mores have won one. JV Record The junior varsity started off the season with a win over Cres cent City. The score was 57-44, Ashland. Craig Botts, with 108 points scored this season, was high scorer during this game with 16 points. The next night, the JVs won their second game with Del Norte, 52-40. Botts was again high man with 12 points. The only other win came against FOR COMPLETE BEAUTY CARE IT'S Ashland Beauty Shop PERMANENTS STYLING CUTTING TINTING MANICURING 482-1276 149 East Main Ashland Phone 482-4079 In one of their most success ful seasons, the Ashland High School wrestlers won four of their nine meets. This success has been largely due to the con sistent wrestling of Jerry Ses sions and Larry Cullop who have been undefeated in district matches, and Tim Fisher who has dropped only one match. The scores of the most recent matches are as follows: AHS wrestlers defeated Crater 25-19 and Henley 25-21. The team lost matches to Roseburg 18-33; Klamath Falls 15-40; Medford 19-31; Grants Pass 20-27; and Crater 2422. In the North Bend Tournament, Jan. 21, the varsity wrestlers placed third against Roseburg, North Bend, and Sheldon, and the AHS junior varsity took second in their di vision. Three Top Records The three top wrestlers men tioned above have each sported excellent records for the entire year. Sessions, wrestling at 130 lbs., has had a perfect record so far this year, not only for district competition, but for all the tournaments also. Cullop, at 157 lbs., was defeated only once during the first tournament, a four team match in Medford. Fisher, a sophomore, has been tied once and was defeated once by a member of the Roseburg squad. Valuable Wrestlers Coach Mobley mentioned other wrestlers he deemed as valuable to the team. Gary Hooper, senior, has been an asset to the team all year and wrestled his best match against Eagle Point Alan Engstrom, a junior, has won most of his jun ior varstiy matches. Tim Jones has been defeated only once. Grants Pass, 43-41. Tim Mobiej was high man with 12 points. Other scores are: Medford, 36 80 and 42 66; Roseburg, 41-71; and Crater, 31-51. Sophs Win The sophomores, in their first season game against Crater, lost by only one point 43-44. Jeff Whitsett set the pace with 12 points. Later in the season, against Eagle Point, the sopho more team beat the Eagles, 50 48. Whitsett again led the scor ing with 14 points. Other scores are: Medford, 70-50; Grants Pass, 54-34; and Rosefcurg, 59-25. Campus Cleaners & Laundry For all your dry cleaning and laundry needs 1465 Siskiyou 482 2281 r a m lJlflRTiniiinq 1 Suzi and Betsy Cope show White Stag ski clothes. La Dolmite boots and Hart skis at Lamport's ALL SKI ITEMS 30 OFF