PAGE FOUR ROGUE NEWS WED., JAN. 23, 1963 ' By Bruce Bamforth Why are the Grizzlies losing? In my opinion, the answer is a lack of confidence and a tre mendous amount of pressure that is put on them to win. The pres sure, exerted by fellow students, faculty, families, and themselves, causes them to be tense, fumble the ball, and make errors which cost them games. Basketball is a game and should be played as a game, not as a life or death contest. When another team plays Ash land, they win because they have confidence. They might be think ing something like we can beat Ashland easily; they have lost 56 straight games in conference play. The Grizzlies still have a chance to make this their "big year." We have already lost 5 games but in this conference, the winner might lose that many. Sports announcers, coaches, and even students from other schools in the league are saying that Ashland has as good a team, as any in the league; they won some pretty tough non-conference games. A radio broadcaster on station KBOV said. "Ashland has an up-and-coming-ball club and they are going to surprise some body, someday!" All these people can not be wrong. Let s prove that they are right! It's about time the Grizzlies Growled. Draggin' with Dave By Dave Mott Clarence Prettyman may not have the "hottest" car in school, but he does own the cleanest. Clarence owns the 1950 Olds 88 that is always seen parked in the student parking lot of Ashland High. The car is com pletely stock, inside and out. Two colors, grey and black, provide a clean outward appearance for the "big mover." The interior is also completely stock and ex ceptionally clean. Clarence takes pride in the fact that his car is in show-room condition. The "movers' " engine com partment is filled with a 303.7 cubic inch Olds, which isn't stock. Clarence added a few inner "goodies" to give a little zest to his stocker. Although he wouldn't reveal the contents of his engine, the sight of this piece of machinery leaves one with Jim Lamb Makes Scoring Look Easy Tall, lean Jim Lamb is the center on the Ashland Grizzlies' basketball team. Jim's height of 6'5" adds strength to the Grizzly attack, and with his tremendous height it seems as though he drops the ball in the basket. He has achieved the goal of being the high point man against Phoenix, Fortuna, and Crater, and is a leading rebounder. Jim was born December 26, 1944, in Jackson, Mississippi, but moved here when he was three and has gone to school in Ash land all of his school life. He is now President of the National Honor Society, a member of the Letterman's Club, Chess Club, band, and he participates in track as well as basketball. He is very active in school activities. Jim plans to attend the Cali fornia Institute of Technology to prepare for being an electrical engineer. Rowlinc. water skiinc. and rjlav- ing golf occupy most of Jim's leisure time. - ii f V J - X . sy mi Rig Jim "dunks" it again! Grizzlies Win Four, Lose Five SOUTHERN OREGON CONFERENCE STANDINGS w L Pet. 4 1 .800 4 1 .800 2 3 .400 2 3 .400 0 5 .000 The Ashland High Grizzlies defeated the Phoenix Pirates in a two-game series December 21 and 22. The Grizzlies, playing 1 r , r - quite an impression. The 303.7 cubic inch engine is pushed by a four-speed hydro. Future plans for the "big mover" include: replacing the hydro with a four-speed stick and a '62 Starfire addition to the engine compartment. Outside changes will consist of painting the body a deep black laquer and replacing the stock rims with chrome-reversed ones. on their home court, defeated Phoenix Friday, to the tune of 60 to 34 Jim Lamb was high point man for the Bears with 16, while Rich Botz led the Pirate attack with 10 counters. Saturday, December 22, saw the Bears trounce Phoenix, on the Phoenix court, 61 31. Grizzlies vs. Fortuna After a long grueling week of practice sessions, the Grizzlies met and ocfeated Fortuna High of Olifornia. The Friday night fracas ended with the Grizzlies on top of a 54 to 39 ball game. Jim Lamb, doing everything but referring the game, U-d all scorers with 17 points. The Bears had a difficult time in overcoming a fighting Fortuna ;qu;:d Saturday night, but George Keil's boys came out victorious again led by Jim Lamb with 10 points for the game. Following him were: Tod Hess, 8 points; Dale Tepper 7; Mike Cotton and Gale Tepper, 6 points each; and Rick Pierce, 3 points. Alvarez of Crater was high for the game with 19 points. Grizzlies vs. Cavemen The week of January 8-12 saw the Bears working on various mistakes they had to overcome in order to subdue the Grants Pass Cavemen. The Grizzlies fought gallantly, but they couldn't seem to get rolling' as the defending champs Grants Pass came out on top 67 to 39. Jim Lamb scored 8 points for the Bears, while Hutchins scored 12 for Grants Pass. Dale Tepper and Tod Hess teamed to put in 6 points apiece for the Grizzlies. 41 to 36. The win gave the Bears i Grizzlies vs. Medford a 6-0 record for the season. Tod Hess held scoring honors with Dave Snell as they both put in ten points. Rick Pierce, the Bears phenomenal ball-handler, was close behind the leaders with 9 points. Grfr:iics vs. Klamath The Ashlanders suffered the first loss of the season at the hands of Klamath Falls, here, Jani ary 4. The Pelicans, led by Hal Holman with 17 points, de- eati'd the never-say-die Bears. 5251. Ashland scoring honors were shared by Dale Tepper and Tod Hess with 11 points each. Jim Lamb and Greg Lindley also tied in the scoring department with 9 points apiece. Griz;!ies vs. Comets The Ashland Bears lost the second conference scuffie the following night, Jan. 5 to the Crater Comets by the score of 65 to 50. Ashlands scoring was The Big Wind from Smoggy Bottom defeated the fighting Grizzlies the following weekend 76 to 41. The Bears, doing a superb job on both offense and defense, outscored the Tornados in the second quarter 18 to 17. Leading the Grizzlies attack was Dale Tepper. He scored 14 points in a brilliant defensive game. Tod Hess was next with 6 points. Grizzlies vs. Pelicans Last Saturday the Ashland Grizzlies went over the mountain to battle with the Klamath Falls Pelicans. In a tough defensive battle, the Birds came out on top with the score 39 to 29. It was the fifth straight loss for the Grizzlies. The Grizzlies showed improve ment over the Friday night game with Medford. During the battle Ashland held the birds to a point margin while having a hard time hitting the basket themselves.