Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-????, December 22, 1965, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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WED., DEC. 22, 1965
Mysterious Power
Of Santa Claus
The Band traveled to Camp
White Domiciliary, Dec. 15 to
present a Christmas Concert for
In the fourth century A.D. there lived a rich rv eJ.orIaAGUE
young Asian man who so admired the kind and loving
Girls' League is now finishing
character of Christ that he went about placing coins their candy sale and would like
and gifts under the doors of peasant homes, bringing j "j1 eirls who participated
happiness to the poor. His good deeds were done in girls' recreation
secret while the peasants slept. When good Nicholas association
had given all his money away, he retired to a monas- Jli
tery and became a bishop, and eventually a saint, bail sports day sometime in Jan
Thus the legend of St. Nicholas lives on in the hearts uary in which they will invite
of the young and old alike: St. Nicholas, Santa Claus, J'0 Ashland
Father Christmas, Bonhomme Noel, Knecht Clobes, The French ciub plans a Chnst
or whatever children may call the old gentleman, the nias party for French club mem
selfless ghost presents himself at Christmas time. J"- whtt.
The mystery of Santa Claus is part of the Christmas
spirit. What is his mysterious power? Perhaps no intkrclub council
. , t i ui v,: v The basketball schedules are
one will ever know. But whatever his power may be, ined up and the clubs are ex.
it has inspired and will continue to inspire the hearts pected to carry out their respon-
1 U
of millions all over the globe at Christmas.
L. J.
sihilities. The club is attempting
to solve problems that the faculty
has pointed out around school.
The Spanish Club sold cookies
to raise money for a page in the
WHOOPS! Junior Frank Hutchinson attempts to catch a
water balloon in the SSS water balloon contest. John Kaepi,
tenior, looks on. The seniors won in the next toss from senior
Roger Godard. Sophomores were Jack Davis and Kick Leblanc.
27 Memb ers Installed
By FBLA This Month
Twenty-seven members were Among those inducted were:
inducted into Future Business Mimi Barron, LaDessa Byington,
Leaders of America earlier this Micki Coldwell, Lynette Corn
month, wall, Janice DeBocr, Bonnie
Green, Bonnie Grow, Susan Hess,
pet peeve is false or conceited Judv Jameson. Sharon Jensen.
The mystery students for the people. Lynda Lane, Mary Loe, Becky
last issue were Carol Bradshaw The mystery boy, born in Stil- M.-r-niiict,,.. ntt vn.n m-,
wil begin classes for able and atomic ana aero-space pnysics, ana Toby Tobiason. well. Oklahoma on January 7, jjayo Mary Nepper Lynn Neu-
gifted students on the Southern and programming mathematical The mystery girl is a 5'5" sen- 1947, is 6'3" tall and weighs 180 mann' Dorothy Reeves, Linda
Oregon College campus. problems with a digital com- jor who was born in Westwood pounds. He has blue eyes and Roberts Barbara Swink, Joyce
Membership in Saturday classes puter. California on June 30, 1948. She brown hair. His favorite sport is Taylor, Jackie Thompson' Sandy
is based upon teacher recommen- Students selected include sen- has blue eyes and light brown basketball and his favorite food westgaard, Lynn White', Carol
dations, high achievement on jors: Karen Baker, Dale Barger, hair. Her favorite color is pink is hamburgers. The mystery boy's woodruff, ' Njcki Vandcrwalker,
Iowa tests, and superior intellec- Terry Barraclough, Jerry Bevens, and her favorite class is Econ. hobby is sleeping and he likes an(j Kath'y Zollman.
luai anility, asihuiiu siuumu jim chamberlain, uamy unrisiy, me mysiery gin enjoys aancing me color green, ine mysiery
will join students from five other Teresa Collier, Kathy Cook, and likes pizza very much. Her boy's pet peeve is math teachers.
Southern Oregon high schools. wayne Cullop, Pam Demo. 1
the classes win noi mcei on R()bert Do0ms, Duane Dragoo,
Saturday, February 26, to allow Mcve Gimlandf Gail Gresham,
students to take National Merit Con,ee Hays Amy Helm stuart
Tests. . , . ... Houghton, Derek Leask, Pamela
courses will oe lau&m uj mem- T - i..!:., t nrpn7pn
Saturday Classes
To Begin On Jan. 15 Mystery Students
Starting January 15, 63 Ashland tory of the Rogue River Valley,
High School juniors and seniors introduction to data processing,
Christmas Cleaning
Mrs. Elaine Duffy, high school
secretary, was inducted as an
honorary member. Beverly Rusho
was guide.
