Traditional Appearance Band Plays At Berkeley Ashland High School's Grizz ly marching band participated in the annual University of California Band Day held last weekend in Berkeley. Over 5,500 students from 70 Califor nia and Oregon high schools participated. Before departing for Band Four Girls Travel On Heritage Tour Four AHS seniors particpated in the annual American Heri tage summer tour sponsored by the American Heritage Asso ciation. Linda Cannon took the five week tour which includes travel through Canada. Susan Beecher, Sally Rountree, and Janet Thompson went on the three week trip. The tour, which is aimed at giving students a first-hand look at American history, was at tended by 160 high school stu dents from Oregon and Wash ington. It included stops at such historical sights as Williams burg, Jamestown, and Phila delphia. Although the tour was con cerned with history, some of the participants found them selves involved in current affairs while in New York City and Washington, D. C. One group sat in on the first day of Senator Dodd's hearings. An other group listened to Sena tors Robert and Teddy Kennedy during a NATO hearing on the disarmament of Germany. Fun Side All the representatives stress ed that the trip was not all serious. Sally Rountree still shudders as she recalls the problems caused with eight girls in a single room at the hotel in Washington. Janet Thompson remembers her be wilderment when cannons fired as she walked past the White House. She explained, "I thought it was being attacked, but it was a salute for some one." Traditions Greet Soph. Students Members of the class of '69 were welcomed to Ashland High School in a new way. All sopho mores traditionally entered the building through the rear en trance for the first week sport ing conspicuous red A's. Fol lowing the first full day of school, sophomores were offi cially welcomed at the year's first social event, the Welcome Sophomore dance. LIGHTEN your work load with a tensor lamp from IN THE ARCADE 126 East Main Medford Day activities, the band and ma jorettes, assisted by the Ash land High Flag Girls, presented a half-time show at the Ash land Red Bluff football game. The show, entitled "March King," featured march selec tions by John Phillip Sousa. An added attraction was a major ette duet which was performed while the band played "King Cotton." Travel To Berkeley After dinner in Red Bluff, the three buses chartered by the band and flag girls traveled to Berkeley where they began a long day of activities. Saturday morning was entirely devoted to rehearsals. Noon featured a salute to the visiting bands by the host Cal marching band. Shortly after lunch, thousands of uniformed bandsmen, flag girls, songleaders, and major ettes hiked up the hill to the University's stadium. At half time of the California-Pittsburgh game, the combined bands and performing groups presented a gigantic half-time show. The band then proceeded to Teachers Tour, Study While many Ashland High School faculty members spent spare summer hours at home conserving energy for the com ing school year, others partici pated in brain-stimulating edu cational institutes, and still others found themselves in the role of the typical American tourist. Maureen Smith's summer in cluded touring Oregon with her parents who were visiting from Kansas. Science and Math Among those deciding to stimulate their thinking pro cesses were several other AHS teachers including Mr. Lance Locke, Mr. John Barlow, and Mr. George Keil who attended Science and Math Institutes. Mr. Harry Wright attended a workshop in Holland, Michigan which was concerned with teaching placement chemistry. Accompanying Mr. Wright on his trip was Mr. Bill Leybold who attended an institute for teachers of U.S. history at In diana State University. While in &. Greenhouses Mark Antony Bids. Ashland, Ore. Phone 482-3481 Gnsos 482-2866 SOFSPRA CAR WASH Average car will cost just 50c and takes only 10 minutes! ASHLAND SOFSPRA Siskiyou Boulevard JCF San Francisco. After checking in at the Hotel Sutter, students were free to explore the down town San Francisco area and Chinatown. During this time the band members had an oppor tunity to go shopping and sight seeing. Many students discov ered little shops where they could buy souvenirs and have their portraits drawn. Fisherman's Wharf On Sunday