Jobe Announces Plans For New School In a recent interview with Mr. Stan ley Jobe, Ashland's public school su perintendent, it was announced that it would be another six months before any permanent plans for Ashland's new high school could be released. Mr. Jobe stated that while the plan ners had somewhat of an idea of how the school would be built, there were many questions which remained un answered and many changes which would occur. While Mr. Jobe could not show any permanent plans, he did give a brief description of what the new school will look like. A two-story building is expected to be built where Curry's Plumbing and the Sweet Shop now stand. This building is to house the Mathematics and Science departments of Ashland High School. I 1. Central BUrf 2. Humanities i CtriraL OH" 4 Scmnn mat M Gym. ; G":1 "v ij. mi PEKING Behind the present English building will be a Humanities Building. Social Studies and foreign languages will be the departments contained in this building. It is hoped that there will be one and possibly two new languages offered by the time this building is completed. A new building will be constructed about 20 feet from the present side walk on Iowa Street. This building will replace the present building which will be demolished, except for the li brary and new wing which was built in 1952. The Central Building will house home economics, the library, business education, music, cafeteria and kitchen, as well as the general offices. A centrally located building is one idea being discussed as a locker build ing. The entire campus will be con nected by a highway of covered walkways. Your Opinions Count Editorial comment in the Rogue News reflects the opinion of the writer and does not necessarily represent the views of the staff or the school administration. The only restrictions placed on the writer are that he choose a topic of vital concern and that he does sufficient research on the subject to be qualified in his opinion. Editorial writers are not restricted as to the stand they take as long as they can support it. This policy implies several things for the reader. First, edi torials are meant to inform and to interpret the significance of news. They are not meant to tell you how to think or make up your mind for you. Second, there may be times when the editorial comment in the "Rogue News will differ from your views. Or you may feel that the newspaper has neglected to give recognition where it is due. Or perhaps you would like to criticize or com ment on some phase of school life. Your outlet for this urge to speak out is through letters to ihe eiiitur. Tai. Rogue News will print only letters which are signed by their author. The staff also reserves the right to reject letters which are in poor taste. Whatever your complaint or praise, you will be given space in the newspaper. Don't neglect to use this privilege. Make your opinion count. Soars Gives Music Program Raymond Soars, accompanied by James Stout, presented this year's first national school as sembly to the AHS student body last September 29. Mr. Soars divided his program into three parts, consisting of: Por trait of "West Side Story," Por trait of "Porgy and Bess," and Fifty-Eight New Students Arrive Fifty-eight new students en rolled this fall to attend Ashland High School. The large number of new stu dents came to Ashland High from a total of nine different states. Oregon was the leading home state for the new students with about 43 per cent of them formerly attending Oregon schools. California sent the second largest number of new students to AHS, with 35 per cent. Students who rame to Ashland from other states ran as fol lows: three from Nevada, two from the state of Washington, two from Nebraska, two from Wisconsin, and one each from Arkansas. Arizona, and Utah. Senior Girls Work On Summer Fashion Boards ROGUE NEWS Published twelve times yearly by the KMjrnaiiim claw of Ashland High School. Editor-in-chief Gmny Lawrence Assistant editor Julte Cox Advertising managers .... Sally Rountree Carolyn Andrews Business manager Cynthia Ingle Photogropher Mel Clements Soorts editor , John Lindow Feature editor - Renee Dreiszus Reporters Ann Colwell, David Cox, Alan Engstrom, Jon Gray, Lyctfa Greene, Steve Hagert, Judy Hare, Dean Kirsch, Tracy McDonald, Nancy Stroup, Barbara Swink, and pave worn. some Negro folk songs. "Tonight" was the introduc tion song Mr. Soars began his program with. Other songs in cluded in his program were: "Somewhere," "Something Com ing," "Maria," "I Got Plenty of Nothin" "Summertime," and 'A Woman Is a Sometime Thing." The student body saluted Mr. Soars and Mr. Stout after the assembly with a standing ovation. DAIRY QUEEN New owners Betts and Joe HAMBURGERS & FRIES COLD DRINKS MALTS & SHAKES Try Our Delicious Soft Vanilla & Chocolate Siskiyou Boulevard MORSE MOTORS 6th & Ivy Medford FOR COMPLETE BEAUTY CARE IT'S Ashland Beauty Shop ' PERMANENTS STYLING CUTTING TINTING MANICURING 482-1276 149 East Main Ashland BOOKS & MAGAZINES 161 East Main St. Ashland TEENAGE AUTO INSURANCE A SPECIALTY WILEY & REINHOLDT 369 E. Main 482-1921 GRUBER'S SHOE SERVICE 383 East Main WHERE SHOES ARE SOLD AND RESOLED Henry Carr Jewelers Keepsake and Orange Blossom Diamonds WATCHES - JEWELRY - GIFTS Ashland High School's soph omore football team stomped the Crater Comets 26 0, and dropped a 42 12 decision to Medford. It was Robert Williamson who led the Grizzly attack by scoring two touchdowns on passes from Sonny Sixkiller. Kay Ferreira scored two other touchdowns on runs. The defense did an outstand ing job as they gave up little yardage to the Comets. The score at halftime was 130. The second half also belonged to the Grizzly squad as the Comets were unable to get a scoriig drive mounted. Coach Bill Leybold had much praise for the defensive and olTensive squads. Against Medford, it was again Robert Williamson who scored the team's only points as he caught two of Sixkiller's passes for the tallies. The sophomores meet Rose burg tomorrow at Roseburg. The game starts at 1:00 p.m. 99 MARKET Open Seven Days a Week Hiway 99 - Ashland We give S&H Green Stamps Your Record Store ALBUMS and SINGLES GUARANTEED STEREO PORTABLES Anything In Music ELHART MUSIC SHOP See Us For MUSTANGS MUSTANGS MUSTANGS MUSTANGS MUSTANGS MUSTANGS Jim Busch Ford Sales Ashland MIHRTinnino'i theirotflnDRYaEANINS Campus Cleaners & Laundry for all your dry cleaning and laundry needs 1465 Siskiyou 482-2281 SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS MAKE PARK VIEW Your headquarters for Jantzen Darlene Tami Country Pacer PIONEER Shopping Cente PIONEER MARKET LAUNDROMAT 88c STORE STATE FARM INSURANCE Cor. Oak and Pioneer Sts.