Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-????, June 03, 1965, Image 1

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    VOL. 41, No. 13
Set for '65 Seniors
On June 8 the senior class of
1965 will hoid its commencement
exercises in the high school gym
at 8 p.m.
Dr. Frank B. Bennett, president
emeritus of Eastern Oregon Col
lege, will give the commencement
address entitled "Our Yesterdays
Seniors Receive
Following is the list of seniors
who have received scholarships
and awards for the school year.
Although each scholarship has a
money value, the value will not
be listed because of lack of space.
However, some of the more out
standing scholarships demand
that they be noted. Bill Berning
hausen received a $2,950 scholar
ship to the University of Penn
sylvania plus a cash award and
scholarship to the University of
Oregon. Ernest Freeman was
gifted with $3,000 from Cal-Tech.
Davxe Lohman received scholar
ships from Yale, Dartmouth, and
Stanford, all over $2,000, and also
one from Oregon State for a
lesser amount. The total money
value received by all the scholar
ship applicants was $216,643.
Ken Baker, Judson Baptist;
Dave Barger, Linfield; Linda
Brown, SOC; Wayne Calvary,
Boosters Club; Isabelle Converse,
P.E.O. to SOC; Jim Conklin, Lin
field, Honors Award, Grant in
Aid; Laurey Dixon, Northwest
Nazarene; Maria Drew, Linfield,
Jackson County College Women's
Club; Jack Gruber, George Moses
Award (SOC); Kathy Hussey,
Northwest Nazarene Honor,
SOC; Mel Jackson, Northwest
Nazarene Honor; Kandy Kor
thase, Seattle Pacific; Teresa
Krug, Willamette, Lewis and
Clark, University of Oregon, Elks
Lumber Company, Cash Award,
Elks Club Awards: Youth Lead
ership, Valuable Student Con
test, District Valuable Student,
State Valuable Student (final
ist); Bob Lawrence, O.S.U.,
AFL-CIO; Vivian Leigh, SOC;
Ruth Nickodemus, Concordia Col
lege; Gary Pennington, Univ. of
Calif., Lewis and Clark, WiUanv
ette; Linda Prescott, State Cash
Award, Gas Utilities (SOC), Pa
cific University, Elks Most Valu
able Student (second place); Jon
Roberson, U. of O.; Margie Ruck-
er, Pacific University, Lewis and
Clark, U. of O., Univ. of Oregon's
Dad's Donald Erb Scholarship.
Betty Schwiebert, SOC; Jane
Smith, Northwest Nazarene; Clay
ton Swartz, Lewis and Clark;
Mike Torresan, Willamette, U. of
O.; Dennis Wigen, Pacific Lu
theran; Carolyn Wolfe, Willam
ette; Diane Murphy, GRA; Sami
Everett, Girls' League; Dick
Knics, Ir.ter-Club Council; An
nette Burr, Karen Gardner, Linda
Nicholson, Medford Beauty
School; Wanda Scherer, Western
Beauty College in Klamath Falls.
Receiving Carpenter Awards
are Brian McCormick, Kathy Hus
sey, Jim Mayo, and Maria Drew;
"1 Dare You" Awards are Caro
lyn Wolfe and Cliff Bradshaw.
Dave Lohman received the Read
er's Digest Award, and Lyn Voris
the Pepsi Cola Scholarship. Bill
Berninghausen received a Na
tional Merit Finalist Award, and
Dave Lohman a National Merit
Lette; of Commendation.
and Your Tomorrows."
The size of the graduation class
is 214. This is the largest num
ber of students to graduate from
one class in the history of Ash
land High School.
Following the presentation of
the diplomas, the senior class and
chorus will sing the Alma Mater.
The school band will accompany
The seventy-fourth annual Bac
calaureate will be hold on June 6
in the gym with the Rev. R. L.
Cornwall presiding. The school
orchestra and chorus will present
music for the program.
1965 Flag Girls
Take Top Honors
In Elks Parade
AHS Flag Girls drill team,
under the leadership of Para
Demo, took first place in the
marching unit division of the
Oregon State Elks Convention
parade held on Saturday, May 22,
in downtown Ashland.
