Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-????, April 01, 1964, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    WED., APRIL 1, 1964
Plans for New
School Revealed
fy tWWilwu,iMi.lill I Mil. .QMfcWT
By Brian McCormick
To see Dennis Adam's green
1950 Pontiac going slowly down
the street mast people wouldn't
realize what he has there. The
external appearance is completely
stock unless one looks under
neath and sees an extra muffler
hanging below the frame.
The engine is not quite stock.
It is a 1954 DeSoto V-8. It has
hemispherical combustion cham
ber with inclined valves and
double undersprings. It has a
race Isky camshaft with light
solid lifters and aluminum push
rods. It has a stroker crank and
special heavy duty bearings. The
flywheel had 12 pounds removed
from it.
Carrying the power to the stock
'50 Pontiac bydrocautic rear end
is a 11 inch heavy duty Borg and
Beck clutch with a 5000 pound
pressure plate. Enclosed in a
specially made bell housing fol
lowed by a 1937 Packard trans
mission and a special drive shaft.
Transistorized ignition provides
the spark to ignite the fuel coming
at present from a stock 2-barrel
carburetor. Dennis is looking for
a Duel quad set-up or fuel in
jection to replace the present
The cooling system is stock,
using the Pontiac radiator, but
Dennis does not use a fan. He
.says he has had no cooling
The interior is original with
the stock upholstery in perfect
condition. The only non-stock
things in the interior are the
shift lever which grows right
through the center of the trans
mission hump and the big 8000
rpm Heathkit tachometer sits on
top of the dashboard.
The suspension and brakes are
stock except for overload sprin
on the rear. The brakes are not
equipped to handle the increased
velocity of the car iw they are
used hard.
It's finally happened! Yes,
due to the numerous complaints
of falling plaster, leaky roofs,
creaking stairs, and dark hall
ways, plans for a new Ashland
High School building have
been made.
According to Principal Smith
the new school will be located
on the site of the Church of the
Latter-Day Saints which has
been sold. Plans also include
tearing down the old school
building as this would make
room for more classrooms.
The gymnasium and indus
trial arts building will not be al
tered as they are fairly new.
"If everything goes according
to schedule, we hope that con
struction will be completed by
new classrooms, it will enable
the school board to hire IS more
teachers, thus enabling each
teacher to have one free period
for preparation.
Summer School
Set For Ashland
As a result of an increasing
number of students flunking re
quired and academic courses, a
remedial summer school will be
instituted at Ashland High School
this summer.
Any sophomere or junior who
fails to get a passing semester
grade in a required course or a
the fall of 1965," stated Princi- I course which is considered a
pal Smith. "This means that the
present sophomore class can
look forward to being the first
class to graduate from the new
Since the new school buildings
will allow for approximately 15
National Honor Society
To Induct Thirty-Six
Initiation for the National
Honor Society will be held
Wednesday, April 8, at a spe
cial assembly in front of the
student body. Members for the
honorary society are chosen
on the basis of scholarship.
The juniors who represent the
top ten per cent of their class
were nominated for member
ship. Those seniors who are in
the top 15 per cent of their
class and who were not in
ducted last year were also
The juniors are Shirley Ander
son, Dave Barger, Diane Benson,
Bill Berninghausen, John Billings,
Steve Bornet, Clifford Bradshaw,
Linda Brown, Dolly Byrd, Ernest
Freeman, Karen Gardner, Lois
Harmon, Stephan Hull, Kathy
Hussy, Melvin Jackson, Barbara
Jones, Kandy Korthase, Teresa
Krug, Tana Laird, Dave Lohman,
Linda Prescott, Margy Rucker,
Barbara Siebenlist, Bill Wiley,
and Carolyn Wolfe.
The following seniors will
also be initiated at the annual
ceremony: Bob DeBoer, Nancy
Dayton, John Hamby, Joyce
Hassell, April Lewis, Edith Mor
rill, Kay Newton, Crystal Ruth,
Roland Sturdevant, and Richard
Willis. Chris Hobcrg will be
made an honorary member.
Students To Speak
In addition to the regular
guest speaker, four Honor Society
members will also deliver short
speeches on the qualities of an
Honor Society member. They are
Trudee Lewis, Charles Moore,
Scot Roberts, and Kathy Rucker.
Entertainment will be prov
ided by the Velvatones, a sing
ing group composed of Joyce
Hassell, Ann Johnston, and
Rhea Lisonbee. Donna Hassell
is the accompanist and Jan
Hassell is the manager of the
following the initiation a re
ception will be held in the
library for the members and their
Trial Segregation
To Be Instituted
The rumors that Ashland High
School will soon be segregated
are true. No longer will there
be boys and girls in the same
In an extensive survey taken
recently at AHS, it was found that
75 of the boys preferred all
boy classes while 69 of the girls
preferred all-girl classes.
In the survey of teachers, 95
indicated a desire for boy-girl
egregation. The reason for the
popularity of this program is the
fact there is too much confusion
and inattention when boys and
girls are in the same classroom.
The last six-weeks of the school
year have been set aside to try
out this program. The boys will
use the main floor classrooms
during the first three periods of
the day while the girls will have
classes downstairs. The situation
will be reversed during the after
noon. Scheduling will begin on April
15- further announcements will
be made later.
solid will be required to attend
this summer school before he
enrolls for the next school year.
The course lasts for six weeks
and will begin June 22.
The classes which are included
will be French, Spanish, English,
World History, U.S. History, geo
metry, Algebra I and II, chemistry.
biology, and physical science.
If you have failed the first
semester in any of these subjects
or believe that you will fail the
second semester, register with
either Mrs. Swick or Mr. Silver
by May 1.
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