Officers Installed
Susan Lowery, Medford High
Each year, starting around the first of Decern- School senior, administered the
nf the SOC staff and include . r.a f li5 oc mt!nno oalns 01 omce 10 3a"y Loe. Vsi-
A, ...ririn .fnnnmv in action con- uwl-nl Morrlllr y-aTUl renning- ulc x,v.t x xxn,6 xnv.. cv.o ao ,,ia.uU. dent; Bernard Hamm, vice presi-
rnmnnr.rv vXeT inTme crea ton, Jackie Petersen, Jack Ragan, the Christmas season begin. The downtown stores dent; Cathy Hawk, secretary: and
temporary value, painting, crea R p0ner. Jov Skinner. Terrv j x. ... .., . . x x j w.n ...,.... ni.
tive writing, introduction to world - L , v"oth Jud Wacke; aecoraie xneir winaows ana me wmaimas lunes ana
literature, contemporary sc.ence, . . wm? nnn Wmf Rh eav lights radiate Christmas cheer. The favorite ? ? . ,p:. ,.e, mce 01
vu..i t c - - - puriur lor rvrny iieim.
Kacsi, Gene Suemnicht. SOngS, White Christmas, Jingle Bells, and Others, are Mrs. Pat Bishop, women's ap-
Ben"nlLsSenSaLarrrBohn KeTt brought Out as the people begin to think about the Parel buyer for Fortmillert De
iserninf,naustn, Larry uonn, rveni x i-u 1 -x partment Store, spoke on the lm-
Brostad, Kenneth Clark, Julie season ahead. Soon, the children are anxiously wait- ' , of ,h. teennJ-er nn th mar.
Camp White was the site of the Cox, Carolyn Dickerson, Miles jng jn ljne to talk to Dear Old Santa Or are Writing ket of today.
Christmas show by the AHS band Everett, Janice Gray, Le" their letterB to be Bent to the North Pole. The Christ- ' '
December 1st. Gross.
Under the direction of Mr. Paula Hoffman, Jon Holland, mas wreains ana iignis are strung on aoors ana trees
Raoul Maddox, the, band played Judy Jameson, Craig Kirby, Doug- outside, and finally the tree is trimmed. All this time,
Chris tunerhe in- JS'fS-jZ "
eluded marches, tangos, and an Miller, Vickie Parker. happily Wrapping the gifts. Soon, the Company
excerpt from a suite. Bill Peitt, Tim Richards, Sally arrives and the house is buzzing with excitement.
in aauuion. ine aance oanu iwunucc, jamic aiui, x,ua
projecis in biology, natural his-
Band Gives Show
by Julie Cox
Now that winter is officially
xu r:i,, xl j il. v,.,, v,i n .
. , . rr-, n- i i ,-.:. -i. , X lilO.ll V . UiC 1 aillll V tiatllCl 3 ALUUUU Lilt: rl 1 1 V net, u'. .-v.-. cii ncno 1 tiic
Deriormea lor me veterans, ine i uhioicmjii, luius nimc, unia- . ... " " " ..u:
entire Drocram lasted about an tine Wiley, Craig Korthase, Dave decorated Christmas tree and the presents are
Parsons, Scott Weaver.
fashion-conscious teenager.
Perhaps the newest boot is the
opened. Through all the excitement, some may forget white calf high Courreges Boot
the real reason for celebrating Christmas but it neve" Originally designed by Paris de
changes. The reason? The birth of Christ. The real aJ&l
meaning ior inrisimas win never cnange. uon t you short skirts, these boots are popu
be one to forget it. Merry Christmas !
B. M.
lar with total-look outfits.
Also seen are the knee-high
"Santa Claus" boots which are
usually black with bright fur on
the inside. This lining may also
be turned down to give the boot
an entirely different appearance,
Issued 12 times yearly by the School Journalism Class
r.uuor-m-i,niei jonn naegi making it two boots in one.
Advertising Manager Barbara Moore Besides these two most popular
Sports Editor ... John Lindow styles, there are many more new
Business Manager Lora South styles and many more will un-
Exchange Editor Peggy Tilford doubtedly make the fashion scene
Page Editors Julie Cox, Susan Hess after Christmas.
Photographer Mel Clements Instead of being worn only
Reporters: Kathy Brown, Bruce Ainsworth, Judy Wacker, Ginny with sports clothes as in past
Lawrence, LeLanne Jackson, LuJuana Ferrcira, Jimene Allen, seasons, boots are an essential
Rcnee Dreiszus, Florence Shaw, Mary Eddington, Vicki Burnett part of many school wardrobes.
M. M. Kinyon
474 Wightman St.
Telephone 482-2261
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School Supplies
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Serving Ashland
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