Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-????, September 18, 1964, Image 1

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    Alitlattd JlicjU School
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VOL. 41, No. 1
ASHLAND, ORE. FRI., SEPT. 18, 1964
Nongraded English
System Instituted
To provide the students of Ash
land High with a more interesting,
more informative English course
is the main aim of the new non
graded English program which
was instituted here this year. A
secondary aim of the English re
vision Is to better prepare the
students for college and for
future careers.
Carol Pennington, a student in
last year's Ungraded English
claAs, reports, "The Ungraded
English Class was very helpful
because of the individual attent
ion each student was given. This
new system, working on much the
same basis, should be a great
help to all of the students this
Since this program has flexible
ability grouping it differs from
any other nongraded program in
the United States. During the
year the student will be shifted
from group to group as often as
the subject matter is changed.
By evaluating the student's tests
and themes the faculty will decide
which level group he is to enter.
Small groups will be used for
the reading and discussion of
books, for the revision of themes,
and for grammar study. Larger
groups will meet in the lecture
hall for lectures during the year.
Grades will be based mainly
upon the student's themes, the
topics of which are taken from
the books he reads. Since the
student will be writing themes for
several different teachers during
the six-weeks period, his final
grade will be a composite of the
various teachers' opinions rather
than one teacher's decision.
Although this new program
will put more responsibility on
the student, it should better pre
pare him for college. With the
help and cooperation of everyone
concerned, it is hoped that this
program will be successful and
profitable for each and every
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Ashland High's new pep club, the Grizzettes, U under the
direction of Miss Carol Kitchen.
Pepsters Plan Projects
Have you noticed that there is
a very new, very special group
of people around the school this
year? Yes, they're the Grizzettes,
A-shland High's own pep club
the first in two years.
Working feverishly during the
summer months, the girls earned
money to buy outfits and provide
transportation to many of the out-of-town
games. They also found
time to write a constitution and
practice yells in preparation for
the coming athletic seasons. Now,
football season has arrived and
the work they did during the
summer is being appreciated not
Kim Enters Ashland High
(Editor's note: The following
story was written by Ashland
High's foreign exchange student,
Kim Nguyen. Kim is an 18 year
old senior from Saigon, South
Viet Nam.)
Eighteen years ago, my parents
had a very calm life among my
sister and her four brothers until
the day 1 was born. My birthplace
is in a province of Saigon, South
Vict Nam. I made so much noise.
and I gave my mother so much I My first trouble in my life was
trouble that my parents gave me I my first day at school. I went
name which seems to be Ion
enough. That is Nguyen, thi Kim
Dung. As I grow up my family
becomes more crowd because I
have two little brothers and two
little sisters. I remember our
childhood consisted of quarreling,
fighting each other and then
laughing because we love each
other very much.
( ' )
Kim Nguyen, AI'S student from South Viet Nam, is staying
with the family of Susan Hess.
to a French Elementary School
and my teacher gave me a name
Sucette, which I took about a
week to learn it. After five years
f elementary school, 1 had
concurrence to the first grade of
High School and I succeeded it.
In this high school I had learned
about English language and more
about French language. I had to
peak French with all the teachers
and also with some of my French
My hobbies are reading and
traveling. I just like to read good
books and favorite authors are
Charles Dickens. J. J. Rousseau,
Comeille, and Racine. I like to
travel too and I had the luck to
get a scholarship. I was able to
live here. I think this first trip
will change all my life and I can
nrver forget the last week I spent
in Saigon and the day I got in
the plane, and also my first im
pressions in a strange country
hen I arrived at San Francisco.
That was on the middle of July
that the eleven Vietnamese AFS
and me started to get our pass
ports and visas and to prepare our
luggage too. We always discussed
about what should we do on our
first days in the U.S. and how
could we understand English. And
then came the day twenty-seventh,
the day we left the airport Tan
San Nhut. All my friends were
there and my family and our
relatives. That really was an
excitement for me because it was
the first time I left my parents
and my country for a country
Continued on page 2
only by the yell leaders and the
team, but also by the entire stu
dent body.
The Grizzettes have many pro
jects planned for the weeks to
come. Among them are bottle
drives, cupcake sales, and a rum
mage sale. Another project is
selling loyalty ribbons before each
Advisor for the Grizzettes is
Miss Carol Kitchen, and the offi
cers are: Barb Jones, president;
Tana Laird, vice president; Jackie
Peterson, secretary-treasurer.
The signs in the halls at the
beginning of school and the
notices in the lockers were all
made by the Grizzettes.
Members of the Grizzettes in
clude: Sharon Boettcher, Linda
Breedlove, Linda Brown, Mary
Chrichton, Mindy Duty, Jeanette
Elder, Ronda Hyland, Barb Jones,
Pam Kaegi, Kandy Korthase,
Tana Laird. Vivian Leigh, Janey
Lewis, Janney McCarley, Mary
Peabody, Marcia Riddle, Deena
Stewart, Diana Thomas, Ardith
Thompson, Ann Williamson, and
Beth Iba all seniors.
Junior members are: Mimi Bar
ron. Sheila Butler, Dotty Francis,
Amy Helm. LeLanne Jackson,
Jorja Keil, Cheryl Kerr, Jennifer
Madison, Carol Pennington, Jackie
Petersen, Iris Ponder, Rusti Sil
vius, Joanne Skinner, Sharon Ste
wart, Colleen Swickard, Lyla
Voth, Linda Wenker, and Cyndi
Lyla Voth Places
Tenth at AAU Meet
Ashland High School came very
near to having a member of its
student bpdy in the U.S. Olympic
Track and Field Trials in Los
Angeles. Lyla Voth, a junior,
placed tenth in a field of 23 other
Olympic hopefuls at the AAU
Track and Field Meet held July
25 and 26 at Hanford, California.
Although Lyla's tenth place
throw was only 120 feet, she has
made several throws above that
of the last four medalists.
The top medalist, Lorraine
Hamilton, from the Louisiana
Track Club, won with a throw of
151 feet, 7i4 inches.
Lyla and track coach, Hiram
Crane, plan to work during the
coming year with the same goals
that she had hoped to attain last