PAGE FOUR ROGUE NEWS WED.. JAN. 22, 1964 Glenn Smith attempts to pin an opponent. Wrestling Is Unique Sport; Deserves Student Support Medford, Grants Pass Maul Grizzlies in Conference Play Wrestling is a unique sport. It is not a team effort. When the starting signal is given a player Is all alone. From that time there is no one to help him. Then he realizes why the coach made him work and sweat and learn. The coach helped prepare the player but he can't fight for him. Such is the sport of wrestling. It is an interesting spectator sport as well as a body and mind building sport in which to parti cipate. Contrary to popular belief, AI1S has a wrestling squad. It is a good wrestling squad too. It WARDROBE CLEANERS on the Plaza Quality Cleaning & Pressing Alterations & Repairs S & H Green Stamps Free pickup and delivery Phone 482-1366 would be very nice of the AHS students to show up at a match and find out just how good the squad is. So far the squad's record is both good and bad. They have lost their first four games, but they did very well at a tourna ment. Squads attending the tour nament were Klamath, Henly, Sweethome, and Ashland. Glen Smith and Clayton Swartz both placed first, Mike Blair took a second, John Wood and Ken Preston both took third places. There are six matches yet to attend this season. The team plans on doing very well at many of them. Then, there will be district also. Why don't you attend these matches and see some good wrestling? Support our Advertisers Taking up where it left off last 1 ifrson, the Medford Black Tor nadoes mauled the Grizzlies 73 to 11 in the Grizzlies' first confer ence game. Using its fast break and better xperience to good advantage, the Tornadoes rumbled ominously aver the Bears but good ball hand ling and sure shooting kept the'.and quintet alive through the second and third quarters. Medford raised the score to 12-0 before Dennis Ekrwall put the Grizzlies on the score board with a free shot; Dave Barger hit for the first Ashland field goal of the game. The first quarter ended 19-5 in favor of the Medford club but the Grizzlies matched Medford point for point in the second stanza and were outscored by a mere four points in the third. The fourth quarter took its toll of Bruins with Medford rolling up 23 points to Ashland's 9. Bill Enyart and Larry Bowell were high scorers for the Big wind with 16 and 12 points res pectively. Dave Barger gained 10 points and Randy Nelson and Bill Jury each had nine. scorers. Dennis Ekwall with 9 and Randy Nelson with eight were Ashland's high scorers which makj just 10 field buckets in 44 shot ; for a .227 mark. Ashland had to give up the ball 18 times for taking steps. Fifty-four per sonal fouls were tooted in the contest, 32 of them in the second half. Bears Win First Conference Game Grants Pass took lone posses sion of third place as they capi talized on Ashland errors, a .517 shooting percentage and rebound controll to whip the 82-45. A rebound shot by Randy Nel son with only five seconds left on the clock broke a 61 to 61 deadlock, and a free throw by Kerry Lindley after the final buz zer had sounded, gave the Ash land Grizzlies their first confe rence win of the season with a 34 1 3 61 verdict over the Crater Comets here Friday night. It was the first time the Bears beat Crater in four seasons. Scoring 17 points, Nelson led both teams in the scoring column and in rebounding. Dennis Ekwall scored 14 points and Jeff Trost 10. Stroh had 16 points for the losers in a foul prone game which brought booing from both towns. Crater had a 17 to 13 gap after the first quarter ended but the Grizzlies came back to take a 30 Grizzlies j to 27 half time lead. The third I quarter ended 48 to 45 for the With 21-12, 38-20, and 61-33 bulges as the intermissions, the Cavemen knocked of the Bears easily with expert shooting both from the floor and from free ihots. Jerry McCormack had 16 points, Pat Duchien 11, and Marty Bauer 10 for the Grants Pass high Anderson's Pharmacy 264 East Main in Ashland DRUGS - COSMETICS VITAMINS SCHOOL SUPPLIES PHOTO NEEDS S & H Green Stamps "IT PAYS TO COME FROM FAR ON NEAR JUST TO SHOP AT PIONEER" Pioneer Village Shopping Center OPEN 7 Days a Week - 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Grocery and Meats Beauty Salon Dinet The 88c Store Westinghouse Laundromat "S & H" Green Stamps Gruber's Shoe Service 37 North Main WHERE NEW SHOES ARE SOLD AND OLD SHOES ARE RESOLED Grizzlies. AHS Bears Drop Foul-Prone Game The Medford-Ashland game was fast and exciting. The Grizzlies gave the Tornado quite a run for their money. Ashland led in the first quarter and in the second quarter it was a fast game of give and take. In the third quarter Medford began to edge up, but Ashland was still fighting. In the final quarter Medford moved out to win 83 to 65 by scoring 18 points in the final moments of the game. The game began to swing towards Medford as they capital ized on 34 fouls by the Grizzlies. It was a close and exciting game to watch. The fight that the Grizzlies put up suprised more than a few. e House Market supplies ALL your grocery needs Sign of GOOD Service OESER'S Flying A Station 345 Lithia Way 482-9051