PAGE FOUR ROGUE NEWS WED., APRIL 17, 19C3 Tom Huff Breaks School Record By Dave Mott Tom Huff, with a toss of 199 about record shattering heave, feet 6'- inches, now holds the he replied, "It was a fine feeling AHS record in the javelin event, to know that I had broken the His throw (as far as this reporter record." Tom's comments on the knows) is also the best one in he state so far this season. When Tom, a good natured senior, was asked how he felt V Record-breaking Tom Huff sets Javelin throwing record of 199 feet, 6'j inches. DRAGGIN' WITH DAVE By Dave Mott ' How can we determine a per-1 over-drive for economical reasons. son's personality by looking The "Studey" sits atop four 6-70- at the automobile they drive? Looking at this 1950 Studey we can imagine the owner to be a person full of life and glowing with happiness. She is our own yell queen, Kay Moore. Kay does possess a certain quality in her personality, known as friend liness. Her car is the same way. Us green exterior represents a certain kind of get-up and go, which should be present all cars if they have any kind of per sonality at all. The qualities that put the finishing touches on this little jewel's personality are a grayish-brown interior-with stock upholstrey. Engine-wise, this "bomb" is powered by a mighty Studebaker six cylinder model, with six AC spark-plugs added to give it that extra "umph". The transmission is three-speed, with 15" white-wall tires, with hubs covered by stock wheel discs. Kay and Kay give the Studey a full going oyer in the transportation department. Kay is a firm believer in the "50 mile program sug gested by the President, and that is exactly what this little "jewel" receives every day when trans porting the two Kays to and from school via the Green Springs. John Rhodes Pitches Three Hitter To Win Ideal Drug - PRESCRIPTIONS ' - COSMETICS - GIFTS - JEWELRY GATEWAY SHOPPING CENTER Sign of GOOD Service " OESER'S Flying A Station 345 Lithia Way 482 9051 Ashland baseballers won their first league game of the seacon by shutting out the Crater Comets 3-0. The game was the second in a double header which was played on April 6 in Ashland. Crater won the first game 14 1, a contest in which Rick Pierce got three for three. John Rhodes had good control and held the Comets to three hits that did no damage. He walked four and buzzed the ball passed seven in his best performance this year. Dean Samuelson and Jan Sus see's hits along with a wild pitch gave Ashland its first run in the second inning. John Rhodes' single, an error, walk, a fielder's choice, a passed ball, a wild pitch. and a stolen base gave the Bears added insurance in the sixth. Patronize Our Advertisers AHS SLAPS CRATER IN RACKET RIOT Ashland High's speedy team defeated Crater 6 to 1 in a match played in Ashland before a small j.uwJ on Saturday, April 6. Marty Burns, Ashland s top racketeer, put down Mike Gardner of Crater in the first match, 6-1, 6-3. He was followed by his teammates, Bill Bowman, Jeff Trost, and John Wacker who also had victories in the singles. Bill Bowman and Jeff Trost teamed up to defeat Gard ner and Dewey, and Marty Burns and John Wacker beat Crater's Bruce and Pinkham in the doubles matches. Tom Thompson lost to Joe McCalvy in three sets 2-6, 6-3, and 6-4 to give Crater its only point. Grizzly Coach Apodaca said, "We're still rusty in places, but with improvement, who knows? Baseball Ashland 13, Medford 1 Klamath Falls 14, Ashland 0 Klamath Falls 11, Ashland 0 Medford 7, Ashland 2 Crater 14, Ashland 1 Ashland 3, Crater 0 Medford 8, Ashland 0 Medford 6, Ashland 4 Tennis Ashland 6, Crater 1 Medford 5, Ashland 2 Golf Grants Pass 5, Ashland 0 Medford 5, Ashland 0 Track Crater 66;. Ashland 56 AHS placed third in the Ore-Cal Relays in class B schools AHS placed fourth in the Rogue Valley Relays national and state records were said in the modest form of, "If everything goes right, I think I can break the state record of 220 feet 2 inches. As far as the national record is concerned, I can only say I will try my best." If Tom Huff tries his best, both national and state reco-ds in the javelin are sure to falL Tom, who has been throwing the javelin since the eighth grade, was nursing a sore arm at the time of his record-breaking heave, this AHS track star has been throwing over 200 feet in practice and with the tremendous amount of desire he shows, the national record will soon belong to Tom Huff, Ashland High School. In addition to his fine perfor mance in breaking the school record, Tom placed first in the A class of the Hayward Relays. Hit throw of 185 feet 10 V inches was unequaled by any of the other contestant in the Relays, includ ing the Metropolitan Division. He: "Please." She: "No!" He: "Aw, please." She: "No!" He: "Even if I tell you I love you more than anyone else in the whole world?" She: "Postively no!" He: "Aw, but Mom, all the other sophomores stay out til eleven." Western Auto Your Home Owned Store Corner Pioneer & Main Ashland, Oregon B J JEWELERS Love Bright Diamonds 283 . East Main in Ashland GRUBER'S SHOE SERVICE 383 East Main WHERE SHOES ARE SOLD AND RESOLED RONDO LANES 1505 Siskiyou Blvd. Take a data BOWLING I DON'S RADIO AND TV SERVICE 1388 Siskiyou Ashland, Oregon THE BEST SERVICE ON ALL MAKES 3aX The Year Around Headquarters for School Supplies THE MART 270 E. Main S & II Green Stamps