Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-????, November 27, 1963, Image 1

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VOL. 40, No. 4
VEIl., NOV. 27, 1963
Eighty-Four Students
Make AHS Honor Roll
There were 26 seniors, 29 juni-1 Moore, Dwight Morrill, Carol Pen
ors, and 29 sophomores on the i ning'.o.i, Jackie Peterson, Bill
Honor Roll last six weeks; 41 ! Retter, Roy Roper, Dan Smith,
seniors, 47 juniors, and 36 soph-1 Jean Smith, Lyla Voth, Judy
omores made honorable mention. ! Wacker, John Williams, Don Wolf,
The seniors who achieved Honor j and John Wood.
Roll wi're Marv Brostad. Sue Con- Those seniors who made honor-
ner, Maria Crone, Nancy Dayton
Connie Felger, Joyce Hassell,
Chris Hoberg, Ann Johnston,
Vicki Latimer, Linda Leigh, April
Lewis, Trudee Lewis, Charles
Moore, Edith Morrill, Clyde Nel
son, Kay Newton, John Reid, Scot
Roberts, Kathy Rucker, Don Scrip
ter, John Siebert, Tim Thompson,
Kathy Tilford, Jeff Trost, Diane
Williams, and Cloma Zupan.
Those on the Honor Roll from
the junior class were Shirley
Anderson, Diane Benson, Bill
Berninghausen, Stan Billings,
Stephen Bornet, Cliff Bradshaw,
Linda Brown, Dolly Byrd, Maria
Drew, Ernest Freeman, Judith
Fremd, Stephen Hull, Kathy Hus
sey, Mel Jackson, Barbara Jones,
Kandy Korthase, Richard Kreis-
man, Teresa Krug, Bob Lawrence,
Dave Lohman, Gary Pennington,
Linda Prescott, Bill Rapp, Jon
Roberson, Margaret Rucker, Jane
Smith, Dave White. John Willi
ams, and Carolyn Wolfe.
The sophomore Honor Roll
students were Karen Baker, Dale
Barger, Terry Barraclough, Carol'
Bradshaw, Theo Burns Jim
Chamberlain, Kathy Christy, Jeff
Cotton. Paul Cullop, Conlee Hays,
Amy Helm, Susan Hess, Lelan
ne Jackson, Ila Kneebone, Ron
LeBlanc, Jane Lorenzen, Barbara
able mention were Pat Alexander,
Sandy Babcock, Bonnie Bounds,
Melody Bounds, Billie Bowen,
Sherri Bradford, Gerald Brown,
nne Cluff, Bob DeBoer, Pat
Dysert, Meredith Fischer, Don
Greene, Joan Grimm, Jon Hamby,
Janice Hassell, Nancy Hill,
Dora lloule, Bob Kufner, George
LeRoe, Christine Leach, Karen
Lentz, Barbara Long, Briah Mc
Cormick, Cheryl Newton, Nancy
Continued on page 2
VFW Offers
Would you like to win a
fifteen hundred dollar college
scholarship? All you do is write
an interesting three to five
minute script on the subject
"The Challenge of Citizenship."
Scholarships are being offer
ed by the Veterans of Foreign
Wars again this year as has
been done in years past. These
scholarships range from fifteen
hundred to five thousand dol
lars. Contest deadline is Decem
ber 20.
Pictured above from left to right are Diane Williams, Citizen
of the Six Weeks, Connie Felger, DAR Award, and Linda Leigh,
BPW Girl of The Sis Weeks.
Three Senior Girls Receive
Individual Honors, Awards
Connie Felger, Linda Leigh I During the sophomore year she
and Diane Williams, Ashland was a member of the Debate
High seniors, each recently re
ceived individual awards for their
I citizenship and for participation
school activities.
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Tim Thompson was chosen
by the student council to be
the Boy of the Month for
November. He received this
honor because of his work and
citizenship at Ashland Senior
High School. Tim is the pre
sident of the National Honor
Society, member of the Letter
man's Club, and is active in
varsity baseball. This summer
at Boys' State Tim earned the
top grade of 3440 in the U.S.
Civil Service Examination con
cerning U.S. government. Be
cause of this score he received
the honorary position of Dis
trict Head of Civil Service
Commission for Washington
and Oregon.
Team and a member of Pep Club.
As President of the F.T.A. Club
she attended a conference held
Continued on page 3
DAR Citizenship Award
On Monday, November 18,
the members of the senior class
were asked to select three girls
who they felt possessed the
following characteristics to an
outstanding degree: dependa
bility, service and leadership,
and patriotism.
From the three girls nominated
by their classmates, the faculty
selected Connie Felger to receive
the citizenship award, sponsored
by the Daughters of the American
Revolution. In addition to being
student body president Connie
was the social chairman of the
junior class last year. This year
he is also a member of the
National Honor Society, Pom-Pon
Girls, and International Relations
League; she is attending the Satur
day classes at Southern Oregon
College in the gifted and able
student program and the Humani
ties Seminar. This summer she
attended Girls' State. During her
junior year she was a semi-finalist
the American Field Service
Students Abroad program and a
member of the Flag Girls.
BPW Award
Linda Leigh was chosen by
the Business and Professional
Woman's Club of Ashland as
the first Girl of the Term. She
was given a pin to wear until
the next girl is chosen. Linda
will then compete against the
five other girls who will be
chosen throughout the year for
top honors.
Linda, who is the business
manager and a corespondent of
the Rogue News, is also sec
retary of the senior class and
oresident of the Future Teachers
of America Club. This year she
is a member of the National
Honor Society, Student Council,
Inter-Club Council, and Flag
Girls. During the freshman year
she was president of her class,
Linda has been a member of the
Orchestra all through high school
except for the sophomore year.
AFS Picks
Barb Jones
The local candidate for the
American Field Service program
this year is Barbara Jones, Ash
land High junior.
Barbara was chosen on the basis
of scholastic achievements as well
as on personality.
In a recent interview, Barbara
was asked what made her decide
to apply for this program. She
said, "The world today is in a
very serious situation. We con
stantly face the threat of another
world war. So many times I have
asked myself, 'What can I do
to contribute to world peace?' As
teenager, I can do little
concerning govermental affairs.
But, through the American Field
Service, I can further increase
the understanding among the
young people of the world, and
in a few years those people will
become the leaders of their
Barbara would prefer going to
another country on the school
program rather than the summer
program because she feels she
would have a better chance to
get to know the country, the
people, their ideas and their beliefs.
Barbara has no real preference
as to what country she sent to.
but she feels it would be nice if
she were sent to a Spanish
speaking country where she could
further her knowledge of the
When asked how she felt about
going, she replied "For several
years now I have dreamed about
going abroad through the Amer
ican Field Service, but I realize
that my chances are very slim!
Right now it means everything to
me, and if I should go, I would
be very proud to represent my
school and my country."