the buses pro ceeded to Fisherman's Wharf. Students also visited the Aquar ium and museum in Golden Gate Park before leaving for the long trip home. Students were required to attend class on Monday. The expense of the trip was the responsibility of each band member and chaperone. How ever, students are earning reim bursement through the band's annual community birthday calendar project. The Band's trip to the Band Day event will be this year's major appearance for the group. Each year the organization makes one such trip including the traditional visit to San Francisco. the east, Mr. Wright and Mr. Leybold also visited various historical areas. Mr. Roger Haugen attended the University of Oregon Institute for Librar ians in Eugene. Various Travel Summer also provided an op portunity for teachers to see the various parts of the United States an J othor countries. Mrs. Margaret Zwick and her hus band visited scenic national park areas after visiting rela tives in Illinois and Indiana. Mr. Keith Mobley visited rela tives in New Mexico. Perhaps one of the most un usual trips of the summer was Mrs. Ida Simon's European trip. Other teachers who traveled outside thi; continental U.S. in cluded Mrs. Estel Sohler's trip to Canada, and Mr. Bill Mearns' and Mr. Herb Lewis' trips to Hawaii. When asked whether his trip was primarily educa tional or entertaining, Mr. Lewis answered with a hearty "En tertaining, entertaining, enter taining!" ' I WITH A Umile.. (juXUft ASHLAND SANITARY SERVICE FERN'S BEAUTY SALON 33 East Main 3 operators to serve you Open till 9:00 p.m. on Thursdays "Your Partner in Personal Progress" Jackson County Federal Savings & Loan Assn. 337 East Main St. Ashland, Oregon Home Office: Medford This year's seven new teachers are: row one (I. to r.) Mrs. Glena Brewold, Mrs. Maria Carter, Mrs. Marie Marker; row two (1. to r.) Mr. Harry Detwiller, Mr. Lance Locke, Mr. Keith Garrett, and Mr. Don Butler. Seven Instructors Added To AHS Teaching Staff Ashland High has seven new additions to the teaching staff this year. Three of the new teachers are doubling as coach es, five received their Bachelor of Arts degree at Southern Ore gon College, and three taught in the Rogue Valley last year. The language department re ceived three new teachers, the most of any one department. Two of these additions teach only one-half of the day. Mrs. Brewold is the full time Spanish teacher. She came to AHS after five years at Eagle Point. She received her B.A. at SOC. Mrs. Carter, who was born and raised in Italy, teaches Spanish in the afternoon only. She taught at Oregon City for one year after receiving her B.A. at SOC. This is the first year of teaching for Mrs. Harker who teaches French in the mornings only She received her B.A. at Utah State University and is now working towards her Mas ters at SOC. Math Department Mr. Garrett and Mr. Butler have been added to the Math department. Mr. Garrett teaches Geometry and Trigonometry. He taught at Medford High School last year and before that was a coach and teacher at Ashland Junior High. He is also an as- Klothes Kloset 'CLOTHES FOR THE TEEN MAN ON THE GO" Full Line of Shirts by: Kennington Lancer Capri Pants by Lee (Permaneent Press) BEST WISHES FOR A SUCCESSFUL YEAR IN '66 - '67 AND LET'S BEAT THOSE BLACK TORNADO INGLE DRUG ON THE CORNER OF 2nd & MAIN Phone 482-1321 "In Business For Your Health" Ashland General Hardware Sporting Goods - Tools - Plumbing & Electrical - Paints 90 North Pioneer Ashland sistant coach. He received his B A. at SOC and obtained his Master's at Ohio State. Mr. Butler is here after five years of teaching in Pillager, Minne sota. He got his B.A. at Winona State, Minnesota. He is also a coach. Mr. Locke replaced Mr. Mearns in the Science depart ment teaching biology. He has taught at Crater High School and at AJHS over the past six years. He obtained his B.A. at SOC and his Master's at the University of Minnesota. Mr. Detwiller received his B.A. at Pepperdine College. He taught for two years at Comp ton and two years at Hunting ton Beach, California. He is teaching the special education class. SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS FURNITURE RUGS -LAMPS CARPETS - DESKS Serving Ashland For Over 50 Years LITHIA GROCERY ON THE PLAZA 482-3556 For the finest in groceries Mildred Zimmerlee Silver Dollar Stamps TO) 1 if