HOMECOMING '66 Ik Yeor Off Tin Grizzly Bear' . . ... J.. . 4 V Cl;: , ;4-;s THE GRIZZLY costume worn by Gerald Gunter made the bear the victory symbol for homecoming '66 v' f v r a 81 THE WINNER of first place honors in float competition was the Junior class float advertising "Comet breakfast of cnampions." OOO p. . . - , - ' i : .5 . . V -.1 DRESS-UP DAT prompted creative costume portraying famous characters. Donal Ann Brace's scarecrow outfit is representative of the imagi nation shown in selecting costumes. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The ROGUE NEWS staff would like to thank Whitland Locke for his photo coverage of homecoming and for the portraits of the homecoming princesses in the Oct. zs issue.