The 'group was presented with
an engraved plaque which will be
displayed in the trophy case in
the main hall. The presentation of
the award was only one of the
many honors that the group has
received and the activities
which they have taken part dur-
the past school year. Some
highlights include accompanying
the band to the annual Band Day
performance at the University of
California, a half-time perform
ance at the University of Califor
nia, a half-time performance at
an SOC football game, SOC and
AHS annual homecoming parades
and festivities, and numerous
performances during the basket
ball season.
Tryouts for memberships ir
next year's flag girls, which re
quire a 2.0 grade average, were
much different from those of the
past. It was necessary for all
prospective flag girls to thorough
ly know and understand the prin
ciples of marching and flag
twirling. Judging points included
poise, posture, personality, and
appearance, coordination, timing,
rhythm, ability to perform se
lected flag routines Ihoth while
marching and at parade rest, and
Newly chosen Flag Girls for
next year will be Candi Winters,
Senior; Patty Buckl.vs, Sheryl
Mitchell, and Sandy Wolfe, Ju
niors; and Janett Bennett, Vicki
Dedrick, Susan Jones, Cynde
Lytle, .Linda Lyda, Chris Selton,
Pearline Witt, and Linda Zarka,
Returning Flag Girls will be
Jackie Campbell, Janet Cavin,
Francine Conner, Judy Jamison
Kathy McGuire, Laura Stabler,
and Jody Tyler, all juniors.
Freshmen Elect
Davis President
Jack Davis was elected the
next year's sophomore class presi
dent by the freshmen recently.
Cathy Roberts will be his vi;e
president while Judy Phelps will
be the secretary.
The JV cheerleaders are Patti
Brown, Christy Revel, Pam How
ard, and Sheila Hutchinson.
The senior class will hold an
all-night graduation party on
June 8. This party is sponsored
by the parents, and the school
officials are not responsible for it.
For the first time there will be
four activities: dancing, -bowling.
movie, and swimming. From 10
to 12 p.m. there will be dancing
at the Grange. Mr. Maddox and
the Pastells will play from 10 to
12 p.m.
From 10 to 10:30 p.m. there will
be a reception for the graduates
and the parents at the Grange.
When this is over the graduates
begin the different activities.
Bowling will be held at Rondo
Lanes from 12 to 2 a.m. There
will probably be bowling all night,
but the senior class will be re
sponsible for the two-hour shift.
Also there will be a movie at the
Varsity and it will probably be
r rannie, a musical comedy.
There will be swimming at
Twin Plunges. This activity will
take place from 2 to 4 a.m. The
reason for the one-hour lap in
places is that some students may
not want to take in all the activi
ties and they will be able to par
ticipate in others without waiting
for hours.
From 4 to 6 a.m. a breakfast
and a dance will be held at the
Grange. The Solaras will play for
this part of the dance. Parents
will be in charge of this part of
the breakfast. This will be the
final event for the ssniors.
New Zealand Youth
To Attend
1965-66 American Field Service
student for AHS is Derek Wil
liam Leak, from Wellington, New
Zealand. Derek will come to
Ashland under the sponsorship
of the American Field Service In
ternational Scholarship and the
local Rotary Club.
In New Zealand, Derek attends
a co-educational high school with
about 900 students, where he is
Senior Class
Officers Elected
Class elections for the 1965-66
Senior class were held recently
at AHS. The students voted in
their U.S. history classes.
Tade Farmer was voted in as
class president with Jackie Peter
son as Vice-President. Carol Pen-
ninngton is Secretary, and Carol
Bradshaw was voted Treasurer.
Candidates for the offices gave
their campaign speeches at a clas
meeting two days before the
election. Other candidates were
Terry Baraclough for President,
Bob Kaegi for Vice-President, and
Amy Helm for Secretary. Miss
Bradshaw ran unopposed for the
office of Treasurer.
Ashland High seniors were
honored at a banquet at the
Rogue Valley Country Club in
Medford on June 2.
