Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-????, November 10, 1966, Image 1

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    The Year Of
VOL. 14, No. 3
, fey ii w n
VICTORIOUS DEBATERS who brought home first plate honors at the North Bend tourney are:
Coach Herb Lewis (kneeling); Row one (I. to r.) Bob Dorris, Enid Langer, Cathy Phelps, Scott
Weaver, Ginny Lawrence, Curtis -White, Mike Lewis, Lisa Tumbleson, Chris Houghton; Row two
(I. to r.) Judy Sessions, Judy Phelps, Debbie Slapnicka, Jack Davis, Paula Hoffman, Dave Parsons,
and Alan Lngstrom.
Debaters Bag Top Honor
The advanced debate team col
lected 25 points to win sweep
stakes honors at the South
Coast Invitational Tournament
at North Bend.
Two debate foams, Curtiv
White Scott Weaver and Ginny
Lawrence-Cathy Phelps, tied for
third place in Oxford debate.
Individual speech winners in
radio were Mike Lewis and
Cathy Phelps with a first and
Two Ashland High School
students have been awarded
for outstanding contributions to
the school during the first six
weeks period. Ann Colwell, sen
ior at AHS, has been selected as
the Girl of the Term by the
The Student Council of
Ashland High School is spon
soring a toy drive for needy
The purpose of the drive
is to aid the fire department
in collecting toys for Christ
mas and to promote better
relationships between the
ichool and the people of
The toy drive began No
vember 1 and will end about
the first of December.
Annual Senior Play
Set For Production
"The Playboy of the Western
World," this year's senior play
under the direction of Mr. Mar
Ian Shanks, will be presented in
the little theater of the English
building on November 17 and
The Play
The play, by John Milingtou
Synge, takes place in Ireland.
Christy, a young Irishman, finds
refuge in a tavern after he
thinks he has killed his father.
A young Irish girl is so attracted
to his tale that she persuades
him that he is a playboy. Until
third. Chris Houghton made the
finals in this event.
Ginny Lawrence and Lisa
Tumbleson swept the first two
places in extemporaneous
Curtis White and Chris
Houghton won the first two
places in after-dinner speaking.
Mary Alley placed second in
oratory. Scott Weaver made the
finals with his oration.
Williamson Receive
Business and Professional Wo
men. Also heading the month's
activities was Joey Williamson's
selection as Boy of the Month.
Many Activities
Ann is the first vice-president
of the student body, head of the
Interclub Council, vice-president
of the Quill and Scroll and also
past secretary of the Ski club.
She is a member of the Rogue
Annual staff and also of Rogue
News staff. During her junior
year she was active in Griz
zettes. To Attend OSU
After graduation Ann is plan
ning to attend Oregon State
University and later go into the
field of retail merchandising.
Qualifications for the Girl of
the Term are leadership, schol
arship, character, and personal
ity. Six girls were chosen by
the faculty and will be honored
in alphabetical order.
Christy unexpectedly meets his
father, he is thoroughly con
vinced that he is a hero and the
playboy of the world.
Cast Members
The cast members are: Jim
Williams, Dave Parsons, Dave
Work, Kent Brostad, Curt
White, Sammy Jamison, Susan
Beecher, Debbie Dillon, Kathy
Ncal, Marilyn Miller, Dani Bulk
ley, and Carolyn Hassel.
Tickets for the evening per
formances will be available one
week in advance. Prices will be
-m t v . , f ki
Cathy Phelps added more
points with a second in im
promptu. Ginny Lawrence was
a finalist in this event.
Enid Langer received the sec
ond plpce trophy, '.vivlc Judy
Sessions reached the finals in
serious interpretation. The
trophy winner for Ashland in
humorous interpretation was
Mary Alley with a third place.
Bob Dorris made the finals.
Joey Williamson, well-known
athlete at AHS, has been voted
as Boy of the Month for his par
ticipation in football.
Joey participates not only in
football, but also basketball and
baseball. He is also Letterman's
club president.
Summer Activities
During the summer he was
active in American Legion base
ball and summer basketball.
AFS Selects Witt,
Nancy Beecher and Panola
Witt were recently selected by
the American Field Service to
represent Ashland High School
in this year's Americans Abroad
The applications of these two
contestants will now be submit
ted to New York where they
will be compared with other en
tries from throughout the
United States. From this group
the semi -finalists will be named.
Applicants are not allowed to
pick the country they wisTi to
visit but may state their prefer
ence for Northern or Southern
hemisphere and summer or
school program.
A s h 1 a n d's representatives
were picked from a group of
juniors. They took part in indi
vidual and group interviews
where they had an opportunity
to speak with businessmen,
teachers, and students. These
sessions gave all the applicants
an opportunity to learn more
about the program. They spoke
to student, who hae taken part
Emiy Moore Tes
Of European Tour
About three weeks ago, Emily
Moore, a sophomore at Ashland
Senior High School, took a
three-week trip to Europe with
her parents and her brother.
Some of the most interesting
places she and her family visit
ed were Glasgow, Scotland;
London, England; and Paris,
Travel in U.S.
The family traveled across the
United States by various means
and met in New York City.
Emily and her family then took
an airplane across the Atlantic
Ocean to Glasgow, Scotland.
After spending four or five in
teresting days of sightseeing
and exploring the wonders of
Glasgow they went on to Lon
don by a rented car. In both
England and Scotland Emily
saw several ancient castles, in
cluding one which was where
the legendary Knights of the
Roundtable met with King
Arthur fn T ondon Fmily re
marked that they saw where the
royal crown jewels were kept.
Emily and her family found
the subway system in London
to be very confusing. Many
He also attended Boys' State,
held on the Oregon State Uni
versity campus, and the Fel
lowship of Christian Athletes at
Southern Oregon College.
Joey is the first of a group of
active boys who will be honored
this year. The Boy of the Month
committee headed by Craig
Korthase makes the choice each
six-weeks. Boys contributing
most to the school are selected.
in Americans Abroad and learn
ed of some of the problems in
For the past two years appli
cants from Ashland have been
selected to travel in the Ameri
cans Abroad program. Last
summer Cathy Phelps lived with
a family in Turkey. The summer
Pages 4-5
THLRS., NOV. 10, 1966
times while traveling by sub
way they were unable to find
out where they were.
From London, Emily crossed
the English channel to spend a
day in Paris, France. One of
her favorite experiences in
France was seeing the Eiffel
High Prices
Emily remarked on the high
prices found in Paris. "It cost
seven dollars for the four of
us to take the elevator to the
top of the Eiffel Tower. We
were then charged to put our
coats in a safe place and again
charged to get the coats back."
Emily began her 1966 school
year just last week after miss
ing a full six-weeks. She stated
that she is glad to return
to the United States. She is
not so anxious, however, to be
gin catching up in school.
Twenty-three seniors were
recently selected to partici
pate in this year's seminar
This year's seminar mem
bers were selected by a com
mittee of 15 faculty mem
bers. Students were chosen
on the basis of what they
can contribute to the group
and how much they cab ben
efit from it. This year mem
bership was limited to
These members will meet
once a week to read and
discuss literature. Among the
books they will read are
by Miller, ALL THE KING'S
MEN, by W arren, and LIGHT
IN AUGUST, by Faulkner.
before Carol Pennington went
to Sweden.
Projects sponsored by the
high school AFS club are aimed
at earning money to support an
Ashland student if one is select
ed for the Americans Abroad
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