PACE FOUR ROGUE NEWS FRI., MAY 29, V)H Ashland Blanks Medford; Burger Tosses No-Hitter I.cok who's in the cellar now! ; gular season Ashland Is in fourth And they said it couldn't be done piace amj the Black Wind from again, tseninu me inree-nu iwin ing df Dave Bargcr. whitewashing the Big Wind, 3-0, was like taking candy from a baby. The Grizzlies ended the si'ason with a three win and two loss record to the Tornadoes. With ;wo games remaining in the re- Medford follows in last place. Bargcr and Medford hurlcr, Ed Howell, hooked up in a tight pitching duel, with both chuckcrs giving up three safeties, but, for once, the Bruins got theirs in the clutch. Ashland got all three runs in the third inning and hung tough for the rest on the game to post th? shutout. Medford threatened in the first inning as Barger walked Ron Ed monds to open the game. Mike Barnes forced Edmonds at sec ond for the first out, and Ken Phipps popped out to second to ease the tension, but Bill Enyart hit a !ow roller down the third Dian Murphy, a member of the golf team and the only girl in the Lettermen's Club, practices. Students Receive Letters in Sports Those students who have let-1 Seventeen boys received letters tcred in various sports received I in track. They' are Ron Boyce Golf Highlights! The first match of the season for the Ashland High golf team I ended in a defeat to Medford on April 3. The next two matches i with Grants Pass and Med ford, also ended in losses as did a match with Grants Pass on'ho Una tnr n infinin hit m ,ay . ing Barnes to second. Lance Case- Ashland defeated North Eugene 1 beer forced Barnes at third to in the Up-State Tournament on i wipe out the threat. May 1 and 2; there were seven- Jan Susee groundcd to snort , teen schools participating in thisistart lhe Ashland third, and Tim event. Ashland was defeated byjTnompson worke(1 Uowea for a Klamath Falls in a two-way match base on baILs Dean samuelson May 8. The Grizzly team also com-1 rirled . sizzler to short, hut all petd in the district tournament j hands were 9afe the Medford shortpatcher was having one of his bad days. John Rhodes blasted a single to left center to score Thompson, moving Samuelson to third and taking second himself on the throw-in. Terry Clark's clutch letters at the recent awards as senibly. Mr. Earl Iba presented letters in golf to Dian Murphy, Steve Hutchinson, Bill Hutchin son, Jon Roberson, Earl Iba, Jo seph Tobiason, and Scott Weaver. Cliff Bradshaw, Fred Roberts, Tom Thompson, Bob Lawrence, Jerry Beveas, and Dan Roberts, manager, were presented letters in tennis by Mr. Atkinson. Mr. Hiram Crane presented cross country letters to Gerald Brown Gerald Brown, Mike Dawkins, Dennis Ekwall, Ron LeBlanc, Dave Lewis, Dave Lohman, Keith Munson, Randy Nelson, Gary Pennington, Dan Simpson, Den nis Sorenson, Tim Voth, Craig Hooper, Roy Roper, manager, and Dan Oviatt, manager. Next Mr. Leybold presented varsity baseball letters to the following boys: Bob Johnson, Bob DeBoer. Dave Barger, John Rho des, Rick Price, Ross Co'.dwell, Keith Munson, Mike Dawkins, J ),.an Samuelson, Jan Susee, Rick Craig Hooper, Earl Iba, and Ken j Clark. Terry Clark, Tim Thomp Baker. j.son, Steve Hull, Martin Knighten, I manager, and Terry Shelton manager. ft Thc Alis Booster Club Batting rQlQCG V-Ql Award was presented to Dean Samuelson and thc AHS Booster Serving lunches from club Pitching Award was pre- 11 a.m. to o p.m. sentcd to John Rhodes Complete Dinners And Sandwiches Your Hestess Debbie Mackey 171 E. Main held in Medford on May 11. Dian Murphy was the medalist in four matches - against Med ford, against Grants Pass, in the Up-State Tournament, and also in thc District Tournament Bill Hutchinson was medalist in three rap to right field sent Rhodes and matches - against Grants Pass, j Samuelson across thc plate with and in two matches against Kla- what proved to be the last of the math Falls. 'scoring. Gruber's Shoe Service 37 North Main WHERE NEW SHOES ARE SOLD AND OLD SHOES ARE RESOLED RECORDS The Year Around Headquarters for School Supplies THE MART 270 E. Main S & H Green Stamps HEY SENIOR! CAP'N GOWN SPECIAL $9.95 One 8x10 Portrait Your selection of proofs Call 482-2781 for appointment BRING CAP AND GOWN TO WHITLAND LOCKE STUDIO 42 E. Main Ashland HONDA HAS COME TO ASHLAND Sales Parts Service 482-4326 30 SOUTH FIRST (GROUND FLOOR OF ASHLAND SKATEWAY)