The dinner, which was attended
by 170 students and advisors, be
gan at 8 p.m. Chicken was the
main dish that was served. Stu
dents danced from 9 p.m. until
midnight to the music of the
Lyn Voris was recently chosen Miss Rogue Valley and will be
in competition for Miss Oregon.
Bonnie Byrd Recently
Ch osen AHS Treasurer
Bonnie Byrd was recently
elected as the 1965-66 student
body treasurer at Ashland High
Bonnie is a member of Future
Business Leaders of America,
sings in the high school chorus,
and is a member of honor society.
Her plans for the future include
a business career.
Bonnie was chosen for this
office by Miss Maureen Smith,
Mr. Gaylord Smith, and the past
student body treasurer. Miss
Smith watched her bookkeeping
interested in French, mathe
matics, and chemistry. His hob
bies are hockey, tennis, basket
ball, sea scouting, and "tramp
ing." He attends the Presbyterian
At 6 2 Mj", 154 lbs., the New
Zealand youth has two brothers,
ages 11 and 18. Derek's father is
a supply officer for the New Zea
land government, while his
mother works as a part-time
While spending his year in
Ashland, Derek will stay with
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Clark ana
their three sons: Rick, who will
be a freshman at SOC; Terry,
who will be a senior; and Jim, a
first grader.
Class of 1967
Elects Parsons
Dave Parsons was elected pres
ident of next year's junior class
during the recent class elections.
Paula Hoffman will assist him as
vice-president. Also elected were
Lois Lahr, Secretary; Shirley
Sabin, treasurer; and Barbara
Sorenson, social chairman.
As junior class officers, these
newly-elected students will have
a tremendous responsibility, as it
is they who must organize and
carry out all plans for the Junior
Senior Prom held each spring.
The Prom is traditionally given
by the junior class in honor of
the graduating senior class.
Dave and Paula ran unopposed
for their offices. Lois defeated
Sally Rountree in the race for
secretary. Shirley defeated both
Judy Hare and Lisa Tumbleson
as treasurer. Barbie defeated
Mary Alley as social chairman.
students closely for the first se
mester on the basis of grades,
neatness, accuracy, dependability,
and desirability to work along
with others. Miss Smith then in
formed the present treasurer and
Mr. Smith of her choice. After
Bonnie accepted the job, Vivian
Leigh, the previous treasurer,
began training her.
Some of her duties included re
cording all money the clubs
earned, making monthly state
ments, and writing all student
body checks. She had one year of
bookkeeping to qualify for this
Prom Queen
Chosen At Dance
"An Evening in Paris" was the
theme for the 1965 Junior-Senior
Prom. The dance was held in
Britt Ballroom at Southern Ore
gon College on May 15.
Blue crepe paper streamers
formed the ceiling and walls.
Little silver stars were glued to
the streamers to give the room
a feeling of an evening in Paris.
The Pastels, an Ashland dance
band, provided the music for the
Halfway through the evening
the dance floor was cleared and a
red carpet was rolled out. The
eight Prom Princesses and their
escorts were lined up at one end
of the 'ballroom. John Wood,
junior class president, was the
announcer. First he called Mr.
Keith Mobley forward to present
him with stereo records which
were given to him as a thank you
for his help in decorating for the
Next, Mrs. Ruth Trost was
called forward to receive a white
corsage for her help in the deco
rating. Carol Pennington was
given a bouquet of yellow car
nations for her fine work as prom
Then the princesses were called
forward to be crowned, in order
from first princess to the queen.
The first was Kim Nguyen with
her escort, Steve Bornet Second
was Pam Kaegi, with her escort,
Jim Conklin. Third was Lyn
Voris, with her escort, Wayne
Calvary. Next was Barbara Jones
and her escort, Bill Hardy. Fifth
was Tana Laird and her escort.
Jack Gruber. Sixth Vis BeiLy
Schwiebert, with her escort, Dave
Barger. The last princess was
Teresa Krug with her escort,
Mike Torresan. Then the Queen,
Pat Lorton, and her escort, Craig